Beispiel #1
 private function resetUrls()
     global $wgRequest, $wgOut;
     $urls = preg_split("@\n@", trim($wgRequest->getVal('if_urls')));
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         if (!empty($url)) {
             $t = WikiPhoto::getArticleTitle($url);
             if ($t && $t->exists()) {
                 $aids[] = $t->getArticleId();
             } else {
                 $invalid[] = $url;
     $numUrls = sizeof($aids);
     if ($numUrls) {
         $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
         $aidsList = "(" . implode(",", $aids) . ")";
         $dbw->delete('image_feedback', array("ii_img_page_id IN {$aidsList}"), __METHOD__);
     if (sizeof($invalid)) {
         $invalid = "These input urls are invalid:<br><br>" . implode("<br>", $invalid);
     $wgOut->addHtml("{$numUrls} reset.{$invalid}");
Beispiel #2
  * Parse the input field into an array of URLs and Title objects
 private static function parseURLlist($type, $pageList)
     $pageList = preg_split('@[\\r\\n]+@', $pageList);
     $urls = array();
     foreach ($pageList as $url) {
         $url = trim($url);
         if (!empty($url)) {
             $title = WikiPhoto::getArticleTitle($url);
             if ($title && $title->exists()) {
                 $id = $title->getArticleId();
                 $url = array('url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'id' => $id);
                 if ('descs' == $type) {
                     $meta = new ArticleMetaInfo($title);
                     $desc = $meta->getDescription();
                     $url['desc'] = $desc;
                 } else {
                     $tt = TitleTests::newFromTitle($title);
                     if ($tt) {
                         $pageTitle = $tt->getTitle();
                     } else {
                         $pageTitle = '<i>error generating title</i>';
                     $url['page-title'] = $pageTitle;
                 $urls[] = $url;
     return $urls;
  * Parse the input field into an array of URLs and Title objects
 private static function parseURLlist($pageList)
     $pageList = preg_split('@[\\r\\n]+@', $pageList);
     $urls = array();
     foreach ($pageList as $url) {
         $url = trim($url);
         if (!empty($url)) {
             $title = WikiPhoto::getArticleTitleNoCheck(urldecode($url));
             $urls[] = array('url' => $url, 'title' => $title);
     return $urls;
 public function processHybridMedia($articleID, $creator, $videoList, $photoList)
     $err = '';
     $numSteps = 0;
     $replaced = 0;
     $vidBrTag = self::BRTAG_TO_VID ? self::BRTAG : '';
     $imgBrTag = self::BRTAG_TO_IMG ? self::BRTAG : '';
     self::d("processHybridMedia parse out steps section replacing it with a token, leaving the above and below wikitext intact");
     // parse out steps section replacing it with a token, leaving
     // the above and below wikitext intact
     list($text, $url, $title) = $this->getArticleDetails($articleID);
     if (!$text || !$title) {
         $err = 'Could not find article ID ' . $articleID;
     self::d("getArticleDetails: err:" . $err);
     if (!$err) {
         list($text, $steps, $stepsToken) = $this->cutStepsSection($text);
         if (!$stepsToken) {
             if (preg_match('@^(\\s|\\n)*#redirect@i', $text)) {
                 $err = 'Could not parse Steps section out of article -- article text is #REDIRECT';
             } else {
                 $err = 'Could not parse Steps section out of article';
     $hybridMediaList = null;
     // try to place videos into wikitext, using tokens as placeholders.
