Beispiel #1
  * Simple XSLT transformation function
  * @param mixed $xml			DOMDocument or string containing xml
  * @param string $strXsltPath	Relative file path to xslt document. Will look in both library location and 
  * 								local app location for documents, and combine them so local overrides library 
  * 								templates, if neccesary. 
  * @param array $arrParams		[optional] array of parameters to pass to stylesheet
  * @param bool $bolDoc			[optional] return result as DOMDocument (default false)
  * @param array $arrInclude		[optional] additional stylesheets that should be included in the transform
  * @return mixed				newly formatted document as string or DOMDocument
  * @static 
 public static function transform($xml, $strXsltPath, $arrParams = null, $bolDoc = false, $arrInclude = array())
     if ($strXsltPath == "") {
         throw new Exception("no stylesheet supplied");
     if (is_string($xml)) {
         // load xml document from string
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $xml = $objXml;
     $objXsl = self::generateBaseXsl($strXsltPath, $arrInclude);
     // create XSLT Processor
     $objProcessor = new XsltProcessor();
     if ($arrParams != null) {
         // add in parameters
         foreach ($arrParams as $key => $value) {
             $objProcessor->setParameter(null, $key, $value);
     // transform
     $objXsl = $objProcessor->importStylesheet($objXsl);
     if ($bolDoc == true) {
         return $objProcessor->transformToDoc($xml);
     } else {
         return $objProcessor->transformToXml($xml);
Beispiel #2
  * Simple, dynamic xsl transform
 protected function transform($xml, $path_to_xsl, $output_type = null, array $params = array(), array $import_array = array(), $to_string = true)
     if ($path_to_xsl == "") {
         throw new \Exception("no stylesheet supplied");
     // make sure we have a domdocument
     if (is_string($xml)) {
         $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml);
     // create xslt processor
     $processor = new \XsltProcessor();
     // add parameters
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $processor->setParameter(null, $key, $value);
     // add stylesheet
     $xsl = $this->generateBaseXsl($path_to_xsl, $import_array, $output_type);
     // transform
     if ($to_string == true) {
         return $processor->transformToXml($xml);
     } else {
         return $processor->transformToDoc($xml);
Beispiel #3
  * Execute render process
  * @param string $templatePath
  * @param \DOMDocument $source
  * @param array $parameters
  * @return string
 public function execute($templatePath, \DOMDocument $source, array $parameters = array())
     $xsl = new \DomDocument();
     $processor = new \XsltProcessor();
     $outputDom = $processor->transformToDoc($source);
     if ($parameters['output.type'] && $parameters['output.type'] == 'xml') {
         $result = $outputDom->saveXML();
     } else {
         $result = $outputDom->saveHTML();
     return $result;
 private function xsltTransform($xmlStr, $xslFile, $toDom = false)
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $doc->substituteEntities = TRUE;
     //		$doc->resolveExternals = TRUE;
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     if ($toDom) {
         return $proc->transformToDoc($doc);
     } else {
         return $proc->transformToXml($doc);
Beispiel #5
  * Return a formatted html list of resources associated with a given
  * tag.
  * The caller should check the $tr->status variable to see if the
  * query was successful. On anything but a 200 or 304, this method
  * returns nothing, but it would generally be useful to have a
  * warning for 204 (no resources yet for this tag) or 404 (tag not
  * found).
  * @return string html for a list of resources referenced by the
  * given tag.
 public function resList()
     if (strlen($this->xml) == 0) {
         // args ?
     if ($this->is_valid()) {
         $xsl = new DOMDocument();
         $xsl->load($this->loc->xsl_dir . "public_resourcelist.xsl");
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
         $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
         // possibly cached DOM
         $taglist = $proc->transformToDoc($this->xml_DOM());
         $this->html = $taglist->saveXML();
         return $this->html;
 function outputXML($projectList)
     $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
     $dom->formatOutput = true;
     //header("Content-Type: text/plain");
     $root = $dom->createElement('SVNDump');
     foreach ($projectList as &$project) {
         $this->addProjectNode($dom, $root, $project);
     $xsl = new DOMDocument('1.0');
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($dom);
     echo $newdom->saveHTML();
     //echo $dom->saveXML();
 public function transform($xsl_file = null, $xml_data = null)
     CI()->benchmark->mark('xsl_transform (' . $xsl_file . ')_start');
     set_error_handler(array('XSL_Transform', 'handleError'));
     $xsl = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $inputdom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     // $result 	= $proc->transformToXML($inputdom);
     $proc->setParameter('', 'ISAJAX', CI()->is_ajax);
     $result_doc = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
     $result = $result_doc->saveXML();
     // Strip out any <?xml stuff at top out output
     $result = preg_replace('/\\<\\?xml.+\\?\\>/', '', $result, 1);
     CI()->benchmark->mark('xsl_transform (' . $xsl_file . ')_end');
     return $result;
Beispiel #8
  * Retreives and formats a tag cloud for the current page.  The html
  * remains available in $this->html. If html data is already
  * present, simply returns that.
  * @param $url string (Optional) The url (or id) for which a cloud should be
  * made. Default is to use the current page.
  * @param $max_tags integer  (Optional). Defaults to 0, meaning get all
  * the tags.
