Beispiel #1
  * @return void
 public function getDump()
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $maintenance = new Maintenance();
     parent::__construct('', "form_dump", "dump.php", 'post', true);
     $dump_tray = new Xoops\Form\ElementTray(_AM_MAINTENANCE_DUMP_TABLES_OR_MODULES, '');
     $select_tables1 = new Xoops\Form\Select('', "dump_tables", '', 7, true);
     $dump_tray->addElement($select_tables1, false);
     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select('     ' . _AM_MAINTENANCE_OR . '     ', 'dump_modules', '', 7, true);
     $module_list = XoopsLists::getModulesList();
     $module_handler = $xoops->getHandlerModule();
     foreach ($module_list as $file) {
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/' . $file . '/xoops_version.php')) {
             $file = trim($file);
             $module = $module_handler->create();
             if ($module->getInfo('tables') && $xoops->isActiveModule($file)) {
                 $ele->addOption($module->getInfo('dirname'), $module->getInfo('name'));
     $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\RadioYesNo(_AM_MAINTENANCE_DUMP_DROP, 'drop', 1));
     $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Hidden("op", "dump_save"));
     $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Button("", "dump_save", XoopsLocale::A_SUBMIT, "submit"));
  * execute the command
  * @param InputInterface  $input  input handler
  * @param OutputInterface $output output handler
  * @return void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $module = $input->getArgument('module');
     if (false === \XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path("modules/{$module}/xoops_version.php"))) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>No module named %s found!</error>', $module));
     $output->writeln(sprintf('Installing %s', $module));
     if (false !== $xoops->getModuleByDirname($module)) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s module is already installed!</error>', $module));
     $xoops->setTpl(new XoopsTpl());
     \XoopsLoad::load('module', 'system');
     $sysmod = new \SystemModule();
     $result = $sysmod->install($module);
     foreach ($sysmod->trace as $message) {
         if (is_array($message)) {
             foreach ($message as $subMessage) {
                 if (!is_array($subMessage)) {
         } else {
     if ($result === false) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Install of %s failed!</error>', $module));
     } else {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>Install of %s completed.</info>', $module));
Beispiel #3
  * Init the module
  * @return null|void
 public function init()
     if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($hnd_file = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/xlanguage/include/vars.php')) {
         include_once $hnd_file;
     if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($hnd_file = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/xlanguage/include/functions.php')) {
         include_once $hnd_file;
 * xoModuleIcons16 Smarty compiler plug-in
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 or later (
 * @author      Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS)
 * @since       2.5.2
function smarty_compiler_xoModuleIconsBookmarks($argStr, &$smarty)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('media/xoops/images/icons/bookmarks/index.html'))) {
        $url = $xoops->url('media/xoops/images/icons/bookmarks/' . $argStr);
    } else {
        if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $argStr))) {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $argStr);
        } else {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/xoops/xoops.png');
    return "\necho '" . addslashes($url) . "';";
Beispiel #5
 function XoopsGTicket()
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $language = $xoops->getConfig('language');
     // language file
     if ($language && !strstr($language, '/')) {
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists(dirname(__DIR__) . '/language/' . $language . '/gticket_messages.phtml')) {
             include dirname(__DIR__) . '/language/' . $language . '/gticket_messages.phtml';
     // default messages
     if (empty($this->messages)) {
         $this->messages = array('err_general' => 'GTicket Error', 'err_nostubs' => 'No stubs found', 'err_noticket' => 'No ticket found', 'err_nopair' => 'No valid ticket-stub pair found', 'err_timeout' => 'Time out', 'err_areaorref' => 'Invalid area or referer', 'fmt_prompt4repost' => 'error(s) found:<br /><span style="background-color:red;font-weight:bold;color:white;">%s</span><br />Confirm it.<br />And do you want to post again?', 'btn_repost' => 'repost');
 * xoModuleIcons16 Smarty compiler plug-in
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU public license
 * @author        Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS)
 * @since       2.5.2
 * @version        $Id$
function smarty_compiler_xoModuleIcons16($params, Smarty $smarty)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $arg = reset($params);
    $ico = trim($arg, " '\"\t\n\r\v");
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('media/xoops/images/icons/16/index.html'))) {
        $url = $xoops->url('media/xoops/images/icons/16/' . $ico);
    } else {
        if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $ico))) {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $ico);
        } else {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/xoops/xoops2.png');
