public function delete()
     $options = WebApp::post('options') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::post('options'));
     if (count($options) == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/option_view', 0, 'No option(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL);
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         $validated = GUMP::is_valid(array('opt' => $option), array('opt' => 'integer'));
         if ($validated !== true) {
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/option_view', 0, 'No option(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL);
     $delete = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("DELETE FROM `core_options` WHERE `id`=?");
     $affected_rows = 0;
     foreach ($options as $id) {
         $delete->bind_param('i', $id);
         $affected_rows += $delete->affected_rows;
     if ($affected_rows == count($options)) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Deleted options: ' . csvgetstr($options));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/option_view', 1, 'Successfully deleted selected option(s)!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Deleted some options: ' . csvgetstr($options));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/option_view', 1, 'Successfully deleted ' . $affected_rows . '/' . count($options) . ' selected option(s)!<br /><small>Possible cause: <code>Unknown</code></small>', B_T_WARNING);
Beispiel #2
 public function clear_status_msg()
     $msg_id = WebApp::get('msg_id');
     if ($msg_id === NULL) {
         $msg_id = WebApp::post('msg_id');
     if ($msg_id === NULL) {
         $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': MSG ID was not provided!');
         return new ActionResult($this, '/', 0, 'Failed to clear status message. No ID found.', B_T_FAIL);
     $msg_id = trim(str_replace('alert_', '', $msg_id));
     $msg_id = base64_decode($msg_id);
     Session::del('status_msg', $msg_id);
     $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': MSG ID "' . $msg_id . '" was ' . (Session::get('status_msg', $msg_id) === NULL ? '' : 'not ') . 'cleared');
     return new ActionResult($this, '/', 0, 'Cleared status message.', B_T_SUCCESS);
 function add()
     $title = WebApp::post('title') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('title');
     $p_from = WebApp::post('p_from') === '' ? NULL : getSQLDate(WebApp::post('p_from'));
     $p_to = WebApp::post('p_to') === '' ? NULL : getSQLDate(WebApp::post('p_to'));
     $article = WebApp::post('article') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('article');
     $user = $this->parent->parent->user->getUserID();
     $group = $this->parent->parent->user->getGroup();
     $aid = removeSpecialChars($title);
     $article_add = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("INSERT INTO `news_articles` (`title`,`aid`,`user`,`group`,`article`,`date_p`,`publish_f`,`publish_u`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),?,?)");
     if ($article_add == false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/news/article_add', 0, 'Failed to save article.<br />Error: <code>Query failed</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $article_add->bind_param('ssiisss', $title, $aid, $user, $group, $article, $p_from, $p_to);
     if ($article_add->affected_rows == 1) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Added article ' . $title);
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/news/article_view', 1, 'Successfully saved article!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Failed to add article ' . $title);
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/news/article_add', 0, 'Failed to add article.<br />Error: <code>' . $this->mySQL_w->error . '</code>', B_T_FAIL);
 public function save()
     if (WebApp::post('mysql_r_pass') === '') {
         WebApp::post('mysql_r_pass', $this->parent->parent->config->config['mysql']['r']['pass']);
     if (WebApp::post('mysql_w_pass') === '') {
         WebApp::post('mysql_r_pass', $this->parent->parent->config->config['mysql']['w']['pass']);
     $gump = new GUMP();
     $gump->validation_rules(array('core_errors' => 'required|boolean', 'core_maintenance' => 'required|boolean', 'core_debug' => 'required|boolean', 'core_https_a' => 'required|boolean', 'core_https_f' => 'required|boolean', 'core_cdn' => 'required', 'mysql_db' => 'required', 'mysql_r_user' => 'required', 'mysql_r_host' => 'required', 'mysql_r_port' => 'required|integer', 'mysql_w_user' => 'required', 'mysql_w_host' => 'required', 'mysql_w_port' => 'required|integer', 'reCAPTCHA_pub' => 'required|alpha_dash', 'reCAPTCHA_priv' => 'required|alpha_dash'));
     $gump->filter_rules(array('core_cdn' => 'trim|urlencode'));
     $valid_data = $gump->run($_POST);
     if ($valid_data === false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/config_edit', 0, 'Failed to save config!<br />Error: <code>Please check you have completed all fields as instructed.</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $configFile = fopen(__LIBDIR__ . '/', 'w');
     if (fwrite($configFile, $this->getFile($valid_data))) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/config_view', 1, 'Succeesfully saved config!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/core/config_edit', 0, 'Failed to save config!', B_T_SFAIL);
Beispiel #5
 public function backup()
     if (!$this->accessAdminPage(3)) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/', 1, 'You are not allowed to do that', B_T_FAIL);
     $backups = WebApp::post('backups') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::post('backups'));
     if (count($backups) == 0) {
         $backups = WebApp::get('m') === NULL ? array() : array(WebApp::get('m'));
     if (count($backups) == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/backup', 0, 'No module(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL);
     foreach ($backups as $backup) {
         $validated = GUMP::is_valid(array('bk' => $backup), array('bk' => 'integer'));
         if ($validated !== true) {
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/backup', 0, 'No module(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'backup.php';
     $result = array();
     foreach ($backups as $module) {