  * @returns string The html cloud that is built. 
 public function buildCloud($url = '', $max_tags = 0, $cloudtype = '')
     if ($this->html) {
         return $this->html;
     if (!$this->xml) {
         $this->getData($url ? $url : $this->url, $max_tags, $cloudtype);
     if ($this->is_valid()) {
         $xsl = new DOMDocument();
         $xsl->load($this->loc->xsl_dir . "publiccloud.xsl");
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
         $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
         // setting url format so that it is not hard coded in the xsl.
         $proc->setParameter('', 'tagviewbase', $this->loc->server_web_path . 'tagview.php?tag=');
         //using cloud->xml_DOM() because this data might have been cached already.
         $cloud = $proc->transformToDoc($this->xml_DOM());
         $this->html = $cloud->saveXML();
     return $this->html;
 private function compile($templateName, $block = '')
     $paths = $this->getPaths($templateName, $block);
     $templatePath = $paths[0];
     $stylePath = $paths[1];
     if (!empty($templatePath) and !empty($stylePath)) {
         if (!$this->isCompiled($templateName)) {
             $xsl = new DomDocument();
             $inputdom = new DomDocument();
             $proc = new XsltProcessor();
             $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
             /* transform and output the xml document */
             $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
             $data = $newdom->saveHTML();
             $data = str_replace('phpvar:', '<?php echo $', $data);
             $data = str_replace(':phpvar', '; ?>', $data);
             file_put_contents(__ALIEN_TEMPLATESDIR . "/compiled/{$templateName}.php", $data);
             return __ALIEN_TEMPLATESDIR . "/compiled/{$templateName}.php";
Beispiel #10

$xsl = new DomDocument();
$inputdom = new DomDocument();
$proc = new XsltProcessor();
$xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
/* transform and output the xml document */
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
echo $newdom->saveXML();
Beispiel #11
 public static function parseHcard($uri = "")
     // Source file
     if (empty($uri) && isset($_REQUEST["uri"])) {
         $uri = $_REQUEST["uri"];
     if (!file_exists(INCLEVEL . PATH_MICROFORMATS . "/xhtml2vcard.xsl")) {
         print "<html>\r\n" . "  <head>\r\n" . "    <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' media='all' href='" . URL_PREFIX . "/_css/2011/screen.css'>\r\n" . "  </head>\r\n" . "  <body style='position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px;width:400px'>\r\n" . "    <div class='box error background padding'>\r\n" . "      <h1 class='red'>&#187; SORRY &#171;</h1>\r\n" . "      <p class='red' style='font-size:1.5em'>Could not display the vCard.</p>\r\n" . "    </div>\r\n" . "    <p style='font-size:1.5em'><a href='" . $uri . "'>&#171; Back</a></p>\r\n" . "  </body>\r\n" . "</html>\r\n";
         return "";
     // Read source and convert HTML code to XHTML
     $xml_string_tidy = file_get_contents("" . urlencode($uri));
     // Create the HTML DOM
     @($document = new DOMDocument());
     // Create the XSLT DOM
     $stylesheet = new DOMDocument();
     $stylesheet->load(INCLEVEL . PATH_MICROFORMATS . "/xhtml2vcard.xsl");
     // Create a new XSLT Processor, load the Stylesheet
     $processor = new XsltProcessor();
     // Run the transformation
     $result = $processor->transformToDoc($document);
     $output = $result->saveXML();
     // Massage output
     $output = str_replace(" /+/ ", "@", $output);
     $output = str_replace("(Best Practices states this should be the URL the vcard was transformed from)", $uri, $output);
     $output = preg_replace("/<\\?.*>\\s/i", "", $output);
     $output = str_replace("&#13;", "", $output);
     // Output file name
     if (preg_match("/FN(;LANGUAGE=.*;CHARSET=.*)?:(.*)/i", $output, $res) && !empty($res[2])) {
         $name = trim(str_replace(" ", "_", $res[2]));
     } else {
         $name = "contact";
     // Send the vCard header with PHP
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $name . ".vcf");
     header("Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=UTF-8 name=" . $name . ".vcf");
     print $output;
     return "";
 public function getXPath($entry, $XSLTfilename = NULL, $fetch_associated_counts = NULL)
     $entry_xml = new XMLElement('entry');
     $data = $entry->getData();
     $fields = array();
     $entry_xml->setAttribute('id', $entry->get('id'));
     //Add date created and edited values
     $date = new XMLElement('system-date');
     $date->appendChild(General::createXMLDateObject(DateTimeObj::get('U', $entry->get('creation_date')), 'created'));
     $date->appendChild(General::createXMLDateObject(DateTimeObj::get('U', $entry->get('modification_date')), 'modified'));
     //Reflect Workspace and Siteroot params
     $workspace = new XMLElement('workspace', URL . '/workspace');
     $root = new XMLElement('root', URL);
     // Add associated entry counts
     if ($fetch_associated_counts == 'yes') {
         $associated = $entry->fetchAllAssociatedEntryCounts();
         if (is_array($associated) and !empty($associated)) {
             foreach ($associated as $section_id => $count) {
                 $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
                 if ($section instanceof Section === false) {
                 $entry_xml->setAttribute($section->get('handle'), (string) $count);
     // Add fields:
     foreach ($data as $field_id => $values) {
         if (empty($field_id)) {
         $field = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
         $field->appendFormattedElement($entry_xml, $values, false, null, $entry->get('id'));
     $xml = new XMLElement('data');
     // Build some context
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
     $params = new XMLElement('params');
     $params->appendChild(new XMLElement('section-handle', $section->get('handle')));
     $params->appendChild(new XMLElement('entry-id', $entry->get('id')));
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->strictErrorChecking = false;
     if (!empty($XSLTfilename)) {
         $XSLTfilename = UTILITIES . '/' . preg_replace(array('%/+%', '%(^|/)../%'), '/', $XSLTfilename);
         if (file_exists($XSLTfilename)) {
             $XSLProc = new XsltProcessor();
             $xslt = new DomDocument();
             // Set some context
             $XSLProc->setParameter('', array('section-handle' => $section->get('handle'), 'entry-id' => $entry->get('id')));
             $temp = $XSLProc->transformToDoc($dom);
             if ($temp instanceof DOMDocument) {
                 $dom = $temp;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3', '>=')) {
