protected function arrayToXML($fieldInfo, SimpleXMLElement $xmlFieldInfo)
     foreach ($fieldInfo as $treeItemSID => $treeItemInfo) {
         $branch = $xmlFieldInfo->addChild('branch');
         $branch->addChild('sid', $treeItemSID);
         $branch->addChild('caption', XML_Util::replaceEntities($treeItemInfo['caption']));
         if (!empty($treeItemInfo['items'])) {
             $branchItems = $branch->addChild('items');
             $this->arrayToXML($treeItemInfo['items'], $branchItems);
Beispiel #2
 * several examples for the methods of XML_Util
 * $Id: example.php,v 1.12 2004/12/23 13:22:00 schst Exp $
 * @author      Stephan Schmidt
 * @package     XML_Util
 * @subpackage  examples
 * @category    XML
require_once 'XML/Util.php';
 * replacing XML entities
print "replace XML entities:<br>\n";
print XML_Util::replaceEntities("This string contains < & >.");
print "\n<br><br>\n";
 * reversing XML entities
print "replace XML entities:<br>\n";
print XML_Util::reverseEntities("This string contains &lt; &amp; &gt;.");
print "\n<br><br>\n";
 * building XML declaration
print "building XML declaration:<br>\n";
print htmlspecialchars(XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration());
print "\n<br><br>\n";
print "building XML declaration with additional attributes:<br>";
print htmlspecialchars(XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", true));
  * serialize a token
  * This method does the actual beautifying.
  * @param array $token structure that should be serialized
  * @return mixed
  * @access private 
  * @todo split this method into smaller methods
 function _serializeToken($token)
     switch ($token["type"]) {
          * serialize XML Element
             $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]);
             // adjust tag case
             if ($this->_options["caseFolding"] === true) {
                 switch ($this->_options["caseFoldingTo"]) {
                     case "uppercase":
                         $token["tagname"] = strtoupper($token["tagname"]);
                         $token["attribs"] = array_change_key_case($token["attribs"], CASE_UPPER);
                     case "lowercase":
                         $token["tagname"] = strtolower($token["tagname"]);
                         $token["attribs"] = array_change_key_case($token["attribs"], CASE_LOWER);
             if ($this->_options["multilineTags"] == true) {
                 $attIndent = $indent . str_repeat(" ", 2 + strlen($token["tagname"]));
             } else {
                 $attIndent = null;
             // check for children
             switch ($token["contains"]) {
                 // contains only CData or is empty
                 case XML_BEAUTIFIER_CDATA:
                 case XML_BEAUTIFIER_EMPTY:
                     if (sizeof($token["children"]) >= 1) {
                         $data = $token["children"][0]["data"];
                     } else {
                         $data = '';
                     if (strstr($data, "\n")) {
                         $data = "\n" . $this->_indentTextBlock($data, $token['depth'] + 1, true);
                     $xml = $indent . XML_Util::createTag($token["tagname"], $token["attribs"], $data, null, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $this->_options["multilineTags"], $attIndent) . $this->_options["linebreak"];
                     // contains mixed content
                 // contains mixed content
                     $xml = $indent . XML_Util::createStartElement($token["tagname"], $token["attribs"], null, $this->_options["multilineTags"], $attIndent) . $this->_options["linebreak"];
                     $cnt = count($token["children"]);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                         $xml .= $this->_serializeToken($token["children"][$i]);
                     $xml .= $indent . XML_Util::createEndElement($token["tagname"]) . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * serialize CData
          * serialize CData
             if ($token["depth"] > 0) {
                 $xml = str_repeat($this->_options["indent"], $token["depth"]);
             } else {
                 $xml = "";
             $xml .= XML_Util::replaceEntities($token["data"]) . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * serialize CData section
          * serialize CData section
             if ($token["depth"] > 0) {
                 $xml = str_repeat($this->_options["indent"], $token["depth"]);
             } else {
                 $xml = "";
             $xml .= '<![CDATA[' . $token["data"] . ']]>' . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * serialize entity
          * serialize entity
             if ($token["depth"] > 0) {
                 $xml = str_repeat($this->_options["indent"], $token["depth"]);
             } else {
                 $xml = "";
             $xml .= "&" . $token["name"] . ";" . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * serialize Processing instruction
          * serialize Processing instruction
         case XML_BEAUTIFIER_PI:
             $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]);
             $xml = $indent . "<?" . $token["target"] . $this->_options["linebreak"] . $this->_indentTextBlock(rtrim($token["data"]), $token["depth"]) . $indent . "?>" . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * comments
