Beispiel #1
  * Get _gaq options list
  * @return array
 protected function getGaqOptions()
     $list = array(sprintf('\'_setAccount\', \'%s\'', \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_account));
     if (2 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $list[] = '\'_setDomainName\', \'.\' +^[^\\.]+\\./, \'\')';
     } elseif (3 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $list[] = '\'_setDomainName\', \'none\'';
         $list[] = '\'_setAllowLinker\', true';
     $list[] = '\'_trackPageview\'';
     $controller = \XLite::getController();
     if ($this->isEcommercePartEnabled() && $controller instanceof \XLite\Controller\Customer\CheckoutSuccess) {
         $orders = \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders;
         if (!is_array($orders)) {
             $orders = array();
         $order = $this->getOrder();
         if ($order->getProfile() && !in_array($order->getOrderId(), $orders)) {
             $bAddress = $order->getProfile()->getBillingAddress();
             $city = $bAddress ? $bAddress->getCity() : '';
             $state = $bAddress && $bAddress->getState() ? $bAddress->getState()->getState() : '';
             $country = $bAddress && $bAddress->getCountry() ? $bAddress->getCountry()->getCountry() : '';
             $tax = $order->getSurchargeSumByType(\XLite\Model\Base\Surcharge::TYPE_TAX);
             $shipping = $order->getSurchargeSumByType(\XLite\Model\Base\Surcharge::TYPE_SHIPPING);
             $list[] = '\'_addTrans\', ' . '\'' . $order->getOrderNumber() . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript(\XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->Company->company_name) . '\', ' . '\'' . $order->getTotal() . '\', ' . '\'' . $tax . '\', ' . '\'' . $shipping . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($city) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($state) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($country) . '\'';
             foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) {
                 $list[] = '\'_addItem\', ' . '\'' . $order->getOrderNumber() . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getSku()) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getName()) . '\', ' . '\'\', ' . '\'' . $item->getPrice() . '\', ' . '\'' . $item->getAmount() . '\'';
             $list[] = '\'_trackTrans\'';
             $orders[] = $order->getOrderId();
             \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders = $orders;
     return $list;
Beispiel #2
  * Get prepared pages array for tabber
  * @return void
 protected function getTabberPages()
     $pages = array();
     $url = $this->get('url');
     $switch = $this->getParam(self::PARAM_SWITCH);
     $functionName = $this->getParam(self::PARAM_TAB_PAGES);
     // $functionName - from PARAM_TAB_PAGES parameter
     $dialogPages = \XLite::getController()->{$functionName}();
     if (is_array($dialogPages)) {
         foreach ($dialogPages as $page => $title) {
             $p = new \XLite\Base();
             $pageURL = preg_replace('/' . $switch . '=(\\w+)/', $switch . '=' . $page, $url);
             $p->set('url', $pageURL);
             $p->set('title', $title);
             $pageSwitch = sprintf($switch . '=' . $page);
             $p->set('selected', preg_match('/' . preg_quote($pageSwitch) . '(\\Z|&)/Ss', $url));
             $pages[] = $p;
     // if there is only one tab page, set it as a seleted with the default URL
     if (1 == count($pages) || 'default' === $this->getPage()) {
         $pages[0]->set('selected', $url);
     return $pages;
Beispiel #3
  * Get required fields by address type
  * @param string $atype Address type code
  * @return array
 public function getRequiredFieldsByType($atype)
     $list = parent::getRequiredFieldsByType($atype);
     if ('express_checkout_return' === \XLite::getController()->getAction()) {
         $list = array_diff($list, array('phone'));
     return $list;
Beispiel #4
  * get Shipping Method name
  * for Canada Post add '(Canada Post)' (except admin area, shipping methods page)
  * @return string
 public function getName()
     $name = parent::getName();
     if ('capost' == $this->getProcessor() && !(\XLite::isAdminZone() && \XLite::getController() instanceof \XLite\Controller\Admin\ShippingMethods)) {
         $name = 'Canada Post ' . $name;
     return $name;
Beispiel #5
  * Define buttons widgets
  * @return array
 protected function defineButtons()
     $list = parent::defineButtons();
     if (\XLite::getController()->isOrderEditable()) {
         $list['sendNotification'] = $this->getSendNotificationWidget();
         $list['recalculate'] = $this->getRecalculateButton();
     return $list;
Beispiel #6
  * Check if product can be purchased