    return "<?php echo '" . addslashes($url) . "'; ?>";
 * xoAdminNav Smarty compiler plug-in
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU public license
 * @author        Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS)
 * @since       2.5
 * @version        $Id$
function smarty_compiler_xoAdminNav($argStr, &$smarty)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $icons = $xoops->getModuleConfig('typebreadcrumb', 'system');
    if ($icons == '') {
        $icons = 'default';
    $url = '';
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/breadcrumb/' . $icons . '/index.html'))) {
        $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/breadcrumb/' . $icons . '/' . $argStr);
    } else {
        if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/breadcrumb/default/' . $argStr))) {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $argStr);
    return "\necho '" . addslashes($url) . "';";
 * xoAdminIcons Smarty compiler plug-in
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license GNU public license
 * @author        Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS)
 * @since       2.5
 * @version        $Id$
function smarty_compiler_xoAdminIcons($params, Smarty $smarty)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $arg = reset($params);
    $ico = trim($arg, " '\"\t\n\r\v");
    $icons = $xoops->getModuleConfig('typeicons', 'system');
    if ($icons == '') {
        $icons = 'default';
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/icons/' . $icons . '/index.html'))) {
        $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/' . $icons . '/' . $ico);
    } else {
        if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $ico))) {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/' . $ico);
        } else {
            $url = $xoops->url('modules/system/images/icons/default/xoops/xoops.png');
    return "<?php echo '" . addslashes($url) . "'; ?>";
Beispiel #9
  * build a module handler for legacy module
  * @param FactorySpec $spec specification for requested handler
  * @return XoopsObjectHandler|null
 public function build(FactorySpec $spec)
     $handler = null;
     $name = strtolower($spec->getName());
     $dirname = strtolower($spec->getDirname());
     $handlerFile = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/{$dirname}/class/{$name}.php";
     if (\XoopsLoad::fileExists($handlerFile)) {
         include_once $handlerFile;
     $class = ucfirst($dirname) . ucfirst($name) . 'Handler';
     if (class_exists($class, false)) {
         $handler = new $class($spec->getFactory()->db());
     if ($handler === null) {
         if (false === $spec->getOptional()) {
             throw new NoHandlerException(sprintf('Class not found %s', $class));
     return $handler;
Beispiel #10
 * Blocks functions
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 or later (
 * @author      Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu)
 * @package     system
 * @version     $Id$
function b_system_main_show()
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $block['lang_home'] = XoopsLocale::HOME;
    $block['lang_close'] = XoopsLocale::A_CLOSE;
    $module_handler = $xoops->getHandlerModule();
    $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('hasmain', 1));
    $criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1));
    $criteria->add(new Criteria('weight', 0, '>'));
    $modules = $module_handler->getObjectsArray($criteria, true);
    $moduleperm_handler = $xoops->getHandlerGroupperm();
    $groups = $xoops->getUserGroups();
    $read_allowed = $moduleperm_handler->getItemIds('module_read', $groups);
    /* @var $module XoopsModule */
    foreach ($modules as $i => $module) {
        if (in_array($i, $read_allowed)) {
            $block['modules'][$i]['name'] = $module->getVar('name');
            $block['modules'][$i]['dirname'] = $module->getVar('dirname');
            if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path('modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/icons/logo_small.png'))) {
                $block['modules'][$i]['image'] = $xoops->url('modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/icons/logo_small.png');
            if ($xoops->isModule() && $i == $xoops->module->getVar('mid')) {
                $block['modules'][$i]['highlight'] = true;
                $block['nothome'] = true;
            if ($xoops->module && $i == $xoops->module->getVar('mid')) {
                $block['modules'][$i]['highlight'] = true;
                $block['nothome'] = true;
            /* @var $plugin MenusPluginInterface */
            if ($xoops->isModule() && $module->getVar('dirname') == $xoops->module->getVar('dirname') && ($plugin = \Xoops\Module\Plugin::getPlugin($module->getVar('dirname'), 'menus'))) {
                $sublinks = $plugin->subMenus();
                foreach ($sublinks as $sublink) {
                    $block['modules'][$i]['sublinks'][] = array('name' => $sublink['name'], 'url' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $sublink['url']);
    return $block;
Beispiel #11
 $xoops->tpl()->assign('ignored_queries', $ignored_queries);
 $modules_result = array();
 foreach ($mids as $mid) {
     $mid = (int) $mid;
     /* @var $module XoopsModule */
     $module = $modules[$mid];
     /* @var $plugin SearchPluginInterface */
     $plugin = \Xoops\Module\Plugin::getPlugin($module->getVar('dirname'), 'search');
     $results = $plugin->search($queries, $andor, 5, 0, null);
     $count = count($results);
     $mid = $module->getVar('mid');
