/** * 批量操作 */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($this->_gets->getParam('command')); $ids = intval($this->_gets->getParam('id')); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = $this->_gets->getPost('command'); $ids = $this->_gets->getPost('id'); is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { throw new CHttpException(404, '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'attachDelete': parent::_acl('attach_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除附件,ID:' . $ids)); //日志 parent::_delete(new Upload(), $ids, array('attach'), array('file_name')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'delete': parent::_acl('user_delete'); $cityModel = new User(); $cityModel->deleteAll('id IN(' . $ids . ')'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除会员,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new User(), $ids, array('index')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 更新 * * @param $id */ public function actionUpdate($id) { parent::_acl('sms_update'); $model = parent::_dataLoad(new Sms(), $id); if (isset($_POST['Sms'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Sms']; if ($model->save()) { AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'create', 'intro' => '短信验证设置,ID:' . $model->id)); $this->redirect(array('index')); } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * 首页 * */ public function actionIndex() { parent::_acl('evaluate_index'); $model = new Evaluate(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $condition = '1'; $isHandle = $this->_gets->getParam('is_handle'); $noHandle = $this->_gets->getParam('no_handle'); $isHandle && ($condition .= ' AND status= ' . $isHandle); $noHandle && ($condition .= ' AND status= ' . $noHandle); $criteria->condition = $condition; $criteria->order = 't.id DESC'; $count = $model->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = 10; $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('status')); $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array(); $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize; $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize; $result = $model->findAll($criteria); $this->render('index', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages)); }
/** * 缓存管理 */ public function actionCache() { parent::_acl(); $this->render('cache', $data); }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } else { if (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } } switch ($command) { case 'delete': parent::_acl('catalog_delete'); empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除全局分类,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Catalog(), $ids, array('index')); break; case 'sortOrder': parent::_acl('catalog_sort_order'); $sortOrder = $this->_gets->getParam('sortOrder'); foreach ((array) $sortOrder as $id => $val) { $catalogModel = Catalog::model()->findByPk($id); if ($catalogModel) { $catalogModel->sort_order = $val; $catalogModel->save(); } } $this->redirect(array('index')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } else { if (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'linkDelete': parent::_acl('link_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除链接,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Link(), $ids, array('link'), array('attach_file')); break; case 'adDelete': parent::_acl('ad_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除广告,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Ad(), $ids, array('ad'), array('attach_file')); break; case 'linkVerify': parent::_acl('link_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '链接状态变更为显示,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Link(), 'verify', $ids, array('link')); break; case 'linkUnVerify': parent::_acl('link_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '链接状态变更为隐藏,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Link(), 'unVerify', $ids, array('link')); break; case 'adVerify': parent::_acl('ad_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '广告状态变更为显示,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Ad(), 'verify', $ids, array('ad')); break; case 'adUnVerify': parent::_acl('ad_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '广告状态变更为隐藏,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Ad(), 'unVerify', $ids, array('ad')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $this->_gets->getPost('id'); is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'adminDelete': parent::_acl('admin_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除管理员,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Admin(), $ids, array('index')); break; case 'groupDelete': parent::_acl('admin_group_delete'); parent::_groupPrivate($ids); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除管理员用户组,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new AdminGroup(), $ids, array('group')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批处理 */ public function actionOperate() { $command = trim($this->_gets->getParam('command')); switch ($command) { case 'deleteFile': parent::_acl('database_delete'); $filenames = $this->_gets->getParam('sqlfile'); if ($filenames) { if (is_array($filenames)) { foreach ($filenames as $filename) { if (CFileHelper::getExtension($filename) == 'sql') { @unlink($this->_bakupPath . $filename); } } XUtils::message('success', '删除完成', $this->createUrl('database/import')); } else { if (CFileHelper::getExtension($filenames) == 'sql') { @unlink($this->_bakupPath . $filename); XUtils::message('success', '删除完成', $this->createUrl('database/import')); } } } else { XUtils::message('error', '请选择要删除的文件', $this->createUrl('database/import')); } break; case 'downloadFile': parent::_acl('database_download'); $sqlfile = $this->_gets->getParam('sqlfile'); XHttp::download($this->_bakupPath . $sqlfile, '', '', 3600); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '未找到操作'); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'delete': parent::_acl('post_delete'); Post2tags::xdelete($ids); $commentModel = new PostComment(); $commentModel->deleteAll('post_id IN(' . $ids . ')'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除内容,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Post(), $ids, array('index'), array('attach_file', 'attach_thumb')); break; case 'commentDelete': parent::_acl('post_comment_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除内容评论,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new PostComment(), $ids, array('comment')); break; case 'commentVerify': parent::_acl('post_comment_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '审核评论,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new PostComment(), 'verify', $ids, array('comment')); break; case 'commentUnVerify': parent::_acl('post_comment_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '取消评论审核,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new PostComment(), 'unVerify', $ids, array('comment')); break; case 'verify': parent::_acl('post_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量审核内容,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Post(), 'verify', $ids, array('index')); break; case 'unVerify': parent::_acl('post_verify'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量取消内容审核,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_verify(new Post(), 'unVerify', $ids, array('index')); break; case 'commend': parent::_acl('post_commend'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量推荐内容,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_commend(new Post(), 'commend', $ids, array('index')); break; case 'unCommend': parent::_acl('post_commend'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量取消内容推荐,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_commend(new Post(), 'unCommend', $ids, array('index')); break; case 'specialDelete': parent::_acl('post_special_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除内容,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new Special(), $ids, array('special'), array('attach_file', 'attach_thumb')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 附件设置 */ public function actionUpload() { parent::_acl(); self::_updateData($_POST['Config'], 'base'); $this->render('upload', array('config' => self::loadData())); }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'delete': parent::_acl('house_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除房源,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_delete(new House(), $ids, array('index')); break; case 'commend': parent::_acl('house_recommend'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量推荐房源,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_recommend(new House(), 'recommend', $ids, array('index')); break; case 'unCommend': parent::_acl('house_recommend'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'update', 'intro' => '批量取消房源推荐,ID:' . $ids)); parent::_recommend(new House(), 'unRecommend', $ids, array('index')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { $command = trim($this->_gets->getParam('command')); switch ($command) { case 'deleteFile': parent::_acl('template_delete'); $fileName = trim($this->_gets->getParam('fileName')); empty($fileName) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); $filePath = $this->_themePath . DS . 'views' . DS . XUtils::b64decode($fileName); @unlink($filePath); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除模板:' . XUtils::b64decode($fileName))); $this->redirect(array('index')); break; case 'deleteFolder': parent::_acl('template_folder_delete'); $folderName = trim($this->_gets->getParam('folderName')); empty($folderName) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); $folderPath = $this->_themePath . DS . 'views' . DS . $folderName; if (is_dir($folderPath)) { $fileList = XUtils::getFile($folderPath); foreach ((array) $fileList as $row) { @unlink($folderPath . DS . $row); } } if (rmdir($folderPath)) { AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '删除文件夹:' . $folderName)); XUtils::message('success', '目录 ' . $folderName . ' 删除完成', $this->createUrl('index')); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '目录删除失败,请删除此目录下所有文件再删除此目录'); } break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }
/** * 批量操作 * */ public function actionBatch() { if (XUtils::method() == 'GET') { $command = trim($_GET['command']); $ids = intval($_GET['id']); } elseif (XUtils::method() == 'POST') { $command = trim($_POST['command']); $ids = $_POST['id']; is_array($ids) && ($ids = implode(',', $ids)); } else { XUtils::message('errorBack', '只支持POST,GET数据'); } empty($ids) && XUtils::message('error', '未选择记录'); switch ($command) { case 'delete': parent::_acl('attr_delete'); AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'delete', 'intro' => '属性删除,ID:' . $ids)); $attrModel = Attr::model()->findByPk($ids); Attr::clear(array('attrId' => $attrModel->id, 'attrName' => $attrModel->attr_name_alias, 'oldScope' => 'all')); parent::_delete(new Attr(), $ids, array('index')); break; default: throw new CHttpException(404, '错误的操作类型:' . $command); break; } }