          * comments
             $lines = count(explode("\n", $token["data"]));
              * normalize comment, i.e. combine it to one
              * line and remove whitespace
             if ($this->_options["normalizeComments"] && $lines > 1) {
                 $comment = preg_replace("/\\s\\s+/s", " ", str_replace("\n", " ", $token["data"]));
                 $lines = 1;
             } else {
                 $comment = $token["data"];
              * check for the maximum length of one line
             if ($this->_options["maxCommentLine"] > 0) {
                 if ($lines > 1) {
                     $commentLines = explode("\n", $comment);
                 } else {
                     $commentLines = array($comment);
                 $comment = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
                     if (strlen($commentLines[$i]) <= $this->_options["maxCommentLine"]) {
                         $comment .= $commentLines[$i];
                     $comment .= wordwrap($commentLines[$i], $this->_options["maxCommentLine"]);
                     if ($i != $lines - 1) {
                         $comment .= "\n";
                 $lines = count(explode("\n", $comment));
             $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]);
             if ($lines > 1) {
                 $xml = $indent . "<!--" . $this->_options["linebreak"] . $this->_indentTextBlock($comment, $token["depth"] + 1, true) . $indent . "-->" . $this->_options["linebreak"];
             } else {
                 $xml = $indent . sprintf("<!-- %s -->", trim($comment)) . $this->_options["linebreak"];
              * xml declaration
          * xml declaration
             $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]);
             $xml = $indent . XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration($token["version"], $token["encoding"], $token["standalone"]);
              * xml declaration
          * xml declaration
             $xml = $token["data"];
              * all other elements
          * all other elements
             $xml = XML_Util::replaceEntities($token["data"]);
     return $xml;
Beispiel #4
  * create a tag from an array
  * this method awaits an array in the following format
  * <pre>
  * array(
  *  "qname"        => $qname         // qualified name of the tag
  *  "namespace"    => $namespace     // namespace prefix (optional, if qname is specified or no namespace)
  *  "localpart"    => $localpart,    // local part of the tagname (optional, if qname is specified)
  *  "attributes"   => array(),       // array containing all attributes (optional)
  *  "content"      => $content,      // tag content (optional)
  *  "namespaceUri" => $namespaceUri  // namespaceUri for the given namespace (optional)
  *   )
  * </pre>
  * <code>
  * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  * $tag = array(
  *           "qname"        => "foo:bar",
  *           "namespaceUri" => "",
  *           "attributes"   => array( "key" => "value", "argh" => "fruit&vegetable" ),
  *           "content"      => "I'm inside the tag",
  *            );
  * // creating a tag with qualified name and namespaceUri
  * $string = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag);
  * </code>
  * @access   public
  * @static
  * @param    array   $tag               tag definition
  * @param    integer $replaceEntities   whether to replace XML special chars in content, embedd it in a CData section or none of both
  * @param    boolean $multiline         whether to create a multiline tag where each attribute gets written to a single line
  * @param    string  $indent            string used to indent attributes (_auto indents attributes so they start at the same column)
  * @param    string  $linebreak         string used for linebreaks
  * @return   string  $string            XML tag
  * @see      XML_Util::createTag()
  * @uses     XML_Util::attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the tag
  * @uses     XML_Util::splitQualifiedName() to get local part and namespace of a qualified name
 function createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline = false, $indent = "_auto", $linebreak = "\n", $encoding = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML)
     if (isset($tag["content"]) && !is_scalar($tag["content"])) {
         return XML_Util::raiseError("Supplied non-scalar value as tag content", XML_UTIL_ERROR_NON_SCALAR_CONTENT);
     if (!isset($tag['qname']) && !isset($tag['localPart'])) {
         return XML_Util::raiseError('You must either supply a qualified name (qname) or local tag name (localPart).', XML_UTIL_ERROR_NO_TAG_NAME);
     // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
     if (!isset($tag["attributes"]) || !is_array($tag["attributes"])) {
         $tag["attributes"] = array();
     // qualified name is not given
     if (!isset($tag["qname"])) {
         // check for namespace
         if (isset($tag["namespace"]) && !empty($tag["namespace"])) {
             $tag["qname"] = $tag["namespace"] . ":" . $tag["localPart"];
         } else {
             $tag["qname"] = $tag["localPart"];
         // namespace URI is set, but no namespace
     } elseif (isset($tag["namespaceUri"]) && !isset($tag["namespace"])) {