     if (!$err) {
         $userIsScreenshotter = $this->isCreatorKnownScreenShotter($creator);
         list($err, $hybridMediaList) = $this->placeHybridMediaInSteps($articleID, $title, $videoList, $photoList, $text, $steps, $numSteps, $replaced, $userIsScreenshotter);
     // detect if no photos and videos were to be processed
     if (!$err) {
         if (count($videoList) == 0 && count($photoList) == 0) {
             $err = 'No photos and videos to process';
     // replace the tokens within the video or image tag
     if (!$err && $hybridMediaList && count($hybridMediaList) > 0) {
         $isAllLandscape = true;
         $hadColourProblems = false;
         $hadSizeProblems = false;
         $userIsScreenshotter = false;
         $isAllPhotoLandscape = count(photoList) > 0 ? true : false;
         $text = str_replace($stepsToken, $steps, $text);
         foreach ($hybridMediaList as &$media) {
             $video = $media['video'];
             if ($video) {
                 //video related validation
                 if (!empty($video['width']) && !empty($video['height']) && $video['width'] > $video['height']) {
                     $sizeParam = WikiVisualTranscoder::VIDEO_LANDSCAPE_WIDTH;
                 } else {
                     $sizeParam = WikiVisualTranscoder::VIDEO_PORTRAIT_WIDTH;
                     // Log first portrait video
                     if (!$isAllLandscape) {
                         $warning .= "portrait:{$video['name']}\n";
                     $isAllLandscape = false;
                 // Log pixel width issues
                 if (!$userIsScreenshotter && !$hadSizeProblems && !empty($video['width']) && $video['width'] < WikiVisualTranscoder::VIDEO_WARNING_MIN_WIDTH) {
                     $warning .= "size:{$video['width']}px:{$video['name']}\n";
                     $hadSizeProblems = true;
             $image = $media['photo'];
             if ($image) {
                 if (!empty($image['width']) && !empty($image['height']) && $image['width'] > $image['height']) {
                     $sizeParam = WikiVisualTranscoder::IMAGE_LANDSCAPE_WIDTH;
                 } else {
                     $sizeParam = WikiVisualTranscoder::IMAGE_PORTRAIT_WIDTH;
                     // Log first portrait image
                     if (!$isAllPhotoLandscape) {
                         $warning .= "portrait:{$image['name']}\n";
                     $isAllPhotoLandscape = false;
                 // Detect colour profile issues
                 if (!$hadColourProblems && !empty($image['filename'])) {
                     $exifProfile = WikiPhoto::getExifColourProfile($image['filename']);
                     if ($exifProfile && WikiPhoto::isBadWebColourProfile($exifProfile)) {
                         $warning .= "colour:{$exifProfile}:{$image['name']}\n";
                         $hadColourProblems = true;
                 // Log pixel width issues
                 if (!$userIsScreenshotter && !$hadSizeProblems && !empty($image['width']) && $image['width'] < WikiVisualTranscoder::WARNING_MIN_WIDTH) {
                     $warning .= "size:{$image['width']}px:{$image['name']}\n";
                     $hadSizeProblems = true;
                 // Log pixel width issues
                 if (!$userIsScreenshotter && !$hadSizeProblems && !empty($image['width'])) {
                     if ($image['width'] < WikiVisualTranscoder::WARNING_MIN_WIDTH) {
                         $warning .= "size:{$image['width']}px:{$image['name']}\n";
                         $hadSizeProblems = true;
                     } else {
                         $maxImgDimen = $image['width'] > $image['height'] ? $image['width'] : $image['height'];
                         if ($maxImgDimen > WikiVisualTranscoder::ERROR_MAX_IMG_DIMEN) {
                             $err .= "size:{$image['width']}px > max size " . WikiVisualTranscoder::ERROR_MAX_IMG_DIMEN . "px:{$image['name']}\n";
                             $hadSizeProblems = true;
             self::d("video={$video}, image={$image}");
             $mediaTag = null;
             if ($video && !$image) {
                 //video only
                 $mediaTag = $vidBrTag . '{{whvid|' . $video['mediawikiName'] . '|' . $video['previewMediawikiName'] . '}}';
                 $text = str_replace($video['token'], $mediaTag, $text);
             } elseif (!$video && $image) {
                 //image only
                 $mediaTag = $imgBrTag . '[[Image:' . $image['mediawikiName'] . '|center|' . $sizeParam . ']]';
                 $text = str_replace($image['token'], $mediaTag, $text);
             } elseif ($video && $image) {
                 $mediaTag = $vidBrTag . '{{whvid|' . $video['mediawikiName'] . '|' . $video['previewMediawikiName'] . '|' . $image['mediawikiName'] . '}}';
                 $text = str_replace($video['token'], $mediaTag, $text);
     // remove certain templates from start of wikitext
     if (!$err) {
         $templates = array('illustrations', 'pictures', 'screenshots', 'stub');
         $text = $this->removeTemplates($text, $templates);
     // write wikitext and add/update wikivideo row
     if (!$err) {
