function _DBHelper($Query, $action) { $DBHandler = XWB_plugin::getDB(); switch ($action) { case 1: //GET FIRST RECORD return $DBHandler->fetch_first($Query); break; case 2: //INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE return $DBHandler->query($Query, 'UNBUFFERED') ? TRUE : $this->_ERHelper('4030003'); break; case 3: //SELECT $RT = $DBHandler->query($Query); $RS = array(); while ($row = $DBHandler->fetch_array($RT)) { $RS[] = $row; } return $RS; break; default: return $this->_ERHelper('4030002'); } }
function gc() { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $table = XWB_S_TBPRE . 'common_cache'; $timestamp = time() - 15 * 60; $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE `cachekey` LIKE 'xipct_%' AND `dateline` < '{$timestamp}' "; $db->query($sql); }
/** * 资源初始化 * @access public * @return xwbSiteUserRegister */ function xwbSiteUserRegister() { global $_G; loaducenter(); $this->db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $this->ip = (string) $_G['clientip']; $this->timestamp = TIMESTAMP; }
/** * 同步头像到指定的DZX uid,成功则执行一些更新后的操作 * * @param integer $uid DZ uid * @return integer 同步结果 */ function sync4DX($uid) { loaducenter(); $result = $this->syncToUC($uid); if ($result >= 0) { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member') . " SET avatarstatus = '1' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"; $db->query($sql, 'UNBUFFERED'); } $this->_logFaceSyncResult($result); }
function xwb_setSiteRegister($nickname, $email, $pwd = false) { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $uid = 0; $password = $pwd ? $pwd : rand(100000, 999999); $regstatus = jsg_member_register_check_status(); if ($regstatus['normal_enable'] || true === JISHIGOU_FORCED_REGISTER) { $uid = jsg_member_register($nickname, $password, $email); } $rst = array('uid' => $uid, 'password' => $password); return $rst; }
/** * 构造函数 */ function sitePushback2thread() { $this->_userConfig['ip'] = mysql_real_escape_string(XWB_plugin::getIP()); $this->_userConfig['uid'] = (int) XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_uid'); $this->_userConfig['username'] = mysql_real_escape_string(XWB_plugin::convertEncoding((string) XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_username'), 'UTF-8', XWB_S_CHARSET)); $this->_userConfig['timestamp'] = (int) TIMESTAMP; //DZ已有的变量,直接使用之 if ($this->_userConfig['uid'] < 1) { $this->_userConfig['uid'] = 0; $this->_userConfig['username'] = '******'; } $this->_db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); }
function step1() { $tokenhash = ''; if (!xwb_token::checkInput('g', 'xwbuninstall', false)) { echo 'XWB_TOKEN_HASH_CHECK_FAILURE!'; exit; } $cfg = $this->getCfg(); $tips = array(); $st = true; if (!empty($_GET['delete_data'])) { //delete db data $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); foreach ($cfg['db_data'] as $name => $format) { $tbSql = sprintf($format, DB::table($name)); $db->query($tbSql); $tips[] = array(1, "删除数据表 [PRE_]{$name} 成功"); } $_GET['delete_data'] = 1; } else { $tips[] = array(1, "已保留微博插件数据"); $_GET['delete_data'] = 0; } $lock_file_output = '论坛目录' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(XWB_P_DATA)), '', $this->v['lock_file']); if (false == @unlink($this->v['lock_file'])) { $tips[] = array(1, "无法删除或找不到安装锁定文件(位于:{$lock_file_output})。如果文件存在,请自行删除。"); } $showTab = 'uninstall'; $btn_enable = 'class="btn"'; $btn_name = $st ? '完成' : '重试'; if ($st) { //根据安装来源给出完成跳转链接 if ($this->_sess->getInfo('boot_referer') == 'admincp') { $installtype = 'SC_' . XWB_S_CHARSET; if (version_compare(XWB_S_VERSION, '2', '<')) { //X1.5 $link = '../../admin.php?action=plugins&operation=pluginuninstall&dir=sina_xweibo&installtype=' . $installtype . '&finish=1'; } else { //X2 $link = '../../admin.php?action=plugins&operation=pluginuninstall&dir=sina_xweibo_x2&installtype=' . $installtype . '&finish=1'; } } else { $link = '../../index.php'; } } else { $link = 'uninstall.php?step=1&delete_data=' . $_GET['delete_data']; } $image_file = $st ? 'sucess.png' : "icon.gif"; include $this->tpl_dir . '/uninstall.php'; exit; }