     return $xpath;
  * create google sitemap
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function google()
     $xsl_path = Kohana::find_file('xsl', 'sitemap', TRUE, 'xsl');
     /* load the xml file and stylesheet as domdocuments */
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $inputdom = new DomDocument();
     /* create the processor and import the stylesheet */
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     $proc->setParameter('', 'siteurl', url::base());
     /* transform and output the xml document */
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
     print $newdom->saveXML();
Beispiel #14
  * internal function
  * uses an xsl to parse the sparql xml returned from the ITQL query
  * @param $content String
 function parseContent($content, $pid, $dsId, $collection, $pageNumber = null)
     $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository');
     global $base_url;
     $collection_pid = $pid;
     //we will be changing the pid later maybe
     //module_load_include('php', ''Fedora_Repository'', 'ObjectHelper');
     $objectHelper = $this;
     $parsedContent = NULL;
     $contentModels = $objectHelper->get_content_models_list($pid);
     $isCollection = false;
     //if this is a collection object store the $pid in the session as it will come in handy
     //after a purge or ingest to return to the correct collection.
     if (!empty($contentModels)) {
         foreach ($contentModels as $contentModel) {
             if ($contentModel == 'epistemetec:albumCModel' || $contentModel == 'epistemetec:compilationCModel' || $contentModel == 'epistemetec:videotecaCModel' || $contentModel == 'epistemetec:collectionCModel') {
                 $_SESSION['fedora_collection'] = $pid;
                 $isCollection = true;
     //get a list of datastream for this object
     $datastreams = $this->get_formatted_datastream_list($pid, $contentModels);
     $collectionName = $collection;
     if (!$pageNumber) {
         $pageNumber = 1;
     if (!isset($collectionName)) {
         $collectionName = variable_get('fedora_repository_name', 'Collection');
     $xslContent = $this->getXslContent($pid, $path);
     //get collection list and display using xslt-------------------------------------------
     if (isset($content) && $content != false) {
         $input = new DomDocument();
         $results = $input->getElementsByTagName('result');
         if ($results->length > 0) {
             try {
                 $proc = new XsltProcessor();
                 $proc->setParameter('', 'collectionPid', $collection_pid);
                 $proc->setParameter('', 'collectionTitle', $collectionName);
                 $proc->setParameter('', 'baseUrl', $base_url);
                 $proc->setParameter('', 'path', $base_url . '/' . $path);
                 $proc->setParameter('', 'hitPage', $pageNumber);
                 $xsl = new DomDocument();
                 //php xsl does not seem to work with namespaces so removing it below
                 //I may have just been being stupid here
                 //         $content = str_ireplace('xmlns=""', '', $content);
                 $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
                 $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input);
                 $objectList = $newdom->saveXML();
                 //is the xml transformed to html as defined in the xslt associated with the collection object
                 if (!$objectList) {
                     throw new Exception("Invalid XML.");
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 drupal_set_message(t($e->getMessage()), 'error');
                 return '';
     } else {
         drupal_set_message(t("No Objects in this Collection or bad query."));
     //show the collections datastreams
     if ($results->length > 0 || $isCollection == true) {
         //	if(strlen($objectList)>22||$contentModel=='Collection'||$contentModel=='Community'){//length of empty dom still equals 22 because of <table/> etc
         $collectionPolicyExists = $objectHelper->getMimeType($pid, 'COLLECTION_POLICY');
         //drupal_set_message($collectionPolicyExists, 'error');
         if (user_access(ObjectHelper::$INGEST_FEDORA_OBJECTS) && $collectionPolicyExists) {
             if (!empty($collectionPolicyExists) && strcasecmp($collectionPolicyExists, 'application/zip')) {
                 $ingestObject = '<a title="' . t('Ingest a New object into ') . $collectionName . ' ' . $collection_pid . '" href="' . base_path() . 'fedora/ingestObject/' . $collection_pid . '/' . $collectionName . '"><img hspace = "8" src="' . $base_url . '/' . $path . '/images/ingest.png" alt="' . t('Ingest Object') . '"></a>';
         } else {
             $ingestObject = '&nbsp;';
         $datastreams .= $ingestObject;
         $collection_fieldset = array('#title' => t('Collection Description'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#value' => $datastreams);
         $collectionListOut = theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset);
         $object_list_fieldset = array('#title' => t('Items in this Collection'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#value' => isset($objectList) ? $objectList : '');
         $objectListOut = theme('fieldset', $object_list_fieldset);
     } else {
         $collection_fieldset = array('#title' => "", '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#value' => $datastreams);
         $collectionListOut = theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset);
         $objectListOut = '';
         //no collection objects to show so don't show field set
     return "<STRONG>" . $collectionName . "</STRONG>" . ' <br />' . $collectionListOut . '<br />' . $objectListOut;
Beispiel #15
<div id="container">
if ($_GET['tag']) {
    $tagthing = strip_tags(substr($_GET['tag'], 0, 255));
    $fc = new folksoClient('localhost', $loc->server_web_path . 'tag.php', 'get');
    $fc->set_getfields(array('folksotag' => $tagthing, 'folksofancy' => '1'));
    $reslist = $fc->execute();
    if ($fc->query_resultcode() == 200) {
        $resources = new DOMDocument();
        $xsl = new DOMDocument();
        $xsl->load($loc->xsl_dir . "resourcelist.xsl");
        $proc = new XsltProcessor();
        $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
        $form = $proc->transformToDoc($resources);
        print $form->saveXML();
    } else {
        print $fc->query_resultcode();
<div id="pagebottom">
<form action="resourceview.php" method="get">
              Entrer un uri ou un identifiant de resource déjà présente dans la base
              <input type="text" name="tagthing" maxlength="3" size="3"></input>
  * Returns all matching XML schema files and loads them into data models for
  * class.
