Beispiel #1
$options["option"][] = "findmedia";
$options["option"][] = "findplace";
$options["option"][] = "findrepo";
$options["option"][] = "findnote";
$options["option"][] = "findsource";
$options["option"][] = "findspecialchar";
$options["option"][] = "findfact";
$options["form"][] = "formindi";
$options["form"][] = "formfam";
$options["form"][] = "formmedia";
$options["form"][] = "formplace";
$options["form"][] = "formrepo";
$options["form"][] = "formnote";
$options["form"][] = "formsource";
$options["form"][] = "formspecialchar";
echo '<div id="find-page"><h3>', $controller->getPageTitle(), '</h3>';
// Show indi and hide the rest
if ($type == "indi") {
    echo '<div id="find-header">
	<form name="filterindi" method="get" onsubmit="return checknames(this);" action="find.php">
	<input type="hidden" name="callback" value="' . $callback . '">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="filter">
	<input type="hidden" name="type" value="indi">
	<span>', WT_I18N::translate('Name contains:'), '&nbsp;</span>
	<input type="text" name="filter" value="';
    if ($filter) {
        echo $filter;
    echo '" autofocus>
	<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Filter'), '">
Beispiel #2
$controller = new WT_Controller_Simple();
$controller->restrictAccess(Auth::isEditor())->addExternalJavascript(WT_STATIC_URL . 'js/autocomplete.js')->addInlineJavascript('autocomplete();')->addInlineJavascript('
	var locale_date_format="' . preg_replace('/[^DMY]/', '', str_replace(array('J', 'F'), array('D', 'M'), strtoupper($DATE_FORMAT))) . '";
switch ($action) {
    case 'editraw':
        $xref = WT_Filter::get('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF);
        $record = WT_GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref);
        $controller->setPageTitle($record->getFullName() . ' - ' . WT_I18N::translate('Edit raw GEDCOM'))->pageHeader()->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#raw-gedcom-list").sortable({opacity: 0.7, cursor: "move", axis: "y"});');
	<div id="edit_interface-page">
        echo $controller->getPageTitle();
        echo help_link('edit_edit_raw');
		<pre>     <?php 
        echo '0 @' . $record->getXref() . '@ ' . $record::RECORD_TYPE;
		<form method="post" action="edit_interface.php">
			<input type="hidden" name="ged" value="<?php 
        echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml(WT_GEDCOM);
			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="updateraw">
Beispiel #3
    private static function media_3_find()
        $controller = new WT_Controller_Simple();
        $filter = WT_Filter::get('filter');
        $multiple = WT_Filter::getBool('multiple');
        $controller->setPageTitle(WT_I18N::translate('Find an individual'))->pageHeader();
        echo '<script>';

			function pasterow(id, name, gend, yob, age, bpl) {
				window.opener.opener.insertRowToTable(id, name, '', gend, '', yob, age, 'Y', '', bpl);

			function pasteid(id, name, thumb) {
				if (thumb) {
					window.opener.paste_id(id, name, thumb);
        if (!$multiple) {
            echo "window.close();";
				} else {
					// GEDFact_assistant ========================
					if (window.opener.document.getElementById('addlinkQueue')) {
						window.opener.insertRowToTable(id, name);
						// Check if Indi, Fam or source ===================
						if (id.match("I")=="I") {
							var win01 ='edit_interface.php?action=addmedia_links&noteid=newnote&pid='+id, 'win01', edit_window_specs);
							if (window.focus) {win01.focus();}
						} else if (id.match("F")=="F") {
							// TODO --- alert('Opening Navigator with family id entered will come later');
					if (window.opener.pastename) {
        if (!$multiple) {
            echo "window.close();";
			function checknames(frm) {
				if (document.forms[0].subclick) {
					button = document.forms[0].subclick.value;
				} else {
					button = "";
				if (frm.filter.value.length<2&button!="all") {
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Please enter more than one character');
					return false;
				if (button=="all") {
					frm.filter.value = "";
				return true;
        echo '</script>';
        echo "<div align=\"center\">";
        echo "<table class=\"list_table width90\" border=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr><td style=\"padding: 10px;\" valign=\"top\" class=\"facts_label03 width90\">";
        // start column for find text header
        echo $controller->getPageTitle();
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo '<button onclick="window.close();">', WT_I18N::translate('close'), '</button>';
        echo "<br>";
        $filter = trim($filter);
        $filter_array = explode(' ', preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $filter));
        echo "<table class=\"tabs_table width90\"><tr>";
        $myindilist = search_indis_names($filter_array, array(WT_GED_ID), 'AND');
        if ($myindilist) {
            echo "<td class=\"list_value_wrap\"><ul>";
            usort($myindilist, array('WT_GedcomRecord', 'compare'));
            foreach ($myindilist as $indi) {
                $nam = WT_Filter::escapeHtml($indi->getFullName());
                echo "<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"pasterow(\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $indi->getXref() . "' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $nam . "' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $indi->getSex() . "' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $indi->getbirthyear() . "' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . (1901 - $indi->getbirthyear()) . "' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $indi->getbirthplace() . "'); return false;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $indi->getFullName() . "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $born = WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('BIRT');
                echo "</span><br><span class=\"list_item\">", $born, " ", $indi->getbirthyear(), "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $indi->getbirthplace(), "</span></a></li>";
                echo "<hr>";
            echo '</ul></td></tr><tr><td class="list_label">', WT_I18N::translate('Total individuals: %s', count($myindilist)), '</tr></td>';
        } else {
            echo "<td class=\"list_value_wrap\">";
            echo WT_I18N::translate('No results found.');
            echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo '</div>';
Beispiel #4
        throw new Exception('Bad $action (' . $action . ') in addmedia.php');
echo '<div id="addmedia-page">';
//container for media edit pop-up
echo '<form method="post" name="newmedia" action="addmedia.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="', $action, '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="ged" value="', WT_GEDCOM, '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="', $pid, '">';
if ($linktoid) {
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="linktoid" value="', $linktoid, '">';
echo '<table class="facts_table">';
echo '<tr><td class="topbottombar" colspan="2">';
echo $controller->getPageTitle(), help_link('OBJE');
echo '</td></tr>';
if (!$linktoid && $action == 'create') {
    echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width25">';
    echo WT_I18N::translate('Enter an individual, family, or source ID');
    echo '</td><td class="optionbox wrap"><input type="text" data-autocomplete-type="IFS" name="linktoid" id="linktoid" size="6" value="">';
    echo ' ', print_findindi_link('linktoid');
    echo ' ', print_findfamily_link('linktoid');
    echo ' ', print_findsource_link('linktoid');
    echo '<p class="sub">', WT_I18N::translate('Enter or search for the ID of the individual, family, or source to which this media item should be linked.'), '</p></td></tr>';
$tmp = WT_Media::getInstance($pid);
if ($tmp) {
    $gedrec = $tmp->getGedcom();
} else {
    $gedrec = '';