Beispiel #1
function gnavi_footer()
    global $mod_copyright, $mydirname;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mod_copyright' => $mod_copyright));
Beispiel #2
  * Checks whether the site is closed now, and whether all of must modules
  * have been installed. This function is called through delegates.
  * @var XoopsUser &$xoopsUser
  * @see preBlockFilter()
 function callbackSetupUser(&$principal, &$controller, &$context)
     $accessAllowFlag = false;
     $xoopsConfig = $controller->mRoot->mContext->getXoopsConfig();
     if (!empty($_POST['xoops_login'])) {
     } else {
         if (@$_GET['op'] == 'logout') {
             // GIJ
         } elseif (is_object($context->mXoopsUser)) {
             foreach ($context->mXoopsUser->getGroups() as $group) {
                 if (in_array($group, $xoopsConfig['closesite_okgrp']) || XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN == $group) {
                     $accessAllowFlag = true;
     if (!$accessAllowFlag) {
         require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
         $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
         $xoopsTpl->assign(array('xoops_sitename' => htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename']), 'xoops_isuser' => is_object($context->mXoopsUser), 'xoops_themecss' => xoops_getcss(), 'xoops_imageurl' => XOOPS_THEME_URL . '/' . $xoopsConfig['theme_set'] . '/', 'lang_login' => _LOGIN, 'lang_username' => _USERNAME, 'lang_password' => _PASSWORD, 'lang_siteclosemsg' => $xoopsConfig['closesite_text']));
         $xoopsTpl->compile_check = true;
         // @todo filebase template with absolute file path
         $xoopsTpl->display(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/legacy/templates/legacy_site_closed.html');
Beispiel #3
	function b_d3downloads_list_edit( $options )
		require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/include/common_functions.php' ;

		$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3downloads' : $options[0] ;
		$categories = trim( @$options[1] ) === '' ? array() : array_map( 'intval' , explode( ',' , $options[1] ) ) ;
		$selected_order = empty( $options[2] ) || ! in_array( $options[2] , d3download_list_order() ) ? ' DESC' : $options[2] ;
		$max_entry = empty( $options[3] ) ? 10 : intval( $options[3] )  ;
		$date_format = empty( $options[4] ) ? 'Y/m/d' :  htmlspecialchars ( $options[4] , ENT_QUOTES ) ;
		$show_body = empty( $options[5] ) ? false : true ;
		$this_template = empty( $options[6] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_list.html' : trim( $options[6] ) ;
		$intree = empty( $options[7] ) ? 0 : 1 ;

		if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

		// getcategories_list
		$categories_list = array() ;
		$categories_list = d3download_get_categories_list( $mydirname ) ;