         $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($tag["qname"]);
         $tag["localPart"] = $parts["localPart"];
         if (isset($parts["namespace"])) {
             $tag["namespace"] = $parts["namespace"];
     if (isset($tag["namespaceUri"]) && !empty($tag["namespaceUri"])) {
         // is a namespace given
         if (isset($tag["namespace"]) && !empty($tag["namespace"])) {
             $tag["attributes"]["xmlns:" . $tag["namespace"]] = $tag["namespaceUri"];
         } else {
             // define this Uri as the default namespace
             $tag["attributes"]["xmlns"] = $tag["namespaceUri"];
     // check for multiline attributes
     if ($multiline === true) {
         if ($indent === "_auto") {
             $indent = str_repeat(" ", strlen($tag["qname"]) + 2);
     // create attribute list
     $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($tag["attributes"], true, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak);
     if (!isset($tag["content"]) || (string) $tag["content"] == '') {
         $tag = sprintf("<%s%s />", $tag["qname"], $attList);
     } else {
         if ($replaceEntities == XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES) {
             $tag["content"] = XML_Util::replaceEntities($tag["content"], $encoding);
         } elseif ($replaceEntities == XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION) {
             $tag["content"] = XML_Util::createCDataSection($tag["content"]);
         $tag = sprintf("<%s%s>%s</%s>", $tag["qname"], $attList, $tag["content"], $tag["qname"]);
     return $tag;
Beispiel #5
  * create a tag from an array
  * this method awaits an array in the following format
  * <pre>
  * array(
  *     // qualified name of the tag
  *     'qname' => $qname        
  *     // namespace prefix (optional, if qname is specified or no namespace)
  *     'namespace' => $namespace    
  *     // local part of the tagname (optional, if qname is specified)
  *     'localpart' => $localpart,   
  *     // array containing all attributes (optional)
  *     'attributes' => array(),      
  *     // tag content (optional)
  *     'content' => $content,     
  *     // namespaceUri for the given namespace (optional)
  *     'namespaceUri' => $namespaceUri 
  * )
  * </pre>
  * <code>
  * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  * $tag = array(
  *     'qname'        => 'foo:bar',
  *     'namespaceUri' => '',
  *     'attributes'   => array('key' => 'value', 'argh' => 'fruit&vegetable'),
  *     'content'      => 'I\'m inside the tag',
  * );
  * // creating a tag with qualified name and namespaceUri
  * $string = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag);
  * </code>
  * @param array  $tag             tag definition
  * @param int    $replaceEntities whether to replace XML special chars in 
  *                                content, embedd it in a CData section 
  *                                or none of both
  * @param bool   $multiline       whether to create a multiline tag where each 
  *                                attribute gets written to a single line
  * @param string $indent          string used to indent attributes 
  *                                (_auto indents attributes so they start 
  *                                at the same column)
  * @param string $linebreak       string used for linebreaks
  * @param bool   $sortAttributes  Whether to sort the attributes or not
  * @return string XML tag
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @see createTag()
  * @uses attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the tag
  * @uses splitQualifiedName() to get local part and namespace of a qualified name
  * @uses createCDataSection()
  * @uses raiseError()
 function createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES, $multiline = false, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n", $sortAttributes = true)
     if (isset($tag['content']) && !is_scalar($tag['content'])) {
         return XML_Util::raiseError('Supplied non-scalar value as tag content', XML_UTIL_ERROR_NON_SCALAR_CONTENT);
     if (!isset($tag['qname']) && !isset($tag['localPart'])) {
         return XML_Util::raiseError('You must either supply a qualified name ' . '(qname) or local tag name (localPart).', XML_UTIL_ERROR_NO_TAG_NAME);
     // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
     if (!isset($tag['attributes']) || !is_array($tag['attributes'])) {
         $tag['attributes'] = array();
     if (isset($tag['namespaces'])) {
         foreach ($tag['namespaces'] as $ns => $uri) {
             $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $ns] = $uri;
     if (!isset($tag['qname'])) {
         // qualified name is not given
         // check for namespace
         if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
             $tag['qname'] = $tag['namespace'] . ':' . $tag['localPart'];
         } else {
             $tag['qname'] = $tag['localPart'];
     } elseif (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !isset($tag['namespace'])) {
         // namespace URI is set, but no namespace
         $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($tag['qname']);
         $tag['localPart'] = $parts['localPart'];
         if (isset($parts['namespace'])) {
             $tag['namespace'] = $parts['namespace'];
