Beispiel #1
  * This file allows the user to search the wiki documentation
  * for a little help.
 public function action_search_doc()
     global $context;
     $context['doc_apiurl'] = '';
     $context['doc_scripturl'] = '';
     // Set all the parameters search might expect.
     $postVars = explode(' ', $context['search_term']);
     // Encode the search data.
     foreach ($postVars as $k => $v) {
         $postVars[$k] = urlencode($v);
     // This is what we will send.
     $postVars = implode('+', $postVars);
     // Get the results from the doc site.
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Package.subs.php';
     // Demo URL:
     $search_results = fetch_web_data($context['doc_apiurl'] . '?action=query&list=search&srprop=timestamp|snippet&format=xml&srwhat=text&srsearch=' . $postVars);
     // If we didn't get any xml back we are in trouble - perhaps the doc site is overloaded?
     if (!$search_results || preg_match('~<' . '\\?xml\\sversion="\\d+\\.\\d+"\\?>\\s*(<api>.+?</api>)~is', $search_results, $matches) != true) {
     $search_results = $matches[1];
     // Otherwise we simply walk through the XML and stick it in context for display.
     $context['search_results'] = array();
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/XmlArray.class.php';
     // Get the results loaded into an array for processing!
     $results = new Xml_Array($search_results, false);
     // Move through the api layer.
     if (!$results->exists('api')) {
     // Are there actually some results?
     if ($results->exists('api/query/search/p')) {
         $relevance = 0;
         foreach ($results->set('api/query/search/p') as $result) {
             $context['search_results'][$result->fetch('@title')] = array('title' => $result->fetch('@title'), 'relevance' => $relevance++, 'snippet' => str_replace('class=\'searchmatch\'', 'class="highlight"', un_htmlspecialchars($result->fetch('@snippet'))));
Beispiel #2
 * Parses a xml-style modification file (file).
 * @package Packages
 * @param string $file
 * @param bool $testing = true tells it the modifications shouldn't actually be saved.
 * @param bool $undo = false specifies that the modifications the file requests should be undone; this doesn't work with everything (regular expressions.)
 * @param mixed[] $theme_paths = array()
 * @return array an array of those changes made.
function parseModification($file, $testing = true, $undo = false, $theme_paths = array())
    global $txt, $modSettings;
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/XmlArray.class.php';
    $xml = new Xml_Array(strtr($file, array("\r" => '')));
    $actions = array();
    $everything_found = true;
    if (!$xml->exists('modification') || !$xml->exists('modification/file')) {
        $actions[] = array('type' => 'error', 'filename' => '-', 'debug' => $txt['package_modification_malformed']);
        return $actions;
    // Get the XML data.
    $files = $xml->set('modification/file');
    // Use this for holding all the template changes in this mod.
    $template_changes = array();
    // This is needed to hold the long paths, as they can vary...
    $long_changes = array();
    // First, we need to build the list of all the files likely to get changed.
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        // What is the filename we're currently on?
        $filename = parse_path(trim($file->fetch('@name')));
        // Now, we need to work out whether this is even a template file...
        foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $theme) {
            // If this filename is relative, if so take a guess at what it should be.
            $real_filename = $filename;
            if (strpos($filename, 'themes') === 0) {
                $real_filename = BOARDDIR . '/' . $filename;
            if (strpos($real_filename, $theme['theme_dir']) === 0) {
                $template_changes[$id][] = substr($real_filename, strlen($theme['theme_dir']) + 1);
                $long_changes[$id][] = $filename;
    // Custom themes to add.
    $custom_themes_add = array();
    // If we have some template changes, we need to build a master link of what new ones are required for the custom themes.
    if (!empty($template_changes[1])) {
        foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $theme) {
            // Default is getting done anyway, so no need for involvement here.
            if ($id == 1) {
            // For every template, do we want it? Yea, no, maybe?
            foreach ($template_changes[1] as $index => $template_file) {
                // What, it exists and we haven't already got it?! Lordy, get it in!
                if (file_exists($theme['theme_dir'] . '/' . $template_file) && (!isset($template_changes[$id]) || !in_array($template_file, $template_changes[$id]))) {
                    // Now let's add it to the "todo" list.