 protected function loadDataModels()
     $schemas = array();
     $totalNbTables = 0;
     $dataModelFiles = $this->getSchemas();
     $defaultPlatform = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getConfiguredPlatform();
     // Make a transaction for each file
     foreach ($dataModelFiles as $schema) {
         $dmFilename = $schema->getPathName();
         $this->log('Processing: ' . $schema->getFileName());
         $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
         $this->includeExternalSchemas($dom, $schema->getPath());
         // normalize (or transform) the XML document using XSLT
         if ($this->getGeneratorConfig()->get()['generator']['schema']['transform'] && $this->xsl) {
             $this->log('Transforming ' . $dmFilename . ' using stylesheet ' . $this->xsl->getPath());
             if (!class_exists('\\XSLTProcessor')) {
                 $this->log('Could not perform XLST transformation. Make sure PHP has been compiled/configured to support XSLT.');
             } else {
                 // normalize the document using normalizer stylesheet
                 $xslDom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                 $xsl = new \XsltProcessor();
                 $dom = $xsl->transformToDoc($dom);
         // validate the XML document using XSD schema
         if ($this->validate && $this->xsd) {
             $this->log('  Validating XML using schema ' . $this->xsd->getPath());
             if (!$dom->schemaValidate($this->xsd->getAbsolutePath())) {
                 throw new EngineException(sprintf("XML schema file (%s) does not validate. See warnings above for reasons validation failed (make sure error_reporting is set to show E_WARNING if you don't see any).", $dmFilename), $this->getLocation());
         $xmlParser = new SchemaReader($defaultPlatform, $this->dbEncoding);
         $schema = $xmlParser->parseString($dom->saveXML(), $dmFilename);
         $nbTables = $schema->getDatabase(null, false)->countTables();
         $totalNbTables += $nbTables;
         $this->log(sprintf('  %d tables processed successfully', $nbTables));
         $schemas[] = $schema;
     $this->log(sprintf('%d tables found in %d schema files.', $totalNbTables, count($dataModelFiles)));
     if (empty($schemas)) {
         throw new BuildException('No schema files were found (matching your schema fileset definition).');
     foreach ($schemas as $schema) {
         // map schema filename with database name
         $this->dataModelDbMap[$schema->getName()] = $schema->getDatabase(null, false)->getName();
     if (count($schemas) > 1 && $this->getGeneratorConfig()->get()['generator']['packageObjectModel']) {
         $schema = $this->joinDataModels($schemas);
         $this->dataModels = array($schema);
     } else {
         $this->dataModels = $schemas;
     foreach ($this->dataModels as &$schema) {
     $this->dataModelsLoaded = true;
Beispiel #17
  * translate xml
  * @param string $xml_dom 
  * @param string $xsl_dom 
  * @param string $params 
  * @param string $php_functions 
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 private static function translate($xml_dom, $xsl_dom, $params = array(), $php_functions = array())
     /* create the processor and import the stylesheet */
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     foreach ($params as $name => $param) {
         $proc->setParameter('', $name, $param);
     if (is_array($php_functions)) {
     /* transform and output the xml document */
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($xml_dom);
     return $newdom->saveXML();
Beispiel #18
 function xml2array($xml, $template)
     $xp = new XsltProcessor();
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $dom = $xp->transformToDoc($xml);
     //--- ladeni ---
     //header('Content-type: application/xml');
     //echo $dom->saveXML(); exit;
     // ---
     $this->xml = $xml;
     //--- vyreseni locales ---
     $locales = $this->xml->getElementsByTagNameNS("", "PT_Locale");
     foreach ($locales as $locale) {
         if ($locale->hasAttributes()) {
             $langCode = $locale->getElementsByTagNameNS("", "LanguageCode");
             $this->langCodes['#' . $locale->getAttribute('id')] = $langCode->item(0)->getAttribute('codeListValue');
             $this->langCodes[$locale->getAttribute('id')] = $langCode->item(0)->getAttribute('codeListValue');
             // DOCASNE kvuli ruznym chybam ve starych XML
     if ($dom->documentElement) {
         $data = $this->writeNode("", $dom->documentElement, 0);
     if (substr($data, 0, 3) != '$md') {
         return array();
     // pokud jsou prazdne
     $data = str_replace(array("['language'][0]['gco:CharacterString']", "['MD_Identifier']", "ns1:"), array("['language'][0]['LanguageCode']", "['RS_Identifier']", "gco:"), $data);
     //kvuli portalu INSPIRE
     // quick and dirty patch for distance
     $data = str_replace(array("['gco:Distance'][0]['uom']", "['gco:Distance']"), array("['uom'][0]['uomName']", "['value']"), $data);
     // DEBUG
     //echo "<pre>$data</pre>"; exit;
     $data = str_replace(array("gmd:", "gmi:"), "", $data);
     //FIXME udelat pres sablony
     //$data = str_replace("csw:", "", $data); //FIXME udelat pres sablony
     $data = str_replace("'false'", "0", $data);
     $data = str_replace("['language'][0]['gco:CharacterString']", "['language'][0]['LanguageCode']", $data);
     //kvuli portalu INSPIRE
     $elim = array("'gco:CharacterString'", "'gco:Date'", "'gco:DateTime'", "'gco:Decimal'", "'gco:Integer'", "'gco:Boolean'", "'gco:LocalName'", "'URL'", "'gco:Real'", "'gco:Record'", "'gco:RecordType'", "'LocalisedCharacterString'", "gml:", "srv:", "gco:", "['PT_FreeText'][0]", "[][0]", "'DCPList'", "['gts:TM_PeriodDuration'][0]", "['Polygon'][0]['exterior'][0]['LinearRing'][0]['posList'][0]", "'gmx:MimeFileType'");
     $data = str_replace($elim, "", $data);
     $data = str_replace("['serviceType'][0]", "['serviceType'][0]['LocalName'][0]", $data);
