Beispiel #1
function checkCmd($httpReq, $cmd)
    $cmd = getCmd($httpReq);
    if ($cmd !== $cmd) {
        WrongRequestException::throwException(8030, "Only the command >{$cmd}< is accepted", 'got: ' . $reqdecoded['cmd']);
Beispiel #2
 function handleTallyReq($voterReq)
     switch ($voterReq['cmd']) {
         // TODO throw an error if cmd is not set
         case 'getWinners':
             $winners = array();
             foreach ($this->elConfig['questions'] as $question) {
                 $completeElectionId = makeCompleteElectionId($this->elConfig['electionId'], $question['questionID']);
                 $pseudoVoterReq = array('electionId' => $completeElectionId);
                 $allvotesTmp = parent::getAllVotesEvent($pseudoVoterReq);
                 $allVotes = $allvotesTmp['data']['allVotes'];
                 $winners[$question['questionID']] = $this->GetResultMain($allVotes, $question['tallyData'], $question['options']);
             $result = array('cmd' => 'showWinners', 'data' => $winners);
             return $result;
         case 'getStatistic':
             // get the array of questions from the requested questionId or return all questions
             if (isset($voterReq['questionID'])) {
                 // return the result statistics for the requested question only
                 if (is_array($voterReq['questionID'])) {
                     $questionIds = $voterReq['questionID'];
                 } else {
                     $questionIds[] = $voterReq['questionID'];
                 // just a single question requested
                 foreach ($questionIds as $questionId) {
                     if (!(is_int($questionId) || is_string($questionId))) {
                         WrongRequestException::throwException(85657, 'The questionID must be an int, a string or an array of integers resp. strings', print_r($voterReq, true));
                     $key = find_in_subarray($this->elConfig['questions'], 'questionID', $questionId);
                     if ($key === false) {
                         WrongRequestException::throwException(85658, 'The questionID you requested does not exist', print_r($questionId, true));
                     $questions[] = $this->elConfig['questions'][$key];
             } else {
                 $questions = $this->elConfig['questions'];
             // return the result statistics for all questions
             // generate statistics
             $resultStat = array();
             foreach ($questions as $question) {
                 $completeElectionId = makeCompleteElectionId($this->elConfig['electionId'], $question['questionID']);
                 $pseudoVoterReq = array('electionId' => $completeElectionId);
                 $allvotesTmp = parent::getAllVotesEvent($pseudoVoterReq);
                 $allVotes = $allvotesTmp['data']['allVotes'];
                 $allOptionIDs = $this->getAllOptionIDs($question['options']);
                 $resultStat[$question['questionID']] = $this->GetResultStat($allVotes, $allOptionIDs, $question['tallyData']['scheme']);
             $result = array('cmd' => 'showStatistic', 'data' => $resultStat);
             return $result;
             return parent::handleTallyReq($voterReq);
Beispiel #3
 function newElection($electionId, $checkTokenUrl)
     $exists = $this->load(array('electionId' => $electionId), 'xt_config', 'electionId');
     if (isset($exists[0])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(3000, 'election ID already used', $electionId);
     $saved = $this->save(array('electionId' => $electionId, 'checkTokenUrl' => $checkTokenUrl), 'xt_config');
     if (!$saved) {
         InternalServerError::throwException(3001, 'internal server error; election not saved', $electionId);
     return $saved;
Beispiel #4
 function newElection($electionId, $secret)
     $exists = $this->load(array('electionId' => $electionId), 'sp_credentials', 'electionId');
     if (isset($exists[0])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(3000, 'election ID already used', $electionId);
     $saved = $this->save(array('electionId' => $electionId, 'sp_credentials' => $secret), 'sp_credentials');
     if (!$saved) {
         InternalServerError::throwException(3001, 'internal server error; election not saved', $electionId);
     return $saved;
Beispiel #5
  * @param unknown $electionId
  * @param unknown $req : $$req['sharedPassw']
 function handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req)
     $authConfig = parent::handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req);
     if (isset($electionId) && isset($req['sharedPassw']) && gettype($electionId) == 'string' && gettype($req['sharedPassw']) == 'string') {
         $ok = $this->newElection($electionId, $req['sharedPassw']);
         if (!$ok) {
             InternalServerError::throwException(2710, 'Internal server error: error saving election auth information', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         return $authConfig;
     } else {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(2000, 'ElectionId or shared password not set or of wrong type', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
Beispiel #6
  * @param unknown $electionId
  * @param unknown $req : $req['externalToken']
 function handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req)
     $ret = parent::handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req);