                    $custom_themes_add[$long_changes[1][$index]][$id] = $theme['theme_dir'] . '/' . $template_file;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        // This is the actual file referred to in the XML document...
        $files_to_change = array(1 => parse_path(trim($file->fetch('@name'))));
        // Sometimes though, we have some additional files for other themes, if we have add them to the mix.
        if (isset($custom_themes_add[$files_to_change[1]])) {
            $files_to_change += $custom_themes_add[$files_to_change[1]];
        // Now, loop through all the files we're changing, and, well, change them ;)
        foreach ($files_to_change as $theme => $working_file) {
            if ($working_file[0] != '/' && $working_file[1] != ':') {
                trigger_error('parseModification(): The filename \'' . $working_file . '\' is not a full path!', E_USER_WARNING);
                $working_file = BOARDDIR . '/' . $working_file;
            // Doesn't exist - give an error or what?
            if (!file_exists($working_file) && (!$file->exists('@error') || !in_array(trim($file->fetch('@error')), array('ignore', 'skip')))) {
                $actions[] = array('type' => 'missing', 'filename' => $working_file, 'debug' => $txt['package_modification_missing']);
                $everything_found = false;
            } elseif (!file_exists($working_file) && $file->exists('@error') && trim($file->fetch('@error')) == 'skip') {
                $actions[] = array('type' => 'skipping', 'filename' => $working_file);
            } elseif (!file_exists($working_file)) {
                $working_data = '';
            } else {
                $working_data = str_replace("\r", '', package_get_contents($working_file));
            $actions[] = array('type' => 'opened', 'filename' => $working_file);
            $operations = $file->exists('operation') ? $file->set('operation') : array();
            foreach ($operations as $operation) {
                // Convert operation to an array.
                $actual_operation = array('searches' => array(), 'error' => $operation->exists('@error') && in_array(trim($operation->fetch('@error')), array('ignore', 'fatal', 'required')) ? trim($operation->fetch('@error')) : 'fatal');
                // The 'add' parameter is used for all searches in this operation.
                $add = $operation->exists('add') ? $operation->fetch('add') : '';
                // Grab all search items of this operation (in most cases just 1).
                $searches = $operation->set('search');
                foreach ($searches as $i => $search) {
                    $actual_operation['searches'][] = array('position' => $search->exists('@position') && in_array(trim($search->fetch('@position')), array('before', 'after', 'replace', 'end')) ? trim($search->fetch('@position')) : 'replace', 'is_reg_exp' => $search->exists('@regexp') && trim($search->fetch('@regexp')) === 'true', 'loose_whitespace' => $search->exists('@whitespace') && trim($search->fetch('@whitespace')) === 'loose', 'search' => $search->fetch('.'), 'add' => $add, 'preg_search' => '', 'preg_replace' => '');
                // At least one search should be defined.
                if (empty($actual_operation['searches'])) {
                    $actions[] = array('type' => 'failure', 'filename' => $working_file, 'search' => $search['search'], 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0);
                    // Skip to the next operation.
                // Reverse the operations in case of undoing stuff.
                if ($undo) {
                    foreach ($actual_operation['searches'] as $i => $search) {
                        // Reverse modification of regular expressions are not allowed.
                        if ($search['is_reg_exp']) {
                            if ($actual_operation['error'] === 'fatal') {
                                $actions[] = array('type' => 'failure', 'filename' => $working_file, 'search' => $search['search'], 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0);
                            // Continue to the next operation.
                            continue 2;
                        // The replacement is now the search subject...
                        if ($search['position'] === 'replace' || $search['position'] === 'end') {
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'] = $search['add'];
                        } else {
                            // Reversing a before/after modification becomes a replacement.
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['position'] = 'replace';
                            if ($search['position'] === 'before') {
                                $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'] .= $search['add'];
                            } elseif ($search['position'] === 'after') {
                                $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'] = $search['add'] . $search['search'];
                        // ...and the search subject is now the replacement.