		require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
		$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
		$tpl->assign( array(
			'mydirname' => $mydirname ,
			'categories' => implode( ',' , $categories ) ,
			'order_options' => d3download_list_order() ,
			'selected_order' => $selected_order ,
			'max_entry' => $max_entry ,
			'date_format' => $date_format ,
			'show_body' => $show_body ,
			'intree' => $intree ,
			'categories_list' => $categories_list ,
			'this_template' => $this_template ,
		) ) ;
		return $tpl->fetch( 'db:'.$mydirname.'_blockedit_list.html' ) ;
Beispiel #4
function b_pico_content_edit($options)
    // options
    $mytrustdirname = basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? $mytrustdirname : $options[0];
    $content_id = intval(@$options[1]);
    $this_template = empty($options[2]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_content.html' : trim($options[2]);
    $process_body = empty($options[3]) ? false : true;
    // mydirname check
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    // get content_title
    $db =& Database::getInstance();
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $contents = array(0 => '--');
    $result = $db->query("SELECT content_id,subject,c.cat_depth_in_tree FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_contents") . " o LEFT JOIN " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_categories") . " c ON o.cat_id=c.cat_id ORDER BY c.cat_order_in_tree,o.weight");
    while (list($id, $sbj, $depth) = $db->fetchRow($result)) {
        $contents[$id] = sprintf('%06d', $id) . ': ' . str_repeat('--', $depth) . $myts->makeTboxData4Show($sbj, 1, 1);
    require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'contents' => $contents, 'content_id' => $content_id, 'this_template' => $this_template, 'process_body' => $process_body));
    return $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_blockedit_content.html');
function myalbum_footer()
    global $mod_copyright, $mydirnumber;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mod_copyright' => $mod_copyright));
Beispiel #6
function b_gnavi_menu_show($options)
    global $xoopsDB;
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) : $options[0];
    $cat_limit = empty($options[1]) ? 0 : 1;
    $this_template = 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_menu.html';
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/read_configs.php';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT c1.cid ,c1.title,c1.imgurl ,c2.cid AS ccid, c2.title AS ctitle, c2.imgurl AS cimgurl FROM {$table_cat} c1 LEFT JOIN {$table_cat} c2 ON WHERE ORDER BY c1.weight,c2.weight ");
    if (preg_match('/' . '\\/modules\\/' . $mydirname . '/', htmlspecialchars(getenv('REQUEST_URI')))) {
        $gcid = empty($_GET['cid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['cid']);
        $glid = empty($_GET['lid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['lid']);
        $ocid = $gcid;
        if ($gcid) {
            if (!($result2 = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT pid FROM {$table_cat} WHERE cid={$gcid}"))) {
                echo $xoopsDB->logger->dumpQueries();
            list($gpid) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result2);
            $gcid = $gpid > 0 ? $gpid : $gcid;
    } else {
        $gcid = 0;
        $glid = 0;
        $ocid = 0;
    $blk = array();
    while ($content_row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) {
        $cat_id = intval($content_row['cid']);
        $blk[$cat_id]['cid'] = intval($content_row['cid']);
        $blk[$cat_id]['title'] = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($content_row['title']);
        $blk[$cat_id]['imgurl'] = $content_row['imgurl'];
        $blk[$cat_id]['active'] = intval($content_row['cid']) == $ocid && $glid == 0 ? 1 : 0;
        if ((!$cat_limit || $gcid == $cat_id) && intval($content_row['ccid']) > 0) {
            $blk[$cat_id]['contents'][] = array('cid' => intval($content_row['ccid']), 'title' => $myts->makeTboxData4Show($content_row['ctitle']), 'imgurl' => $content_row['cimgurl'], 'active' => intval($content_row['ccid']) == $ocid && $glid == 0 ? 1 : 0);
    $block = array();
    $block['categories'] = $blk;
    if (preg_match('/page=map/', htmlspecialchars(getenv('REQUEST_URI')))) {
        $block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . "/index.php?page=map&";
    } elseif (preg_match('/page=category/', htmlspecialchars(getenv('REQUEST_URI')))) {
        $block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . "/index.php?page=category&";
    } else {
        $block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . "/index.php?";
    if (empty($options['disable_renderer'])) {
        require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
        $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
        $tpl->assign('block', $block);
        $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template);
        return $ret;
    } else {
        return $block;
Beispiel #7
function b_d3dside_entry_show($options)
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'd3diary' : $options[0];
    $max_entry = empty($options[1]) ? 10 : (int) $options[1];
    $now_order = empty($options[2]) ? 'time' : trim($options[2]);
    $this_template = empty($options[3]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_side_entry.html' : trim($options[3]);
    $limit_self = empty($options[4]) ? 0 : (int) $options[4];
    $show_category = empty($options[5]) ? false : true;
    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $params['categories'] = empty($options[6]) ? array() : explode(',', addslashes($options[6]));
        $params['tags'] = empty($options[7]) ? array() : explode(',', addslashes($options[7]));
    } else {
        $params['categories'] = empty($options[6]) ? array() : explode(',', $options[6]);
        $params['tags'] = empty($options[7]) ? array() : explode(',', $options[7]);
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/class/d3diaryConf.class.php';
    $d3dConf = D3diaryConf::getInstance($mydirname, 0, "b_side_entry");
    $func =& $d3dConf->func;
    $mod_config =& $d3dConf->mod_config;
    $uid = $d3dConf->uid;
    $req_uid = $d3dConf->req_uid;
    // overrided by d3dConf
    if ($limit_self == 1) {
        // always show diarylist page
        $req_uid = 0;
    } elseif ($limit_self == 2 && $req_uid > 0) {
        // not show for personal page
    } elseif ($limit_self == 3 && $req_uid == 0) {
        // not show except for personal page
    $entry = $func->get_blist($req_uid, $uid, $max_entry, true, $params);
    $lang = array();
    $constpref = "_MB_" . strtoupper($mydirname);
    $lang['more'] = constant($constpref . '_MORE');
    $block = "";
    $block['yd_list'] = $entry;
    $block['yd_uid'] = $req_uid;
    $block['show_category'] = $show_category;
    $block['categories'] = implode(',', $params['categories']);
    $block['tags'] = implode(',', $params['tags']);
    $block['lang'] = $lang;
    $block['mydirname'] = $mydirname;
    $block['mod_config'] = $mod_config;
    if (empty($options['disable_renderer'])) {
        require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
        $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
        $tpl->assign('block', $block);
        $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template);
        return $ret;
    } else {
        return $block;
Beispiel #8
 * Bloc à la volée
function b_oledrion_promotion_show_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block = b_oledrion_promotion_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
 function render($target = null)
     require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
     $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
     $tpl->assign('xoops_module_header', pico_main_render_moduleheader($this->mydirname, $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig'], $this->getHtmlHeader()));
Beispiel #10
function b_myshop_promotion_show_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_myshop_promotion_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
 * Bloc à la volée
function b_oledrion_category_lists_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_oledrion_category_lists_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
Beispiel #12
 * Random block
function b_myshop_category_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_myshop_category($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
function b_marquee_custom($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_marquee_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
 * Bloc à la volée
function b_oledrion_mostviewed_lists_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block = b_oledrion_mostviewed_lists_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
function b_news_topics_onthefly($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_news_topics_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
 function getPingBodies()
     $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
     $tpl->assign(array('site_name' => d3pipes_common_convert_encoding_ietoutf8($this->mydirname, $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename']), 'site_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/', 'page_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->mydirname . '/index.php?page=eachpipe&pipe_id=' . $this->pipe_id, 'rss_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->mydirname . '/index.php?page=xml&style=rss20&pipe_id=' . $this->pipe_id));
     $ping_body = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $this->mydirname . '_main_xmlrpc2ping.html');
     $extended_ping_body = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $this->mydirname . '_main_xmlrpc2extendedping.html');
     return array($ping_body, $extended_ping_body);
 * Bloc à la volée
 * @param string $options
 * @return string
function b_oledrion_recentlysold_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block = b_oledrion_bestsales_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
Beispiel #18
 * Bloc à la volée
function b_oledrion_random_show_duplicatable($options)
    $options = explode('|', $options);
    $block =& b_oledrion_random_show($options);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
Beispiel #19
function nw_b_news_bigstory_onthefly($options)
	$options = explode('|',$options);
	$block = & nw_b_news_bigstory_show($options);