     if (!isset($electionId)) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(2340, 'ElectionId not set', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (gettype($electionId) != 'string') {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(2345, 'ElectionId is not of type /string/', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (isset($req['configId']) && gettype($req['configId']) == 'string') {
         $ret['configId'] = $req['configId'];
         return $ret;
     } else {
         if (isset($req['checkTokenUrl']) && gettype($req['checkTokenUrl']) == 'string') {
             $ok = $this->newElection($electionId, $req['checkTokenUrl']);
             if (!$ok) {
                 InternalServerError::throwException(2710, 'Internal server error: error saving election auth information', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
             return $ret;
         } else {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(2350, 'neither chekTokenUrl nor configId is set', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
Beispiel #7
 * This class handles the XmlHttp-messages between the counting server and the voter
 * getAllVotes
 * ErrorNo start at 7200
require_once 'connectioncheck.php';
// answers if &connectioncheck is part of the URL and exists
require_once 'exception.php';
require_once 'loadmodules.php';
require_once 'getcmd.php';
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', false);
// this allows any cross-site scripting
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS');
if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
    $electionIdPlace = function ($a) {
        if (!isset($a['electionId'])) {
            WrongRequestException::throwException(7200, 'Election id missing in client request', $httpRawPostData);
        return $a['electionId'];
    try {
        $data = getData($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
        // throws an error if this command is not there
        $el = loadElectionModules($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $electionIdPlace);
        $result = $el->tally->handleTallyReq($data);
    } catch (ElectionServerException $e) {
        $result = $e->makeServerAnswer();
    print json_encode($result);
Beispiel #8
 function handlePermissionReq($req)
     try {
         $voterReq = json_decode($req, true);
         //, $options=JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING); // decode $req
         if ($voterReq == null) {
             // json could not be decoded
             WrongRequestException::throwException(100, 'Error while decoding JSON request', $req);
         $result = array();
         //	print "voterReq\n";
         //	print_r($voterReq);
         // $this.verifysyntax($result);
         // $this.verifyuser($voterReq['voterid'], $voterReq['secret']);
         // get state the user is in for the selected election
         switch ($voterReq['cmd']) {
             case 'pickBallots':
                 $result = $this->pickBallotsEvent($voterReq);
             case 'signBallots':
                 $result = $this->signBallotsEvent($voterReq);
             case 'getAllPermissedBallots':
                 $result = $this->getAllPermissedBallots($voterReq);
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(101, 'Error unknown command', $req);
     } catch (ElectionServerException $e) {
         $result = array('cmd' => 'error', 'errorTxt' => $e->errortxt, 'errorNo' => $e->errorno);
     $ret = json_encode($result);
     return $ret;
Beispiel #9
        $showResult = '';
        if (isset($_GET['showresult'])) {
            $showResult = '&showresult';
        header('Location: ' . $webclientUrlbase . '/index.html?confighash=' . $hash . $token . $showResult, true, 301);
if (isset($hash)) {
    // TODO verify sigs
    try {
        $db = new DbElections($dbInfos);
        $result = $db->loadElectionConfigFromHash($hash);
        if (count($result) == 0) {
            $result = WrongRequestException::throwException(4000, 'Election not found', $hash);
        $result['cmd'] = 'loadElectionConfig';
    } catch (ElectionServerException $e) {
        $result = $e->makeServerAnswer();
     $result = array(
     		'electionId' => $electionId,
     		'auth'       => 'userPassw',
     		'blinding'   => 'blindedVoter',
     		'ballot'     => array('opt1' => 'Europäische Zentralbank soll künftig direkt Kredit an Staaten geben', 'opt2' => 'Europäische Zentralbank soll weiterhin keine Kredite an Staaten geben dürfen'),
     		'tally'      => 'publishOnly'
    // TODO sign the config
Beispiel #10
 static function laodAuthModule($name)
     global $dbInfos;
     switch ($name) {
         case 'userPassw':
             $auth = new UserPasswAuth($dbInfos);
         case 'sharedPassw':
             $auth = new SharedPasswAuth($dbInfos);
         case 'oAuth2':
             $auth = new OAuth2($dbInfos);
         case 'sharedAuth':
             $auth = new SharedAuth($dbInfos);
         case 'externalToken':
             $auth = new ExternalTokenAuth($dbInfos);
             WrongRequestException::throwException(7030, 'auth module not supported (supported: userPassw, sharedPassw, oAuth2, sharedAuth)', "auth module requested: " . $elconfig['auth']);
     return $auth;
Beispiel #11
  * @param unknown $electionId
  * @param unknown $req : $req['listId']
  * @return auth config data to be saved with the election config because the client need to know it for obtaining voting permission
 function handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req)
     $authconfig = parent::handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req);