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['add'] = $search['search'];
                // Sort the search list so the replaces come before the add before/after's.
                if (count($actual_operation['searches']) !== 1) {
                    $replacements = array();
                    foreach ($actual_operation['searches'] as $i => $search) {
                        if ($search['position'] === 'replace') {
                            $replacements[] = $search;
                    $actual_operation['searches'] = array_merge($replacements, $actual_operation['searches']);
                // Create regular expression replacements from each search.
                foreach ($actual_operation['searches'] as $i => $search) {
                    // Not much needed if the search subject is already a regexp.
                    if ($search['is_reg_exp']) {
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = $search['search'];
                    } else {
                        // Make the search subject fit into a regular expression.
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = preg_quote($search['search'], '~');
                        // Using 'loose', a random amount of tabs and spaces may be used.
                        if ($search['loose_whitespace']) {
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = preg_replace('~[ \\t]+~', '[ \\t]+', $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search']);
                    // Shuzzup.  This is done so we can safely use a regular expression. ($0 is bad!!)
                    $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'] = strtr($search['add'], array('$' => '[$PACK' . 'AGE1$]', '\\' => '[$PACK' . 'AGE2$]'));
                    // Before, so the replacement comes after the search subject :P
                    if ($search['position'] === 'before') {
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = '(' . $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] . ')';
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'] = '$1' . $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'];
                    } elseif ($search['position'] === 'after') {
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = '(' . $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] . ')';
                        $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'] .= '$1';
                    } elseif ($search['position'] === 'end') {
                        if ($undo) {
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'] = '';
                        } else {
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] = '(\\n\\?\\>)?$';
                            $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'] .= '$1';
                    // Testing 1, 2, 3...
                    $failed = preg_match('~' . $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] . '~s', $working_data) === 0;
                    // Nope, search pattern not found.
                    if ($failed && $actual_operation['error'] === 'fatal') {
                        $actions[] = array('type' => 'failure', 'filename' => $working_file, 'search' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'], 'search_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'], 'replace_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['add'], 'position' => $search['position'], 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0, 'failed' => $failed);
                        $everything_found = false;
                    } elseif (!$failed && $actual_operation['error'] === 'required') {
                        $actions[] = array('type' => 'failure', 'filename' => $working_file, 'search' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'], 'search_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'], 'replace_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['add'], 'position' => $search['position'], 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0, 'failed' => $failed);
                        $everything_found = false;
                    // Replace it into nothing? That's not an option...unless it's an undoing end.
                    if ($search['add'] === '' && ($search['position'] !== 'end' || !$undo)) {
                    // Finally, we're doing some replacements.
                    $working_data = preg_replace('~' . $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'] . '~s', $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'], $working_data, 1);
                    $actions[] = array('type' => 'replace', 'filename' => $working_file, 'search' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_search'], 'replace' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['preg_replace'], 'search_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['search'], 'replace_original' => $actual_operation['searches'][$i]['add'], 'position' => $search['position'], 'failed' => $failed, 'ignore_failure' => $failed && $actual_operation['error'] === 'ignore', 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0);
            // Fix any little helper symbols ;).
            $working_data = strtr($working_data, array('[$PACK' . 'AGE1$]' => '$', '[$PACK' . 'AGE2$]' => '\\'));
            if (file_exists($working_file) && !is_writable($working_file) || !file_exists($working_file) && !is_writable(dirname($working_file))) {
                $actions[] = array('type' => 'chmod', 'filename' => $working_file);
            if (basename($working_file) == 'Settings_bak.php') {
            if (!$testing && !empty($modSettings['package_make_backups']) && file_exists($working_file)) {
                // No, no, not Settings.php!
                if (basename($working_file) == 'Settings.php') {
                    @copy($working_file, dirname($working_file) . '/Settings_bak.php');
                } else {
                    @copy($working_file, $working_file . '~');
            // Always call this, even if in testing, because it won't really be written in testing mode.
            package_put_contents($working_file, $working_data, $testing);
            $actions[] = array('type' => 'saved', 'filename' => $working_file, 'is_custom' => $theme > 1 ? $theme : 0);
    $actions[] = array('type' => 'result', 'status' => $everything_found);
    return $actions;
  * Installs new themes, either from a gzip or copy of the default.
  * What it does:
  * - Puts themes in $boardurl/themes.