     if (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !empty($tag['namespaceUri'])) {
         // is a namespace given
         if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
             $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $tag['namespace']] = $tag['namespaceUri'];
         } else {
             // define this Uri as the default namespace
             $tag['attributes']['xmlns'] = $tag['namespaceUri'];
     // check for multiline attributes
     if ($multiline === true) {
         if ($indent === '_auto') {
             $indent = str_repeat(' ', strlen($tag['qname']) + 2);
     // create attribute list
     $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($tag['attributes'], $sortAttributes, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak, $replaceEntities);
     if (!isset($tag['content']) || (string) $tag['content'] == '') {
         $tag = sprintf('<%s%s />', $tag['qname'], $attList);
     } else {
         switch ($replaceEntities) {
             case XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE:
             case XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION:
                 $tag['content'] = XML_Util::createCDataSection($tag['content']);
                 $tag['content'] = XML_Util::replaceEntities($tag['content'], $replaceEntities);
         $tag = sprintf('<%s%s>%s</%s>', $tag['qname'], $attList, $tag['content'], $tag['qname']);
     return $tag;
  * create a tag from an array
  * this method awaits an array in the following format
  * array(
  *       'qname'        => $tagName,
  *       'attributes'   => array(),
  *       'content'      => $content,      // optional
  *       'namespace'    => $namespace     // optional
  *       'namespaceUri' => $namespaceUri  // optional
  *   )
  * @param array   $tag       tag definition
  * @param boolean $firstCall whether or not this is the first call
  * @return string $string XML tag
  * @access private
 function _createXMLTag($tag, $firstCall = true)
     // build fully qualified tag name
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_NAMESPACE] !== null) {
         if (is_array($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_NAMESPACE])) {
             $tag['qname'] = $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_NAMESPACE][0] . ':' . $tag['qname'];
         } else {
             $tag['qname'] = $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_NAMESPACE] . ':' . $tag['qname'];
     // attribute indentation
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT_ATTRIBUTES] !== false) {
         $multiline = true;
         $indent = str_repeat($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT], $this->_tagDepth);
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT_ATTRIBUTES] == '_auto') {
             $indent .= str_repeat(' ', strlen($tag['qname']) + 2);
         } else {
             $indent .= $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT_ATTRIBUTES];
     } else {
         $multiline = false;
         $indent = false;
     if (is_array($tag['content'])) {
         if (empty($tag['content'])) {
             $tag['content'] = '';
     } elseif (XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_FALSE_AS_STRING && $tag['content'] === false) {
         $tag['content'] = '0';
     } elseif (is_scalar($tag['content']) && (string) $tag['content'] == '') {
         $tag['content'] = '';
     // replace XML entities
     if ($firstCall === true) {
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CDATA_SECTIONS] === true) {
             $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION;
         } else {
             $replaceEntities = $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENTITIES];
     } else {
         // this is a nested call, so value is already encoded
         // and must not be encoded again
         $replaceEntities = XML_SERIALIZER_ENTITIES_NONE;
         // but attributes need to be encoded anyways
         // (done here because the rest of the code assumes the same encoding
         // can be used both for attributes and content)
         foreach ($tag['attributes'] as $k => $v) {
             $v = XML_Util::replaceEntities($v, $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENTITIES]);
             $tag['attributes'][$k] = $v;
     if (is_scalar($tag['content']) || is_null($tag['content'])) {
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC]) {
             if ($firstCall === true) {
                 $tag['content'] = call_user_func($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC], $tag['content']);
             $tag['attributes'] = array_map($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC], $tag['attributes']);
         $tag = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities, $multiline, $indent, $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS]);
     } elseif (is_array($tag['content'])) {
         $tag = $this->_serializeArray($tag['content'], $tag['qname'], $tag['attributes']);
     } elseif (is_object($tag['content'])) {
         $tag = $this->_serializeObject($tag['content'], $tag['qname'], $tag['attributes']);
     } elseif (is_resource($tag['content'])) {
         settype($tag['content'], 'string');
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC]) {
             if ($replaceEntities === true) {