  * @return boolean
 public function isOutOfStock()
     $result = parent::isOutOfStock();
     if (!$result) {
         $membership = \XLite::getController() instanceof \XLite\Controller\ACustomer ? \XLite::getController()->getCart()->getProfile()->getMembership() : null;
         $result = $this->getAvailableAmount() < $this->getProduct()->getMinQuantity($membership);
     return $result;
Beispiel #7
  * Get default options for selector
  * @return array
 protected function getDefaultOptions()
     $list = array();
     /** @var \XLite\Model\Shipping\Method $method */
     $method = \XLite::getController()->getMethod();
     $processor = $method->getProcessorObject();
     $packageBoxTypeOptions = $processor->getPackageBoxTypeOptions();
     foreach ($packageBoxTypeOptions as $option) {
         $list[$option['code']] = $option['name'];
     return $list;
Beispiel #8
  * Check if field is valid and (if needed) set an error message
  * @param array  $data    Current section data
  * @param string $section Current section name
  * @return void
 protected function validateFields(array $data, $section)
     parent::validateFields($data, $section);
     if ('default' == $section && \XLite::getController() instanceof \XLite\Controller\Admin\Module && 'CDev\\AmazonS3Images' == $this->getModule()->getActualName() && !$this->errorMessages) {
         $vars = array();
         foreach ($data[self::SECTION_PARAM_FIELDS] as $field) {
             $vars[$field->getName()] = $field->getValue();
         $client = \XLite\Module\CDev\AmazonS3Images\Core\S3::getInstance();
         if (!empty($vars['access_key']) && !empty($vars['secret_key']) && !empty($vars['bucket']) && !$client->checkSettings($vars['access_key'], $vars['secret_key'], $vars['bucket'])) {
             $this->addErrorMessage('access_key', 'Connection to Amazon S3 failed.' . ' Check whether the AWS Access key и AWS Secret key specified in the module settings are correct.', $data);
Beispiel #9
  * Get _gaq options list
  * @return array
 protected function getGaqOptions()
     $list = array('\'_setAccount\', \'' . \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->GoogleAnalytics->ga_account . '\'');
     if (2 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $list[] = '\'_setDomainName\', \'.\' +^[^\\.]+\\./, \'\')';
     } elseif (3 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $list[] = '\'_setDomainName\', \'none\'';
         $list[] = '\'_setAllowLinker\', true';
     $list[] = '\'_trackPageview\'';
     $list[] = '\'_trackPageLoadTime\'';
     $controller = \XLite::getController();
     if ($controller instanceof \XLite\Controller\Customer\CheckoutSuccess) {
         $orders = \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders;
         if (!is_array($orders)) {
             $orders = array();
         $order = $this->getOrder();
         if (!in_array($order->getOrderId(), $orders)) {
             foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) {
                 $product = $item->getProduct();
                 $category = $product ? $product->getCategory() : null;
                 if ($category && $category->getCategoryId()) {
                     $categories = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\\Model\\Category')->getCategoryPath($category->getCategoryId());
                     $category = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                         $category[] = $cat->getName();
                     $category = implode(' / ', $category);
                 } else {
                     $category = '';
                 $list[] = '\'_addItem\', ' . '\'' . $order->getOrderId() . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getSku()) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getName()) . '\', ' . '\'\', ' . '\'' . $item->getPrice() . '\', ' . '\'' . $item->getAmount() . '\'';
             $bAddress = $order->getProfile()->getBillingAddress();
             $city = $bAddress ? $bAddress->getCity() : '';
             $state = $bAddress && $bAddress->getState() ? $bAddress->getState()->getState() : '';
             $country = $bAddress && $bAddress->getCountry() ? $bAddress->getCountry()->getCountry() : '';
             $tax = $order->getSurchargeSumByType('TAX');
             $shipping = $order->getSurchargeSumByType('SHIPPING');
             $list[] = '\'_addTrans\', ' . '\'' . $order->getOrderId() . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript(\XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->Company->company_name) . '\', ' . '\'' . $order->getTotal() . '\', ' . '\'' . $tax . '\', ' . '\'' . $shipping . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($city) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($state) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->escapeJavascript($country) . '\'';