  * - Assumes the gzip has a root directory in it. (ie default.)
  * - Requires admin_forum.
  * - Accessed with ?action=admin;area=theme;sa=install.
  * @uses ManageThemes template
 public function action_install()
     global $boardurl, $txt, $context, $settings, $modSettings;
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Package.subs.php';
     // Passed an ID, then the install is complete, lets redirect and show them
     if (isset($_GET['theme_id'])) {
         $_GET['theme_id'] = (int) $_GET['theme_id'];
         $context['sub_template'] = 'installed';
         $context['page_title'] = $txt['theme_installed'];
         $context['installed_theme'] = array('id' => $_GET['theme_id'], 'name' => getThemeName($_GET['theme_id']));
     // How are we going to install this theme, from a dir, zip, copy of default?
     if (!empty($_FILES['theme_gz']) && (!isset($_FILES['theme_gz']['error']) || $_FILES['theme_gz']['error'] != 4) || !empty($_REQUEST['theme_gz'])) {
         $method = 'upload';
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['theme_dir']) && rtrim(realpath($_REQUEST['theme_dir']), '/\\') != realpath(BOARDDIR . '/themes') && file_exists($_REQUEST['theme_dir'])) {
         $method = 'path';
     } else {
         $method = 'copy';
     // Copy the default theme?
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['copy']) && $method == 'copy') {
         // Hopefully the themes directory is writable, or we might have a problem.
         if (!is_writable(BOARDDIR . '/themes')) {
             fatal_lang_error('theme_install_write_error', 'critical');
         // Make the new directory, standard characters only
         $theme_dir = BOARDDIR . '/themes/' . preg_replace('~[^A-Za-z0-9_\\- ]~', '', $_REQUEST['copy']);
         mkdir($theme_dir, 0777);
         // Get some more time if we can
         if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) {
         // Create the subdirectories for css, javascript and font files.
         mkdir($theme_dir . '/css', 0777);
         mkdir($theme_dir . '/scripts', 0777);
         mkdir($theme_dir . '/webfonts', 0777);
         // Copy over the default non-theme files.
         $to_copy = array('/index.php', '/index.template.php', '/scripts/theme.js');
         foreach ($to_copy as $file) {
             copy($settings['default_theme_dir'] . $file, $theme_dir . $file);
             @chmod($theme_dir . $file, 0777);
         // And now the entire css, images and webfonts directories!
         copytree($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/css', $theme_dir . '/css');
         copytree($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/images', $theme_dir . '/images');
         copytree($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/webfonts', $theme_dir . '/webfonts');
         $theme_name = $_REQUEST['copy'];
         $images_url = $boardurl . '/themes/' . basename($theme_dir) . '/images';
         $theme_dir = realpath($theme_dir);
         // Lets get some data for the new theme (default theme (1), default settings (0)).
         $theme_values = loadThemeOptionsInto(1, 0, array(), array('theme_templates', 'theme_layers'));
         // Lets add a theme_info.xml to this theme.
         write_theme_info($_REQUEST['copy'], $modSettings['elkVersion'], $theme_dir, $theme_values);
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['theme_dir']) && $method == 'path') {
         if (!is_dir($_REQUEST['theme_dir']) || !file_exists($_REQUEST['theme_dir'] . '/theme_info.xml')) {
             fatal_lang_error('theme_install_error', false);
         $theme_name = basename($_REQUEST['theme_dir']);
         $theme_dir = $_REQUEST['theme_dir'];
     } elseif ($method == 'upload') {
         // Hopefully the themes directory is writable, or we might have a problem.
         if (!is_writable(BOARDDIR . '/themes')) {
             fatal_lang_error('theme_install_write_error', 'critical');
         // This happens when the admin session is gone and the user has to login again
         if (empty($_FILES['theme_gz']) && empty($_REQUEST['theme_gz'])) {
             redirectexit('action=admin;area=theme;sa=admin;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
         // Set the default settings...
