Beispiel #1
function rendertemplate_ALL(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $t = $w->Template->getTemplate($p['id']);
    $t = $t ? $t : new Template($w);
Beispiel #2
function comment_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("comment_id", "tablename", "object_id");
    $comment_id = intval($p["comment_id"]);
    $comment = $comment_id > 0 ? $w->Comment->getComment($comment_id) : new Comment($w);
    if ($comment === null) {
        $comment = new Comment($w);
    $help = <<<EOF
* bullet list
* second item
** subitem
# numbered list
# second item
## sub item
== Large Heading
=== Medium Heading
==== Small Heading
Horizontal Line:
    $form = array(array("Comment", "section"), array("", "textarea", "comment", $comment->comment, 100, 15, false), array("Help", "section"), array("", "textarea", "-help", $help, 100, 5, false), array("", "hidden", "redirect_url", $w->request("redirect_url")));
    // return the comment for display and edit
    $w->out(Html::form($form, $w->localUrl("/admin/comment/{$p["comment_id"]}/{$p["tablename"]}/{$p["object_id"]}"), "POST", "Save"));
function taskAjaxSelectbyTaskGroup_ALL(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("taskgroup_id");
    $taskgroup = $w->Task->getTaskGroup($p['taskgroup_id']);
    if (empty($taskgroup->id)) {
    $tasktypes = $taskgroup != "" ? $w->Task->getTaskTypes($taskgroup->task_group_type) : array();
    $priority = $taskgroup != "" ? $w->Task->getTaskPriority($taskgroup->task_group_type) : array();
    $members = $taskgroup != "" ? $w->Task->getMembersBeAssigned($taskgroup->id) : array();
    $typetitle = $taskgroup != "" ? $taskgroup->getTypeTitle() : "";
    $typedesc = $taskgroup != "" ? $taskgroup->getTypeDescription() : "";
    // if user cannot assign tasks in this group, leave 'first_assignee' blank for owner/member to delegate
    $members = $taskgroup->getCanIAssign() ? $members : array(array("Default", ""));
    // create dropdowns loaded with respective data
    $ttype = Html::select("task_type", $tasktypes, null);
    $prior = Html::select("priority", $priority, null);
    $mem = Html::select("assignee_id", $members, null);
    // first_
    $taskgroup_link = $taskgroup->isOwner($w->Auth->user()) ? "<a href=\"" . $w->localUrl("task-group/viewmembergroup/" . $taskgroup->id) . "\">" . $taskgroup->title . "</a>" : $taskgroup->title;
    $tasktext = "<table style='width: 100%;'>" . "<tr><td class=section colspan=2>Task Group Description</td></tr>" . "<tr><td><b>Task Group</td><td>" . $taskgroup_link . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td><b>Task Type</b></td><td>" . $typetitle . "</td></tr>" . "<tr valign=top><td><b>Description</b></td><td>" . $typedesc . "</td></tr>" . "</table>";
    // return as array of arrays
    $result = array($ttype, $prior, $mem, $tasktext, Html::select("status", $taskgroup->getTypeStatus(), null, null, null, null));
Beispiel #4
function edit_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("report_id", "id");
    $report_template = !empty($p['id']) ? $w->Report->getReportTemplate($p['id']) : new ReportTemplate($w);
    $form = array("Add Report Template" => array(array(array("Template", "select", "template_id", $report_template->template_id, $w->Template->findTemplates("report"))), array(array("Type", "select", "type", $report_template->type, $report_template->getReportTypes())), array(array("Report ID", "hidden", "report_id", $p['report_id']))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/report-templates/edit/{$report_template->id}"));
Beispiel #5
function printqueue_GET(Web $w)
    $print_folder = FILE_ROOT . "print";
    $path = realpath($print_folder);
    // Check if folder exists
    if ($path === false) {
        // Make print folder (If you specify a full path, use the recursion flag because it seems to crash without it in unix)
        // Other wise you would need to chdir to the parent folder, create and change back to wherever execution currently was at
        mkdir($print_folder, 0777, true);
        $path = realpath($print_folder);
    $exclude = array("THUMBS.db");
    $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
    $table_data = array();
    $table_header = array("Name", "Size", "Date Created", "Actions");
    foreach ($objects as $name => $object) {
        $filename = $object->getFilename();
        // Ignore files starting with '.' and in exclude array
        if ($filename[0] === '.' || in_array($filename, $exclude)) {
        $table_data[] = array(Html::a("/uploads/print/" . $filename, $filename), humanReadableBytes($object->getSize()), date("H:i d/m/Y", filectime($name)), Html::box("/admin/printfile?filename=" . urlencode($name), "Print", true) . " " . Html::b("/admin/deleteprintfile?filename=" . urlencode($name), "Delete", "Are you sure you want to remove this file? (This is irreversible)"));
