Beispiel #1
                        cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_name_empty'), '', 'error');
                    if (!$sub_button['keyurl']) {
                        cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_keyurl_empty'), '', 'error');
                    $parse = parse_url($sub_button['keyurl']);
                    $item = array('type' => $parse['host'] ? 'view' : 'click', 'name' => convertname($sub_button['name']), $parse['host'] ? 'url' : 'key' => $sub_button['keyurl']);
                    $sub_buttons[] = $item;
                $item = array('name' => convertname($button['name']), 'sub_button' => $sub_buttons);
                $pubmenu['button'][] = $item;
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php';
        $_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']);
        $wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
        if ($wechat_client->setMenu($pubmenu)) {
            cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_pub_succeed'), 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=menu_setting', 'succeed');
        } else {
            cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_pub_error', array('errno' => $wechat_client->error())), '', 'error');
    } else {
        cpmsg('setting_update_succeed', 'action=plugins&operation=config&do=' . $pluginid . '&identifier=wechat&pmod=menu_setting', 'succeed');
function convertname($str)
    return urlencode(diconv($str, CHARSET, 'UTF-8'));
function buttoncmp($a, $b)
Beispiel #2
 public static function getnewname($openid)
     global $_G;
     if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']) {
         $_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']);
     $wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
     $userinfo = $wechat_client->getUserInfoById($openid);
     if ($userinfo) {
         $defaultusername = substr(WeChatEmoji::clear($userinfo['nickname']), 0, 15);
         $user = uc_get_user($defaultusername);
         if (!empty($user)) {
             $defaultusername = cutstr($defaultusername, 7, '') . '_' . random(5);
     } else {
         $defaultusername = '******' . random(5);
     return $defaultusername;
 public static function checkIsSuc($res)
     $result = true;
     if (is_string($res)) {
         $res = json_decode($res, true);
     if (isset($res['errcode']) && 0 !== (int) $res['errcode']) {
         array_push(self::$ERROR_LOGS, $res);
         $result = false;
         self::$ERROR_NO = $res['errcode'];
     return $result;
    showsetting(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_disableregrule'), 'setting[wechat_disableregrule]', $setting['wechat_disableregrule'], 'radio', 0, 0, lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_disableregrule_comment'));
    showsetting(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_confirmtype'), 'setting[wechat_confirmtype]', $setting['wechat_confirmtype'], 'radio', 0, 0, lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_confirmtype_comment'));
    showsetting(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_user'), 'setting[wechat_user]', $setting['wechat_user'], 'text', 0, 0, lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_user_comment'));
    showsetting(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_newusergroupid'), '', '', $usergroups, 0, 0, lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_newusergroupid_comment'));
} else {
    if ($_GET['setting']['wechat_mtype'] == 2 && !$_GET['setting']['wechat_appId']) {
        cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_at_need'), '', 'error');
    if ($_GET['setting']['wechat_appId'] && $_GET['setting']['wechat_appsecret']) {
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php';
        $wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_GET['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_GET['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
        if (!$wechat_client->getAccessToken(1, 1)) {
            cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_at_geterror'), '', 'error');
        $option = array('scene_id' => 100000, 'expire' => 30, 'ticketOnly' => 1);
        $ticket = $wechat_client->getQrcodeTicket($option);
        if (!$wechat_client->getQrcodeImgUrlByTicket($ticket)) {
            cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_at_qrgeterror'), '', 'error');
    $_GET['setting']['wechat_qrtype'] = !$_GET['setting']['wechat_mtype'] ? 3 : 0;
    $_GET['setting']['wechat_token'] = $_GET['setting']['wechat_token'] ? $_GET['setting']['wechat_token'] : random(16);
    if ($_FILES['wechat_qrcode']['tmp_name']) {
        $upload = new discuz_upload();
        if (!$upload->init($_FILES['wechat_qrcode'], 'common', random(3, 1), random(8)) || !$upload->save()) {
            cpmsg($upload->errormessage(), '', 'error');
 *      [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc.