function xwb_setSiteUserLogin($uid) { global $_G; if (empty($uid)) { return false; } $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); //登录 $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='" . $uid . "'"); if (!$member) { return false; } setloginstatus($member, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 ? 2592000 : 0); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " SET lastip='" . $_G['clientip'] . "', lastvisit='" . time() . "' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('login'); updatecreditbyaction('daylogin', $uid); checkusergroup($uid); return true; }
/** * 将用户帐号导入(主要应对用了UC的多论坛) * 本函数主要供_setPushbackSiteAccount方法使用 * @param array $userInfo uc_get_user返回的数据 */ function _importUserFromUC($userInfo) { $uid = (int) $userInfo[0]; $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $exist_uid = intval($db->result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$userInfo[0]}' LIMIT 0,1 ")); if ($exist_uid > 0) { return true; } $username = mysql_real_escape_string($userInfo[1]); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($userInfo[2]); $password = md5(rand(1, 10000)); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member') . " (uid, username, password, adminid, groupid, email)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}', '{$username}', '{$password}', '0', '10', '{$email}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_field_forum') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_field_home') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); manyoulog('user', $this->uid, 'add'); return true; }
function xwbUserProfile() { $this->uid = XWB_S_UID; $this->db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); }
function xwbUserProfile() { $this->uid = XWB_S_UID; $this->db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $this->tablepre = XWB_S_TBPRE; }
function siteUserVerifier() { $this->db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); }
function bind() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } if (XWB_S_UID > 0 && XWB_plugin::isUserBinded()) { $xwb_user = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $sina_id = $xwb_user->getInfo('sina_uid'); $wb = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $wb->is_exit_error = false; $sina_user_info = $wb->getUserShow($sina_id); if (isset($sina_user_info['error_code']) || isset($sina_user_info['error'])) { include XWB_P_ROOT . '/tpl/xwb_cenbind_error.tpl.php'; } else { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $share = XWB_plugin::V("R:share"); $share_msg = ''; if ($share) { $bind_info = $db->fetch_first("select * from " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info where `uid`='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); $share_time = $bind_info['share_time']; if (!$share_time) { $share_time = time(); $db->query("update " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info set `share_time`='" . $share_time . "' where `uid`='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); $share_msg = "<img src='" . (XWB_plugin::baseUrl() . XWB_plugin::URL('&code=enter&share_time=' . $share_time)) . "' width='0' height='0' />"; } } else { /** * 分享给好友显示页面 */ $skip_share = XWB_plugin::V("R:skip_share"); if (!$skip_share) { $bind_info = $db->fetch_first("select * from " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info where `uid`='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); if (!$bind_info['share_time']) { include XWB_P_ROOT . '/tpl/xwb_cenbind_share.tpl.php'; exit; } } } $screen_name = $sina_user_info['screen_name']; $profile = XWB_plugin::O('xwbUserProfile'); $setting = $profile->get('bind_setting', 1); $tojishigou = $profile->get('synctopic_tojishigou', 0); $reply_tojishigou = $profile->get('syncreply_tojishigou', 0); include XWB_P_ROOT . '/tpl/xwb_cenbind_on.tpl.php'; } } else { include XWB_P_ROOT . '/tpl/xwb_cenbind_off.tpl.php'; } }