    $w->out(Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));
function taskAjaxGrouptoType_ALL(Web &$w)
    $types = array();
    // split query string into group and assignee
    list($group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get task types from available task list
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->task_type, $types)) {
                $types[$task->task_type] = array($task->getTypeTitle(), $task->task_type);
    if (!$types) {
        $types = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load type dropdown and return
    $tasktypes = Html::select("tasktypes", $types, null);
Beispiel #7
function addcategory_GET(Web $w)
    list($parent_id) = $w->pathMatch("a");
    $parent = $w->Bend->getWorkCategoryForId($parent_id);
    $form = array("Category" => array(array(array("Title", "text", "title", "")), array(array("Description", "text", "description", ""))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/addcategory/{$parent_id}", "POST", "Save"));
Beispiel #8
function get_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("classname", "id");
    $token = $w->request("token");
    $w->out($w->Rest->getJson($p['classname'], $p['id'], $token));
Beispiel #9
function profile_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("box");
    $user = $w->Auth->user();
    $contact = $user->getContact();
    if ($user) {
        $w->ctx("title", "Administration - Profile - " . $user->login);
    } else {
        $w->error("User does not exist.");
    $lines = array();
    $lines[] = array("Change Password", "section");
    $lines[] = array("Password", "password", "password", "");
    $lines[] = array("Repeat Password", "password", "password2", "");
    $lines[] = array("Contact Details", "section");
    $lines[] = array("First Name", "text", "firstname", $contact ? $contact->firstname : "");
    $lines[] = array("Last Name", "text", "lastname", $contact ? $contact->lastname : "");
    $lines[] = array("Communication", "section");
    $lines[] = array("Home Phone", "text", "homephone", $contact ? $contact->homephone : "");
    $lines[] = array("Work Phone", "text", "workphone", $contact ? $contact->workphone : "");
    $lines[] = array("Private Mobile", "text", "priv_mobile", $contact ? $contact->priv_mobile : "");
    $lines[] = array("Work Mobile", "text", "mobile", $contact ? $contact->mobile : "");
    $lines[] = array("Fax", "text", "fax", $contact ? $contact->fax : "");
    $lines[] = array("Email", "text", "email", $contact ? $contact->email : "");
    $lines[] = array("Redirect URL", "text", "redirect_url", $user->redirect_url);
    $f = Html::form($lines, $w->localUrl("/auth/profile"), "POST", "Update");
    if ($p['box']) {
        $f = "<h2>Edit Profile</h2>" . $f;
function reportAjaxCategorytoType_ALL(Web $w)
    $type = array();
    list($category, $module) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $w->session('user_id');
    $where = array();
    if (!empty($module)) {
        $where['report.module'] = $module;
    if (!empty($category)) {
        $where['report.category'] = $category;
    // get report categories from available report list
    $reports = $w->Report->getReportsbyUserWhere($who, $where);
    if ($reports) {
        foreach ($reports as $report) {
            $arrtype = preg_split("/,/", $report->sqltype);
            foreach ($arrtype as $rtype) {
                $rtype = trim($rtype);
                if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($rtype), $type)) {
                    $type[strtolower($rtype)] = array(strtolower($rtype), strtolower($rtype));
    if (empty($type)) {
        $type = array(array("No Reports", ""));
    $w->out(json_encode(Html::select("type", $type)));
function taskAjaxPrioritytoStatus_ALL(Web &$w)
    $status = array();
    // split query string into proirity, type, group and assignee
    list($priority, $type, $group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    if ($type != "") {
        $where .= "task_type = '" . $type . "' and ";
    if ($priority != "") {
        $where .= "priority = '" . $priority . "' and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get statuses from available tasks
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->status, $status)) {
                $status[$task->status] = array($task->status, $task->status);
    if (!$status) {
        $status = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load status dropdown and return
    $status = Html::select("status", $status, null);
function reportAjaxModuletoCategory_ALL(Web $w)
    $category = array();