         $theme_name = strtok(basename(isset($_FILES['theme_gz']) ? $_FILES['theme_gz']['name'] : $_REQUEST['theme_gz']), '.');
         $theme_name = preg_replace(array('/\\s/', '/\\.[\\.]+/', '/[^\\w_\\.\\-]/'), array('_', '.', ''), $theme_name);
         $theme_dir = BOARDDIR . '/themes/' . $theme_name;
         if (isset($_FILES['theme_gz']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['theme_gz']['tmp_name']) && (ini_get('open_basedir') != '' || file_exists($_FILES['theme_gz']['tmp_name']))) {
             read_tgz_file($_FILES['theme_gz']['tmp_name'], BOARDDIR . '/themes/' . $theme_name, false, true);
         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['theme_gz'])) {
             if (!isAuthorizedServer($_REQUEST['theme_gz'])) {
             read_tgz_file($_REQUEST['theme_gz'], BOARDDIR . '/themes/' . $theme_name, false, true);
         } else {
             redirectexit('action=admin;area=theme;sa=admin;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
     } else {
         fatal_lang_error('theme_install_general', false);
     // Something go wrong?
     if ($theme_dir != '' && basename($theme_dir) != 'themes') {
         // Defaults.
         $install_info = array('theme_url' => $boardurl . '/themes/' . basename($theme_dir), 'images_url' => isset($images_url) ? $images_url : $boardurl . '/themes/' . basename($theme_dir) . '/images', 'theme_dir' => $theme_dir, 'name' => $theme_name);
         $explicit_images = false;
         if (file_exists($theme_dir . '/theme_info.xml')) {
             $theme_info = file_get_contents($theme_dir . '/theme_info.xml');
             // Parse theme-info.xml into an Xml_Array.
             require_once SUBSDIR . '/XmlArray.class.php';
             $theme_info_xml = new Xml_Array($theme_info);
             // @todo Error message of some sort?
             if (!$theme_info_xml->exists('theme-info[0]')) {
                 return 'package_get_error_packageinfo_corrupt';
             $theme_info_xml = $theme_info_xml->path('theme-info[0]');
             $theme_info_xml = $theme_info_xml->to_array();
             $xml_elements = array('name' => 'name', 'theme_layers' => 'layers', 'theme_templates' => 'templates', 'based_on' => 'based-on');
             foreach ($xml_elements as $var => $name) {
                 if (!empty($theme_info_xml[$name])) {
                     $install_info[$var] = $theme_info_xml[$name];
             if (!empty($theme_info_xml['images'])) {
                 $install_info['images_url'] = $install_info['theme_url'] . '/' . $theme_info_xml['images'];
                 $explicit_images = true;
             if (!empty($theme_info_xml['extra'])) {
                 $install_info += unserialize($theme_info_xml['extra']);
         if (isset($install_info['based_on'])) {
             if ($install_info['based_on'] == 'default') {
                 $install_info['theme_url'] = $settings['default_theme_url'];
                 $install_info['images_url'] = $settings['default_images_url'];
             } elseif ($install_info['based_on'] != '') {
                 $install_info['based_on'] = preg_replace('~[^A-Za-z0-9\\-_ ]~', '', $install_info['based_on']);
                 $temp = loadBasedOnTheme($install_info['based_on'], $explicit_images);
                 // @todo An error otherwise?
                 if (is_array($temp)) {
                     $install_info = $temp + $install_info;
                     if (empty($explicit_images) && !empty($install_info['base_theme_url'])) {
                         $install_info['theme_url'] = $install_info['base_theme_url'];
         // Find the newest id_theme.
         $id_theme = nextTheme();
         $inserts = array();
         foreach ($install_info as $var => $val) {
             $inserts[] = array($id_theme, $var, $val);
         if (!empty($inserts)) {
         updateSettings(array('knownThemes' => strtr($modSettings['knownThemes'] . ',' . $id_theme, array(',,' => ','))));
     redirectexit('action=admin;area=theme;sa=install;theme_id=' . $id_theme . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
Beispiel #4
 * Gets a list of available languages from the mother ship
 * - Will return a subset if searching, otherwise all available
 * @package Languages
 * @return string
function list_getLanguagesList()
    global $forum_version, $context, $txt, $scripturl;
    // We're going to use this URL.
    // @todo no we are not, this needs to be changed - again
    $url = '' . urlencode(strtr($forum_version, array('ElkArte ' => '')));
    // Load the class file and stick it into an array.