     $res = array();
     if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) {
         $nomatch = false;
         $modules_result[$mid]['name'] = $module->getVar('name');
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($image = $xoops->path('modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/icons/logo_large.png'))) {
             $modules_result[$mid]['image'] = $xoops->url($image);
         } else {
             $modules_result[$mid]['image'] = $xoops->url('images/icons/posticon2.gif');
         $res = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
             if (!preg_match("/^http[s]*:\\/\\//i", $results[$i]['link'])) {
                 $res[$i]['link'] = $xoops->url('modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $results[$i]['link']);
             } else {
                 $res[$i]['link'] = $results[$i]['link'];
             $res[$i]['title'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($results[$i]['title']);
             $res[$i]['title_highligh'] = preg_replace($queries_pattern, "<span class='searchHighlight'>\$1</span>", $myts->htmlSpecialChars($results[$i]['title']));
             if (!empty($results[$i]['uid'])) {
                 $res[$i]['uid'] = (int) $results[$i]['uid'];
Beispiel #12
 function deny_by_htaccess($ip = null)
     if (empty($ip)) {
         $ip = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     if (empty($ip)) {
         return false;
     if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
         return false;
     $target_htaccess = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/.htaccess';
     $backup_htaccess = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/uploads/.htaccess.bak';
     $ht_body = file_get_contents($target_htaccess);
     // make backup as uploads/.htaccess.bak automatically
     if ($ht_body && !XoopsLoad::fileExists($backup_htaccess)) {
         $fw = fopen($backup_htaccess, "w");
         fwrite($fw, $ht_body);
     // if .htaccess is broken, restore from backup
     if (!$ht_body && XoopsLoad::fileExists($backup_htaccess)) {
         $ht_body = file_get_contents($backup_htaccess);
     // new .htaccess
     if ($ht_body === false) {
         $ht_body = '';
     if (preg_match("/^(.*)#PROTECTOR#\\s+(DENY FROM .*)\n#PROTECTOR#\n(.*)\$/si", $ht_body, $regs)) {
         if (substr($regs[2], -strlen($ip)) == $ip) {
             return true;
         $new_ht_body = $regs[1] . "#PROTECTOR#\n" . $regs[2] . " {$ip}\n#PROTECTOR#\n" . $regs[3];
     } else {
         $new_ht_body = "#PROTECTOR#\nDENY FROM {$ip}\n#PROTECTOR#\n" . $ht_body;
     // error_log( "$new_ht_body\n" , 3 , "/tmp/error_log" ) ;
     $fw = fopen($target_htaccess, "w");
     @flock($fw, LOCK_EX);
     fwrite($fw, $new_ht_body);
     @flock($fw, LOCK_UN);
     return true;
Beispiel #13
  * Return a themable file resource path
  * @param string $path file path
  * @return string
 public function resourcePath($path)
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) === '/') {
         $path = substr($path, 1);
     $xoops_root_path = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path');
     //\Xoops::getInstance()->events()->triggerEvent('debug.log', $this);
     if (\XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_root_path . "/{$this->themesPath}/{$this->folderName}/{$path}")) {
         //\Xoops::getInstance()->events()->triggerEvent('debug.log', "custom theme path {$this->themesPath}/{$this->folderName}/{$path}");
         return "{$this->themesPath}/{$this->folderName}/{$path}";
     if (\XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_root_path . "/themes/{$this->folderName}/{$path}")) {
         //\Xoops::getInstance()->events()->triggerEvent('debug.log', "main theme folder themes/{$this->folderName}/{$path}");
         return "themes/{$this->folderName}/{$path}";
     //\Xoops::getInstance()->events()->triggerEvent('debug.log', "drop thru {$path}");
     return $path;
Beispiel #14
 function header()
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $xoops->theme()->addStylesheet(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('adminthemes-url') . '/default/css/style.css');
     // bootstrap has to come before jquery.ui or dialog close buttons are blank
     // ddsmoothmenu
     $xoops->theme()->addScript(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('adminthemes-url') . '/default/js/ddsmoothmenu.js');
     $xoops->theme()->addScript(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('adminthemes-url') . '/default/js/tooltip.js');
     $quick = array();
     $quick[] = array('title' => SystemLocale::CONTROL_PANEL, 'link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/admin.php');
     $quick[] = array('title' => XoopsLocale::HOME_PAGE, 'link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url'));
     $quick[] = array('title' => DefaultThemeLocale::XOOPS_NEWS, 'link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/admin.php?xoopsorgnews=1');
     $quick[] = array('title' => 'separator');
     $quick[] = array('title' => XoopsLocale::A_LOGOUT, 'link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/user.php?op=logout');
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('quick_menu', $quick);
     XoopsLoad::load('module', 'system');
     XoopsLoad::load('extension', 'system');
     $system_module = new SystemModule();
     $system_extension = new SystemExtension();
     $adminmenu = null;
     include __DIR__ . '/menu.php';
     if (!$xoops->isModule() || 'system' == $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'n')) {