    $module = $w->request('id');
    // organise criteria
    $who = $w->session('user_id');
    $where = array();
    if ($module != "") {
        $where['report.module'] = $module;
    // get report categories from available report list
    $reports = $w->Report->getReportsbyUserWhere($who, $where);
    if ($reports) {
        foreach ($reports as $report) {
            if (!array_key_exists($report->category, $category)) {
                $category[$report->category] = array($report->getCategoryTitle(), $report->category);
    if (!$category) {
        $category = array(array("No Reports", ""));
    // load Category dropdown and return
    $category = Html::select("category", $category);
function taskAjaxTypetoPriority_ALL(Web &$w)
    $priority = array();
    // split the query string into type, group and assignee
    list($type, $group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    if ($type != "") {
        $where .= "task_type = '" . $type . "' and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get priorities from available task list
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->priority, $priority)) {
                $priority[$task->priority] = array($task->priority, $task->priority);
    if (!$priority) {
        $priority = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load priority dropdown and return
    $priority = Html::select("tpriority", $priority, null);
Beispiel #14
* Display edit group dialog
* @param <type> $w
function groupedit_GET(Web $w)
    $option = $w->pathMatch("group_id");
    $user = $w->Auth->getUser($option['group_id']);
    $template['Edit Group'] = array(array(array("Group Title: ", "text", "title", $user->login)));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($template, "/admin/groupedit/" . $option['group_id'], "POST", "Save"));
Beispiel #15
function edit_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $user = !empty($p['id']) ? $w->Auth->getUser($p['id']) : new User($w);
    $template[($user->id ? "Edit" : "Create") . ' Group'] = array(array(array("Group Title", "text", "title", $user->login)));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($template, "/admin-groups/edit/" . $user->id));
function taskAjaxSelectbyTable_ALL(Web $w)
    $tbl = $_REQUEST['id'];
    // create dropdowns loaded with respective data
    $dbfields = $w->Report->getFieldsinTable($tbl);
Beispiel #17
function token_GET(Web &$w)
    $username = $w->request("username");
    $password = $w->request("password");
    $api = $w->request("api");
    $w->out($w->Rest->getTokenJson($username, $password, $api));
Beispiel #18
function printfile_POST(Web $w)
    $printer = $w->Printer->getPrinter($_POST["printer_id"]);
    if (empty($printer->id)) {
        $w->out("Printer does not exist");
    $w->Printer->printJob(urldecode($_POST["file"]), $printer);
    $w->msg("File has been sent to the printer", "/admin/printqueue");
Beispiel #19
 * Display an edit form for either creating a new
 * record for ExampleData or edit an existing form.
 * Url:
 * /kickstart/edit/{id}
 * @param Web $w
function new_GET(Web $w)
    // parse the url into parameters
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    // create the edit form
    $f = Html::form(array(array("New Module", "section"), array("Module Name", "text", "module_name", ""), array("Module Author", "text", "module_author", ""), array("Module Title", "text", "module_title", ""), array("Actions - one per line", "textarea", "actions", "index", null, null, "basic"), array("SQL Structure", "textarea", "sql", "", null, null, "basic")), $w->localUrl("/kickstart/new/" . $p['id']), "POST", " Save");
    // circumvent the template and print straight into the layout
Beispiel #20
function editcategory_GET(Web $w)
    list($id) = $w->pathMatch("a");
    $cat = $w->Bend->getWorkCategoryForId($id);
    if (empty($cat)) {
        $w->error("no category found", "/bend-workhours/admin");
    $form = array("Category" => array(array(array("Title", "text", "title", $cat->title)), array(array("Description", "text", "description", $cat->description))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/editcategory/{$id}", "POST", "Save"));
Beispiel #21
function editlot_GET(Web $w)
    list($id) = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $lot = new BendLot($w);
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $lot = $w->Bend->getLotForId($id);
    $form = array("Lot" => array(array(array("Lot Number", "text", "lot_number", $lot->lot_number)), array(array("Occupancy", "select", "occupancy", $lot->occupancy, array("single", "dual")))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-lot/editlot/{$id}", "POST", "Save"));
Beispiel #22