<?php /* * @version $Id: newcomment2blog.hack.php 836 2011-06-15 01:48:00Z yaoying $ */ if (!defined('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN')) { exit('Access Denied!'); } global $_G; $blogid = isset($_G['gp_id']) ? (int) $_G['gp_id'] : 0; //dz在spacecp_comment.php处可能存在漏洞,用了$_POST $idtype = isset($_G['gp_idtype']) ? (string) $_G['gp_idtype'] : ''; $message = !empty($GLOBALS['message']) ? (string) $GLOBALS['message'] : ''; //评论的上一id $up_cid = isset($_G['gp_cid']) ? (int) $_G['gp_cid'] : 0; if ($blogid > 0 && $up_cid == 0 && $idtype == 'blogid') { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " WHERE blogid='{$blogid}'"); $blog = $db->fetch_array($query); if (!empty($blog)) { $xp_publish = XWB_plugin::N('xwb_plugins_publish'); register_shutdown_function(array(&$xp_publish, 'blogCommentSync'), $blogid, $blog['uid'], (string) $message); } }
/** * 新增用户绑定关系 * */ function addBindUser($site_uid, $sina_uid, $access_toke, $token_secret, $nickname = false, $turn = true) { if ($site_uid < 1) { return false; } $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $site_uid = mysql_escape_string($site_uid); $sina_uid = mysql_escape_string($sina_uid); $access_toke = mysql_escape_string($access_toke); $token_secret = mysql_escape_string($token_secret); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB::table('xwb_bind_info') . " (`uid`,`sina_uid`,`token`,`tsecret`,`profile`) VALUES('{$site_uid}','{$sina_uid}','{$access_toke}','{$token_secret}','[]')"; $rst = $db->query($sql, 'UNBUFFERED'); $switch = XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo'); if ($turn && $switch && $rst) { $api = XWB_plugin::N('apixwb'); $api->updateBindUser($site_uid, $sina_uid, $access_toke, $token_secret, $nickname); } return $rst; }
function authCallBack() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('网站管理员关闭了插件功能“新浪微博绑定”。请稍后再试。'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- global $_G; $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $waiting_site_bind = $sess->getInfo('waiting_site_bind'); if (empty($waiting_site_bind)) { //XWB_plugin::deny(); $siteUrl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(0); XWB_plugin::redirect($siteUrl, 3); } $sess->setOAuthKey(array(), true); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $wbApi = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $last_key = $wbApi->getAccessToken(XWB_plugin::V('r:oauth_verifier')); //print_r($last_key); if (!isset($last_key['oauth_token']) || !isset($last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api_error_origin = isset($last_key['error']) ? $last_key['error'] : 'UNKNOWN ERROR. MAYBE SERVER CAN NOT CONNECT TO SINA API SERVER'; $api_error = isset($last_key['error_CN']) && !empty($last_key['error_CN']) && 'null' != $last_key['error_CN'] ? $last_key['error_CN'] : ''; XWB_plugin::LOG("[WEIBO CLASS]\t[ERROR]\t#{$wbApi->req_error_count}\t{$api_error}\t{$wbApi->last_req_url}\tERROR ARRAY:\r\n" . print_r($last_key, 1)); XWB_plugin::showError("服务器获取Access Token失败;请稍候再试。<br />错误原因:{$api_error}[{$api_error_origin}]"); } $sess->setOAuthKey($last_key, true); $wbApi->setConfig(); $uInfo = $wbApi->verifyCredentials(); $sess->setInfo('sina_uid', $uInfo['id']); $sess->setInfo('sina_name', $uInfo['screen_name']); //print_r($uInfo); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 此帐号是否已经在当前站点中绑定 $sinaHasBinded = false; $stat_is_bind_type = 0; if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0) { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBUById(XWB_S_UID, $uInfo['id']); } else { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBindUser($uInfo['id'], 'sina_uid'); //远程API } if (!is_array($bInfo) && (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0)) { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBindUser(XWB_S_UID, 'site_uid'); //登录状态下再查一次API,确保没有绑定 } if (!empty($bInfo) && is_array($bInfo)) { $sinaHasBinded = true; dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName($bInfo['uid']), (string) $bInfo['sina_uid'], 