         $modpath = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/admin.php';
         $modname = DefaultThemeLocale::SYSTEM_OPTIONS;
         $modid = 1;
         $moddir = 'system';
         $mod_options = $adminmenu;
         foreach (array_keys($mod_options) as $item) {
             $mod_options[$item]['link'] = empty($mod_options[$item]['absolute']) ? \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/' . $moddir . '/' . $mod_options[$item]['link'] : $mod_options[$item]['link'];
             $mod_options[$item]['icon'] = empty($mod_options[$item]['icon']) ? '' : \XoopsBaseConfig::get('adminthemes-url') . '/default/' . $mod_options[$item]['icon'];
     } else {
         $moddir = $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'n');
         $modpath = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/' . $moddir;
         $modname = $xoops->module->getVar('name');
         $modid = $xoops->module->getVar('mid');
         $mod_options = $xoops->module->getAdminMenu();
         foreach (array_keys($mod_options) as $item) {
             $mod_options[$item]['link'] = empty($mod_options[$item]['absolute']) ? \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/{$moddir}/" . $mod_options[$item]['link'] : $mod_options[$item]['link'];
             if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path("/media/xoops/images/icons/32/" . $mod_options[$item]['icon']))) {
                 $mod_options[$item]['icon'] = $xoops->url("/media/xoops/images/icons/32/" . $mod_options[$item]['icon']);
             } else {
                 $mod_options[$item]['icon'] = $xoops->url("/modules/" . $xoops->module->dirname() . "/icons/32/" . $mod_options[$item]['icon']);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('mod_options', $mod_options);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('modpath', $modpath);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('modname', $modname);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('modid', $modid);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('moddir', $moddir);
     // Modules list
     $module_list = $system_module->getModuleList();
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('module_menu', $module_list);
     // Extensions list
     $extension_list = $system_extension->getExtensionList();
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('extension_menu', $extension_list);
     $extension_mod = $system_extension->getExtension($moddir);
     $xoops->tpl()->assign('extension_mod', $extension_mod);
     // add preferences menu
     $menu = array();
     $OPT = array();
     $menu[] = array('link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences', 'title' => XoopsLocale::PREFERENCES, 'absolute' => 1, 'url' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/system/', 'options' => $OPT);
     $menu[] = array('title' => 'separator');
     // Module adminmenu
     if ($xoops->isModule() && $xoops->module->getVar('dirname') != 'system') {
         if ($xoops->module->getInfo('system_menu')) {
             // Get menu tab handler
             /* @var $menu_handler SystemMenuHandler */
             $menu_handler = $xoops->getModuleHandler('menu', 'system');
             // Define top navigation
             $menu_handler->addMenuTop(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences&amp;op=showmod&amp;mod=" . $xoops->module->getVar('mid', 'e'), XoopsLocale::PREFERENCES);
             if ($xoops->module->getInfo('extension')) {
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTop(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/system/admin.php?fct=extensions&amp;op=update&amp;module=" . $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'e'), XoopsLocale::A_UPDATE);
             } else {
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTop(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&amp;op=update&amp;module=" . $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'e'), XoopsLocale::A_UPDATE);
             if ($xoops->module->getInfo('blocks')) {
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTop(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&amp;op=list&amp;filter=1&amp;selgen=" . $xoops->module->getVar('mid', 'e') . "&amp;selmod=-2&amp;selgrp=-1&amp;selvis=-1", XoopsLocale::BLOCKS);
             if ($xoops->module->getInfo('hasMain')) {
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTop(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/modules/" . $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'e') . "/", SystemLocale::GO_TO_MODULE);
             // Define main tab navigation
             $i = 0;
             $current = $i;
             foreach ($xoops->module->adminmenu as $menu) {
                 if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $menu['link']) !== false) {
                     $current = $i;
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTabs($xoops->url('modules/' . $xoops->module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $menu['link']), $menu['title']);
             if ($xoops->module->getInfo('help')) {
                 if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'admin/' . $xoops->module->getInfo('help')) !== false) {
                     $current = $i;
                 $menu_handler->addMenuTabs('../../system/help.php?mid=' . $xoops->module->getVar('mid', 's') . '&amp;' . $xoops->module->getInfo('help'), XoopsLocale::HELP);
             // Display navigation tabs
             $xoops->tpl()->assign('xo_system_menu', $menu_handler->render($current, false));
Beispiel #15