             $list[] = '\'_trackTrans\'';
             $orders[] = $order->getOrderId();
             \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders = $orders;
     return $list;
Beispiel #10
  * Get validator
  * @return \XLite\Core\Validator\HashArray
 protected function getValidator()
     $validator = parent::getValidator();
     $validator->addPair('email', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Email(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $validator->addPair('password', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $validator->addPair('create_profile', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Switcher(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $validator->addPair('guest_agree', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Switcher(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $validator->addPair('same_address', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Switcher(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $onlyCalculate = (bool) \XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->only_calculate;
     $mode = $onlyCalculate ? \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT : \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::STRICT;
     $nonEmpty = !$onlyCalculate;
     // Shipping address
     $shippingAddress = $validator->addPair('shippingAddress', new \XLite\Core\Validator\HashArray(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     $addressFields = \XLite::getController()->getAddressFields();
     $isCountryStateAdded = false;
     foreach ($addressFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) {
         if (in_array($fieldName, array('country_code', 'state_id'))) {
             if (!$isCountryStateAdded) {
                 $shippingAddress->addPair(new \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\CountryState());
                 $isCountryStateAdded = true;
         } else {
             $mode = $onlyCalculate || !$fieldData[\XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_REQUIRED] ? \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT : \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::STRICT;
             $shippingAddress->addPair($fieldName, new \XLite\Core\Validator\String($nonEmpty && $fieldData[\XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_REQUIRED]), $mode);
     $shippingAddress->addPair('save_in_book', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Switcher(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     // Billing address
     if (!\XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->same_address) {
         $billingAddress = $validator->addPair('billingAddress', new \XLite\Core\Validator\HashArray(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
         $isCountryStateAdded = false;
         foreach ($addressFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) {
             if (in_array($fieldName, array('country_code', 'state_id'))) {
                 if (!$isCountryStateAdded) {
                     $billingAddress->addPair(new \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\CountryState());
                     $isCountryStateAdded = true;
             } else {
                 $billingAddress->addPair($fieldName, new \XLite\Core\Validator\String($nonEmpty && $fieldData[\XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_REQUIRED]), $mode);
         $billingAddress->addPair('save_in_book', new \XLite\Core\Validator\String\Switcher(), \XLite\Core\Validator\Pair\APair::SOFT);
     return $validator;
Beispiel #11
  * Check - specified item is active or not
  * @param array $item Menu item
  * @return boolean
 protected function isActiveItem(array $item)
     $result = parent::isActiveItem($item);
     if (false === $item['controller']) {
         $result = \XLite::getInstance()->getShopURL($item['url']) === \XLite\Core\URLManager::getCurrentURL() ?: $result;
     } else {
         if (!is_array($item['controller'])) {
             $item['controller'] = array($item['controller']);
         $controller = \XLite::getController();
         foreach ($item['controller'] as $controllerName) {
             if ($controller instanceof $controllerName) {
                 $result = true;
     return $result;
Beispiel #12
  * Get GA options list
  * @return array
 protected function getGAOptions()
     $str = "'create', '" . \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_account . "', 'auto'";
     if (2 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $str .= ', {cookieDomain: \'.\' +^[^\\.]+\\./, \'\')}';
     } elseif (3 == \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->CDev->GoogleAnalytics->ga_tracking_type) {