604800); //核查存储的access token是否有更新,有更新则进行自动更新 if ($bInfo['sina_uid'] == $uInfo['id'] && ($bInfo['token'] != $last_key['oauth_token'] || $bInfo['tsecret'] != $last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { XWB_plugin::updateBindUser($bInfo['uid'], $bInfo['sina_uid'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'], $uInfo['screen_name']); //远程API } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 决定在首页中显示什么浮层 $tipsType = ''; //xwb_tips_type //已在论坛登录 if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID) { if ($sinaHasBinded) { //$sinaHasBinded为true时,$bInfo必定存在 if (XWB_S_UID != $bInfo['uid'] || $bInfo['sina_uid'] != $uInfo['id']) { $tipsType = 'hasBinded'; $sess->clearToken(); } else { $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //远程API $rst = XWB_plugin::addBindUser(XWB_S_UID, $uInfo['id'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'], $uInfo['screen_name']); if (!$rst) { echo "DB ERROR"; exit; return false; } $tipsType = 'bind'; dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName(XWB_S_UID), (string) $uInfo['id'], 604800); //正向绑定统计上报 $sess->appendStat('bind', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'type' => 1)); } } else { //从 wb 登录后 检查用户是否绑定,如果绑定了 则在附属站点自 if ($sinaHasBinded) { require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/lib/'; $result = xwb_setSiteUserLogin((int) $bInfo['uid']); if (false == $result) { dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName($bInfo['uid']), -1, 604800); XWB_plugin::delBindUser($bInfo['uid']); //远程API $tipsType = 'siteuserNotExist'; } else { $stat_is_bind_type = 1; $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //已登录WB,没有附属站点的帐号 引导注册 $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_reg', '1'); $tipsType = 'reg'; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //bind的页面需要跳转,故需要使用cookies记录 if ($tipsType == 'bind') { dsetcookie('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType, 0); } //$sess->setInfo('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType); $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_bind', 0); //使用sina微博帐号登录成功(不管是否绑定)统计上报 $sess->appendStat('login', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'is_bind' => $stat_is_bind_type)); //所有跟站点相关的对接,必须放到_showBinging $this->_showBinging($tipsType); }
function _envCheck() { $tips = array(); $st = true; //------------------------------------------------------------------- $tips[] = array(1, '当前系统为: ' . PHP_OS . ' '); //各环境版本检查 if ($this->_verChk(PHP_VERSION, $this->v['php_ver'])) { $tips[] = array(1, '当前PHP版本为: ' . PHP_VERSION . ' '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '当前PHP版本为: ' . PHP_VERSION . ' 当前插件支持版本: ' . $this->v['php_ver'][0] . ' - ' . $this->v['php_ver'][1]); } if ($this->_verChk(XWB_S_VERSION, $this->v['site_ver'])) { $tips[] = array(1, '当前' . XWB_S_NAME . '版本为: ' . XWB_S_VERSION . ' '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '当前' . XWB_S_NAME . '版本为: ' . XWB_S_VERSION . ' 当前插件支持版本: ' . $this->v['site_ver'][0] . ' - ' . $this->v['site_ver'][1]); } $s_charset = str_replace('-', '', strtoupper(XWB_S_CHARSET)); if (in_array($s_charset, $this->v['charset'])) { $tips[] = array(1, '当前' . XWB_S_NAME . '字符集为: ' . $s_charset . ' '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '当前' . XWB_S_NAME . '字符集为: ' . $s_charset . ' 当前插件支持字符集为: ' . implode(',', $this->v['charset'])); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- //函数依赖检查 foreach ($this->v['func_chk'] as $func) { if (!is_array($func)) { if (function_exists($func)) { $tips[] = array(1, '函数: ' . $func . ' 可用 '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '函数: ' . $func . ' 不可用,请开启此函数 '); } } else { $t = false; foreach ($func as $fu) { if (function_exists($fu)) { $t = true; break; } } if ($t) { $tips[] = array(1, '函数: ' . $fu . ' 可用 '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '函数: ' . implode(',', $func) . ' 都不可用,插件要求至少有一个可用 '); } } } //http适配器特别检查 if (function_exists('fsockopen')) { $tips[] = array(1, '函数: fsockopen 可用 '); } elseif (function_exists('curl_exec') && function_exists('curl_init')) { $tips[] = array(1, '函数: curl_exec + curl_init 可用 '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '函数fsockopen、或者扩展curl中的curl_exec+curl_init都不可用,插件要求至少有一个组合可用'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- //文件权限检查 foreach ($this->v['path_chk'] as $p) { $t = $this->_writeableChk($p); if (!