 public function fixPostContentURLs()
     $this->logFunctionStart(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args());
     // Get assets
     $fileOldURLtoNewURL = array();
     $fileOldURLtoID = array();
     $files = $this->applyWordpressFilter(File::get());
     foreach ($files as $record) {
         // ie. 'assets/WordpressUploads/2014/12/1.jpg'
         // or  'assets/WordpressUploads/2014/12/01235537/1.jpg'
         $filename = $record->Filename;
         $filename = WordpressAttachmentFileResolver::extract_all_after_year($filename);
         $relativeLink = ltrim($this->getAssetURL($record), '/');
         $fileOldURLtoNewURL[$filename] = $relativeLink;
         $fileOldURLtoID[$filename] = $record->ID;
         // If AmazonS3 style: '2014/12/01235537/1.jpg'
         $dirParts = explode('/', $filename);
         if (isset($dirParts[3])) {
             // Transform '2014/12/01235537/1.jpg'
             // to: '2014/12/1.jpg'
             // This handles the edge cases where Wordpress references how the assets
             // were stored, pre-AmazonS3 migration.
             $filename = implode('/', $dirParts);
             $fileOldURLtoNewURL[$filename] = $relativeLink;
             $fileOldURLtoID[$filename] = $record->ID;
     // todo(Jake): Allow for setting a manual siteurl with configs that takes precedence
     //			   over this. Wordpress allows such behaviour with its define() configs.
     $wordpressSiteURL = $this->getOption('siteurl');
     if (!$wordpressSiteURL) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to determine "siteurl" from options table or config.');
     $existingWpRecords = $this->applyWordpressFilter(Page::get());
     foreach ($existingWpRecords as $record) {
         $content = $this->getContentFromRecord($record);
         if (!$content) {
         $newContent = WordpressUtility::modify_html_attributes($content, function (&$attributes) use($record, $fileOldURLtoNewURL, $fileOldURLtoID, $wordpressSiteURL) {
              * @var $htmlAttr WordpressHTMLAttribute
             foreach ($attributes as $key => $htmlAttr) {
                 $attrName = $htmlAttr->name;
                 $attrValue = $htmlAttr->value;
                 $isAssetURL = false;
                 if ($wordpressSiteURL && strpos($attrValue, $wordpressSiteURL) !== FALSE) {
                     // Replace any 'www.mywordpress.com' href's with a shortcode
                     $relativeLink = str_replace($wordpressSiteURL, '', $attrValue);
                     $page = $this->getByLink($relativeLink);
                     if ($page) {
                         $htmlAttr->value = '[sitetree_link,id=' . $page->ID . ']';
                         //$this->log('Record #'.$record->ID.' - Mismatching URLSegment depth - Unable to make URL relative on attribute "'.$attrName.'": '.$attrValue, 'error', null, 1);
                     } else {
                         $filename = WordpressAttachmentFileResolver::extract_year_and_month($attrValue);
                         if ($filename) {
                             // If able to extract a year/month/etc, then it must be an asset
                             $isAssetURL = true;
                         } else {
                             $this->log('Record #' . $record->ID . ' - Unable to make URL relative on attribute "' . $attrName . '": ' . $attrValue, 'error', null, 1);
                 $isAssetURL = $isAssetURL || strpos($attrValue, '.amazonaws.com/') !== FALSE;
                 if ($isAssetURL) {
                     // Replace:
                     // 'http://cdn.namespace.com.au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/21090055/Read-the-transcript-here2.pdf'
                     // With:
                     // 'assets/WordpressUploads/2014/01/21090055/Read-the-transcript-here2.pdf'
                     $dimensions = array();
                     $filename = WordpressAttachmentFileResolver::extract_all_after_year($attrValue, $dimensions);
                     if (!isset($fileOldURLtoNewURL[$filename])) {
                         // Handle edge case where user uploads a file with pattern 'myname-300x300.jpg'
                         // Subsequent thumbnails in Wordpress save as: 'myname-600x900-300x200.jpg'
                         $filename = WordpressAttachmentFileResolver::extract_all_after_year($attrValue);
                     if (!isset($fileOldURLtoNewURL[$filename]) || !isset($fileOldURLtoID[$filename])) {
                         $this->log("Record #" . $record->ID . " - Cannot find asset in File table: " . $attrValue, 'error', null, 1);
                     $relativeLink = $fileOldURLtoNewURL[$filename];
                     if ($htmlAttr->name === 'href') {
                         // For 'href' links, put it into a format Silverstripe 3.2 will expect.