	$tpl = new XoopsTpl();
	$tpl->assign('block', $block);
Beispiel #20
function nw_b_news_topics_moderate_onthefly($options)
	$options = explode('|',$options);
	$block = & nw_b_news_topics_moderate($options);

	$tpl = new XoopsTpl();
	$tpl->assign('block', $block);
Beispiel #21
function mymenus_adminMenu($currentoption = 0, $breadcrumb = '')
    include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('class/template.php');
    include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('modules/mymenus/admin/menu.php');
    xoops_loadLanguage('admin', 'mymenus');
    xoops_loadLanguage('modinfo', 'mymenus');
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('modurl' => $GLOBALS['xoops']->url('modules/mymenus'), 'headermenu' => $mymenus_headermenu, 'adminmenu' => $mymenus_adminmenu, 'current' => $currentoption, 'breadcrumb' => $breadcrumb, 'headermenucount' => count($mymenus_headermenu)));
 function executeViewSuccess(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
     require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/template.php";
     $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
     $xoopsTpl->clear_cache('db:' . $this->mObject->get('tpl_file'));
     $xoopsTpl->clear_compiled_tpl('db:' . $this->mObject->get('tpl_file'));
     $tplset = $this->mObject->get('tpl_tplset');
     $module = $this->mObject->get('tpl_module');
Beispiel #23
function subscribers_adminMenu($currentoption = 0, $breadcrumb = '')
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/subscribers/admin/menu.php';
    xoops_loadLanguage('admin', 'subscribers');
    xoops_loadLanguage('modinfo', 'subscribers');
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('modurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/subscribers', 'headermenu' => $subscribers_headermenu, 'adminmenu' => $subscribers_adminmenu, 'current' => $currentoption, 'breadcrumb' => $breadcrumb, 'headermenucount' => count($subscribers_headermenu)));
    $tpl->display(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/subscribers/templates/static/subscribers_admin_menu.html');
Beispiel #24
function b_bulletin_bigstory_edit($options)
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) : $options[0];
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'options' => $options));
    return $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_blockedit_bigstory.html');
Beispiel #25
 function cacheClear(&$module)
     $handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('tplfile', 'legacyRender');
     $criteria = new Criteria('tpl_module', $module->get('dirname'));
     $tplfileArr = $handler->getObjects($criteria);
     $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
     foreach (array_keys($tplfileArr) as $key) {
         $xoopsTpl->clear_cache('db:' . $tplfileArr[$key]->get('tpl_file'));
         $xoopsTpl->clear_compiled_tpl('db:' . $tplfileArr[$key]->get('tpl_file'));
 function render()
     global $xoopsConfig;
     require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
     $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
     $xoopsTpl->assign('template_file_name', 'db:' . $this->_params['template_file_name']);
     $xoopsTpl->assign('template_vars', $this->_params['template_vars']);
Beispiel #27
function b_pico_mywaitings_edit($options)
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'pico' : $options[0];
    $this_template = empty($options[1]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_mywaitings.html' : trim($options[1]);
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'this_template' => $this_template));
    return $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_blockedit_mywaitings.html');
Beispiel #28
function b_d3dside_comment_show( $options ){