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/XmlArray.class.php';
    $language_list = new Xml_Array(fetch_web_data($url), true);
    // Check that the site responded and that the language exists.
    if (!$language_list->exists('languages')) {
        $context['langfile_error'] = 'no_response';
    } elseif (!$language_list->exists('languages/language')) {
        $context['langfile_error'] = 'no_files';
    } else {
        $language_list = $language_list->path('languages[0]');
        $lang_files = $language_list->set('language');
        $languages = array();
        foreach ($lang_files as $file) {
            // Were we searching?
            if (!empty($context['elk_search_term']) && strpos($file->fetch('name'), Util::strtolower($context['elk_search_term'])) === false) {
            $languages[] = array('id' => $file->fetch('id'), 'name' => Util::ucwords($file->fetch('name')), 'version' => $file->fetch('version'), 'utf8' => $txt['yes'], 'description' => $file->fetch('description'), 'install_link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages;sa=downloadlang;did=' . $file->fetch('id') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . '">' . $txt['add_language_elk_install'] . '</a>');
        if (empty($languages)) {
            $context['langfile_error'] = 'no_files';
        } else {
            return $languages;
  * Browse a server's list of packages.
  * - Accessed by action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=browse
 public function action_browse()
     global $txt, $scripturl, $forum_version, $context;
     // Load our subs worker.
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/PackageServers.subs.php';
     // Browsing the packages from a server
     if (isset($_GET['server'])) {
         if ($_GET['server'] == '') {
         $server = (int) $_GET['server'];
         // Query the server list to find the current server.
         $packageserver = fetchPackageServers($server);
         $url = $packageserver[0]['url'];
         $name = $packageserver[0]['name'];
         // If the server does not exist, dump out.
         if (empty($url)) {
             fatal_lang_error('couldnt_connect', false);
         // If there is a relative link, append to the stored server url.
         if (isset($_GET['relative'])) {
             $url = $url . (substr($url, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $_GET['relative'];
         // Clear any "absolute" URL.  Since "server" is present, "absolute" is garbage.
     } elseif (isset($_GET['absolute']) && $_GET['absolute'] != '') {
         // Initialize the required variables.
         $server = '';
         $url = $_GET['absolute'];
         $name = '';
         $_GET['package'] = $url . '/packages.xml?language=' . $context['user']['language'];
         // Clear any "relative" URL.  Since "server" is not present, "relative" is garbage.
         $token = checkConfirm('get_absolute_url');
         if ($token !== true) {
             $context['sub_template'] = 'package_confirm';
             $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_servers'];
             $context['confirm_message'] = sprintf($txt['package_confirm_view_package_content'], htmlspecialchars($_GET['absolute'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
             $context['proceed_href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=browse;absolute=' . urlencode($_GET['absolute']) . ';confirm=' . $token;
     } else {
         fatal_lang_error('couldnt_connect', false);
     // Attempt to connect.  If unsuccessful... try the URL.
     if (!isset($_GET['package']) || file_exists($_GET['package'])) {
         $_GET['package'] = $url . '/packages.xml?language=' . $context['user']['language'];
     // Check to be sure the packages.xml file actually exists where it is should be... or dump out.
     if ((isset($_GET['absolute']) || isset($_GET['relative'])) && !url_exists($_GET['package'])) {
         fatal_lang_error('packageget_unable', false, array($url . '/index.php'));
     // Might take some time.
     // Read packages.xml and parse into Xml_Array. (the true tells it to trim things ;).)
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/XmlArray.class.php';
     $listing = new Xml_Array(fetch_web_data($_GET['package']), true);
     // Errm.... empty file?  Try the URL....
     if (!$listing->exists('package-list')) {
         fatal_lang_error('packageget_unable', false, array($url . '/index.php'));
     // List out the packages...
     $context['package_list'] = array();
     $listing = $listing->path('package-list[0]');
     // Use the package list's name if it exists.
     if ($listing->exists('list-title')) {
         $name = Util::htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('list-title'));
     // Pick the correct template.