                         $relativeLink = '[file_link,id=' . $fileOldURLtoID[$filename] . ']';
                     if ($attrValue !== $relativeLink) {
                         $htmlAttr->value = $relativeLink;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($attrValue, 'http') !== FALSE) {
                         $this->log('Record #' . $record->ID . ' - Invalid URL, not found in sitetree or asset on attribute "' . $attrName . '": ' . $attrValue, 'error', null, 1);
         if ($content !== $newContent) {
             try {
                 $calledWriteAlready = $this->setContentOnRecord($record, $newContent);
                 if (!$calledWriteAlready) {
                     $isPublished = isset($wpData['post_status']) && $wpData['post_status'] === 'publish' || $record->isPublished();
                     $this->writeAndPublishRecord($record, $isPublished);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->log($record, 'error', $e);
         } else {
             $this->log($record, 'nochange');
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (Config::inst()->get(__CLASS__, 'disable_write_check')) {
     $this->owner->WordpressWasLastWriteImporter = 0;
     if (self::$throw_error_if_blank_wordpress_data === null) {
         $controller = Controller::has_curr() ? Controller::curr() : null;
         if ($controller && ($controller instanceof DatabaseAdmin || $controller instanceof TestRunner)) {
             // Don't throw error if creating records in /dev/build
             self::$throw_error_if_blank_wordpress_data = false;
         } else {
             // Throw errors if executing from command line or TaskRunner
             self::$throw_error_if_blank_wordpress_data = Director::is_cli() || $controller instanceof TaskRunner;
     if ($this->owner instanceof Folder) {
         // Ignore Folder type as Wordpress doesn't have an equivalent
     $wordpressData = $this->owner->getField('WordpressData');
     if (self::$throw_error_if_blank_wordpress_data && !$wordpressData) {
         throw new Exception('Attempted to write record without WordpressData.');
     // Only run this code if an external source set "WordpressData" to an array.
     // This avoids this executing for an existing record that will just see WordpressData as a json-encoded array (string)
     if ($wordpressData && is_array($wordpressData)) {
         $this->owner->WordpressWasLastWriteImporter = 1;
         if ($wordpressData === true || $wordpressData === 1) {
             // Use true/1 to to hint it was created/changed in an import context but it
             // doesn't have any actual data attached to it.
             $this->owner->WordpressData = '1';
         } else {
             $wordpressTable = isset($wordpressData[WordpressDatabase::HINT]['table']) ? $wordpressData[WordpressDatabase::HINT]['table'] : null;
             if ($wordpressTable) {
                 $this->owner->WordpressTable = $wordpressTable;
             // setWordpressID
             $wordpressID = null;
             if (isset($wordpressData['ID'])) {
                 // Handle ID format for anything in wp_posts table.
                 $wordpressID = $wordpressData['ID'];
             } else {
                 if (isset($wordpressData['term_id'])) {
                     // Handle ID format for anything in wp_terms table.
                     $wordpressID = $wordpressData['term_id'];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($wordpressData['id'])) {
                         // Handle ID format for Gravity Forms
                         $wordpressID = $wordpressData['id'];
             if ($wordpressID === null) {
                 throw new Exception('Attempted to write record without setting WordpressID.');
             $this->owner->WordpressID = $wordpressID;
             $this->owner->WordpressParentID = isset($wordpressData['post_parent']) ? $wordpressData['post_parent'] : null;
             // encodeMeta
             $wordpressMetaData = isset($wordpressData[WordpressDatabase::HINT]['meta']) ? $wordpressData[WordpressDatabase::HINT]['meta'] : null;
             if ($wordpressMetaData && is_array($wordpressMetaData)) {
                 $this->owner->WordpressMetaData = WordpressUtility::utf8_json_encode($wordpressMetaData);
             // encodeData
             $wordpressData = $this->owner->WordpressData;
             if ($wordpressData && is_array($wordpressData)) {
                 // remove importer hints
                 $this->owner->WordpressData = WordpressUtility::utf8_json_encode($wordpressData);
                 if ($this->owner->WordpressData === false) {
                     throw new WordpressImportException(WordpressUtility::json_last_error_msg());