                 $tag['content'] = call_user_func($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC], $tag['content']);
             $tag['attributes'] = array_map($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC], $tag['attributes']);
         $tag = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities);
     return $tag;
Beispiel #7
  * Serialize and save the updated tranlation data to the XML file
  * @return boolean | PEAR_Error
  * @access private
  * @see Translation2_Admin_Container_xml::_scheduleSaving()
 function _saveData()
     if ($this->options['save_on_shutdown']) {
         $data =& $this->_data;
     } else {
         $data = $this->_data;
     $this->_convertEncodings('to_xml', $data);
     $this->_convertLangEncodings('to_xml', $data);
     // Serializing
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n" . "<!DOCTYPE translation2 [\n" . TRANSLATION2_DTD . "]>\n\n" . "<translation2>\n" . "  <languages>\n";
     foreach ($data['languages'] as $lang => $spec) {
         $xml .= "    <lang id=\"{$lang}\">\n" . "      <name>" . ($name ? ' ' . XML_Util::replaceEntities($name) . ' ' : '') . "</name>\n" . "      <meta>" . ($meta ? ' ' . XML_Util::replaceEntities($meta) . ' ' : "") . "</meta>\n" . "      <error_text>" . ($error_text ? ' ' . XML_Util::replaceEntities($error_text) . ' ' : "") . "</error_text>\n" . "      <encoding>" . ($encoding ? " {$encoding} " : "") . "</encoding>\n" . "    </lang>\n";
     $xml .= "  </languages>\n" . "  <pages>\n";
     foreach ($data['pages'] as $page => $strings) {
         $xml .= "    <page key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($page) . "\">\n";
         foreach ($strings as $str_id => $translations) {
             $xml .= "      <string key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str_id) . "\">\n";
             foreach ($translations as $lang => $str) {
                 $xml .= "        <tr lang=\"{$lang}\"> " . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str) . " </tr>\n";
             $xml .= "      </string>\n";
         $xml .= "    </page>\n";
     $xml .= "  </pages>\n" . "</translation2>\n";
     // Saving
     if (!($f = fopen($this->_filename, 'w'))) {
         return $this->raiseError(sprintf('Unable to open the XML file ("%s") for writing', $this->_filename), TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_ERROR);
     @flock($f, LOCK_EX);
     fwrite($f, $xml);
     //@flock($f, LOCK_UN);
     return true;
Beispiel #8
  * @param array $data
  * @return string
 protected function generateXMLData($data)
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n" . "<!DOCTYPE translation2 [\n" . TRANSLATION2_DTD . "]>\n\n" . "<translation2>\n" . "  <languages>\n";
     foreach ($data['languages'] as $lang => $spec) {
         $xml .= "    <lang id=\"{$lang}\">\n" . "      <name>" . ($name ? ' ' . XML_Util::replaceEntities($name) . ' ' : '') . "</name>\n" . "      <meta>" . ($meta ? ' ' . str_replace('__quote__', '"', XML_Util::replaceEntities(str_replace('"', "__quote__", $meta))) . ' ' : "") . "</meta>\n" . "      <error_text>" . ($error_text ? ' ' . XML_Util::replaceEntities($error_text) . ' ' : "") . "</error_text>\n" . "      <encoding>" . ($encoding ? " {$encoding} " : "") . "</encoding>\n" . "    </lang>\n";
     $xml .= "  </languages>\n" . "  <pages>\n";
     foreach ($data['pages'] as $page => $strings) {
         $xml .= "    <page key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($page) . "\">\n";
         foreach ($strings as $str_id => $translations) {
             $xml .= "      <string key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str_id) . "\">\n";
             foreach ($translations as $lang => $str) {
                 $xml .= "        <tr lang=\"{$lang}\"> " . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str) . " </tr>\n";
             $xml .= "      </string>\n";
         $xml .= "    </page>\n";
     $xml .= "  </pages>\n" . "</translation2>\n";
     return $xml;
Beispiel #9
  * @param array $data
  * @return bool|PEAR_Error|void
 private function _saveDataPages($data)
     $fileName = !empty($this->options['filename_pages']) ? $this->options['filename_pages'] : false;
     if (!$fileName) {
         return false;
     $this->_convertEncodings('to_xml', $data);
     // Serializing
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n" . "<!DOCTYPE translation2 [\n" . TRANSLATION2_DTD_PAGES . "]>\n\n" . "<translation2>\n" . "  <languages>\n";
     foreach ($data['languages'] as $lang => $spec) {
         $xml .= "    <lang id=\"{$lang}\"/>\n";
     $xml .= "  </languages>\n" . "  <pages>\n";
     foreach ($data['pages'] as $page => $strings) {
         $xml .= "    <page key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($page) . "\">\n";
         foreach ($strings as $str_id => $translations) {
             $xml .= "      <string key=\"" . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str_id) . "\">\n";
             foreach ($translations as $lang => $str) {
                 $xml .= "        <tr lang=\"{$lang}\"> " . XML_Util::replaceEntities($str) . " </tr>\n";
             $xml .= "      </string>\n";
         $xml .= "    </page>\n";
     $xml .= "  </pages>\n" . "</translation2>\n";
     // Saving
     if (!($f = fopen($fileName, 'w'))) {