     $data = str_replace(array("['begin'][0]['TimeInstant'][0]['timePosition'][0]", "['end'][0]['TimeInstant'][0]['timePosition'][0]", "['MD_Identifier']", "'false'", "'true'", "MI_Metadata"), array("['beginPosition'][0]", "['endPosition'][0]", "['RS_Identifier']", "0", "1", "MD_Metadata"), $data);
     $data = str_replace("['RS_Identifier'][0]['code'][0]['gmx:Anchor'][0]['href'][0]", "['RS_Identifier'][0]['code'][0]", $data);
     //*** pro DC
     $data = str_replace(array("csw:Record", "dc:", "dct:abstract", "[][0]"), array("metadata", "", "description", ""), $data);
     /*if($this->debug)  echo "<pre>". $data . "</pre>"; */
     if (MICKA_CHARSET != 'UTF-8') {
         $data = iconv('UTF-8', MICKA_CHARSET . '//TRANSLIT', $data);
     //echo "data=".$data;
     // odstraneni Locale a dateTime
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($md['MD_Metadata']); $i++) {
         if (isset($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['dateStamp']['@']) && strpos($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['dateStamp']['@'], 'T')) {
             $pom = explode('T', $md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['dateStamp']['@']);
             // FIXME quick hack
             $md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['dateStamp']['@'] = $pom[0];
         // zpracovani polygonu
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['MD_DataIdentification'][0]['extent'][0]['EX_Extent'][0]['geographicElement']); $j++) {
             if ($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['MD_DataIdentification'][0]['extent'][0]['EX_Extent'][0]['geographicElement'][$j]['EX_BoundingPolygon'][0]['polygon'][0]['@']) {
                 $geom = explode(" ", $md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['MD_DataIdentification'][0]['extent'][0]['EX_Extent'][0]['geographicElement'][$j]['EX_BoundingPolygon'][0]['polygon'][0]['@']);
                 $result = "";
                 for ($k = 0; $k < count($geom); $k = $k + 2) {
                     if ($result) {
                         $result .= ",";
                     $result .= $geom[$k] . " " . $geom[$k + 1];
                 $md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['MD_DataIdentification'][0]['extent'][0]['EX_Extent'][0]['geographicElement'][$j]['EX_BoundingPolygon'][0]['polygon'][0]['@'] = "MULTIPOLYGON(((" . $result . ")))";
         // doplnění překladu INSPIRE
         // --- multiligvalni klic. slova
         $lang = $md['MD_Metadata'][$i]["language"][0]["LanguageCode"][0]['@'];
         if (!$lang) {
             $lang = 'eng';
         if ($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['SV_ServiceIdentification']) {
             $this->multiKeywords($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['SV_ServiceIdentification'][0]['descriptiveKeywords'], $lang);
         } else {
             $this->multiKeywords($md['MD_Metadata'][$i]['identificationInfo'][0]['MD_DataIdentification'][0]['descriptiveKeywords'], $lang);
     return $md;
function retriever_apply_xslt_text($xslt_text, $doc)
    if (!$xslt_text) {
        logger('retriever_apply_xslt_text: empty XSLT text', LOGGER_NORMAL);
        return $doc;
    $xslt_doc = new DOMDocument();
    if (!$xslt_doc->loadXML($xslt_text)) {
        logger('retriever_apply_xslt_text: could not load XML', LOGGER_NORMAL);
        return $doc;
    $xp = new XsltProcessor();
    $result = $xp->transformToDoc($doc);
    return $result;
Beispiel #20
 function applyXSLT($resultData, $orderBy = 0)
     $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository');
     $proc = null;
     if (!$resultData) {
         //drupal_set_message(t('No Results!'));
         return ' ';
         //no results
     try {
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Error loading results xslt! ') . $e->getMessage());
         return ' ';
     //inject into xsl stylesheet
     //$proc->setParameter('', 'searchToken', drupal_get_token('search_form')); //token generated by Drupal, keeps tack of what tab etc we are on
     $proc->setParameter('', 'userID', $user->uid);
     $proc->setParameter('', 'searchUrl', url('search') . '/fedora_repository');
     //needed in our xsl
     $proc->setParameter('', 'objectsPage', base_path());
     $proc->setParameter('', 'allowedPidNameSpaces', variable_get('fedora_pids_allowed', 'demo: changeme:'));
     $proc->setParameter('', 'orderBy', $orderBy);
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $test = $xsl->load($path . '/ir/xsl/results.xsl');
     if (!isset($test)) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Error loading search results xslt!'));
         return t('Error loading search results xslt! ');
     $input = new DomDocument();
     $didLoadOk = $input->loadXML($resultData);
     if (!isset($didLoadOk)) {
         drupal_set_message(t('Error loading search results!'));
         return t('Error loading search results! ');
     } else {
         $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
         $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input);
         return $newdom->saveXML();
Beispiel #21
 function getEpistemetecData($pid)
     global $base_url;
     $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository');
     module_load_include('php', 'Fedora_Repository', 'ConnectionHelper');
     $soapHelper = new ConnectionHelper();
     $client = $soapHelper->getSoapClient(variable_get('fedora_soap_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora/services/access?wsdl'));
     $dsId = 'MAG';
     $params = array('pid' => "{$pid}", 'dsID' => "{$dsId}", 'asOfDateTime' => "");
     try {
         $object = $client->__soapCAll('getDatastreamDissemination', array('parameters' => $params));
     } catch (Exception $e2) {
         try {
             //probably no QDC so we will try for the DC stream.
             $dsId = 'MAG';
             $params = array('pid' => "{$pid}", 'dsID' => "{$dsId}", 'asOfDateTime' => "");
             $object = $client->__soapCAll('getDatastreamDissemination', array('parameters' => $params));
         } catch (exception $e2) {
             drupal_set_message($e2->getMessage(), 'error');
     $xmlstr = $object->dissemination->stream;