         $str .= ", {'allowLinker': true}";
     $list = array($str);
     $list[] = "'send', 'pageview'";
     $controller = \XLite::getController();
     if ($this->isEcommercePartEnabled() && $controller instanceof \XLite\Controller\Customer\CheckoutSuccess) {
         $orders = \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders;
         if (!is_array($orders)) {
             $orders = array();
         $order = $this->getOrder();
         if (!in_array($order->getOrderId(), $orders) && $order->getProfile()) {
             $bAddress = $order->getProfile()->getBillingAddress();
             $city = $bAddress ? $bAddress->getCity() : '';
             $state = $bAddress && $bAddress->getState() ? $bAddress->getState()->getState() : '';
             $country = $bAddress && $bAddress->getCountry() ? $bAddress->getCountry()->getCountry() : '';
             $tax = $order->getSurchargeSumByType(\XLite\Model\Base\Surcharge::TYPE_TAX);
             $shipping = $order->getSurchargeSumByType(\XLite\Model\Base\Surcharge::TYPE_SHIPPING);
             $list[] = "'require', 'ecommerce'";
             $list[] = "'ecommerce:addTransaction', {" . "'id': '" . $order->getOrderNumber() . "', " . "'affiliation': '" . $this->escapeJavascript(\XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->Company->company_name) . "', " . "'revenue': '" . $order->getTotal() . "', " . "'tax': '" . $tax . "', " . "'shipping': '" . $shipping . "'}";
             foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) {
                 $list[] = "'ecommerce:addItem', {" . "'id': '" . $order->getOrderNumber() . "', " . "'sku': '" . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getSku()) . "', " . "'name': '" . $this->escapeJavascript($item->getName()) . "', " . "'price': '" . $item->getPrice() . "', " . "'quantity': '" . $item->getAmount() . "'}";
             $list[] = "'ecommerce:send'";
             $orders[] = $order->getOrderId();
             \XLite\Core\Session::getInstance()->gaProcessedOrders = $orders;
     return $list;
  * Returns cart
  * @return \XLite\Model\Cart
 protected function getCart()
     return $this->getParam(static::PARAM_CART) ?: \XLite::getController()->getCart();
Beispiel #14
  * Get accessible shop URL
  * @return string
 protected function getClosedShopURL()
     return \XLite::getController()->getAccessibleShopURL(false);
Beispiel #15
  * doQuery
  * @param array   $data        Data
  * @param boolean $ignoreCache Flag: if true then do not get rates from cache
  * @return array
 protected function doQuery($data, $ignoreCache)
     $rates = array();
     $key = $this->getConfigurationFingerPrint() . serialize($data);
     if (!$ignoreCache) {
         $cachedResponse = $this->getDataFromCache($key);
     $response = null;
     if (isset($cachedResponse)) {
         $response = $cachedResponse;
     } elseif (!\XLite\Model\Shipping::isIgnoreLongCalculations()) {
         $APIConnector = $this->getAPIConnector();
         $status = false;
         if (\XLite\Module\XC\AuctionInc\Main::isSSAvailable()) {
             $status = $APIConnector->GetItemShipRateSS($response);
         } elseif (\XLite\Module\XC\AuctionInc\Main::isXSAvailable()) {
             $methods = $this->getEnabledMethods();
             if (count($methods)) {
                 $status = $APIConnector->GetItemShipRateXS($response);
         $this->logResponse($status, $data, $response);
         if ($status) {
             $this->saveDataInCache($key, $response);
             // drop selected shipping method to set it to cheapest
             if (!\XLite::isAdminZone()) {
                 /** @var \XLite\Model\Cart $cart */
                 $cart = \XLite::getController()->getCart();
                 if ($cart->getProfile()) {
         } elseif (isset($response['ErrorList'])) {
             // report error
             $errorMessages = array();
             foreach ($response['ErrorList'] as $error) {
                 $errorMessages[] = $error['Message'];
             $this->errorMsg = implode('; ', $errorMessages);
     if ($response && empty($this->errorMsg)) {
         $rates = $this->parseResponse($response);
     } else {
         $this->saveDataInCache($key, $response, static::CACHE_TTL);
     if (!$response || empty($rates)) {
         // Apply fallback rate
         if (empty($rates) && 'N' != \XLite\Core\Config::getInstance()->XC->AuctionInc->fallbackRate) {
             $rateValue = $this->getFallbackRateValue($data['package']);
             $rate = new \XLite\Model\Shipping\Rate();
             $method = $this->findMethod('FF', 'FIXEDFEE', 'Fixed fee');
             $rates[] = $rate;
             $this->errorMsg = null;
     return $rates;
Beispiel #16
  * Do Capture, Void or Refund request.