         $err = $this->saveArticleText($articleID, $text);
     // try to enlarge the uploaded photos of certain users
     if (!$err) {
         // now we want to ALWAYS enlarge the images for articles with ALL Landscape
         if ($isAllPhotoLandscape) {
             Wikitext::enlargeImages($title, true, AdminEnlargeImages::DEFAULT_CENTER_PIXELS);
     // 		if ($err) {
     // 			self::dbSetArticleProcessed($articleID, $creator, $err, $warning, $url, 0, $numSteps, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR);
     // 		} else {
     // 			self::dbSetArticleProcessed($articleID, $creator, '', $warning, $url, count($videoList), $numSteps, $replaced, self::STATUS_COMPLETE);
     // 		}
     // remove transcoding job db entries and s3 URIs
     $numPhotos = $photoList ? count($photoList) : 0;
     $numVideos = $photoList ? count($videoList) : 0;
     self::i("processed wikitext: {$creator} {$articleID} {$url} " . "photos=" . $numPhotos . ", " . "videos=" . $numVideos . " {$err}");
     return array($err, $warning, $url, $numSteps, $replaced);
     // 		if ($err) {
     // 			self::dbSetArticleProcessed($articleID, $creator, $err, $warning, $url, 0, $numSteps, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR);
     // 		} else {
     // 			self::dbSetArticleProcessed($articleID, $creator, '', $warning, $url, count($videoList), $numSteps, $replaced, self::STATUS_COMPLETE);
     // 		}
 function execute($par)
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;
     global $wgUseAjax, $wgAjaxUploadDestCheck, $wgAjaxLicensePreview;
     if ($wgUser->isBlocked()) {
     if ($wgUser->getID() == 0) {
         $wgOut->showErrorPage('nosuchspecialpage', 'nospecialpagetext');
     if (!in_array('staff', $wgUser->getGroups())) {
         $wgOut->showErrorPage('nosuchspecialpage', 'nospecialpagetext');
     $this->errorFile = "";
     $this->errorTitle = "";
     if ($wgRequest->getVal('delete')) {
         $hpid = str_replace('delete_', '', $wgRequest->getVal('delete'));
         $html = self::deleteHPImage($hpid);
     $this->postSuccessful = true;
     if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) {
         if ($wgRequest->getVal("updateActive")) {
             $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
             //first clear them all
             $dbw->update(WikihowHomepageAdmin::HP_TABLE, array('hp_active' => 0, 'hp_order' => 0), '*', __METHOD__);
             $images = $wgRequest->getArray("hp_images");
             $count = 1;
             foreach ($images as $image) {
                 if (!$image) {
                 $dbw->update(WikihowHomepageAdmin::HP_TABLE, array('hp_active' => 1, 'hp_order' => $count), array('hp_id' => $image));
         } else {
             $title = WikiPhoto::getArticleTitleNoCheck($wgRequest->getVal('articleName'));
             if (!$title->exists()) {
                 $this->postSuccessful = false;
                 $this->errorTitle = "* That article does not exist.";
             if ($this->postSuccessful) {
                 //keep going
                 $imageTitle = Title::newFromText($wgRequest->getVal('wpDestFile'), NS_IMAGE);
                 $file = new LocalFile($imageTitle, RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo());
                 $file->upload($wgRequest->getFileTempName('wpUploadFile'), '', '');
                 $filesize = $file->getSize();
                 if ($filesize > 0) {
                     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
                     $dbw->insert(WikihowHomepageAdmin::HP_TABLE, array('hp_page' => $title->getArticleID(), 'hp_image' => $imageTitle->getArticleID()));
                     $article = new Article($imageTitle);
                     $limit = array();
                     $limit['move'] = "sysop";
                     $limit['edit'] = "sysop";
                     $protectResult = $article->updateRestrictions($limit, "Used on homepage");
                 } else {
                     $this->postSuccessful = false;
                     $this->errorFile = "* We encountered an error uploading that file.";
     $useAjaxDestCheck = $wgUseAjax && $wgAjaxUploadDestCheck;
     $useAjaxLicensePreview = $wgUseAjax && $wgAjaxLicensePreview;
     $adc = wfBoolToStr($useAjaxDestCheck);
     $alp = wfBoolToStr($useAjaxLicensePreview);
     $wgOut->setPageTitle('WikiHow Homepage Admin');
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nwgAjaxUploadDestCheck = {$adc};\nwgAjaxLicensePreview = {$alp};\n</script>");
     $wgOut->addScript(HtmlSnips::makeUrlTags('js', array('jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js'), 'extensions/wikihow/common/ui/js', false));
     $wgOut->addScript(HtmlSnips::makeUrlTags('js', array('wikihowhomepageadmin.js'), 'extensions/wikihow/homepage', false));
     $wgOut->addScript(HtmlSnips::makeUrlTags('css', array('wikihowhomepageadmin.css'), 'extensions/wikihow/homepage', false));
     $wgOut->addScript(HtmlSnips::makeUrlTags('js', array('upload.js'), 'skins/common', false));

require_once '';
$dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
$wgUser = User::newFromName('MiscBot');
// get first x pages.