         $backup = new Backup($this->parent);
         if (!$backup->setLocation($location)) {
             return new CronResult($this, false, 'Failed to create backup dir: ' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'backup' . str_replace(__BACKUP__, '', $location . $module));
         if (!$backup->setID($module)) {
             return new CronResult($this, false, 'Failed to setID for ' . $module);
         $results[$module] = $backup->backup();
     $msg = '';
     $status = true;
     foreach ($results as $ns => $data) {
         $msg .= '"' . $ns . '": ' . $data['msg'] . PHP_EOL;
         if (!$data['s']) {
             $status = false;
     if ($status) {
         $msg = 'Backup was completed for selected module(s)!';
         $type = B_T_SUCCESS;
     } else {
         $msg = 'Backup was completed but failed for some/all module(s). Details as follows:' . PHP_EOL . $msg;
         $type = B_T_WARNING;
     $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Back up modules: ' . csvgetstr($backups));
     return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/backup', 1, $msg, $type);
Beispiel #6
 function edit_details()
     $userid = WebApp::post('userid') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('userid');
     $f_name = WebApp::post('f_name') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('f_name');
     $s_name = WebApp::post('s_name') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('s_name');
     $username = WebApp::post('username') === NULL ? '' : WebApp::post('username');
     //$old_email	= (WebApp::post('old_email')===NULL)?	''		:WebApp::post('old_email');
     //$email		= (WebApp::post('email')===NULL)?		''		:WebApp::post('email');
     if ($userid != $this->parent->parent->user->getUserID()) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/profile/details', 0, 'Failed save details.<br />Error: <code>User IDs don\'t match</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     if ($f_name == '' || $s_name == '') {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/user_edit', 0, 'Failed to edit user.<br />Error: <code>Name must not be empty</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $update = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("UPDATE `core_users` SET `f_name`=?,`s_name`=? WHERE `id`=?");
     if ($update === false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/profile/details', 0, 'Failed save details!', B_T_FAIL);
     $update->bind_param('ssi', $f_name, $s_name, $userid);
     if ($update->affected_rows == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/user/profile/details', 0, 'Nothing to change', B_T_INFO);
     /*if($old_email != $email){
     			return $this->genActivation($email, 'email', array('f'=>'/user/activate', 's'=>'/user/activate'));
     return new ActionResult($this, '/user/profile', 1, 'Saved details!', B_T_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #7
  * Installer::preInstall()
  * @return
 public function preInstall()
     // Get the details from post
     $mode = WebApp::post('method');
     // Check which mode we are operating in
     if ($mode == 'zip') {
         // Get the zip file
         $file = $this->parent->parent->files('zip_file');
         // Deal with upload errors
         switch ($file) {
             // Failed to upload (we couldn't find it)
             case _ACTION_FAIL_1:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Module package failed to upload.');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Module package failed to upload.');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'Module package failed to upload.', B_T_FAIL);
                 // No file was uploaded
             // No file was uploaded
             case _ACTION_FAIL_2:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': No module package was uploaded to install!');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'No module package was uploaded to install!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'No module package was uploaded to install!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // Upload was too large
             // Upload was too large
             case _ACTION_FAIL_3:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Module was larger than the max upload size');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Module was larger than the max upload size!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'Module was larger than the max upload size!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // File wasn't in whitelist/was in blacklist
             // File wasn't in whitelist/was in blacklist
             case _ACTION_FAIL_4:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Incorrect module format!');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Incorrect module format!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'Incorrect module format!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // For some reason we couldn't move the uploaded file from the system temp dir to our temp dir
             // For some reason we couldn't move the uploaded file from the system temp dir to our temp dir
             case _ACTION_FAIL_5:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Could not access module package.');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Could not access module package!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'Could not access module package.', B_T_FAIL);
                 // Something else went wrong with the uplaod - probably left for future php updates
             // Something else went wrong with the uplaod - probably left for future php updates
             case _ACTION_UNSPEC:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Something went wrong with the upload, try again');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Something went wrong with the upload, try again!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install', 0, 'Something went wrong with the upload, try again', B_T_FAIL);
                 // There were no erros so we can continue
             // There were no erros so we can continue
                 // Extract the zip file
                 $file = $this->extractZip($file);
                 // Use the temp dir (from the extraction)
