  * Checks whether the Subversion project has been modified.
  * @return boolean
 public function checkModified()
     $result = new Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result();
     return $result;
Beispiel #2
 public function mergeResultSet(Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result $set)
     foreach ($set->getConflictResources() as $res) {
         $key = md5('C' . $res['filename'] . $res['author']);
         if (!in_array($key, $this->_index)) {
             $this->_conflictResources[] = $res;
             $this->_index[] = $key;
     foreach ($set->getUpdatedResources() as $res) {
         $key = md5('U' . $res['filename'] . $res['author']);
         if (!in_array($key, $this->_index)) {
             $this->_updatedResources[] = $res;
             $this->_index[] = $key;
     foreach ($set->getNewResources() as $res) {
         $key = md5('A' . $res['filename'] . $res['author']);
         if (!in_array($key, $this->_index)) {
             $this->_newResources[] = $res;
             $this->_index[] = $key;
     foreach ($set->getMergedResources() as $res) {
         $key = md5('M' . $res['filename'] . $res['author']);
         if (!in_array($key, $this->_index)) {
             $this->_mergedResources[] = $res;
             $this->_index[] = $key;
     foreach ($set->getLogMessages() as $res) {
         $key = md5('LM' . $res['revision'] . $res['date'] . $res['author'] . $res['message']);
         if (!in_array($key, $this->_index)) {
             $this->_logMessages[] = $res;
             $this->_index[] = $key;
Beispiel #3
  * Updates local svn to the remoteRevision for this test.
  * @param Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result $result The Result to get
  *  Hash ids from and set modified files.
  * @return void
  * @throw Xinc_Exception_ModificationSet
 protected function update(Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result $result)
     $arUpdate = $this->svn->update->run(array($this->task->getDirectory()), array('r' => $result->getRemoteRevision()));
     if (false === $arUpdate) {
         throw new Xinc_Exception_ModificationSet('SVN update local working copy failed', 0);
Beispiel #4
 public function checkModified(Xinc_Build_Interface $build, $dir, $prefix, $switch = false, $svnFolderProperty = null)
     $modResult = new Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result();
     if (!file_exists($dir)) {
         $build->error('Subversion checkout directory not present');
         return $modResult;
     $cwd = getcwd();
     $output = '';
     $result = 9;
     exec($this->_svnPath . ' info', $output, $result);
     $found = false;
     if ($result == 0) {
         $localSet = implode("\n", $output);
         $localRev = $this->getRevision($localSet);
         $remoteRev = 0;
         $url = $this->getRootURL();
         $output = '';
         $result = 9;
         exec($this->_svnPath . ' ls --xml ' . $url . '/' . $this->_getSvnSubDir(), $output, $result);
         $remoteSet = implode("\n", $output);
         if ($result != 0) {
             $build->error('Problem with remote Subversion repository');
             return $modResult;
         $xml = new SimplexmlElement($remoteSet);
         foreach ($xml->list as $i => $list) {
             foreach ($list->entry as $entry) {
                 if (substr($entry->name, 0, strlen($prefix)) != $prefix && !preg_match('/' . $prefix . '/', $entry->name)) {
                 $attributes = $entry->attributes();
                 if (strtolower((string) $attributes['kind']) != 'dir') {
                 $attributes = $entry->commit->attributes();
                 $rev = (int) $attributes->revision;
                 if ($rev > $localRev) {
                     $tagName = (string) $entry->name;
                     if ($svnFolderProperty != null) {
                         $build->getProperties()->set($svnFolderProperty, $tagName);
                     // switch to the latest release
                     if ($switch) {
                         exec($this->_svnPath . ' switch ' . $url . '/' . $this->_getSvnSubDir() . '/' . $tagName, $switchOut, $switchRes);
                         if ($switchRes != 0) {
                             $build->error('Could not switch to tag :' . $tagName . ', result:' . implode("\n", $switchOut));
                             return $modResult;
                     $remoteRev = $rev;
                     $found = true;
         if ($remoteRev <= 0) {
             $build->info('Subversion checkout dir is ' . $dir . ' ' . 'local revision @ ' . $localRev . ' ' . 'No remote revision with matching tag prefix (' . $prefix . ')');
         } else {
             $build->info('Subversion checkout dir is ' . $dir . ' ' . 'local revision @ ' . $localRev . ' ' . 'Last remote revision with matching tag prefix @ ' . $remoteRev . ' (' . $prefix . ')');
         if ($modResult->isChanged()) {
         return $modResult;
     } else {
         throw new Xinc_Exception_ModificationSet('Subversion checkout directory ' . 'is not a working copy.');
Beispiel #5
  * Gets the changelog data between two revisions from git and puts this info
  * into the ModificationSet_Result. (This are author, date and commit message.)
  * @param Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result $result The Result to get
  *  Hash ids from and set change log data.
  * @return void
  * @throw Xinc_Exception_ModificationSet
 protected function getChangeLog(Xinc_Plugin_Repos_ModificationSet_Result $result)
     $command = $this->git->getCommand('log')->setOption('pretty', 'H:%H%nA:%aN%nD:%aD%nM:%s')->addArgument($result->getLocalRevision() . '..' . $result->getRemoteRevision());
     try {
         $strResult = $command->execute();
     } catch (VersionControl_Git_Exception $e) {
         throw new Xinc_Exception_ModificationSet('GIT get log failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
     $arCommandLines = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($strResult));
     while (count($arCommandLines)) {
         $strHash = $this->getLogEntry('H', $arCommandLines);
         $strAuthor = $this->getLogEntry('A', $arCommandLines);
         $strDate = $this->getLogEntry('D', $arCommandLines);
         $strMessage = $this->getLogEntry('M', $arCommandLines);
         $result->addLogMessage($strHash, $strDate, $strAuthor, $strMessage);