Beispiel #1
 * Actually adds the meta box
function expirationdate_meta_box($post)
    // Get default month
    $expirationdatets = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_expiration-date', true);
    $firstsave = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_expiration-date-status', true);
    $default = '';
    $expireType = '';
    $defaults = get_option('expirationdateDefaults' . ucfirst($post->post_type));
    if (empty($expirationdatets)) {
        $default = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDate', POSTEXPIRATOR_EXPIREDEFAULT);
        if ($default == 'null') {
            $defaultmonth = date_i18n('m');
            $defaultday = date_i18n('d');
            $defaulthour = date_i18n('H');
            $defaultyear = date_i18n('Y');
            $defaultminute = date_i18n('i');
        } elseif ($default == 'custom') {
            $custom = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDateCustom');
            if ($custom === false) {
                $ts = time();
            } else {
                $tz = get_option('timezone_string');
                if ($tz) {
                $ts = time() + (strtotime($custom) - time());
                if ($tz) {
            $defaultmonth = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), 'm');
            $defaultday = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), 'd');
            $defaultyear = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), 'Y');
            $defaulthour = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), 'H');
            $defaultminute = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), 'i');
        $enabled = '';
        $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
        $categories = get_option('expirationdateCategoryDefaults');
        if (isset($defaults['expireType'])) {
            $expireType = $defaults['expireType'];
        if (isset($defaults['autoEnable']) && $firstsave !== 'saved' && ($defaults['autoEnable'] === true || $defaults['autoEnable'] == 1)) {
            $enabled = ' checked="checked"';
            $disabled = '';
    } else {
        $defaultmonth = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expirationdatets), 'm');
        $defaultday = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expirationdatets), 'd');
        $defaultyear = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expirationdatets), 'Y');
        $defaulthour = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expirationdatets), 'H');
        $defaultminute = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expirationdatets), 'i');
        $enabled = ' checked="checked"';
        $disabled = '';
        $opts = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_expiration-date-options', true);
        if (isset($opts['expireType'])) {
            $expireType = $opts['expireType'];
        $categories = isset($opts['category']) ? $opts['category'] : false;
    $rv = array();
    $rv[] = '<p><input type="checkbox" name="enable-expirationdate" id="enable-expirationdate" value="checked"' . $enabled . ' onclick="expirationdate_ajax_add_meta(\'enable-expirationdate\')" />';
    $rv[] = '<label for="enable-expirationdate">' . __('Enable Post Expiration', 'post-expirator') . '</label></p>';
    if ($default == 'publish') {
        $rv[] = '<em>' . __('The published date/time will be used as the expiration value', 'post-expirator') . '</em><br/>';
    } else {
        $rv[] = '<table><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Year', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Month', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Day', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '</tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_year" id="expirationdate_year"' . $disabled . '>';
        $currentyear = date('Y');
        if ($defaultyear < $currentyear) {
            $currentyear = $defaultyear;
        for ($i = $currentyear; $i < $currentyear + 8; $i++) {
            if ($i == $defaultyear) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select>';
        $rv[] = '</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_month" id="expirationdate_month"' . $disabled . '>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            if ($defaultmonth == date_i18n('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date_i18n('Y')))) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option value="' . date_i18n('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date_i18n('Y'))) . '"' . $selected . '>' . date_i18n('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date_i18n('Y'))) . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select>';
        $rv[] = '</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_day" name="expirationdate_day" value="' . $defaultday . '" size="2"' . $disabled . ' />,';
        $rv[] = '</td></tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;"></th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Hour', 'post-expirator') . '(' . date_i18n('T', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date_i18n('Y'))) . ')</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Minute', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '</tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<td>@</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_hour" id="expirationdate_hour"' . $disabled . '>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 24; $i++) {
            if ($defaulthour == date_i18n('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date_i18n('n'), date_i18n('j'), date_i18n('Y')))) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option value="' . date_i18n('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date_i18n('n'), date_i18n('j'), date_i18n('Y'))) . '"' . $selected . '>' . date_i18n('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date_i18n('n'), date_i18n('j'), date_i18n('Y'))) . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select></td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_minute" name="expirationdate_minute" value="' . $defaultminute . '" size="2"' . $disabled . ' />';
        $rv[] = '</td></tr></table>';
    $rv[] = '<input type="hidden" name="expirationdate_formcheck" value="true" />';
    echo implode("\n", $rv);
    echo '<br/>' . __('How to expire', 'post-expirator') . ': ';
    echo _postExpiratorExpireType(array('type' => $post->post_type, 'name' => 'expirationdate_expiretype', 'selected' => $expireType, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'onchange' => 'expirationdate_toggle_category(this)'));
    echo '<br/>';
    if ($post->post_type != 'page') {
        if (isset($expireType) && ($expireType == 'category' || $expireType == 'category-add' || $expireType == 'category-remove')) {
            $catdisplay = 'block';
        } else {
            $catdisplay = 'none';
        echo '<div id="expired-category-selection" style="display: ' . $catdisplay . '">';
        echo '<br/>' . __('Expiration Categories', 'post-expirator') . ':<br/>';
        echo '<div class="wp-tab-panel" id="post-expirator-cat-list">';
        echo '<ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">';