         return $this->raiseError(sprintf('Unable to open the XML file ("%s") for writing', $fileName), TRANSLATION2_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_ERROR);
     @flock($f, LOCK_EX);
     fwrite($f, $xml);
     //@flock($f, LOCK_UN);
Beispiel #10
  * serialize an array
  * @param array  &$array     array to serialize
  * @param string $tagName    name of the root tag
  * @param array  $attributes attributes for the root tag
  * @return string $string serialized data
  * @access private
  * @uses XML_Util::isValidName() to check, whether key has to be substituted
  * @uses XML_Util::replaceEntities()
  * @uses XML_Util::createComment()
  * @uses PEAR::popExpect()
  * @uses PEAR::expectError()
 function _serializeArray(&$array, $tagName = null, $attributes = array())
     $_content = null;
     $_comment = null;
     // check for comment
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_COMMENT_KEY] !== null) {
         if (isset($array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_COMMENT_KEY]])) {
             $_comment = $array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_COMMENT_KEY]];
      * check for special attributes
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_KEY] !== null) {
         if (isset($array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_KEY]])) {
             $attributes = $array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_KEY]];
          * check for special content
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CONTENT_KEY] !== null) {
             if (isset($array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CONTENT_KEY]])) {
                 $_content = XML_Util::replaceEntities($array[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CONTENT_KEY]]);
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_IGNORE_NULL] === true) {
         foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) {
             if (is_null($array[$key])) {
      * if mode is set to simpleXML, check whether
      * the array is associative or indexed
     if (is_array($array) && !empty($array) && $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_MODE] == XML_SERIALIZER_MODE_SIMPLEXML) {
         $indexed = true;
         foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
             if (!is_int($key)) {
                 $indexed = false;
         if ($indexed && $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_MODE] == XML_SERIALIZER_MODE_SIMPLEXML) {
             $string = '';
             foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
                 $string .= $this->_serializeValue($val, $tagName, $attributes);
                 $string .= $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS];
                 // do indentation
                 if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT] !== null && $this->_tagDepth > 0) {
                     $string .= str_repeat($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT], $this->_tagDepth);
             return rtrim($string);
     $scalarAsAttributes = false;
     if (is_array($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_SCALAR_AS_ATTRIBUTES]) && isset($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_SCALAR_AS_ATTRIBUTES][$tagName])) {
         $scalarAsAttributes = $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_SCALAR_AS_ATTRIBUTES][$tagName];
     } elseif ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_SCALAR_AS_ATTRIBUTES] === true) {
         $scalarAsAttributes = true;
     if ($scalarAsAttributes === true) {
         foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
             if (is_scalar($value) && XML_Util::isValidName($key) === true) {
                 $attributes[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_PREPEND_ATTRIBUTES] . $key] = $value;
     } elseif (is_array($scalarAsAttributes)) {
         foreach ($scalarAsAttributes as $key) {
             if (!isset($array[$key])) {
             $value = $array[$key];
             if (is_scalar($value) && XML_Util::isValidName($key) === true) {
                 $attributes[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_PREPEND_ATTRIBUTES] . $key] = $value;
     // check for empty array => create empty tag
     if (empty($array)) {
         $tag = array('qname' => $tagName, 'content' => $_content, 'attributes' => $attributes);
     } else {
         $tmp = $_content . $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS];
         foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
             // do indentation
             if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT] !== null && $this->_tagDepth > 0) {
                 $tmp .= str_repeat($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT], $this->_tagDepth);
             // copy key
             $origKey = $key;
             // key cannot be used as tagname => use default tag
             $valid = XML_Util::isValidName($key);
             if (PEAR::isError($valid)) {
                 if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CLASSNAME_AS_TAGNAME] && is_object($value)) {
                     $key = get_class($value);
                 } else {
                     $key = $this->_getDefaultTagname($tagName);
             // once we've established the true $key, is there a tagmap for it?
