Beispiel #1
  * Same as Walker_Comment::html5_comment() plus some Bootstrap classes and style locked on `div`.
  * @param WP_Comment $comment Comment to display.
  * @param int        $depth   Depth of the current comment.
  * @param array      $args    An array of arguments.
 protected function html5_comment($comment, $depth, $args)
     parent::html5_comment($comment, $depth, $args);
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     $output = str_replace(['class="comment-body"', 'comment-reply-link', 'class="comment-metadata"', 'class="comment-edit-link"', 'class="reply"', '<article id="div-comment-', '</article>'], ['class="comment-body well"', 'comment-reply-link btn btn-default btn-xs', 'class="comment-metadata small text-right"', 'class="comment-edit-link btn btn-danger btn-xs"', 'class="reply text-right"', sprintf('<div class="row"><div class="col-md-%1$d col-md-offset-%2$d"><article id="div-comment-', 13 - $depth, $depth - 1), '</article></div></div>'], $output);
     // Fix line exceeding link.
     $output = preg_replace("/\\s*<\\/time>\n\\s+<\\/a>/s", '</time></a>', $output);
     echo $output;
     // WPCS XSS OK.