function publisher_createLogo($dirname)
    if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $required_functions = array("imagecreatetruecolor", "imagecolorallocate", "imagefilledrectangle", "imagejpeg", "imagedestroy", "imageftbbox");
        foreach ($required_functions as $func) {
            if (!function_exists($func)) {
                return false;
    if (!XoopsLoad::fileExists($imageBase = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/" . $dirname . "/images/module_logo.png") || !XoopsLoad::fileExists($font = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/" . $dirname . "/images/VeraBd.ttf")) {
        return false;
    $imageModule = imagecreatefrompng($imageBase);
    //Erase old text
    $grey_color = imagecolorallocate($imageModule, 237, 237, 237);
    imagefilledrectangle($imageModule, 5, 35, 85, 46, $grey_color);
    // Write text
    $text_color = imagecolorallocate($imageModule, 0, 0, 0);
    $space_to_border = (80 - strlen($dirname) * 6.5) / 2;
    imagefttext($imageModule, 8.5, 0, $space_to_border, 45, $text_color, $font, ucfirst($dirname), array());
    // Set transparency color
    $white = imagecolorallocatealpha($imageModule, 255, 255, 255, 127);
    imagefill($imageModule, 0, 0, $white);
    imagecolortransparent($imageModule, $white);
    imagepng($imageModule, \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/" . $dirname . "/images/module_logo.png");
    return true;
Beispiel #16
 $groups = $xoopsUser->getGroups();
 $all_ok = false;
 if (!in_array(FixedGroups::ADMIN, $groups)) {
     $sysperm_handler = $xoops->getHandlerGroupperm();
     $ok_syscats = $sysperm_handler->getItemIds('system_admin', $groups);
 } else {
     $all_ok = true;
 $admin_dir = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/system/admin';
 $dirlist = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray($admin_dir);
 $inactive_section = array('blocksadmin', 'groups', 'modulesadmin', 'preferences', 'tplsets', 'extensions', 'users', 'services');
 foreach ($dirlist as $directory) {
     if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($file = $admin_dir . '/' . $directory . '/xoops_version.php')) {
         require $file;
         if ($modversion['hasAdmin']) {
             if ($xoops->getModuleConfig('active_' . $directory)) {
                 $category = isset($modversion['category']) ? (int) $modversion['category'] : 0;
                 if (false != $all_ok || in_array($modversion['category'], $ok_syscats)) {
                     $menu['file'] = $directory;
                     $menu['title'] = trim($modversion['name']);
                     $menu['desc'] = str_replace('<br />', ' ', $modversion['description']);
                     $menu['icon'] = $modversion['image'];
                     $menu['status'] = true;
             } else {
                 $category = isset($modversion['category']) ? (int) $modversion['category'] : 0;
                 if (false != $all_ok || in_array($modversion['category'], $ok_syscats)) {
Beispiel #17
  * Build Block
  * @return array|bool
 public function buildBlock()
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $block = array();
     if (!$this->isCustom()) {
         // get block display function
         $show_func = (string) $this->getVar('show_func');
         if (!$show_func) {
             return false;
         if (!\XoopsLoad::fileExists($func_file = $xoops->path('modules/' . $this->getVar('dirname') . '/blocks/' . $this->getVar('func_file')))) {
             return false;
         // must get lang files b4 including the file
         // some modules require it for code that is outside the function
         $xoops->loadLanguage('blocks', $this->getVar('dirname'));
         include_once $func_file;
         if (function_exists($show_func)) {
             // execute the function
             $options = explode('|', $this->getVar('options'));
             $block = $show_func($options);
             if (!$block) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         // it is a custom block, so just return the contents
         $block['content'] = $this->getContent('s', $this->getVar('c_type'));
         if (empty($block['content'])) {
             return false;
     return $block;
Beispiel #18
 * @copyright       2010-2014 XOOPS Project (
 * @license         GNU GPL 2 or later (
 * @package         xlanguage
 * @since           2.6.0
 * @author          Laurent JEN (Aka DuGris)
 * @version         $Id$
$xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
$helper = \Xoops\Module\Helper::getHelper('xlanguage');
$xlanguage = array();
if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($hnd_file = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/xlanguage/include/vars.php')) {
    include_once $hnd_file;
if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($hnd_file = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/xlanguage/include/functions.php')) {
    include_once $hnd_file;
$cookie_var = $xoops->registry()->get('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG');
$xlanguage['action'] = false;
if (!empty($_GET[$xoops->registry()->get('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG')])) {
    $cookie_path = '/';
    setcookie($cookie_var, $_GET[$xoops->registry()->get('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG')], time() + 3600 * 24 * 30, $cookie_path, '', 0);
    $xlanguage['lang'] = $_GET[$xoops->registry()->get('XLANGUAGE_LANG_TAG')];
} elseif (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookie_var])) {
    $xlanguage['lang'] = $_COOKIE[$cookie_var];