 *      This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
 *      $Id: 35024 2014-10-14 07:43:43Z nemohou $
if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ') || !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) {
    exit('Access Denied');
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/setting.class.php';
define('PMODURL', 'action=plugins&operation&config&identifier=wechat&pmod=masssend_setting&ac=');
$_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']);
$wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
if (!submitcheck('addsubmit') && !submitcheck('sendsubmit') && !submitcheck('delsubmit')) {
    $ac = !empty($_GET['ac']) ? $_GET['ac'] : '';
    if (!$ac) {
        showtips(lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_main_tips'));
        echo '<a href="' . ADMINSCRIPT . '?' . PMODURL . 'add" class="addtr">' . lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_create') . '</a>';
        $ppp = 10;
        $page = max(1, intval($_GET['page']));
        $start = ($page - 1) * $ppp;
        $count = C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_masssend')->count();
        $msg = C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_masssend')->range($start, $ppp, 'DESC');
        $multi = multi($count, $ppp, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . '?' . PMODURL);
        showformheader('plugins&operation=config&identifier=wechat&pmod=masssend_setting&ac=send', 'enctype');
        showtableheader(lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_list'), '');
        showsubtitle(array(lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_text_oper'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_text_send'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_type'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_created_at'), 'MSG_ID', lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_finish_at'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_status'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_totalcount'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_filtercount'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_sendcount'), lang('plugin/wechat', 'mass_errorcount')));
        foreach ($msg as $m) {
Beispiel #6
if ($_GET['fromapp'] == 'index') {
    $op = 'access';
} else {
    $op = $_GET['op'];
$selfurl = $_G['siteurl'] . 'plugin.php?id=wechat&mobile=2&key=' . $keyenc . ($_GET['referer'] ? '&referer=' . urlencode($_GET['referer']) : '') . ($_GET['username'] ? '&username='******'username']) : '') . '&ac=';
if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype'] && IN_WECHAT && !$openid) {
    if ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_mtype'] != 2) {
        if (!empty($_G['cookie']['wechatopenid'])) {
            $openid = authcode($_G['cookie']['wechatopenid'], 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']);
        if (!$openid) {
    } else {
        $wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
        $openid = !empty($_G['cookie']['wechatopenid']) ? authcode($_G['cookie']['wechatopenid'], 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']) : '';
        if (!$openid) {
            if (empty($_GET['oauth'])) {
                $redirect_uri = $wechat_client->getOauthConnectUri($selfurl . $ac . '&oauth=yes');
                dheader('location: ' . $redirect_uri);
            } else {
                $tockeninfo = $wechat_client->getAccessTokenByCode($_GET['code']);
                $openid = $tockeninfo['openid'];
                dsetcookie('wechatopenid', authcode($openid, 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 86400);
} elseif ($openid) {
    dsetcookie('wechatopenid', authcode($openid, 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 86400);
Beispiel #7

| Wechat Routes
// 测试
Route::any('api/wechat/test', array('as' => 'wechat.test', 'uses' => 'Cooper\\Wechat\\Controllers\\WechatController@test'));
//测试 Facade
Route::any('/weixin', function () {
    //    //获取接收到的消息
    //    $message = WeChatServer::getMessage();
    //    return $message;
    //     //获取消息发送者的用户id
    //    $userId = WeChatServer::getFromUserId();
    //    return $userId;
    //     //获取接收消息的公众账户appId
    //    $appId = WeChatServer::getAppId();
    //    return $appId;