     if (!isset($req["serverId"]) || !is_string($req['serverId'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12001, 'Missing /listId/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (!isset($req["listId"]) || !is_string($req['listId'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12001, 'Missing /listId/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (!isset($req["nested_groups"]) || !is_array($req['nested_groups'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12002, 'Missing /nested_groups/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (!isset($req["verified"]) || !is_bool($req['verified'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12003, 'Missing /verified/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (!isset($req["eligible"]) || !is_bool($req['eligible'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12004, 'Missing /eligible/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     if (!isset($electionId) || !is_string($electionId)) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(12005, '/ElectionId/ not set or of wrong type', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     $authconfig['serverId'] = $req['serverId'];
     $authconfig['listId'] = $req["listId"];
     $authconfig['nested_groups'] = $req["nested_groups"];
     $authconfig['verified'] = $req["verified"];
     $authconfig['eligible'] = $req["eligible"];
     // TODO don't save any data until everything is completed (no error occured in the further steps)
     // TODO don't save any public config data in separate data base - just use the config
     $ok = $this->newElection($electionId, $req['serverId'], $authconfig);
     // TODO think about taking serverId always from election-config
     if (!$ok) {
         InternalServerError::throwException(12020, 'Internal server error: error saving election auth information', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     return $authconfig;
Beispiel #12
  * @param unknown $text string
  * @param unknown $unblindf string: hex encoded bigInt
  * @param unknown $blindedHash string: hex encoded bigInt
 function verifyBlindedHash($text, $unblindf, $blindedHash)
     $hashByMe = hash('sha256', $text);
     $hashByMeBigInt = new Math_BigInteger($hashByMe, 16);
     $blindedHashBigInt = new Math_BigInteger($blindedHash, 16);
     $signedblindedHash = $this->myPrivateKey['privRsa']->_rsasp1($blindedHashBigInt);
     $unblindf = new Math_BigInteger($unblindf, 16);
     $unblindedSignedHash = $this->myPrivateKey['privRsa']->rsaUnblind($signedblindedHash, $unblindf);
     $verifyHash = $this->myPrivateKey['pubRsa']->_rsasp1($unblindedSignedHash);
     $hashOk = $hashByMeBigInt->equals($verifyHash);
     if ($hashOk !== true) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(1002, "Error: blinded hash verification failed", "expected hash: {$hashByMe}, got unblinded hash: {$verifyHash}, blinded Hash {$blindedHash}, unblinding factor {$unblindf}");
     return $hashOk;
Beispiel #13
 global $dbInfos;
 $authm = new SharedAuth($dbInfos);
 $authTmp = $authm->handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $electionconfig);
 $newconfig['authConfig'] = $authTmp['authConfig'];
 $newconfig["auth"] = $authTmp['auth'];
 // blinder
 $newconfig['blinding'] = 'blindedVoter';
 global $numVerifyBallots, $numSignBallots, $pServerKeys, $serverkey, $numAllBallots, $numPSigsRequiered;
 $blinder = new BlindedVoter($electionId, $numVerifyBallots, $numSignBallots, $pServerKeys, $serverkey, $numAllBallots, $numPSigsRequiered, $dbInfos, $authm);
 // tally
 $tallym = LoadModules::loadTally($electionconfig['tally'], $blinder);
 $newconfig['tally'] = constant(get_class($tallym) . '::name');
 //		$newconfig['tallyData'] = $tallym->handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $authm, $blinder, $electionconfig['tallyData']);
 // $this->subTally->handleNewElectionReq($req['subTallyData']);
 if (!isset($electionconfig["questions"]) || !is_array($electionconfig["questions"])) {
     WrongRequestException::throwException(2146, 'Request must contain an array of questions', print_r($electionconfig, true));
 foreach ($electionconfig['questions'] as $i => $question) {
     $completeElectionId = json_encode(array('mainElectionId' => $electionId, 'subElectionId' => $question['questionID']));
     //			$subAuthConf = $authm->newSubElection($completeElectionId);
     $subBlinderConf = $blinder->handleNewElectionReq($completeElectionId);
     $subTallyConf = $tallym->handleNewElectionReq($completeElectionId, $authm, $blinder, $question);
     $ret[$i] = array('questionID' => $question['questionID'], 'questionWording' => $question['questionWording'], 'blinderData' => $subBlinderConf, 'tallyData' => $subTallyConf);
     if (isset($question['options'])) {
         $ret[$i]['options'] = $question['options'];
 $newconfig['questions'] = $ret;
 $hash = $db->saveElectionConfig($electionId, $newconfig);
 //e.g. http://www.webhod.ra/vvvote2/backend/getelectionconfig.php?confighash=
 $configurl = "{$configUrlBase}/getelectionconfig.php?confighash={$hash}";
Beispiel #14
 function handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req)
     $authconfig = array();
     $now = time();
     if (isset($req["RegistrationStartDate"])) {
         $regStartDate = strtotime($req["RegistrationStartDate"]);
         if ($regStartDate === false) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12010, '/RegistrationStartDate/ is set but could not be paresed', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         if (strtotime('+11 years', $now) < $regStartDate || strtotime('-11 years', $now) > $regStartDate) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12011, '/RegistrationStartDate/ is more than 10 years away from now which is not supported', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         // check if date is plausible