$pages = WikiPhoto::getAllPages($dbw);
$count = 0;
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $rev = Revision::loadFromPageId($dbw, $page['id']);
    if ($rev) {
        $wikitext = $rev->getText();
        $intro = Wikitext::getIntro($rev->getText());
        if (strpos($intro, "{{nointroimg}}") !== false) {
            $intro = str_replace("{{nointroimg}}", "", $intro);
            $wikitext = Wikitext::replaceIntro($wikitext, $intro, true);
            $title = Title::newFromID($page['id']);
            print "Removing from: " . $title . "\n";
            $article = new Article($title);
            $article->doEdit($wikitext, "Removing nointroimg template");
print "Deleted from {$count} articles\n";
 function getIdsFromUrls(&$urls)
     $ids = array();
     $urls = explode("\n", trim($urls));
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         $t = WikiPhoto::getArticleTitle($url);
         if ($t && $t->exists()) {
             $ids[] = $t->getArticleId();
     return $ids;
  * Execute special page.  Only available to wikihow staff.
 function execute()
     global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang;
     //$userGroups = $wgUser->getGroups();
     if ($wgUser->isBlocked()) {
         $wgOut->errorpage('nosuchspecialpage', 'nospecialpagetext');
     if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) {
         $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
         $pageList = $wgRequest->getVal('pages-list', '');
         $pageList = preg_split('@[\\r\\n]+@', $pageList);
         foreach ($pageList as $url) {
             $url = trim($url);
             if (!empty($url)) {
                 $id = WikiPhoto::getArticleID($url);
                 $images = '';
                 if (!empty($id)) {
                     $hasNoImages = WikiPhoto::articleBodyHasNoImages($dbr, $id);
                     $images = $hasNoImages ? 'no' : 'yes';
                 $urls[] = array('url' => $url, 'id' => $id, 'images' => $images);
         $html = '<style>.tres tr:nth-child(even) {background: #ccc;}</style>';
         $html .= '<table class="tres"><tr><th width="450px">URL</th><th>ID</th><th>Has steps images?</th></tr>';
         foreach ($urls as $row) {
             $html .= "<tr><td><a href='{$row['url']}'>{$row['url']}</a></td><td>{$row['id']}</td><td>{$row['images']}</td></tr>";
         $html .= '</table>';
         $result = array('result' => $html);
         print json_encode($result);
     $wgOut->setHTMLTitle('Admin - Lookup Pages - wikiHow');
     $tmpl = self::getGuts('AdminLookupPages');

 * List all articles within a top level category (which includes its sub-
 * categories).
 * Usage: php listAllCategoryArticles.php Category-Name
require_once '';
if (count($argv) < 1) {
    print "usage: php listAllCategoryArticles.php <category-name-encoded>\n";
    print "  example of category name: Hobbies-and-Crafts\n";
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
$topLevel = $argv[0];
$file = $topLevel . '.csv';
// get the category and all sub-categories
$cats = WikiPhoto::getAllSubcats($dbr, $topLevel);
$cats[] = $topLevel;
$cats = array_unique($cats);
// get all pages
$pages = array();
foreach ($cats as $cat) {
    $results = WikiPhoto::getPages($dbr, $cat);
    // make results unique based on page_id
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        print WikiPhoto::BASE_URL . $result['key'] . "\n";
  * Process images on S3 instead of from the images web server dir
 private static function processS3Images()
     //$file = '/tmp/whp';
     //if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $articles = self::getS3Articles($s3, self::AWS_BUCKET);
     $processed = self::dbGetArticlesUpdatedAll();
     //$out = yaml_emit(array($articles, $processed));
     //file_put_contents($file, $out);
     //} else {
     //list($articles, $processed) = yaml_parse(file_get_contents($file));
     // process all articles
     foreach ($articles as $id => $details) {
         $debug = self::$debugArticleID;
         if ($debug && $debug != $id) {
         if (@$details['err']) {
             if (!$processed[$id]) {
                 self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $details['err'], '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         // if article needs to be processed again because new files were
         // uploaded, but article has already been processed, we should
         // just flag as a retry attempt
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] < $details['time']) {
             if ($details['time'] >= self::REPROCESS_EPOCH) {
                 $processed[$id]['retry'] = 1;
                 $processed[$id]['error'] = '';
             } else {
                 // don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time