  * Returns false on failure or redirects admin back to the order page
  * the necessary actions with the backend transaction are taken in the 
  * Callback request processing
  * @param \XLite\Model\Payment\BackendTransaction $transaction Trandaction
  * @param string $paymentAction Payment action
  * @return boolean
 protected function doSecondary(\XLite\Model\Payment\BackendTransaction $transaction, $paymentAction)
     if (!array_key_exists($paymentAction, $this->secondaryActionsMap)) {
         return false;
     if (\XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->trn_id) {
         $pt = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\\Model\\Payment\\Transaction')->find(\XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->trn_id);
     } else {
         $pt = $transaction->getPaymentTransaction();
     $method = $this->secondaryActionsMap[$paymentAction]['method'];
     $action = $this->secondaryActionsMap[$paymentAction]['action'];
     $result = $this->client->{$method}($pt->getDataCell('xpc_txnid')->getValue(), $pt, \XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->amount);
     if ($result->isSuccess()) {
         $response = $result->getResponse();
         if ('1' == $response['status']) {
             \XLite\Core\TopMessage::getInstance()->addInfo($response['message'] ? 'Transaction was ' . $action . ' with message: ' . $response['message'] : 'Operation successfull');
             $controller = \XLite::getController()->redirectBackToOrder();
         } else {
             if ($response['error']) {
                 $message = 'Transaction was not ' . $action . 'with error: ' . $response['error'];
             } elseif ($response['message']) {
                 $message = 'Transaction was not ' . $action . 'with message: ' . $response['message'];
             } else {
                 $mesage = 'Operation failed';
     } else {
         $message = 'Operation failed';
         if ($result->getError()) {
             $messsage .= '. ' . $result->getError();
     return false;
Beispiel #17
  * Get URL of referral page
  * @param \XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method Payment method
  * @return string
 public function getReferralPageURL(\XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method)
     $api = \XLite\Module\CDev\Paypal\Main::getRESTAPIInstance();
     $controller = \XLite::getController();
     if ($api->isInContextSignUpAvailable()) {
         $returnUrl = $controller->getShopURL($controller->buildURL('paypal_settings', 'update_credentials'));
         $url = $api->getSignUpUrl($returnUrl);
     } else {
         $url = parent::getReferralPageURL($method);
     return $url;
Beispiel #18
  * Get default options
  * @return array
 protected function getDefaultOptions()
     return \XLite::getController()->isOrderEditable() ? $this->getShippingOptions() : array();
Beispiel #19
     * Get javascript code 
     * @return string 
    public function getJSCode()
        $message = $this->getError() ? 'paymentFormSubmitError' : 'ready';
        $returnURL = \XLite::getController()->getReturnURL() ? \XLite::getController()->getReturnURL() : '';
        $error = $this->getError() ? htmlspecialchars($this->getError(), ENT_QUOTES) : '';
        $type = $this->getType();
        return <<<JS
function onload() {

    msg = { 
        message: '{$message}', 
        params: { 
            height: document.body.clientHeight,
            error: '{$error}', 
            returnURL: '{$returnURL}',
            type: {$type}

    if (window.parent !== window && window.JSON) {
        window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), '*');
    } else {
        window.location = '{$returnURL}';
Beispiel #20
  * Link session cell name with related list
  * @return string
 protected function getSessionCell()
     $cell = parent::getSessionCell() . '_' . \XLite::getController()->getPagerSessionCell();
     return $cell;
Beispiel #21
  * FIXME - backward compatibility
  * @param string $name Property name
  * @return mixed
 public function get($name)
     $value = parent::get($name);
     return null !== $value ? $value : \XLite::getController()->get($name);