} elseif ($lang = xlanguage_detectLang()) {
    $xlanguage['lang'] = $lang;
} else {
    $xlanguage['lang'] = $helper->getConfig('language');
Beispiel #19
 * @param string $name
 * @return void
function system_loadTemplate($name)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $path = $xoops->path('modules/' . $xoops->module->getVar('dirname', 'n') . '/templates/admin/' . $name . '.tpl');
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($path)) {
        echo $xoops->tpl()->fetch($path);
    } else {
        echo "Unable to read " . $name;
Beispiel #20
  * Render System BreadCrumb
 function render()
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     if ($xoops->tpl()) {
         $xoops->tpl()->assign('xo_sys_breadcrumb', $this->_bread);
         $xoops->tpl()->assign('xo_sys_help', $this->_help);
         if ($this->_tips) {
             if ($xoops->getModuleConfig('usetips', 'system')) {
                 $xoops->tpl()->assign('xo_sys_tips', $this->_tips);
         // Call template
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/system/language/' . $xoops->getConfig('language') . '/help/' . $this->_directory . '.html')) {
             $xoops->tpl()->assign('help_content', \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/system/language/' . $xoops->getConfig('language') . '/help/' . $this->_directory . '.html');
         } else {
             if (XoopsLoad::fileExists(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/system/language/english/help/' . $this->_directory . '.html')) {
                 $xoops->tpl()->assign('help_content', \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/system/language/english/help/' . $this->_directory . '.html');
             } else {
                 $xoops->tpl()->assign('load_error', 1);
     } else {
         $out = $menu = '<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import ' . \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/modules/system/css/menu.css;</style>';
         $out .= '<ul id="xo-breadcrumb">';
         foreach ($this->_bread as $menu) {
             if ($menu['home']) {
                 $out .= '<li><a href="' . $menu['link'] . '" title="' . $menu['title'] . '"><img src="images/home.png" alt="' . $menu['title'] . '" class="home" /></a></li>';
             } else {
                 if ($menu['link'] != '') {
                     $out .= '<li><a href="' . $menu['link'] . '" title="' . $menu['title'] . '">' . $menu['title'] . '</a></li>';
                 } else {
                     $out .= '<li>' . $menu['title'] . '</li>';
         $out .= '</ul>';
         if ($this->_tips) {
             $out .= '<div class="tips">' . $this->_tips . '</div>';
         echo $out;
Beispiel #21
  * @param null $name
  * @return null
 public function getByName($name = null)
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $name = empty($name) ? $xoops->getConfig('locale') : strtolower($name);
     $file_config = $xoops->registry()->get('XLANGUAGE_CONFIG_FILE');
     if (!XoopsLoad::fileExists($file_config) || !isset($this->cached_config)) {
     if (isset($this->cached_config[$name])) {
         return $this->cached_config[$name];
     return null;
Beispiel #22
             $itemObj->setVar('body', "[pagewrap=" . $arrArticle['htmlpage'] . "]");
             echo sprintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . _AM_PUBLISHER_IMPORT_ARTICLE_WRAP, $arrArticle['htmlpage']) . "<br/>";
 if (!$itemObj->store()) {
     echo sprintf("  " . _AM_PUBLISHER_IMPORT_ARTICLE_ERROR, $arrArticle['title']) . "<br/>";
 } else {
     // Linkes files
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("xfs_files") . " WHERE articleid=" . $arrArticle['articleid'];
     $resultFiles = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
     $allowed_mimetypes = '';
     while ($arrFile = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($resultFiles)) {
         $filename = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/xfsection/cache/uploaded/" . $arrFile['filerealname'];
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($filename)) {
             if (copy($filename, PUBLISHER_UPLOADS_PATH . "/" . $arrFile['filerealname'])) {
                 $fileObj = $publisher->getFileHandler()->create();
                 $fileObj->setVar('name', $arrFile['fileshowname']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('description', $arrFile['filedescript']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('status', _PUBLISHER_STATUS_FILE_ACTIVE);
                 $fileObj->setVar('uid', $arrArticle['uid']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('itemid', $itemObj->getVar('itemid'));
                 $fileObj->setVar('mimetype', $arrFile['minetype']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('datesub', $arrFile['date']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('counter', $arrFile['counter']);
                 $fileObj->setVar('filename', $arrFile['filerealname']);
                 if ($fileObj->store($allowed_mimetypes, true, false)) {
                     echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . sprintf(_AM_PUBLISHER_IMPORTED_ARTICLE_FILE, $arrFile['filerealname']) . "<br />";
Beispiel #23
  * getInstalledExtensions
  * @return array
 public function getInstalledExtensions()
     // Get main instance
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $module_handler = $xoops->getHandlerModule();
     $ret = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->modulesList as $file) {
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . '/modules/' . $file . '/xoops_version.php')) {