     try {
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         drupal_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     $proc->setParameter('', 'baseUrl', $base_url);
     $proc->setParameter('', 'path', $base_url . '/' . $path);
     $input = null;
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     try {
         $xsl->load($path . '/epistemetec/xsl/epistemetecData.xsl');
         $input = new DomDocument();
     } catch (exception $e) {
         watchdog("Fedora_Repository", "Problem loading xsl file!");
     $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input);
     $output = $newdom->saveXML();
     $baseUrl = base_path();
     $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strpos($baseUrl, "/") - 1);
     //        if (user_access(ObjectHelper :: $EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA)) {
     //            $output .= '<br /><a title = "' . t('Edit Meta Data') . '" href="' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . 'editmetadata/' . $pid . '/' . $dsId . '"><img src="' . $base_url . '/' . $path . '/images/edit.gif" alt="' . t('Edit Meta Data') . '" /></a>';
     //        }
     return $output;
  * Gets all matching XML schema files and loads them into data models for class.
  * @return void
 protected function loadDataModels()
     $ads = array();
     $totalNbTables = 0;
     $this->log('Loading XML schema files...');
     // Get all matched files from schemaFilesets
     foreach ($this->schemaFilesets as $fs) {
         $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($this->project);
         $srcDir = $fs->getDir($this->project);
         $dataModelFiles = $ds->getIncludedFiles();
         $defaultPlatform = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getConfiguredPlatform();
         // Make a transaction for each file
         foreach ($dataModelFiles as $dmFilename) {
             $this->log("Processing: " . $dmFilename, Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
             $xmlFile = new PhingFile($srcDir, $dmFilename);
             $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
             // modify schema to include any external schemas (and remove the external-schema nodes)
             $this->includeExternalSchemas($dom, $srcDir);
             // normalize (or transform) the XML document using XSLT
             if ($this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('schemaTransform') && $this->xslFile) {
                 $this->log("Transforming " . $dmFilename . " using stylesheet " . $this->xslFile->getPath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
                 if (!class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) {
                     $this->log("Could not perform XLST transformation. Make sure PHP has been compiled/configured to support XSLT.", Project::MSG_ERR);
                 } else {
                     // normalize the document using normalizer stylesheet
                     $xslDom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $xsl = new XsltProcessor();
                     $dom = $xsl->transformToDoc($dom);
             // validate the XML document using XSD schema
             if ($this->validate && $this->xsdFile) {
                 $this->log("  Validating XML using schema " . $this->xsdFile->getPath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
                 if (!$dom->schemaValidate($this->xsdFile->getAbsolutePath())) {
                     throw new EngineException("XML schema file (" . $xmlFile->getPath() . ") does not validate. See warnings above for reasons validation failed (make sure error_reporting is set to show E_WARNING if you don't see any).", $this->getLocation());
             $xmlParser = new XmlToAppData($defaultPlatform, $this->getTargetPackage(), $this->dbEncoding);
             $ad = $xmlParser->parseString($dom->saveXML(), $xmlFile->getAbsolutePath());
             $nbTables = $ad->getDatabase(null, false)->countTables();
             $totalNbTables += $nbTables;
             $this->log(sprintf('  %d tables processed successfully', $nbTables), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
             $ads[] = $ad;
         $this->log(sprintf('%d tables found in %d schema files.', $totalNbTables, count($dataModelFiles)));
     if (empty($ads)) {
         throw new BuildException("No schema files were found (matching your schema fileset definition).");
     foreach ($ads as $ad) {
         // map schema filename with database name
         $this->dataModelDbMap[$ad->getName()] = $ad->getDatabase(null, false)->getName();
     if (count($ads) > 1 && $this->packageObjectModel) {
         $ad = $this->joinDataModels($ads);
         $this->dataModels = array($ad);
     } else {
         $this->dataModels = $ads;
     foreach ($this->dataModels as &$ad) {
     if ($this->validate) {
         foreach ($this->dataModels as $dataModel) {
             $validator = new PropelSchemaValidator($dataModel);
             if (!$validator->validate()) {
                 throw new EngineException(sprintf("The database schema contains errors:\n - %s", join("\n - ", $validator->getErrors())));
     $this->dataModelsLoaded = true;
 function showRomeo($collapsed = false)
     $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository');
     module_load_include('php', 'Fedora_Repository', 'CollectionClass');
     $collectionHelper = new CollectionClass();
     $xmlstr = $collectionHelper->getStream($this->pid, "ROMEO", 0);
     if ($xmlstr == null || strlen($xmlstr) < 5) {
         return " ";
     try {
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         drupal_set_message(t($e->getMessage()), 'error');
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $xsl->load($path . '/xsl/romeo.xsl');
     $input = new DomDocument();
     $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input);
     $content = $newdom->saveXML();
     $collection_fieldset = array('#title' => t('Romeo'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => $collapsed, '#value' => $content);