     $context['sub_template'] = 'package_list';
     $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_servers'] . ($name != '' ? ' - ' . $name : '');
     $context['package_server'] = $server;
     // By default we use an unordered list, unless there are no lists with more than one package.
     $context['list_type'] = 'ul';
     // Load the installed packages
     // We'll figure out if what they select a package they already have installed.
     $instadds = loadInstalledPackages();
     // Look through the list of installed mods...
     $installed_adds = array();
     foreach ($instadds as $installed_add) {
         $installed_adds[$installed_add['package_id']] = $installed_add['version'];
     // Get default author and email if they exist.
     if ($listing->exists('default-author')) {
         $default_author = Util::htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-author'));
         if ($listing->exists('default-author/@email')) {
             $default_email = Util::htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-author/@email'));
     // Get default web site if it exists.
     if ($listing->exists('default-website')) {
         $default_website = Util::htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-website'));
         if ($listing->exists('default-website/@title')) {
             $default_title = Util::htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-website/@title'));
     $the_version = strtr($forum_version, array('ElkArte ' => ''));
     if (!empty($_SESSION['version_emulate'])) {
         $the_version = $_SESSION['version_emulate'];
     $packageNum = 0;
     $packageSection = 0;
     $sections = $listing->set('section');
     foreach ($sections as $i => $section) {
         $context['package_list'][$packageSection] = array('title' => '', 'text' => '', 'items' => array());
         $packages = $section->set('title|heading|text|remote|rule|modification|language|avatar-pack|theme|smiley-set');
         foreach ($packages as $thisPackage) {
             $package = array('type' => $thisPackage->name());
             if (in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'text'))) {
                 $context['package_list'][$packageSection][$package['type']] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('.'));
             } elseif (in_array($package['type'], array('heading', 'rule'))) {
                 $package['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('.'));
             } elseif ($package['type'] == 'remote') {
                 $remote_type = $thisPackage->exists('@type') ? $thisPackage->fetch('@type') : 'relative';
                 if ($remote_type == 'relative' && (substr($thisPackage->fetch('@href'), 0, 7) !== 'http://' || substr($thisPackage->fetch('@href'), 0, 8) !== 'https://')) {
                     if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) {
                         $current_url = $_GET['absolute'] . '/';
                     } elseif (isset($_GET['relative'])) {
                         $current_url = $_GET['relative'] . '/';
                     } else {
                         $current_url = '';
                     $current_url .= $thisPackage->fetch('@href');
                     if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) {
                         $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=browse;absolute=' . $current_url;
                     } else {
                         $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=browse;server=' . $context['package_server'] . ';relative=' . $current_url;
                 } else {
                     $current_url = $thisPackage->fetch('@href');
                     $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=browse;absolute=' . $current_url;
                 $package['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('.'));
                 $package['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['href'] . '">' . $package['name'] . '</a>';
             } else {
                 if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) {
                     $current_url = $_GET['absolute'] . '/';
                 } elseif (isset($_GET['relative'])) {
                     $current_url = $_GET['relative'] . '/';
                 } else {
                     $current_url = '';
                 $server_att = $server != '' ? ';server=' . $server : '';
                 $package += $thisPackage->to_array();
                 if (isset($package['website'])) {
                 $package['author'] = array();
                 if ($package['description'] == '') {
                     $package['description'] = $txt['package_no_description'];
                 } else {
                     $package['description'] = parse_bbc(preg_replace('~\\[[/]?html\\]~i', '', Util::htmlspecialchars($package['description'])));
                 $package['is_installed'] = isset($installed_adds[$package['id']]);
                 $package['is_current'] = $package['is_installed'] && $installed_adds[$package['id']] == $package['version'];
                 $package['is_newer'] = $package['is_installed'] && $installed_adds[$package['id']] > $package['version'];
                 // This package is either not installed, or installed but old.  Is it supported on this version?