             $file = trim($file);
             if (!in_array($file, $this->modulesDirnames)) {
                 /* @var $module XoopsModule */
                 $module = $module_handler->create();
                 if ($module->getInfo('extension')) {
                     $module->setInfo('mid', $i);
                     $module->setInfo('version', round($module->getInfo('version'), 2));
                     $ret[] = $module;
     return $ret;
Beispiel #24
  * Loads a query from a file
  * @param string $sql_file_path name of file to read
  * @param bool   $force         weither to force the query or not
  * @return bool
 public function queryFromFile($sql_file_path, $force = false)
     if (!XoopsLoad::fileExists($sql_file_path)) {
         return false;
     $queryFunc = (bool) $force ? "queryF" : "query";
     $sql_query = trim(fread(fopen($sql_file_path, 'r'), filesize($sql_file_path)));
     SqlUtility::splitMySqlFile($pieces, $sql_query);
     foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
         $piece = trim($piece);
         // [0] contains the prefixed query
         // [4] contains unprefixed table name
         $prefixed_query = SqlUtility::prefixQuery($piece, $this->db->prefix());
         if ($prefixed_query != false) {
             $table = $this->db->prefix($prefixed_query[4]);
             if ($prefixed_query[1] == 'CREATE TABLE') {
                 if ($this->db->{$queryFunc}($prefixed_query[0]) != false) {
                     if (!isset($this->s_tables['create'][$table])) {
                         $this->s_tables['create'][$table] = 1;
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($this->f_tables['create'][$table])) {
                         $this->f_tables['create'][$table] = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($prefixed_query[1] == 'INSERT INTO') {
                     if ($this->db->{$queryFunc}($prefixed_query[0]) != false) {
                         if (!isset($this->s_tables['insert'][$table])) {
                             $this->s_tables['insert'][$table] = 1;
                         } else {
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($this->f_tables['insert'][$table])) {
                             $this->f_tables['insert'][$table] = 1;
                         } else {
                 } else {
                     if ($prefixed_query[1] == 'ALTER TABLE') {
                         if ($this->db->{$queryFunc}($prefixed_query[0]) != false) {
                             if (!isset($this->s_tables['alter'][$table])) {
                                 $this->s_tables['alter'][$table] = 1;
                         } else {
                             if (!isset($this->s_tables['alter'][$table])) {
                                 $this->f_tables['alter'][$table] = 1;
                     } else {
                         if ($prefixed_query[1] == 'DROP TABLE') {
                             if ($this->db->{$queryFunc}('DROP TABLE ' . $table) != false) {
                                 if (!isset($this->s_tables['drop'][$table])) {
                                     $this->s_tables['drop'][$table] = 1;
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($this->s_tables['drop'][$table])) {
                                     $this->f_tables['drop'][$table] = 1;
     return true;
Beispiel #25
     // create block template
     $btemplates = $tpltpl_handler->find($tplsetname, 'block', null, $moddir);
     for ($k = 0; $k < count($btemplates); ++$k) {
         $filename = $btemplates[$k]->getVar('tpl_file');
         if ($tplsetname == $tplset) {
             $physical_file = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('themes-path') . '/' . $_REQUEST['select_theme'] . '/modules/' . $moddir . '/blocks/' . $filename;
             $btplfile = $tpltpl_handler->get($btemplates[$k]->getVar('tpl_id'), true);
             if (is_object($btplfile)) {
                 if (!XoopsLoad::fileExists($physical_file) || $_REQUEST['force_generated'] == 1) {
                     if ($select_templates_modules[$l] == $filename) {
                         $open = fopen("" . $physical_file . "", "w+");
                         if (fwrite($open, "" . utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($btplfile->getVar('tpl_source', 'E'))) . "")) {
                             $text .= '<tr class="' . $class . '"><td align="center">' . XoopsLocale::BLOCKS . '</td><td>' . $physical_file . '</td><td align="center">';
                             if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($physical_file)) {
                                 $text .= '<img width="16" src="' . system_AdminIcons('success.png') . '" /></td></tr>';
                             } else {
                                 $text .= '<img width="16" src="' . system_AdminIcons('cancel.png') . '" /></td></tr>';
                             $verif_write = true;
                     $class = $class == "even" ? "odd" : "even";
 $text .= '</table>';
Beispiel #26
  * @param string $version
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 public function adminVersion($version, $value = '')
     static $tblVersion = array();
     if (is_array($tblVersion) && array_key_exists($version . '.' . $value, $tblVersion)) {
         return $tblVersion[$version . '.' . $value];
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $path = $xoops->path('modules/system/admin/' . $version . '/xoops_version.php');
     if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($path)) {
         $modversion = array();
         include $path;