     return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset);
Beispiel #24
Datei: Dom.php Projekt: eix/core
  * Merge the data and the XML template into an HTML page.
  * @param  type $xslDocument the template.
  * @return type
  * @throws Dom\Exception
 public function transform($xslDocument)
     if ($xslDocument->domDocument) {
         $processor = new \XsltProcessor();
         $htmlDomDocument = new self();
         $htmlDomDocument->domDocument = $processor->transformToDoc($this->domDocument);
         if (!$htmlDomDocument->domDocument) {
             throw new Dom\Exception('The XSL transformation has failed.');
     } else {
         throw new Dom\Exception('There is no XSL template to transform with.');
     try {
         return $htmlDomDocument->toString(false);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         throw new Dom\Exception("dom-transform-failed");
  * return xml translated by XSL
  * @param object $xml_object
  * @param string/object $xsl
  * @param array $params
  * @return string
  * @author Andy Bennett
 function xslt_return_translated($xml_object, $xsl, $params = array())
     /* create the processor and import the stylesheet */
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     // $proc->registerPhpFunctions();
     if (!is_object($xsl)) {
         $xsl_url = $xsl;
         /* load the xml file and stylesheet as domdocuments */
         $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
     foreach ($params as $pk => $pv) {
         $proc->setParameter(null, $pk, $pv);
     /* transform and output the xml document */
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($xml_object);
     $trans = $newdom->saveXML();
     $trans = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>', '', $trans);
     $trans = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>', '', $trans);
     $trans = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '', $trans);
     return html_entity_decode($trans);
 public function google()
     $xsl_path = Kohana::find_file('xsl', 'google_sitemap', TRUE, 'xsl');
     // load the xml file and stylesheet as domdocuments
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $inputdom = new DomDocument();
     // create the processor and import the stylesheet
     $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     $proc->setParameter('', 'siteurl', url::base());
     // transform and output the xml document
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
     $tmp = $newdom->saveXML();
     $tmp = str_replace(' xmlns=""', '', $tmp);
     echo $tmp;
 function showCompound()
     $dsid = 'COMPOUND';
     $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository');
     require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository') . '/ObjectHelper.php';
     require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository') . '/CollectionClass.php';
     $collectionHelper = new CollectionClass();
     $xmlstr = $collectionHelper->getStream($this->pid, "COMPOUND");
     if ($xmlstr == null || strlen($xmlstr) < 5) {
         return " ";
     try {
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         drupal_set_message(t($e->getMessage()), 'error');
         return " ";
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $xsl->load($path . '/mnpl/xsl/compound.xsl');
     $input = new DomDocument();
     $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
     $newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input);
     $content = $newdom->saveXML();
     // get parent pid and build link
     $pid = $this->pid;
     $itqlquery = 'select $object from <#ri> where <info:fedora/' . $pid . '><fedora-rels-ext:isPartOf> $object ';
     $relatedItems = $collectionHelper->getRelatedItems($this->pid, $itqlquery);
     $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($relatedItems);
     $nmspace = $sxe->getNamespaces(true);
     $regspace = $sxe->registerXPathNamespace('ri', implode($nmspace));
     // begin fractions
     $flabel = '<h4>Parent Specimen Record for This Compound</h4><p>';
     $link = implode($sxe->xpath('//@uri'));
     $link = substr($link, 12);
     global $base_url;
     $plink .= '<a href =' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $link . '>Parent Specimen</a><br>';
     if (user_access('edit fedora meta data')) {
         $editcomp = '<a href =' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/editmetadata/' . $pid . '/' . $dsid . '>Edit This Compound</a><br>';
     } else {
         $editcomp = '';
     // display other compounds for this parent
     $itqlQuery = 'select $object $title  from <#ri> where $object <fedora-model:label> $title  and $object <fedora-rels-ext:isPartOf> <info:fedora/' . $link . '> and $object <fedora-model:state> <info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#Active> order by $title';
     $relatedItems = $collectionHelper->getRelatedItems($this->pid, $itqlQuery);
     $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($relatedItems);
     $nmspace = $sxe->getNamespaces(true);
     $regspace = $sxe->registerXPathNamespace('ri', implode($nmspace));
     // begin display compounds
     global $base_url;
     $altcomp = '<h4> Other Compounds For Parent Sepcimen</h4><div>';
     if (stristr(implode($sxe->xpath('//ri:title')), 'compound')) {
         foreach ($sxe->xpath('//@uri') as $link2) {
             if (strstr($link2, 'compound')) {
                 $pidlink = substr($link2, 12);
                 if ($pidlink != $pid) {
                     $compound .= '<a href = "' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $pidlink . '">' . substr($link2, 30) . '</a><br>';
     if ($compound == NULL) {
         $compound = "<div>No other Compounds present for this Specimen</div>";
     $collection_fieldset = array('#title' => t('MNPL Compound Record'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#value' => $content . $editcomp . $flabel . $plink . $altcomp . $compound);
     return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset);
  * Gets all matching XML schema files and loads them into data models for class.