         $authconfig['RegistrationStartDate'] = date('c', $regStartDate);
     if (isset($req["RegistrationEndDate"])) {
         $regEndDate = strtotime($req["RegistrationEndDate"]);
         if ($regEndDate === false) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12012, '/RegistrationEndDate/ is set but could not be paresed', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         if (strtotime('+11 years', $now) < $regEndDate || strtotime('-11 years', $now) > $regEndDate) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12013, '/RegistrationEndDate/ is more than 10 years away from now which is not supported', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         // check if date is plausible
         $authconfig['RegistrationEndDate'] = date('c', $regEndDate);
     if (isset($req["VotingStart"])) {
         $regEndDate = strtotime($req["VotingStart"]);
         if ($regEndDate === false) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12014, '/VotingStart/ is set but could not be paresed', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         if (strtotime('+11 years', $now) < $regEndDate || strtotime('-11 years', $now) > $regEndDate) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12015, '/VotingStart/ is more than 10 years away from now which is not supported', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         // check if date is plausible
         $authconfig['VotingStart'] = date('c', $regEndDate);
     if (isset($req["VotingEnd"])) {
         $regEndDate = strtotime($req["VotingEnd"]);
         if ($regEndDate === false) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12016, '/VotingEnd/ is set but could not be paresed', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         if (strtotime('+11 years', $now) < $regEndDate || strtotime('-11 years', $now) > $regEndDate) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12017, '/VotingEnd/ is more than 10 years away from now which is not supported', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
         // check if date is plausible
         $authconfig['VotingEnd'] = date('c', $regEndDate);
     if (isset($req["DelayUntil"])) {
         if (!is_array($req["DelayUntil"])) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(12021, 'if DelayUntil is set, it must be an array', print_r($req['DelayUntil'], true));
         foreach ($req["DelayUntil"] as $i => $datumStr) {
             $datum = strtotime($datumStr);
             if ($datum === false) {
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(12022, "DelayUntil date number {$i} could not be paresed", "request received: \n" . print_r($req['DelayUntil'], true));
             if (strtotime('+11 years', $now) < $datum || strtotime('-11 years', $now) > $datum) {
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(12023, "DelayUntil date number {$i} is more than 10 years away from now which is not supported", "request received: \n" . print_r($req['DelayUntil'], true));
             // check if date is plausible
         $authconfig['DelayUntil'] = $req["DelayUntil"];
     return $authconfig;
Beispiel #15
 function handleTallyReq($voterReq)
     $result = array();
     //	print "voterReq\n";
     //	print_r($voterReq);
     // $this.verifysyntax($result);
     switch ($voterReq['cmd']) {
         case 'storeVote':
             $result = $this->storeVoteEvent($voterReq);
         case 'getAllVotes':
             $result = $this->getAllVotesEvent($voterReq);
             WrongRequestException::throwException(1101, 'Error unknown tally command (accepting "storeVote" and "getAllVotes" only)', $voterReq);
     return $result;
Beispiel #16
// this allows any cross-site scripting (needed for chrome)
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS');
// header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.webhod.ra", false);
// header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www2.webhod.ra", false);
// echo ":: data received via GET ::\n\n";
// print_r($_GET);
// echo "\n\n:: Data received via POST ::\n\n";
// print_r($_POST);
// echo "\n\n:: Data received as \"raw\" (text/plain encoding) ::\n\n";
 * error no start at 6000
if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
    $electionIdPlace = function ($a) {
        if (!isset($a['electionId'])) {
            WrongRequestException::throwException(7200, 'Election id missing in client request', $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']);
        return $a['electionId'];
    try {
        $el = loadElectionModules($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $electionIdPlace);
        $result = $el->handlePermissionReq($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
        // print "\r\n";
    } catch (ElectionServerException $e) {
        $result = json_encode($e->makeServerAnswer());
    // TODO catch all exceptions
    print "{$result}";
// echo "\n\n:: Files received ::\n\n";
// print_r($_FILES);
Beispiel #17
  * $req: {
  * 'auth': 'oAuth2' || 'sharedPassw'
  * 'authData': depends on auth
  * }
 function handleNewElectionReq($electionId, $req)
     if (!isset($req["auth"]) || !is_string($req['auth'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(30001, 'Missing /auth/ in election config', "request received: \n" . print_r($req, true));
     $subAuth = $req["auth"];
     $authConfig = $this->newElection($electionId, $subAuth, $req['authData']);
     return $authConfig;