                 if ($file !== false) {
                     // Generate a reference hash
                     $hash = ranString(4);
                     // Set the session reference
                     Session::set($this::name_space, 'install_from' . $hash, $file);
                     //Navigate to the instal page
                     $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/' . $hash);
                     // We still need to return an ActionResult object to the controller, otherwise it'll get its knickers in a twist
                     return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install/' . $hash, 1, '', B_T_INFO);
                 } else {
                     // The uploaded file wasn't a zip, so give the user a message to see when they navigate
                     Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Failed to extract zip file!');
                     $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/');
                     // Yet again we need to return an ActionResult object as stated above ^^
                     return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install/', 0, 'Failed to extract zip file!', B_T_FAIL);
         // We are installing from a directory, so we can skip the zip stuff and get straight to busines
     } elseif ($mode == 'dir') {
         // Get the full directory path
         $file = __EXECDIR__ . WebApp::post('directory');
         // Generate a reference hash
         $hash = ranString(4);
         // Set the install sesion stuff
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'install_from' . $hash, $file);
         // Navigate to the install page
         $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/install/' . $hash);
         // Yup, we are returning an ActionResult again... are you getting the message yet?
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/install/' . $hash, 1, 'Installing module&hellip;', B_T_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #8
 function disable()
     $groups = WebApp::post('groups') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::post('groups'));
     if (count($groups) == 0) {
         $groups = WebApp::get('g') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::get('g'));
     if (count($groups) == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/group_view', 0, 'No group(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL);
     $update_query = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("UPDATE `core_groups` SET `en`=0 WHERE `GID`=?");
     foreach ($groups as $GID) {
         if ($this->inGroup($GID, false, false)) {
             $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Tried to disable own group');
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/group_view', 0, 'Failed to disable group!<br />Error: <code>Cannot disable a group that you are a member of</code>', B_T_FAIL);
         if ($GID < 1000 && !$this->inGroup(1)) {
             $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Tried to disable core group');
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/group_view', 0, 'Failed to disable group!<br />Error: <code>Cannot disable a core group</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $affected_rows = 0;
     foreach ($groups as $GID) {
         $update_query->bind_param('i', $GID);
         $affected_rows += $update_query->affected_rows;
     if ($affected_rows == count($groups)) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Disabled groups ' . csvgetstr($groups));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/group_view', 1, 'Successfully disabled selected group(s)!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Disabled some of groups ' . csvgetstr($groups));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/group_view', 1, 'Successfully disabled ' . $affected_rows . '/' . count($groups) . ' selected group(s)!<br /><small>Possible cause: <code>Group was already disabled</code></small>', B_T_WARNING);
Beispiel #9
 public function session_lock()
     if (!$this->accessAdminPage(20)) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/user_view', 0, 'You are not allowed to do that', B_T_FAIL);
     if (WebApp::get('m') === 'm') {
         $sessID = WebApp::post('sessions') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::post('sessions'));
         if (count($sessID) === 0) {
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/user_view', 0, 'Session IDs cannot be blank!', B_T_FAIL);
     } else {
         $sessID = WebApp::get('cat4');
         if ($sessID === NULL || $sessID == '') {
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/user_view', 0, 'Session\'s ID cannot be blank!', B_T_FAIL);
         $sessID = array($sessID);
     $destroy_query = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("UPDATE `core_sessions` SET `auth`=1 WHERE `id`=?");
     $affected_rows = 0;
     foreach ($sessID as $ID) {
         $destroy_query->bind_param('i', $ID);
         $affected_rows = +$destroy_query->affected_rows;
     if ($affected_rows == count($sessID)) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Locked session(s)');
         return new ActionResult($this, Server::get('HTTP_Referer'), 1, 'Session(s) were locked!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } elseif ($affected_rows == 0) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Failed to lock session(s)');
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/user/user_view', 0, 'Failed to lock any sessions!', B_T_FAIL);
     } else {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Locked some sessions, but failed to lock the rest!');
         return new ActionResult($this, Server::get('HTTP_Referer'), 1, 'Some sessions were locked!', B_T_WARNING);
Beispiel #10
 function delete()
     $locations = WebApp::post('locations') === NULL ? array() : strgetcsv(WebApp::post('locations'));
     if (count($locations) == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 0, 'No locations(s) were selected!', B_T_FAIL, array('form' => array('pwd' => '')));
     $check_query = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("SELECT `ID` FROM `location` WHERE `ID`=?");