             if (isset($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TAGMAP][$key])) {
                 $key = $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TAGMAP][$key];
             $atts = array();
             if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TYPEHINTS] === true) {
                 $atts[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE]] = gettype($value);
                 if ($key !== $origKey) {
                     $atts[$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]] = (string) $origKey;
             $tmp .= $this->_createXMLTag(array('qname' => $key, 'attributes' => $atts, 'content' => $value));
             $tmp .= $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS];
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT] !== null && $this->_tagDepth > 0) {
             $tmp .= str_repeat($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT], $this->_tagDepth);
         if (trim($tmp) === '') {
             $tmp = null;
         $tag = array('qname' => $tagName, 'content' => $tmp, 'attributes' => $attributes);
     if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TYPEHINTS] === true) {
         if (!isset($tag['attributes'][$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE]])) {
             $tag['attributes'][$this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE]] = 'array';
     $string = '';
     if (!is_null($_comment)) {
         $string .= XML_Util::createComment($_comment);
         $string .= $this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS];
         if ($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT] !== null && $this->_tagDepth > 0) {
             $string .= str_repeat($this->options[XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT], $this->_tagDepth);
     $string .= $this->_createXMLTag($tag, false);
     return $string;
Beispiel #11
 function CreateNode($NodeName, $NodeValue)
     require_once 'XML/Util.php';
     $xml = new XML_Util();
     $node = "<" . $NodeName . ">" . $xml->replaceEntities($NodeValue) . "</" . $NodeName . ">";
     return $node;
Beispiel #12
 public static function generateExportData($parameters)
     $exportProperties = $aliases = $sid = null;
     $listingInfo = SJB_ListingManager::getListingInfoBySID($sid);
     $listingInfo = $aliases->changePropertiesInfo($listingInfo);
     $exportData = array();
     $i18n = SJB_I18N::getInstance();
     foreach ($exportProperties as $propertyId => $value) {
         if ('ApplicationSettings' == $propertyId) {
             $exportData[$sid][$propertyId] = isset($listingInfo[$propertyId]['value']) ? $listingInfo[$propertyId]['value'] : null;
         } else {
             $fieldInfo = SJB_ListingFieldDBManager::getListingFieldInfoByID($propertyId);
             if (!empty($fieldInfo['type']) && $fieldInfo['type'] == 'complex' && isset($listingInfo[$propertyId])) {
                 $complexFields = $listingInfo[$propertyId];
                 if (is_string($listingInfo[$propertyId])) {
                     $complexFields = unserialize($complexFields);
                 if (is_array($complexFields)) {
                     $fieldsInfo = SJB_ListingComplexFieldManager::getListingFieldsInfoByParentSID($fieldInfo['sid']);
                     foreach ($fieldsInfo as $key => $info) {
                         $fieldsInfo[$info['id']] = $info;
                     $domDocument = new DOMDocument();
                     $rootElement = $domDocument->createElement($propertyId . 's');
                     $propertyElements = array();
                     $createPropertyElements = true;
                     foreach ($complexFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                         $fieldInfo = isset($fieldsInfo[$fieldName]) ? $fieldsInfo[$fieldName] : array();
                         foreach ($fieldValue as $key => $value) {
                             if (isset($fieldInfo['type']) && $fieldInfo['type'] == 'complexfile' && $value != '') {
                                 $fileName = SJB_UploadFileManager::getUploadedSavedFileName($value);
                                 $value = $fileName ? 'files/' . $fileName : '';
                             } elseif (isset($fieldInfo['type']) && $fieldInfo['type'] == 'date' && $value != '') {
                                 $value = $i18n->getDate($value);
                             if ($createPropertyElements) {
                                 $propertyElement = $domDocument->createElement($propertyId);
                                 $propertyElements[$key] = $propertyElement;
                             $fieldElement = $domDocument->createElement($fieldName);
                             $valElement = $domDocument->createTextNode(XML_Util::replaceEntities($value));
                         $createPropertyElements = false;
                     $exportData[$sid][$propertyId] = $domDocument->saveXML();
                 } else {
                     $exportData[$sid][$propertyId] = null;
             } else {
                 $exportData[$sid][$propertyId] = isset($listingInfo[$propertyId]) ? $listingInfo[$propertyId] : null;
     self::changeTreeProperties($exportProperties, $exportData);
     self::changeMonetaryProperties($exportProperties, $exportData);
     self::changeListProperties($exportProperties, $exportData);
     self::changePicturesProperties($exportProperties, $exportData);
     self::changeFileProperties($exportProperties, $exportData, 'file');
     self::changeFileProperties($exportProperties, $exportData, 'video');
     self::changeComplexFileProperties($exportProperties, $exportData, 'complexfile');
     self::changeLocationProperties($exportProperties, $exportData);
     return $exportData[$sid];
Beispiel #13
  * Serialize the element.