function editprinter_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $printer = new Printer($w);
    if (!empty($p["id"])) {
        $printer = $w->Printer->getPrinter($p["id"]);
    $form = array("Details" => array(array(array("Printer name", "text", "name", $printer->name)), array(array("Server", "text", "server", $printer->server)), array(array("Port", "text", "port", $printer->port))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/admin/editprinter/{$p['id']}"));
Beispiel #23
function ajax_getcontact_GET(Web $w)
    list($userid) = $w->pathMatch("userid");
    if (!empty($userid)) {
        $user = $w->Auth->getUser($userid);
        if (!empty($user)) {
Beispiel #24
function editperiod_GET(Web $w)
    list($periodid) = $w->pathMatch("a");
    $period = new BendWorkPeriod($w);
    if (!empty($periodid)) {
        $period = $w->Bend->getWorkPeriodForId($periodid);
    $form["Work Period"] = array(array(array("Date From", "date", "d_start", !empty($period->d_start) ? formatDate($period->d_start) : ""), array("Date To", "date", "d_end", !empty($period->d_end) ? formatDate($period->d_end) : "")), array(array("Monthly Person Hours", "text", "monthly_person_hours", $period->monthly_person_hours), array("Is Closed?", "select", "is_closed", $period->is_closed, booleanNoYesForSelect())));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/editperiod/{$periodid}", "POST", "Save"));
function feedAjaxGetReportText_ALL(Web $w)
    // get the relevant report
    $rep = $w->Report->getReportInfo($_REQUEST["id"]);
    if ($rep) {
        $feedtext = "<table border=0 class=form>" . "<tr><td class=section colspan=2>Report</td></tr>" . "<tr><td><b>Title</td><td>" . $rep->title . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td><b>Description</b></td><td>" . $rep->description . "</td></tr>" . "</table><p>";
    } else {
        $feedtext = "";
Beispiel #26
function list_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("classname", "where_key", "where_val");
    $token = $w->request("token");
    if ($p['where_key'] && $p['where_val']) {
        $where = array($p['where_key'] => $p['where_val']);
    } else {
        $where = null;
    $w->out($w->Rest->listJson($p['classname'], $where, $token));
Beispiel #27
function edit_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $report_connection = new ReportConnection($w);
    if (!empty($p["id"])) {
        $report_connection = $w->Report->getConnection($p["id"]);
    if (!empty($report_connection->id)) {
    $form = array("Connection" => array(array(array("Driver", "select", "db_driver", $report_connection->db_driver, PDO::getAvailableDrivers()), array("Host", "text", "db_host", $report_connection->db_host)), array(array("Port", "text", "db_port", $report_connection->db_port), array("Database", "text", "db_database", $report_connection->db_database)), array(array("Username", "text", "s_db_user", $report_connection->s_db_user), array("Password", "password", "s_db_password", $report_connection->s_db_password))));
    $w->out(Html::multiColForm($form, "/report-connections/edit/{$report_connection->id}"));
Beispiel #28
function configwidget_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("origin", "id");
    // "origin", "source", "widget");
    // $widget = $w->Widget->getWidget($p["origin"], $p["source"], $p["widget"]);
    $widget = $w->Widget->getWidgetById($p["id"]);
    // $widgetname = $p["widget"];
    if (empty($widget->id)) {
        $w->error("Widget not found", "/{$p['origin']}");
    $widgetname = $widget->widget_name;
    $widget_config = null;
    if (class_exists($widgetname)) {
        $widget_config = new $widgetname($w, $widget);
    if (!empty($widget_config)) {
        $w->out(Html::multiColForm($widget_config->getSettingsForm(), "/main/configwidget/{$p['origin']}/{$p['id']}"));
        // {$p['origin']}/{$p['source']}/{$p['widget']}"));
    } else {
        $w->out("Could not find widget class ({$widgetname})");
Beispiel #29
function editlookup_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id", "type");
    $lookup = $w->Admin->getLookupbyId($p['id']);
    if ($lookup) {
        $types = $w->Admin->getLookupTypes();
        $f = Html::form(array(array("Edit an Existing Entry", "section"), array("Type", "select", "type", $lookup->type, $types), array("Key", "text", "code", $lookup->code), array("Value", "text", "title", $lookup->title)), $w->localUrl("/admin/editlookup/" . $lookup->id . "/" . $p['type']), "POST", " Update ");
    } else {
        $w->msg("No such Lookup Item?", "/admin/lookup/");
Beispiel #30
function read_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $id = $p["id"];
    if ($id) {
        $channel = $w->Channel->getChannel($id);
        if (!empty($channel)) {
    $w->out("No channel found.");