     if ($check_query === false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 0, 'Failed to delete location(s)!<br />Error: <code>Check query failed</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     foreach ($locations as $ID) {
         $check_query->bind_param('i', $ID);
         if ($check_query->num_rows != 1) {
             return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 1, 'Failed to delete location(s)!<br />Error: <code>Location doesn\'t exist</code>', B_T_INFO);
     $delete_query = $this->mySQL_w->prepare("DELETE FROM `location` WHERE `id`=?");
     if ($delete_query === false) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 0, 'Failed delete location(s)!<br />Error: <code>Update query failed</code>', B_T_FAIL);
     $affected_rows = 0;
     foreach ($locations as $ID) {
         $delete_query->bind_param('i', $ID);
         $affected_rows += $delete_query->affected_rows;
     if ($affected_rows == count($locations)) {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Deleted ' . csvgetstr($locations));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 1, 'Successfully deleted selected location(s)!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         $this->parent->parent->logEvent($this::name_space, 'Deleted some of ' . csvgetstr($locations));
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/location', 1, 'Successfully deleted ' . $affected_rows . '/' . count($locations) . ' selected location(s)!<br /><small>Possible cause: <code>Location with that ID may not exist</code></small>', B_T_WARNING);
Beispiel #11
  * Updater::preUpdate()
  * @return
 public function preUpdate()
     $conf = WebApp::post('conf');
     $module = WebApp::post('mod');
     $page = WebApp::post('page');
     $mode = WebApp::post('method');
     if ($conf != 1) {
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'You haven\'t confirmed this action!');
         $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, '', B_T_FAIL);
     // Check which mode we are operating in
     if ($mode == 'zip') {
         // Get the ZIP file
         $file = $this->parent->parent->files('zip_file');
         // Deal with upload errors
         switch ($file) {
             // Failed to upload (we couldn't find it)
             case _ACTION_FAIL_1:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Module package failed to upload.');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Module package failed to upload.');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Module package failed to upload.', B_T_FAIL);
                 // No file was uploaded
             // No file was uploaded
             case _ACTION_FAIL_2:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': No module package was uploaded to update!');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'No module package was uploaded to update!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'No module package was uploaded to update!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // Uploade was too large
             // Uploade was too large
             case _ACTION_FAIL_3:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Module was larger than the max upload size');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Module was larger than the max upload size!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Module was larger than the max upload size!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // File wasn't in whitelist/was in blacklist
             // File wasn't in whitelist/was in blacklist
             case _ACTION_FAIL_4:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Incorrect module format!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Incorrect module format!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // For some reason we couldn't move the uploaded file from the system temp dir into our temp dir (__EXECDIR__/temp)
             // For some reason we couldn't move the uploaded file from the system temp dir into our temp dir (__EXECDIR__/temp)
             case _ACTION_FAIL_5:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Could not access module package.');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Could not access module package!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Could not access module package.', B_T_FAIL);
                 // Something else went wrong with the upload - probably left for future php updates
             // Something else went wrong with the upload - probably left for future php updates
             case _ACTION_UNSPEC:
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Something went wrong with the upload, try again');
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Something went wrong with the upload, try again!');
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Something went wrong with the upload, try again', B_T_FAIL);
                 // There were no errors so we can continue
             // There were no errors so we can continue
                 // Extract the zip file
                 $file = $this->extractZip($file);
                 // Use the temp dir (from the extraction)
                 if ($file === false) {
                     // The uploaded wasn't a zip, so give the user a message to say so
                     Session::set($this::name_space, 'msg', 'Failed to extract zip file!');
                     // Now we send them back to the update page so they can select the correct file (hopefully)
                     $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module);
                     return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module, 0, 'Failed to extract zip file!', B_T_FAIL);
                 // Create a random reference hash
                 $hash = ranString(4);
                 // Set the session variables
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_dir', $file);
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_ns', $module);
                 Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_page', $page);
                 // Navigate to the new page
                 $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module . '/' . $hash);
                 // We still need to return what we are doing to the controller (don't remove... took ages to work out why it crashed here!)