    //    //创建用来发送给用户的信息
    //    $text = 'hellow laravel facades';
    //    $response = WeChatServer::getXml4Txt($text);
    //    return $response;
    $userId = WeChatServer::getFromUserId();
    $sendTextMsg = WeChatClient::sendTextMsg($userId, 'hello laravel');

# ######################################################################
# ######################################################################
WeChatClient::$_URL_PLATFORM_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_URL_API_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_URL_FILE_API_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_USERINFO_LANG = 'zh_CN';
// @see
WeChatClient::$ERRCODE_MAP = array('-1' => '系统繁忙', '0' => '请求成功', '40001' => '获取access_token时AppSecret错误,或者access_token无效', '40002' => '不合法的凭证类型', '40003' => '不合法的OpenID', '40004' => '不合法的媒体文件类型', '40005' => '不合法的文件类型', '40006' => '不合法的文件大小', '40007' => '不合法的媒体文件id', '40008' => '不合法的消息类型', '40009' => '不合法的图片文件大小', '40010' => '不合法的语音文件大小', '40011' => '不合法的视频文件大小', '40012' => '不合法的缩略图文件大小', '40013' => '不合法的APPID', '40014' => '不合法的access_token', '40015' => '不合法的菜单类型', '40016' => '不合法的按钮个数', '40017' => '不合法的按钮个数', '40018' => '不合法的按钮名字长度', '40019' => '不合法的按钮KEY长度', '40020' => '不合法的按钮URL长度', '40021' => '不合法的菜单版本号', '40022' => '不合法的子菜单级数', '40023' => '不合法的子菜单按钮个数', '40024' => '不合法的子菜单按钮类型', '40025' => '不合法的子菜单按钮名字长度', '40026' => '不合法的子菜单按钮KEY长度', '40027' => '不合法的子菜单按钮URL长度', '40028' => '不合法的自定义菜单使用用户', '40029' => '不合法的oauth_code', '40030' => '不合法的refresh_token', '40031' => '不合法的openid列表', '40032' => '不合法的openid列表长度', '40033' => '不合法的请求字符,不能包含\\uxxxx格式的字符', '40035' => '不合法的参数', '40038' => '不合法的请求格式', '40039' => '不合法的URL长度', '40050' => '不合法的分组id', '40051' => '分组名字不合法', '41001' => '缺少access_token参数', '41002' => '缺少appid参数', '41003' => '缺少refresh_token参数', '41004' => '缺少secret参数', '41005' => '缺少多媒体文件数据', '41006' => '缺少media_id参数', '41007' => '缺少子菜单数据', '41008' => '缺少oauth code', '41009' => '缺少openid', '42001' => 'access_token超时', '42002' => 'refresh_token超时', '42003' => 'oauth_code超时', '43001' => '需要GET请求', '43002' => '需要POST请求', '43003' => '需要HTTPS请求', '43004' => '需要接收者关注', '43005' => '需要好友关系', '44001' => '多媒体文件为空', '44002' => 'POST的数据包为空', '44003' => '图文消息内容为空', '44004' => '文本消息内容为空', '45001' => '多媒体文件大小超过限制', '45002' => '消息内容超过限制', '45003' => '标题字段超过限制', '45004' => '描述字段超过限制', '45005' => '链接字段超过限制', '45006' => '图片链接字段超过限制', '45007' => '语音播放时间超过限制', '45008' => '图文消息超过限制', '45009' => '接口调用超过限制', '45010' => '创建菜单个数超过限制', '45015' => '回复时间超过限制', '45016' => '系统分组,不允许修改', '45017' => '分组名字过长', '45018' => '分组数量超过上限', '46001' => '不存在媒体数据', '46002' => '不存在的菜单版本', '46003' => '不存在的菜单数据', '46004' => '不存在的用户', '47001' => '解析JSON/XML内容错误', '48001' => 'api功能未授权', '50001' => '用户未授权该api');
# ######################################################################
            $data['action_name'] = 'QR_SCENE';
        $data = self::__json_encode($data);
        $res = self::post($url, $data);
        $res = json_decode($res, true);
        if (self::checkIsSuc($res)) {
            return $ticketOnly ? $res['ticket'] : array('ticket' => $res['ticket'], 'expire' => $res['expire_seconds']);
        return null;
    //*************** json_encode unicode escape fix *****************
    private static function __json_encode($obj)
        if (defined('JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE')) {
            // >= php 5.4
            return json_encode($obj, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
        } else {
            return preg_replace("/\\\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/e", "iconv('UCS-4LE','UTF-8',pack('V', hexdec('U\$1')))", json_encode($obj));
# ######################################################################
# ######################################################################
WeChatClient::$_URL_PLATFORM_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_URL_API_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_URL_FILE_API_ROOT = '';
WeChatClient::$_USERINFO_LANG = 'en';