	$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3diary' : $options[0] ;
	$max_entry = empty( $options[1] ) ? 10 : intval( $options[1] ) ;
	$now_order = empty( $options[2] ) ? 'time' : trim( $options[2] ) ;
	$this_template = empty( $options[3] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_side_comment.html' : trim( $options[3] ) ;
	$limit_self = empty( $options[4] ) ? 0 : (int)$options[4] ;

	if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

	require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/d3diaryConf.class.php';
	$d3dConf = D3diaryConf::getInstance($mydirname, 0, "b_side_comment");
	$func =& $d3dConf->func ;
	$mod_config =& $d3dConf->mod_config ;
	$uid = $d3dConf->uid;
	$req_uid = $d3dConf->req_uid; // overrided by d3dConf
	if( $limit_self == 1 ) {				// always show diarylist page
		$req_uid = 0 ;
	} elseif( $limit_self == 2 && $req_uid > 0 ) {		// not show for personal page
		return ;
	} elseif( $limit_self == 3 && $req_uid == 0 ) {		// not show except for personal page
		return ;

		list( $yd_comment, $yd_com_key ) =  $func->get_commentlist ($req_uid,$uid,$max_entry,false);

		$lang = array();
		$constpref = "_MB_" . strtoupper( $mydirname ) ;
		$lang['more'] = constant($constpref.'_COMMENT_LIST');


		$block['yd_comment'] = $yd_comment;
		$block['yd_com_key'] = $yd_com_key;
		$block['yd_uid'] = $req_uid;
		$block['lang'] = $lang;
		$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname;
		$block['mod_config'] = $mod_config ;

		if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
			require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
			$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
			$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
			$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
			return $ret ;
		} else {
			return $block ;
Beispiel #29
function b_d3diary_bloggerlist_show( $options ){

	global $xoopsUser,$xoopsDB;
	$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3diary' : $options[0] ;
	$max_entry = empty( $options[1] ) ? 10 : intval( $options[1] ) ;
	$params['order'] = $now_order = empty( $options[2] ) ? 'time' : trim( $options[2] ) ;
	$this_template = empty( $options[3] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_bloggerlist.html' : trim( $options[3] ) ;

	if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

	$constpref = '_MB_' . strtoupper( $mydirname ) ;

	require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/d3diaryConf.class.php';
	$d3dConf = D3diaryConf::getInstance($mydirname, 0, "b_bloggerlist");
	$func =& $d3dConf->func ;
	$mod_config =& $d3dConf->mod_config ;

	$uid = $d3dConf->uid;
	$req_uid = $d3dConf->req_uid; // overrided by d3dConf
	$params['ofst_key'] = "bgbofst" ;
	$_offset_ = $func->getpost_param($params['ofst_key']);
	$offset = isset($_offset_) ?(int)$_offset_ : 0;

	list( $blogger, $blogger2, $bloggernavi ) = $func->get_bloggerlist ( $req_uid, $uid, $max_entry, $offset, $params );


	$block['blogger'] = $blogger;
	$block['blogger2'] = $blogger2;
	$block['bloggernavi'] = $bloggernavi;
	$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname;
	$block['mod_config'] = $mod_config;
	$block['lang']['other'] = constant($constpref.'_OTHER');
	$block['lang']['more'] = constant($constpref.'_MORE');
	$block['lang']['newdiary'] = constant($constpref.'_NEWDIARY');
	$block['lang']['newphoto'] = constant($constpref.'_NEWPHOTO');

	if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
		require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
		$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
		$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
		$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
		return $ret ;
	} else {
		return $block ;

Beispiel #30
function b_pico_subcategories_edit($options)
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'pico' : $options[0];
    $categories = trim(@$options[1]) === '' ? array() : array_map('intval', explode(',', $options[1]));
    $this_template = empty($options[2]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_subcategories.html' : trim($options[2]);
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'categories' => $categories, 'categories_imploded' => implode(',', $categories), 'order_options' => b_pico_list_allowed_order(), 'this_template' => $this_template));
    return $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_blockedit_subcategories.html');