public static function inner_synchronization_box($post, $current_box) { $wp_ws_url = WpakWebServices::get_app_web_service_url($post->ID, 'synchronization'); ?> <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js wpak_help"><?php _e('Help me', WpAppKit::i18n_domain); ?> </a> <div class="field-group"> <a class="button" href="<?php echo $wp_ws_url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php _e('Show Me Web Service Data', WpAppKit::i18n_domain); ?> </a> </div> <?php do_action('wpak_inner_synchronization_box', $post, $current_box); }
public static function get_config_js($app_id, $echo = false) { $wp_ws_url = WpakWebServices::get_app_web_service_base_url($app_id); $theme = WpakThemesStorage::get_current_theme($app_id); $app_slug = WpakApps::get_app_slug($app_id); $app_main_infos = WpakApps::get_app_main_infos($app_id); $app_title = $app_main_infos['title']; $app_version = WpakApps::sanitize_app_version($app_main_infos['version']); $debug_mode = WpakBuild::get_app_debug_mode($app_id); $auth_key = WpakApps::get_app_is_secured($app_id) ? WpakToken::get_hash_key() : ''; //TODO : options to choose if the auth key is displayed in config.js. $options = WpakOptions::get_app_options($app_id); $addons = WpakAddons::get_app_addons_for_config($app_id); if (!$echo) { ob_start(); } //Indentation is a bit funky here so it appears ok in the config.js file source: ?> define( function ( require ) { "use strict"; return { app_slug : '<?php echo $app_slug; ?> ', wp_ws_url : '<?php echo $wp_ws_url; ?> ', theme : '<?php echo addslashes($theme); ?> ', version : '<?php echo $app_version; ?> ', app_title : '<?php echo addslashes($app_title); ?> ', debug_mode : '<?php echo $debug_mode; ?> '<?php if (!empty($auth_key)) { ?> , auth_key : '<?php echo $auth_key; ?> '<?php } ?> , options : <?php echo json_encode($options); ?> , addons : <?php echo json_encode($addons); ?> }; }); <?php $content = ''; if (!$echo) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return !$echo ? $content : ''; }
protected static function add_rewrite_rules() { WpakWebServices::add_rewrite_tags_and_rules(); WpakConfigFile::rewrite_rules(); WpakThemes::rewrite_rules(); }