        $walker = new Walker_PostExpirator_Category_Checklist();
        if (!empty($disabled)) {
        $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type, 'object');
        $taxonomies = wp_filter_object_list($taxonomies, array('hierarchical' => true));
        if (sizeof($taxonomies) == 0) {
            echo '<p>' . __('You must assign a heirarchical taxonomy to this post type to use this feature.', 'post-expirator') . '</p>';
        } elseif (sizeof($taxonomies) > 1 && !isset($defaults['taxonomy'])) {
            echo '<p>' . __('More than 1 heirachical taxonomy detected.  You must assign a default taxonomy on the settings screen.', 'post-expirator') . '</p>';
        } else {
            $keys = array_keys($taxonomies);
            $taxonomy = isset($defaults['taxonomy']) ? $defaults['taxonomy'] : $keys[0];
            wp_terms_checklist(0, array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'walker' => $walker, 'selected_cats' => $categories, 'checked_ontop' => false));
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="taxonomy-heirarchical" value="' . $taxonomy . '" />';
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '</div>';
        if (isset($taxonomy)) {
            echo '<p class="post-expirator-taxonomy-name">' . __('Taxonomy Name', 'post-expirator') . ': ' . $taxonomy . '</p>';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="expirationdate_ajax_result"></div>';
 * Actually adds the meta box
function expirationdate_meta_box($post)
    // Get default month
    $expirationdatets = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'expiration-date', true);
    $default = '';
    if (empty($expirationdatets)) {
        $default = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDate', POSTEXPIRATOR_EXPIREDEFAULT);
        if ($default == 'null') {
            $defaultmonth = date('F');
            $defaultday = date('d');
            $defaulthour = date('H');
            $defaultyear = date('Y');
            $defaultminute = date('i');
        } elseif ($default == 'custom') {
            $custom = get_option('expirationdateDefaultDateCustom');
            if ($custom === false) {
                $ts = time();
            } else {
                $ts = strtotime($custom);
            $defaultmonth = date('F', $ts);
            $defaultday = date('d', $ts);
            $defaulthour = date('H', $ts);
            $defaultyear = date('Y', $ts);
            $defaultminute = date('i', $ts);
        $enabled = '';
        $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
        $categories = get_option('expirationdateCategoryDefaults');
    } else {
        $defaultmonth = date('F', $expirationdatets);
        $defaultday = date('d', $expirationdatets);
        $defaultyear = date('Y', $expirationdatets);
        $defaulthour = date('H', $expirationdatets);
        $defaultminute = date('i', $expirationdatets);
        $enabled = ' checked="checked"';
        $disabled = '';
        $categories = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_expiration-date-category', true);
    $rv = array();
    $rv[] = '<p><input type="checkbox" name="enable-expirationdate" id="enable-expirationdate" value="checked"' . $enabled . ' onclick="expirationdate_ajax_add_meta(\'enable-expirationdate\')" />';
    $rv[] = '<label for="enable-expirationdate">' . __('Enable Post Expiration', 'post-expirator') . '</label></p>';
    if ($default == 'publish') {
        $rv[] = '<em>' . __('The published date/time will be used as the expiration value', 'post-expirator') . '</em><br/>';
    } else {
        $rv[] = '<table><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Year', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Month', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Day', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '</tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_year" id="expirationdate_year"' . $disabled . '>';
        $currentyear = date('Y');
        if ($defaultyear < $currentyear) {
            $currentyear = $defaultyear;
        for ($i = $currentyear; $i < $currentyear + 8; $i++) {
            if ($i == $defaultyear) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select>';
        $rv[] = '</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_month" id="expirationdate_month"' . $disabled . '>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            if ($defaultmonth == date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y")))) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option value="' . date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))) . '"' . $selected . '>' . date_i18n('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))) . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select>';
        $rv[] = '</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_day" name="expirationdate_day" value="' . $defaultday . '" size="2"' . $disabled . ' />,';
        $rv[] = '</td></tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;"></th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Hour', 'post-expirator') . '(' . date('T', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y"))) . ')</th>';
        $rv[] = '<th style="text-align: left;">' . __('Minute', 'post-expirator') . '</th>';
        $rv[] = '</tr><tr>';
        $rv[] = '<td>@</td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<select name="expirationdate_hour" id="expirationdate_hour"' . $disabled . '>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 24; $i++) {
            if ($defaulthour == date('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y")))) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $rv[] = '<option value="' . date('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y"))) . '"' . $selected . '>' . date_i18n('H', mktime($i, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y"))) . '</option>';
        $rv[] = '</select></td><td>';
        $rv[] = '<input type="text" id="expirationdate_minute" name="expirationdate_minute" value="' . $defaultminute . '" size="2"' . $disabled . ' />';
        $rv[] = '</td></tr></table>';
    $rv[] = '<input type="hidden" name="expirationdate_formcheck" value="true" />';
    echo implode("\n", $rv);
    $catEnabled = get_option('expirationdateCategory');
    if ($post->post_type != 'page' && ($catEnabled === false || $catEnabled == 1)) {
        $args = array('hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'hierarchical' => 0);
        echo '<br/>' . __('Expiration Categories', 'post-expirator') . ':<br/>';
        echo '<div class="wp-tab-panel" id="post-expirator-cat-list">';
        echo '<ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">';
        $walker = new Walker_PostExpirator_Category_Checklist();
        if (!empty($disabled)) {
        wp_terms_checklist(0, array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'walker' => $walker, 'selected_cats' => $categories, 'checked_ontop' => false));
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<p class="howto">' . __('Setting an expiration category will change the category at expiration time, and override the default post action', 'post-expirator') . '.</p>';
    echo '<div id="expirationdate_ajax_result"></div>';