         // if this article was already processed, and nothing about its
         // images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't
         // process it again
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] > $details['time']) {
         // if article is not on Wikiphoto article exclude list
         if (WikiPhoto::checkExcludeList($id)) {
             $err = 'Article was found on Wikiphoto EXCLUDE list';
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         // pull zip file into staging area
         $stageDir = '';
         $imageList = array();
         if ($details['zip']) {
             $prefix = $details['user'] . '/';
             $zipFile = $id . '.zip';
             $files = array($zipFile);
             list($err, $stageDir) = self::pullFiles($id, $s3, $prefix, $files);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($err, $files) = self::unzip($stageDir, $zipFile);
             if (!$err) {
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     $imageList[] = array('name' => basename($file), 'filename' => $file);
         } else {
             // no zip -- ignore
         if (!$err && in_array($id, self::$excludeArticles)) {
             $err = 'Forced skipping this article because there was an repeated error when processing it';
         if (!$err) {
             $warning = @$details['warning'];
             list($err, $title) = self::processImages($id, $details['user'], $imageList, $warning);
         } else {
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0);
         if ($stageDir) {
         $titleStr = $title ? ' (' . $title->getText() . ')' : '';
         $errStr = $err ? ' err=' . $err : '';
         $imageCount = count($imageList);
         print date('Y/M/d H:i') . " processed: {$details['user']}/{$id}{$titleStr} images={$imageCount}{$errStr}\n";
$cats = array_unique($cats);
// get all pages
$pages = array();
foreach ($cats as $cat) {
    $results = WikiPhoto::getPages($dbr, $cat);
    // make results unique based on page_id
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        $pages[$result['id']] = $result;
$pages = array_values($pages);
$lines = array();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    if (WikiPhoto::articleBodyHasNoImages($dbr, $page['id'])) {
        $lines[] = array(WikiPhoto::BASE_URL . "{$page['key']}", $page['id']);
        if (count($lines) >= $numArticles) {
$fp = fopen($file, 'w');
if ($fp) {
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        fputcsv($fp, $line);
    print "output is in {$file}\n";
} else {
    print "unable to open file {$file}\n";

 * Grab a bunch of random articles from a category and its subcategories, as
 * long as the articles have no images in the Steps section.
 * Usage: php getAllArticlesNoStepPhotos.php Category-Name
require_once '';
$file = 'all-articles-with-video.csv';
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
// get all pages
$pages = WikiPhoto::getAllPages($dbr);
$lines = array();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    if (WikiPhoto::articleHasVideo($dbr, $page['id'])) {
        $lines[] = array(WikiPhoto::BASE_URL . "{$page['key']}", $page['id']);
$fp = fopen($file, 'w');
if ($fp) {
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        fputcsv($fp, $line);
    print "output is in {$file}\n";
} else {
    print "unable to open file {$file}\n";
  * Process images on S3 instead of from the images web server dir
 private function processS3Media()
     // $file = '/tmp/whp';
     // if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $articles = $this->getS3Articles($s3, self::AWS_BUCKET);
     $processed = $this->dbGetArticlesUpdatedAll();
     // $out = yaml_emit(array($articles, $processed));
     // file_put_contents($file, $out);
     // } else {
     // list($articles, $processed) = yaml_parse(file_get_contents($file));
     // }
     // process all articles
     $articlesProcessed = 0;
     foreach ($articles as $id => $details) {
         $debug = self::$debugArticleID;
         if ($debug && $debug != $id) {
         if (@$details['err']) {
             if (!$processed[$id]) {
                 self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $details['err'], '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         // if article needs to be processed again because new files were
         // uploaded, but article has already been processed, we should
         // just flag as a retry attempt
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] < $details['time']) {
             if ($details['time'] >= self::REPROCESS_EPOCH) {
                 $processed[$id]['retry'] = 1;
                 $processed[$id]['error'] = '';
             } else {