$t[0]) { $st = false; } $tips[] = $t[1]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); if (!empty($db) && is_object($db)) { $tips[] = array(1, '数据库链接成功! '); } else { $st = false; $tips[] = array(0, '无法使用数据库句柄! '); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- return array($st, $tips); }
/** * 构造函数 */ function siteBindMapper() { $this->_db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); }
/** * 记录某种类型的某个id的微博同步关系 * @param int $id 要记录的id * @param string|float $mid 微博id * @param string $type $id所属的类型,可选值'thread','blog','doing', 'article', 'share' * @return false|int */ function insertSyncId($id, $mid, $type) { if (!is_numeric($mid)) { return false; } $type = trim(strtolower($type)); if (!in_array($type, array('thread', 'blog', 'doing', 'article', 'share'))) { return false; } $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $id = (int) $id; $mid = mysql_real_escape_string($mid); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('xwb_bind_thread') . " (`tid`, `mid`, `type`) VALUES('{$id}', '{$mid}', '{$type}')"; $db->query($sql); if ($db->affected_rows()) { return true; } return false; }
/** * @return pushbackDispatcher */ function pushbackDispatcher() { $this->_db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $this->_mapper = XWB_Plugin::O('siteBindMapper'); $this->_thistime = time(); }
/** * 获取当前登录用户状态的绑定信息 * 若当前没有用户登录,则返回false * * @param mixed $key 键值。若传入false,则表示返回所有绑定信息 * @param mixed $def 默认值。若没有值返回,则返回该默认值 */ function getBindInfo($key = false, $def = null) { static $rst = '-1'; //由于服务器可能返回false或者null,故只能用这个作标识 if (!XWB_S_UID) { return false; } if ($rst === '-1') { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $rst = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE uid=" . XWB_S_UID . " "); } if ($key === false) { return empty($rst) ? array() : $rst; } else { return isset($rst[$key]) ? $rst[$key] : $def; } }
function authCallBack() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $waiting_site_bind = $sess->getInfo('waiting_site_bind'); if (empty($waiting_site_bind)) { //XWB_plugin::deny(); $siteUrl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(0); XWB_plugin::redirect($siteUrl, 3); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $wbApi = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $last_key = $wbApi->getAccessToken(XWB_plugin::V('r:oauth_verifier')); $sess->setOAuthKey(array(), true); // print_r($last_key); if (!isset($last_key['oauth_token']) || !isset($last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api_error_origin = isset($last_key['error']) ? $last_key['error'] : 'UNKNOWN ERROR. MAYBE SERVER CAN NOT CONNECT TO SINA API SERVER'; $api_error = isset($last_key['error_CN']) && !empty($last_key['error_CN']) && 'null' != $last_key['error_CN'] ? $last_key['error_CN'] : ''; XWB_plugin::LOG("[WEIBO CLASS]\t[ERROR]\t#{$wbApi->req_error_count}\t{$api_error}\t{$wbApi->last_req_url}\tERROR ARRAY:\r\n" . print_r($last_key, 1)); XWB_plugin::showError("服务器获取Access Token失败;请稍候再试。<br />错误原因:{$api_error}[{$api_error_origin}]"); } $sess->setOAuthKey($last_key, true); $wbApi->setConfig(); $uInfo = $wbApi->verifyCredentials(); $sess->setInfo('sina_uid', $uInfo['id']); $sess->setInfo('sina_name', $uInfo['screen_name']); //print_r($uInfo); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 此帐号是否已经在当前站点中绑定 $sinaHasBinded = false; if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0) { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "' OR uid='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); } else { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } if (!empty($bInfo) && is_array($bInfo)) { $sinaHasBinded = true; //核查存储的access token是否有更新,有更新则进行自动更新 if ($bInfo['token'] != $last_key['oauth_token'] || $bInfo['tsecret'] != $last_key['oauth_token_secret']) { $db->query("UPDATE " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info SET token='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token'] . "', tsecret='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'] . "' WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 决定在首页中显示什么浮层 $tipsType = ''; //xwb_tips_type //已在论坛登录 if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID) { if ($sinaHasBinded) { $tipsType = 'hasBinded'; $sess->clearToken(); } else { $inData = array(); $inData['uid'] = XWB_S_UID; $inData['sina_uid'] = $uInfo['id']; $inData['token'] = $last_key['oauth_token']; $inData['tsecret'] = $last_key['oauth_token_secret']; $inData['profile'] = '[]'; $sqlF = array(); $sqlV = array(); foreach ($inData as $k => $v) { $sqlF[] = "`" . $k . "`"; $sqlV[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info (" . implode(",", $sqlF) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $sqlV) . ") ;"; $rst = $db->query($sql, 'UNBUFFERED'); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); if (!$rst) { echo "DB ERROR"; exit; return false; } $tipsType = 'bind'; //正向绑定统计上报 $sess->appendStat('bind', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'type' => 1)); } } else { //从 wb 登录后 检查用户是否绑定,如果绑定了 则在附属站点自 if ($sinaHasBinded) { require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/lib/'; $result = xwb_setSiteUserLogin((int) $bInfo['uid']); if (!$result) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); $tipsType = 'siteuserNotExist'; } else { $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //已登录WB,没有附属站点的帐号 引导注册 $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_reg', '1'); $tipsType = 'reg'; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //bind的页面需要跳转,故需要使用cookies记录 if ($tipsType == 'bind') { setcookie('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType, 0); } //$sess->setInfo('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType); $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_bind', 0); //使用sina微博帐号登录成功(不管是否绑定)统计上报 $sess->appendStat('login', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'])); //所有跟站点相关的对接,必须放到_showBinging $this->_showBinging($tipsType); }
/** * 设置帖子同步标志 * @param $tid int thread id * @param $mid int 微博id */ function _setSynId($tid, $mid) { $tid = is_numeric($tid) ? $tid : 0; $mid = is_numeric($mid) ? $mid : 0; if ($tid > 0 && $mid > 0) { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . XWB_S_TBPRE . 'xwb_bind_topic(`tid`,`mid`) VALUES("' . $tid . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($mid) . '")'; $db->query($sql); if ($db->affected_rows()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * 数据源转数组 * @param resource $result 数据源 * @return array $rs 转换后的数组 */ function _dbToArray(&$result) { $rs = array(); //返回数据集 if (is_resource($result)) { $xwbDBHandler = XWB_plugin::getDB(); //定义数据库管理器 // 处理查询数据 while ($row = $xwbDBHandler->fetch_array($result)) { $rs[] = $row; } //数据集赋值 } return $rs; // 返回数据 }
/** * 生成要发送数据的UC地址。 * * @return string */ function _createUCUrl() { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $ucuid = $db->result_first("select `ucuid` from " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "members where `uid`='{$this->uid}' limit 1"); //最关键的input!必须使用dz函数authcode,并且必须使用Discuz!和UC之间的通讯密钥! $ucinput = authcode('uid=' . $ucuid . '&agent=' . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . '&time=' . time(), 'ENCODE', UC_KEY); //PHP4没有http_build_query,只好....... $posturl = UC_API . '/index.php?m=user' . '&a=rectavatar' . '&inajax=1' . '&appid=' . UC_APPID . '&agent=' . urlencode(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) . '&input=' . urlencode($ucinput); return $posturl; }
/** * 构造函数 */ function session_storage_db() { $this->_db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); }