                 if (!$package['is_installed'] || !$package['is_current'] && !$package['is_newer']) {
                     if ($thisPackage->exists('version/@for')) {
                         $package['can_install'] = matchPackageVersion($the_version, $thisPackage->fetch('version/@for'));
                 } else {
                     $package['can_install'] = false;
                 $already_exists = getPackageInfo(basename($package['filename']));
                 $package['download_conflict'] = is_array($already_exists) && $already_exists['id'] == $package['id'] && $already_exists['version'] != $package['version'];
                 $package['href'] = $url . '/' . $package['filename'];
                 $package['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($package['name']);
                 $package['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['href'] . '">' . $package['name'] . '</a>';
                 $package['download']['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packageservers;sa=download' . $server_att . ';package=' . $current_url . $package['filename'] . ($package['download_conflict'] ? ';conflict' : '') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'];
                 $package['download']['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['download']['href'] . '">' . $package['name'] . '</a>';
                 // Author name, email
                 if ($thisPackage->exists('author') || isset($default_author)) {
                     if ($thisPackage->exists('author/@email')) {
                         $package['author']['email'] = $thisPackage->fetch('author/@email');
                     } elseif (isset($default_email)) {
                         $package['author']['email'] = $default_email;
                     if ($thisPackage->exists('author') && $thisPackage->fetch('author') != '') {
                         $package['author']['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('author'));
                     } else {
                         $package['author']['name'] = $default_author;
                     if (!empty($package['author']['email'])) {
                         // Only put the "mailto:" if it looks like a valid email address.  Some may wish to put a link to an IM Form or other web mail form.
                         $package['author']['href'] = preg_match('~^[\\w\\.\\-]+@[\\w][\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w]$~', $package['author']['email']) != 0 ? 'mailto:' . $package['author']['email'] : $package['author']['email'];
                         $package['author']['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['author']['href'] . '">' . $package['author']['name'] . '</a>';
                 // Author website
                 if ($thisPackage->exists('website') || isset($default_website)) {
                     if ($thisPackage->exists('website') && $thisPackage->exists('website/@title')) {
                         $package['author']['website']['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('website/@title'));
                     } elseif (isset($default_title)) {
                         $package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_title;
                     } elseif ($thisPackage->exists('website')) {
                         $package['author']['website']['name'] = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('website'));
                     } else {
                         $package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_website;
                     if ($thisPackage->exists('website') && $thisPackage->fetch('website') != '') {
                         $authorhomepage = Util::htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('website'));
                     } else {
                         $authorhomepage = $default_website;
                     if (stripos($authorhomepage, 'a href') === false) {
                         $package['author']['website']['href'] = $authorhomepage;
                         $package['author']['website']['link'] = '<a href="' . $authorhomepage . '">' . $package['author']['website']['name'] . '</a>';
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('/a href="(.+?)"/', $authorhomepage, $match) == 1) {
                             $package['author']['website']['href'] = $match[1];
                         } else {
                             $package['author']['website']['href'] = '';
                         $package['author']['website']['link'] = $authorhomepage;
                 } else {
                     $package['author']['website']['href'] = '';
                     $package['author']['website']['link'] = '';
             $package['is_remote'] = $package['type'] == 'remote';
             $package['is_title'] = $package['type'] == 'title';
             $package['is_heading'] = $package['type'] == 'heading';
             $package['is_text'] = $package['type'] == 'text';
             $package['is_line'] = $package['type'] == 'rule';
             $packageNum = in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'heading', 'text', 'remote', 'rule')) ? 0 : $packageNum + 1;
             $package['count'] = $packageNum;
             if (!in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'text'))) {
                 $context['package_list'][$packageSection]['items'][] = $package;
             if ($package['count'] > 1) {
                 $context['list_type'] = 'ol';
     // Lets make sure we get a nice new spiffy clean $package to work with.  Otherwise we get PAIN!
     foreach ($context['package_list'] as $ps_id => $packageSection) {
         foreach ($packageSection['items'] as $i => $package) {
             if ($package['count'] == 0 || isset($package['can_install'])) {
             $context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_install'] = false;
             $packageInfo = getPackageInfo($url . '/' . $package['filename']);
             if (is_array($packageInfo) && $packageInfo['xml']->exists('install')) {
                 $installs = $packageInfo['xml']->set('install');
                 foreach ($installs as $install) {
                     if (!$install->exists('@for') || matchPackageVersion($the_version, $install->fetch('@for'))) {
                         // Okay, this one is good to go.
                         $context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_install'] = true;