public function tearDown() { if ($this->driver) { if ($this->hasFailed()) { $this->driver->set_sauce_context("passed", false); } else { $this->driver->set_sauce_context("passed", true); } $this->driver->quit(); } parent::tearDown(); $time = microtime(true) - $this->startTime; $message = '...' . round($time, 2) . 's...'; echo sprintf('%\'.-15s', trim($message)); }
public function setUp() { // Choose one of the following // For tests running at Sauce Labs // $this->driver = WebDriver_Driver::InitAtSauce("my-sauce-username", "my-sauce-api-key", "WINDOWS", "firefox", "3.6"); // $sauce_job_name = get_class($this); // $this->driver->set_sauce_context("name", $sauce_job_name); // For a mock driver (for debugging) // $this->driver = new WebDriver_MockDriver(); // define('kFestDebug', true); // For a local driver $this->driver = WebDriver_Driver::InitAtLocal("4444", "firefox"); }
public function wait_for($condition, $params = array(), $expected = true) { //$time = microtime(true); $wait = $this->driver->set_implicit_wait(0); $result = false; for ($i = 0; $i <= $wait; $i += 100) { if (call_user_func_array(array($this, $condition), $params) == $expected) { $result = true; break; } usleep(100); } $this->driver->set_implicit_wait($wait); //echo PHP_EOL . 'wait '.$condition.': ' .$this->locator ." time: " . (microtime(true) - $time) ." "; return $result; }
public static function InitAtBrowserStack($browserstack_username, $browserstack_value, $os, $browser, $version = false, $additional_options = array(), $starting_time = null, $attempt = 1) { if (!$starting_time) { $starting_time = time(); } try { $capabilities = array_merge(array('browserstack.debug' => true, 'platform' => strtoupper($os), 'browserName' => $browser), $additional_options); if ($version) { $capabilities["version"] = $version; } return new WebDriver_Driver("http://" . $browserstack_username . ":" . $browserstack_value . "", $capabilities); } catch (WebDriver_OverParallelLimitException $e) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(time() < $starting_time + WebDriver::$BrowserStackMaxSeconds, "Reached maximum BrowserStack attempt seconds: " . WebDriver::$BrowserStackMaxSeconds); PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($attempt < WebDriver::$BrowserStackMaxAttempts, "Reached maximum BrowserStack attempt number: " . WebDriver::$BrowserStackMaxAttempts); sleep(WebDriver::$BrowserStackWaitSeconds); return WebDriver_Driver::InitAtBrowserStack($browserstack_username, $browserstack_value, $os, $browser, $version, $additional_options, $starting_time, $attempt + 1); } }
public function setUp() { // If you want to set preferences in your Firefox profile $fp = new WebDriver_FirefoxProfile(); $fp->set_preference("capability.policy.default.HTMLDocument.compatMode", "allAccess"); // Choose one of the following // For tests running at Sauce Labs // $this->driver = WebDriver_Driver::InitAtSauce( // "my-sauce-username", // "my-sauce-api-key", // "WINDOWS", // "firefox", // "10", // array( // 'firefox_profile' => $fp->get_profile() // )); // $sauce_job_name = get_class($this); // $this->driver->set_sauce_context("name", $sauce_job_name); // For a mock driver (for debugging) // $this->driver = new WebDriver_MockDriver(); // define('kFestDebug', true); // For a local driver $this->driver = WebDriver_Driver::InitAtLocal("4444", "firefox"); }