  * @return     void
 protected function loadDataModels()
     $ads = array();
     // Get all matched files from schemaFilesets
     foreach ($this->schemaFilesets as $fs) {
         $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($this->project);
         $srcDir = $fs->getDir($this->project);
         $dataModelFiles = $ds->getIncludedFiles();
         $platform = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getConfiguredPlatform();
         // Make a transaction for each file
         foreach ($dataModelFiles as $dmFilename) {
             $this->log("Processing: " . $dmFilename);
             $xmlFile = new PhingFile($srcDir, $dmFilename);
             $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
             // normalize (or transform) the XML document using XSLT
             if ($this->xslFile) {
                 $this->log("Transforming " . $xmlFile->getPath() . " using stylesheet " . $this->xslFile->getPath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
                 if (!class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) {
                     $this->log("Could not perform XLST transformation.  Make sure PHP has been compiled/configured to support XSLT.", Project::MSG_ERR);
                 } else {
                     // modify schema to include any external schema's (and remove the external-schema nodes)
                     $this->includeExternalSchemas($dom, $srcDir);
                     // normalize the document using normalizer stylesheet
                     $xsl = new XsltProcessor();
                     $transformed = $xsl->transformToDoc($dom);
                     $newXmlFilename = substr($xmlFile->getName(), 0, strrpos($xmlFile->getName(), '.')) . '-transformed.xml';
                     // now overwrite previous vars to point to newly transformed file
                     $xmlFile = new PhingFile($srcDir, $newXmlFilename);
                     $this->log("\t- Using new (post-transformation) XML file: " . $xmlFile->getPath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
                     $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
             // validate the XML document using XSD schema
             if ($this->validate && $this->xsdFile) {
                 $this->log("Validating XML doc (" . $xmlFile->getPath() . ") using schema file " . $this->xsdFile->getPath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
                 if (!$dom->schemaValidate($this->xsdFile->getAbsolutePath())) {
                     throw new EngineException("XML schema file (" . $xmlFile->getPath() . ") does not validate. See warnings above for reasons validation failed (make sure error_reporting is set to show E_WARNING if you don't see any).", $this->getLocation());
             $xmlParser = new XmlToAppData($platform, $this->getTargetPackage(), $this->dbEncoding);
             $ad = $xmlParser->parseFile($xmlFile->getAbsolutePath());
             // <-- Important: use the original name, not the -transformed name.
             $ads[] = $ad;
     if (empty($ads)) {
         throw new BuildException("No schema files were found (matching your schema fileset definition).");
     if (!$this->packageObjectModel) {
         $this->dataModels = $ads;
         $this->databaseNames = array();
         // doesn't seem to be used anywhere
         $this->dataModelDbMap = array();
         // Different datamodels may state the same database
         // names, we just want the unique names of databases.
         foreach ($this->dataModels as $dm) {
             $database = $dm->getDatabase();
             $this->dataModelDbMap[$dm->getName()] = $database->getName();
             $this->databaseNames[$database->getName()] = $database->getName();
             // making list of *unique* dbnames.
     } else {
         // calls doFinalInitialization()
     $this->dataModelsLoaded = true;
Beispiel #29
  * This looks deprecated...
  * @param $tag Either a tag name or a tag id.
  * @returns folksPageData
 public function public_tag_resource_list($tag)
     /* $r is a folksoPageData object*/
     $r = $this->resource_list($tag);
     if ($r->is_valid()) {
         $taglist_xml = new DOMDocument();
         $r->title = $this->getTitle($taglist_xml);
         $xsl = new DOMDocument();
         $xsl->load($this->loc->xsl_dir . "public_resourcelist.xsl");
         $proc = new XsltProcessor();
         $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
         $taglist = $proc->transformToDoc($taglist_xml);
         $r->html = $taglist->saveXML();
     } elseif ($r->status == 204) {
         $r->html = '<p>Aucune ressource n\'est  associée à ce tag.</p>';
     } elseif ($r->status == 404) {
         $r->html = '<p>Tag non trouvé.</p>';
         $r->title = "Tag non trouvé.";
     } else {
         $r->html = '<p>Erreur. Excusez-nous.</p>';
         $r->title = 'Erreur de tag';
     return $r;