                 return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module . '/' . $hash, 1, '', B_T_SUCCESS);
         // We are updating from a directory so we can bypass the zip extraction bits and bobs
     } elseif ($mode == 'dir') {
         // Get the full directory path
         $file = __EXECDIR__ . WebApp::post('directory');
         // Create a random reference hash
         $hash = ranString(4);
         // Set the session variables
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_dir', $file);
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_ns', $module);
         Session::set($this::name_space, 'update_from_' . $hash . '_page', $page);
         // Navigate to the new page
         $this->parent->parent->addHeader('Location', '/admin/modules/update/' . $module . '/' . $hash);
         // We still need to return what we are doing to the controller [don't remove... yup, same mistake twice :-)]
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/modules/update/' . $module . '/' . $hash, 1, '', B_T_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #12
 public function send()
     if (!$this->accessAdminPage(0)) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/email', 0, 'You are not allowed to send emails!', B_T_FAIL);
     $check = $this->checknames();
     if ($check->status == 0) {
         return $check;
     } else {
         Session::del('status_msg', $check->id);
     $to = WebApp::post('to');
     $subject = WebApp::post('subject');
     $message = WebApp::post('message');
     $mail = new Emailer();
     $mail->setFrom($this->parent->parent->user->getUsername() . '', $this->parent->parent->user->getFullName());
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     $mail->AltBody = 'To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!';
     $to = strgetcsv(WebApp::post('to'));
     // Fetches emails from usernames
     $user_query = $this->mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT CONCAT(`f_name`, ' ', `s_name`), `email` FROM `core_users` WHERE `username`=?");
     // Fetches names and emails from p_group names
     $p_group_query = $this->mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT CONCAT(`f_name`, ' ', `s_name`),`email` FROM `core_users`\nINNER JOIN `core_groups` ON `p_group`=`GID` AND `core_groups`.`name`=? AND `type`='p'");
     // Fetches names and emails from s_group names through link table (core_sgroup)
     $s_group_query = $this->mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT CONCAT(`f_name`, ' ', `s_name`),`email` FROM `core_users`\nINNER JOIN `core_groups` ON `core_groups`.`name`=? AND `type`='s'\nINNER JOIN `core_sgroup` ON `core_sgroup`.`user`=`core_users`.`id` AND `core_groups`.`GID`=`core_sgroup`.`group`");
     $email_addresses = array();
     foreach ($to as $name) {
         $name = trim($name);
         if (filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $email_addresses[$name] = $name;
         } else {
             // Check if name is user
             $user_query->bind_param('s', $name);
             $user_query->bind_result($fullName, $email);
             if ($user_query->num_rows == 1) {
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Address is for user');
                 // deal with user
                 $email_addresses[$email] = $fullName;
             } else {
                 // Check if name is pgroup
                 $p_group_query->bind_param('s', $name);
                 $p_group_query->bind_result($fullName, $email);
                 if ($p_group_query->num_rows != 0) {
                     while ($p_group_query->fetch()) {
                         $email_addresses[$email] = $fullName;
                 } else {
                     // Check sgroup
                     $s_group_query->bind_param('s', $name);
                     $s_group_query->bind_result($fullName, $email);
                     if ($s_group_query->num_rows != 0) {
                         // Deal with sgroup
                         while ($s_group_query->fetch()) {
                             $email_addresses[$email] = $fullName;
     $failed = array();
     foreach ($email_addresses as $email => $name) {
         $mail->addAddress($email, $name);
         if (!$mail->send()) {
             $failed[] = $email;
             $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Did not send mail to ' . $email);
             $this->parent->parent->debug('Reason: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo);
         } else {
             $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Sent mail to ' . $email);
     if (count($failed) == 0) {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/email', 1, 'Email was successfully sent!', B_T_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         return new ActionResult($this, '/admin/email', 0, 'Email was sent to except:<code>' . implode(', ', $failed) . '</code>', B_T_WARNING);