# @see
WeChatClient::$ERRCODE_MAP = array('-1' => 'System busy', '0' => 'Request succeeded', '40001' => 'Verification failed', '40002' => 'Invalid certificate type', '40003' => 'Invalid Open ID', '40004' => 'Invalid media file type', '40005' => 'Invalid file type', '40006' => 'Invalid file size', '40007' => 'Invalid media file ID', '40008' => 'Invalid message type', '40009' => 'Invalid image file size', '40010' => 'Invalid audio file size', '40011' => 'Invalid video file size', '40012' => 'Invalid thumbnail file size', '40013' => 'Invalid App ID', '40014' => 'Invalid access token', '40015' => 'Invalid menu type', '40016' => 'Invalid button quantity', '40017' => 'Invalid button quantity', '40018' => 'Invalid button name length', '40019' => 'Invalid button KEY length', '40020' => 'Invalid button URL length', '40021' => 'Invalid menu version', '40022' => 'Invalid sub-menu levels', '40023' => 'Invalid sub-menu button quantity', '40024' => 'Invalid sub-menu button type', '40025' => 'Invalid sub-menu button name length', '40026' => 'Invalid sub-menu button KEY length', '40027' => 'Invalid sub-menu button URL length', '40028' => 'Invalid custom menu user', '40029' => 'Invalid oauth code', '40030' => 'Invalid refresh token', '40031' => 'Invalid openid list', '40032' => 'Invalid openid list length', '40033' => 'Invalid request characters: The character "\\uxxxx" cannot be included.', '40035' => 'Invalid parameters', '40038' => 'Invalid request format', '40039' => 'Invalid URL length', '40050' => 'Invalid group ID', '40051' => 'Invalid group name', '41001' => 'Parameter missing: access token', '41002' => 'Parameter missing: appid', '41003' => 'Parameter missing: refresh token', '41004' => 'Parameter missing: secret', '41005' => 'Multimedia file data missing', '41006' => 'Parameter missing: media id', '41007' => 'Sub-menu data missing', '41008' => 'Parameter missing: oauth code', '41009' => 'Parameter missing: openid', '42001' => 'access token timed out', '42002' => 'refresh token timed out', '42003' => 'oauth code timed out', '43001' => 'GET request required', '43002' => 'POST request required', '43003' => 'HTTPS request required', '43004' => 'The other user is not yet a follower', '43005' => 'The other user is not yet a follower', '44001' => 'Multimedia file is empty', '44002' => 'POST package is empty', '44003' => 'Rich media message is empty', '44004' => 'Text message is empty', '45001' => 'Error source: multimedia file size', '45002' => 'Message contents too long', '45003' => 'Title too long', '45004' => 'Description too long', '45005' => 'URL too long', '45006' => 'Image URL too long', '45007' => 'Audio play time over limit', '45008' => 'Rich media messages over limit', '45009' => 'Error source: interface call', '45010' => 'Message quantity over limit', '45015' => 'Response too late', '45016' => 'System group cannot be changed.', '45017' => 'System name too long', '45018' => 'Too many groups', '46001' => 'Media data missing', '46002' => 'This menu version doesn\'t exist.', '46003' => 'This menu data doesn\'t exist.', '46004' => 'This user doesn\'t exist.', '47001' => 'Error while extracting JSON/XML contents', '48001' => 'Unauthorized API function', '50001' => 'The user is not authorized for this API');
# ######################################################################
Beispiel #10
    } else {
        $qrsize = !empty($_GET['qrsize']) ? $_GET['qrsize'] : 2;
        $file = $dir . 'qr_index.jpg';
        if (!file_exists($file) || !filesize($file)) {
            require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . 'source/plugin/mobile/qrcode.class.php';
            QRcode::png($url . 'index&source=pcscan', $file, QR_ECLEVEL_Q, $qrsize);
        dheader('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=qrcode_index.jpg');
        dheader('Content-Type: image/pjpeg');
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php';
$wechat_client = new WeChatClient($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appId'], $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_appsecret']);
list($ticket, $code) = explode("\t", authcode($_G['cookie']['wechat_ticket'], 'DECODE'));
if ($ticket) {
    $file = $dir . md5($ticket) . '_' . $code . '.jpg';
    if (!file_exists($file) || !filesize($file)) {
        $qrcode = dfsockopen($wechat_client->getQrcodeImgUrlByTicket($ticket));
        $fp = @fopen($file, 'wb');
        @fwrite($fp, $qrcode);
    dheader('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=qrcode.jpg');
    dheader('Content-Type: image/pjpeg');