  * @access public
  * @return string string representation of the element and all of its childNodes
 public function serialize()
     if (empty($this->_ns) || $this->knownElement === false) {
         $el = $this->elementName;
     } else {
         $el = sprintf('%s:%s', $this->_ns, $this->elementName);
     if (!$this->hasChildren()) {
         if ($this->cdata !== null) {
             $content = $this->cdata;
             if ($this->replaceEntities) {
                 $content = XML_Util::replaceEntities($content);
     } else {
         $content = '';
         $rit = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this, RIT_SELF_FIRST);
         while ($rit->getSubIterator()->valid()) {
             $content .= $rit->getSubIterator()->current()->serialize();
     if ($this->isRoot) {
         $nsUri = '';
     } else {
         $nsUri = null;
     return XML_Util::createTag($el, $this->attributes, $content, $nsUri, false);
Beispiel #14
  *  Serialize one metadata element
  *  @param el object, element object
  *  @param lvl int, level for indentation
  *  @return string, serialized XML
 function serializeEl($el, $lvl = 0)
     $ind = str_repeat(" ", $lvl);
     $elNs = $el->ns;
     $elName = $el->name;
     $attrs = XML_Util::attributesToString($el->attrs);
     $fullName = ($elNs == '' ? '' : "{$elNs}:") . "{$elName}";
     $res = "\n{$ind}<{$fullName}{$attrs}>";
     $haveCh = count($el->children) > 0;
     foreach ($el->children as $ch) {
         $res .= $this->serializeEl($ch, $lvl + 1);
     $res .= XML_Util::replaceEntities("{$el->content}");
     if ($haveCh) {
         $res .= "\n{$ind}";
     $res .= "</{$fullName}>";
     return $res;
Beispiel #15
  * Generates the XUL for the DataGrid
  * @access  public
  * @return  string      The XUL of the DataGrid
 function toXUL()
     $dg =& $this->_dg;
     // Get the data to be rendered
     // Check to see if column headers exist, if not create them
     // This must follow after any fetch method call
     // Define XML
     $xul = XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration() . "\n";
     // Define Stylesheets
     foreach ($this->css as $css) {
         $xul .= "<?xml-stylesheet href=\"{$css}\" type=\"text/css\"?>\n";
     // Define Window Element
     $xul .= "<window title=\"{$this->title}\" " . "xmlns=\"\">\n";
     // Define Listbox Element
     $xul .= "<listbox rows=\"" . $this->_dg->rowLimit . "\">\n";
     // Build Grid Header
     $xul .= "  <listhead>\n";
     $prefix = $this->requestPrefix;
     foreach ($this->_dg->columnSet as $column) {
         if ($this->_dg->sortArray[0] == $column->orderBy) {
             if (strtoupper($this->_dg->sortArray[1]) == 'ASC') {
                 // The data is currently sorted by $column, ascending.
                 // That means we want $dirArg set to 'DESC', for the next
                 // click to trigger a reverse order sort, and we need
                 // $dirCur set to 'ascending' so that a neat xul arrow
                 // shows the current "ASC" direction.
                 $dirArg = 'DESC';
                 $dirCur = 'ascending';
             } else {
                 // Next click will do ascending sort, and we show a reverse
                 // arrow because we're currently descending.
                 $dirArg = 'ASC';
                 $dirCur = 'descending';
         } else {
             // No current sort on this column. Next click will ascend. We
             // show no arrow.
             $dirArg = 'ASC';
             $dirCur = 'natural';
         $onClick = "location.href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $prefix . 'orderBy=' . $column->orderBy . "&amp;" . $prefix . "direction={$dirArg}';";
         $label = XML_Util::replaceEntities($column->columnName);
         $xul .= '    <listheader label="' . $label . '" ' . "sortDirection=\"{$dirCur}\" onCommand=\"{$onClick}\" />\n";
     $xul .= "  </listhead>\n";
     // Build Grid Body
     foreach ($this->_dg->recordSet as $row) {
         $xul .= "  <listitem>\n";
         foreach ($this->_dg->columnSet as $column) {
             // Build Content
             if ($column->formatter != null) {
                 $content = $column->formatter($row);
             } elseif ($column->fieldName == null) {
                 if ($column->autoFillValue != null) {
                     $content = $column->autoFillValue;
                 } else {
                     $content = $column->columnName;
             } else {
                 $content = $row[$column->fieldName];
             $xul .= '    ' . XML_Util::createTag('listcell', array('label' => $content)) . "\n";
         $xul .= "  </listitem>\n";
     $xul .= "</listbox>\n";
     $xul .= "</window>\n";
     return $xul;