Beispiel #22
  * Return true if current page is 'Recently installed addon' page
  * @return boolean
 protected function isRecentlyInstalledPage()
     return method_exists(\XLite::getController(), 'isRecentlyInstalledPage') ? \XLite::getController()->isRecentlyInstalledPage() : false;
Beispiel #23
  * Returns current order
  * @return \XLite\Model\Order
 protected function getOrder()
     return \XLite::getController()->getOrder();
Beispiel #24
  * Checks whether the tabs navigation is visible, or not
  * @return boolean
 protected function isTabsNavigationVisible()
     return !\XLite::getController() instanceof \XLite\Controller\Admin\Settings && 1 < count($this->getTabberPages());
Beispiel #25
  * Returns processor id
  * @return string
 protected function getProcessorId()
     return \XLite::getController()->getProcessorId();
Beispiel #26
  * Get an array of address fields
  * @return array
 protected function getAddressFields()
     $result = \XLite::getController()->getAddressFields();
     if ($this->isEmailVisible()) {
         $result['email'] = array(\XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_CLASS => 'XLite\\View\\FormField\\Input\\Text\\CheckoutEmail', \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_LABEL => 'Email', \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_REQUIRED => true, \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES => array(\XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\String::PARAM_MAX_LENGTH => 'length'), \XLite\View\FormField\AFormField::PARAM_WRAPPER_CLASS => 'address-email', \XLite\View\FormField\AFormField::PARAM_COMMENT => static::t('Your order details will be sent to your e-mail address'), \XLite\View\FormField\AFormField::PARAM_ATTRIBUTES => array('class' => 'progress-mark-owner'), 'additionalClass' => $this->getEmailClassName());
     if ($this->isPasswordVisible()) {
         $result['password'] = array(\XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_CLASS => 'XLite\\View\\FormField\\Input\\PasswordVisible', \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_LABEL => 'Password', \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_REQUIRED => true, \XLite\View\Model\Address\Address::SCHEMA_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES => array(\XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\String::PARAM_MAX_LENGTH => 'length'), \XLite\View\FormField\AFormField::PARAM_WRAPPER_CLASS => 'password', 'additionalClass' => $this->getPasswordClassName());
     return $result;
Beispiel #27
  * Widget parameters
  * @return void
 protected function defineWidgetParams()
     $this->widgetParams += array(static::PARAM_DISPLAY_MODE => new \XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Set('Display mode', $this->getDisplayMode(), true, $this->displayModes), static::PARAM_ICON_MAX_WIDTH => new \XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Int('Maximal icon width', \XLite::getController()->getDefaultMaxImageSize(true, \XLite\Logic\ImageResize\Generator::MODEL_CATEGORY, 'Default'), true), static::PARAM_ICON_MAX_HEIGHT => new \XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Int('Maximal icon height', \XLite::getController()->getDefaultMaxImageSize(false, \XLite\Logic\ImageResize\Generator::MODEL_CATEGORY, 'Default'), true));
Beispiel #28
  * Check CLI access
  * @return boolean
 protected function checkCronAccess()
     return \XLite::getController() instanceof \XLite\Controller\Console\Cron;
Beispiel #29
  * Return true if order is not editable and items list should be displayed in static mode
  * @return boolean
 protected function isStatic()
     return parent::isStatic() || !\XLite::getController()->isOrderEditable();
Beispiel #30
  * Get option translation storage
  * @param \XLite\Module\CDev\ProductOptions\Model\Option $option Option
  * @param string                                         $field  Field name
  * @return \XLite\Module\CDev\ProductOptions\Model\OptionTranslation
 public function getOptionTranslation(\XLite\Module\CDev\ProductOptions\Model\Option $option, $field)
     return $option->getSoftTranslation(\XLite::getController()->getCurrentLanguage())->{$field};