         $retvalue = $modversion[$value];
         $tblVersion[$version . '.' . $value] = $retvalue;
         return $retvalue;
     return '';
Beispiel #27
function menus_block_edit($options)
    //Unique ID
    if (!$options[4] || isset($_GET['op']) && $_GET['op'] == 'clone') {
        $options[4] = uniqid();
    $helper = Xoops::getModuleHelper('menus');
    $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
    $menus = $helper->getHandlerMenus()->getList($criteria);
    if (count($menus) == 0) {
        $form = "<a href='" . $helper->url('admin/admin_menus.php') . "'>" . _AM_MENUS_MSG_NOMENUS . "</a>";
        return $form;
    $form = new Xoops\Form\BlockForm();
    $element = new Xoops\Form\Select(_MB_MENUS_SELECT_MENU, 'options[0]', $options[0], 1);
    $temp_skins = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path') . "/modules/menus/skins/", "");
    $skins_options = array();
    foreach ($temp_skins as $skin) {
        if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($helper->path('skins/' . $skin . '/skin_version.php'))) {
            $skins_options[$skin] = $skin;
    $element = new Xoops\Form\Select(_MB_MENUS_SELECT_SKIN, 'options[1]', $options[1], 1);
    //Use skin from,theme
    $element = new Xoops\Form\RadioYesNo(_MB_MENUS_USE_THEME_SKIN, 'options[2]', $options[2]);
    //Display method
    $display_options = array('block' => _MB_MENUS_DISPLAY_METHOD_BLOCK, 'template' => _MB_MENUS_DISPLAY_METHOD_TEMPLATE);
    $element = new Xoops\Form\Select(_MB_MENUS_DISPLAY_METHOD, 'options[3]', $options[3], 1);
    $element->setDescription(sprintf(_MB_MENUS_DISPLAY_METHOD_DSC, $options[4]));
    //Unique ID
    $element = new Xoops\Form\Text(_MB_MENUS_UNIQUEID, 'options[4]', 2, 20, $options[4]);
    return $form->render();
Beispiel #28
  * Function to get css file for a certain themeset
  * @param string $theme theme name
  * @return string
 public function getCss($theme = '')
     if ($theme == '') {
         $theme = $this->getConfig('theme_set');
     $userAgent = $this->getEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
     if (stristr($userAgent, 'mac')) {
         $str_css = 'styleMAC.css';
     } elseif (preg_match("/MSIE ([0-9]\\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $userAgent)) {
         $str_css = 'style.css';
     } else {
         $str_css = 'styleNN.css';
     $xoops_theme_path = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('themes-path');
     $xoops_theme_url = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('themes-url');
     if (is_dir($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme)) {
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme . '/' . $str_css)) {
             return $xoops_theme_url . '/' . $theme . '/' . $str_css;
         } elseif (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme . '/style.css')) {
             return $xoops_theme_url . '/' . $theme . '/style.css';
     if (is_dir($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme . '/css')) {
         if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme . '/css/' . $str_css)) {
             return $xoops_theme_url . '/' . $theme . '/css/' . $str_css;
         } elseif (XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops_theme_path . '/' . $theme . '/css/style.css')) {
             return $xoops_theme_url . '/' . $theme . '/css/style.css';
     return '';
Beispiel #29
  * Render navigation to admin page
  * @param string $menu current menu
  * @return array
 public function renderNavigation($menu = '')
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $ret = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->module->adminmenu) as $i) {
         if ($this->module->adminmenu[$i]['link'] == "admin/" . $menu) {
             if (\XoopsLoad::fileExists($xoops->path("/media/xoops/images/icons/32/" . $this->module->adminmenu[$i]['icon']))) {
                 $this->module->adminmenu[$i]['icon'] = $xoops->url("/media/xoops/images/icons/32/" . $this->module->adminmenu[$i]['icon']);
             } else {
                 $this->module->adminmenu[$i]['icon'] = $xoops->url("/modules/" . $xoops->module->dirname() . "/icons/32/" . $this->module->adminmenu[$i]['icon']);
             $xoops->tpl()->assign('xo_sys_navigation', $this->module->adminmenu[$i]);
             $ret[] = $xoops->tpl()->fetch($this->getTplPath('nav'));
     return $ret;
Beispiel #30
    $groups = $xoops->user->getGroups();
$all_ok = false;
if (!in_array(FixedGroups::ADMIN, $groups)) {
    $sysperm_handler = $xoops->getHandlerGroupPermission();
    $ok_syscats = $sysperm_handler->getItemIds('system_admin', $groups);
} else {
    $all_ok = true;
// include system category definitions
include_once $xoops->path('/modules/system/constants.php');
$admin_dir = $xoops->path('/modules/system/admin');
$dirlist = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray($admin_dir);
$index = 0;
foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
    if (XoopsLoad::fileExists($fileinc = $admin_dir . '/' . $file . '/xoops_version.php')) {
        include $fileinc;
        if ($modversion['hasAdmin']) {
            if ($xoops->getModuleConfig('active_' . $file, 'system')) {
                $category = isset($modversion['category']) ? (int) $modversion['category'] : 0;
                if (false != $all_ok || in_array($modversion['category'], $ok_syscats)) {
                    $adminmenu[$index]['title'] = trim($modversion['name']);
                    $adminmenu[$index]['link'] = 'admin.php?fct=' . $file;
                    $adminmenu[$index]['image'] = $modversion['image'];