                 self::d("don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time: Article id :" . $id);
                 // don't reprocess stuff from before a certain point in time
         // if this article was already processed, and nothing about its
         // images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't
         // process it again
         if (!$debug && isset($processed[$id]) && !$processed[$id]['retry'] && $processed[$id]['processed'] > $details['time']) {
             self::d("if this article was already processed, and nothing about its images has changes, and it's not set to be retried, don't process it again:" . $id . ", processed[id]['processed']=" . $processed[$id]['processed'] . " > details['time']=" . $details['time']);
         // if article is not on Wikiphoto article exclude list
         if (WikiPhoto::checkExcludeList($id)) {
             $err = 'Article was found on Wikiphoto EXCLUDE list';
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         // pull zip file into staging area
         $stageDir = '';
         $photoList = array();
         $videoList = array();
         if ($details['zip']) {
             $prefix = $details['user'] . '/';
             $zipFile = $id . '.zip';
             $files = array($zipFile);
             list($err, $stageDir) = $this->pullFiles($id, $s3, $prefix, $files);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($err, $files) = $this->unzip($stageDir, $zipFile);
             if (!$err) {
                 list($photoList, $videoList) = self::splitSrcMediaFileList($files);
         } else {
             // no zip -- ignore
         if (!$err && in_array($id, self::$excludeArticles)) {
             $err = 'Forced skipping this article because there was an repeated error when processing it';
         self::d("PhotoList size " . count($photoList) . ", VideoList size " . count($videoList) . " err={$err}");
         $isHybridMedia = false;
         $photoCnt = 0;
         $vidCnt = 0;
         if (!$err) {
             $warning = @$details['warning'];
             $photoCnt = count($photoList);
             $vidCnt = count($videoList);
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, $warning, '', $vidCnt, $photoCnt, 0, 0, self::STATUS_PROCESSING_UPLOADS, 0, $stageDir);
             $isHybridMedia = $photoCnt > 0 && $vidCnt > 0;
             //start processing uploads
             if ($photoCnt > 0 && $vidCnt <= 0) {
                 list($err, $title, $warning, $url, $photoCnt, $replaced) = $this->imageTranscoder->processMedia($id, $details['user'], $photoList, $warning, $isHybridMedia);
                 $this->updateArticleStatusPhotoProcessed($id, $err, $warning, $url, $photoCnt, $replaced, true);
             } else {
                 if (!$err && $vidCnt > 0) {
                     self::d("Processing mp4Transcoder->processMedia");
                     list($err, $url, $status) = $this->mp4Transcoder->processMedia($id, $details['user'], $videoList, $warning, $isHybridMedia);
                     $this->updateArticleStatusVideoTranscoding($id, $err, $warning, $url, $status);
         } else {
             self::dbSetArticleProcessed($id, $details['user'], $err, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, self::STATUS_ERROR, 0, '');
         //don't cleanup if isHybridMedia is present and zip file contains images.
         if (!empty($stageDir) && $isHybridMedia === false) {
         $titleStr = $title ? ' (' . $title->getText() . ')' : '';
         $errStr = $err ? ', err=' . $err : '';
         $mediaCount = count($files);
         self::i("processed: {$details['user']}/{$id}{$titleStr} original mediaFilesCount={$mediaCount} {$errStr}");
         if (self::$DEBUG !== false && self::$exitAfterNumArticles > 0 && $articlesProcessed >= self::$exitAfterNumArticles) {
             self::d("articlesProcessed {$articlesProcessed} >= self::\$exitAfterNumArticles " . self::$exitAfterNumArticles . ", hence stopping further processing of articles if there are any.");

 * Opens a CSV file and adds page IDs to the file.  Part of the WikiPhoto 
 * project.
require_once '';
if (count($argv) < 2) {
    print "usage: php wikiphotoAddPageIDs.php infile.csv outfile.csv\n";
$infile = $argv[0];
$outfile = $argv[1];
$in = fopen($infile, 'r');
$out = fopen($outfile, 'w');
if (!$in || !$out) {
    print "error: opening a file\n";
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
while (($data = fgetcsv($in)) !== false) {
    $id = WikiPhoto::getArticleID($data[0]);
    $data[1] = $id;
    $data[2] = '';
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $hasNoImages = WikiPhoto::articleBodyHasNoImages($dbr, $id);
        $images = intval(!$hasNoImages);
        $data[2] = $images;
    fputcsv($out, $data);