/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); extract($arr_params); $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $tooltip_id = "tooltip_{$random_id}"; // don't allow to run shortcode $content = str_replace('[', '[[', $content); $content = str_replace(']', ']]', $content); $content = html_entity_decode($content); $content = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($content)); $button_color = !$button_color || strtolower($button_color) == 'default' ? '' : $button_color; $position = strtolower($position); $delay_show = !empty($show) ? intval($show) : 500; $delay_hide = !empty($hide) ? intval($hide) : 100; $direction = array('top' => 'top', 'bottom' => 'bottom', 'left' => 'left', 'right' => 'right'); $script = "<script type='text/javascript'>( function (\$) {\n\t\t\t\t\$( document ).ready( function ()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#{$tooltip_id}').click(function(e){\n\t\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#{$tooltip_id}').tooltip({\n\t\t\t\t\t\thtml: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdelay: { show: {$delay_show}, hide: {$delay_hide} },\n\t\t\t\t\t\tplacement: '{$direction[$position]}'\n\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t} )( jQuery )</script>"; if ($tooltips_button == 'no') { $html = "<a id='{$tooltip_id}' class='wr-label-des-tipsy' title='{$content}' href='#'>{$text}</a>"; } else { $html = "<a id='{$tooltip_id}' class='wr-label-des-tipsy btn {$button_color}' title='{$content}' href='#'>{$text}</a>"; } $html = $html . $script; if (is_admin()) { $custom_style = "style='margin-top: 50px;'"; $html_element = "<center {$custom_style}>{$html}</center>"; } else { $html_element = $html; } return $this->element_wrapper($html_element, $arr_params); }
/** * * @param type $content : inner shortcode elements of this column * @param string $shortcode_data * @return string */ public function element_in_pgbldr($content = '', $shortcode_data = '') { $column_html = empty($content) ? '' : WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::do_shortcode_admin($content, true); $span = !empty($this->params['span']) ? $this->params['span'] : 'span12'; if (empty($shortcode_data)) { $shortcode_data = $this->config['shortcode_structure']; } // remove [/wr_row][wr_column...] from $shortcode_data $shortcode_data = explode('][', $shortcode_data); $shortcode_data = $shortcode_data[0] . ']'; // Remove empty value attributes of shortcode tag. $shortcode_data = preg_replace('/\\[*([a-z_]*[\\n\\s\\t]*=[\\n\\s\\t]*"")/', '', $shortcode_data); $rnd_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $column[] = '<div class="jsn-column-container clearafter shortcode-container "> <div class="jsn-column ' . $span . '"> <div class="thumbnail clearafter"> <textarea class="hidden" data-sc-info="shortcode_content" name="shortcode_content[]" >' . $shortcode_data . '</textarea> <div class="jsn-column-content item-container" data-column-class="' . $span . '" > <div class="jsn-handle-drag jsn-horizontal jsn-iconbar-trigger"> <div class="jsn-iconbar layout"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Edit Column" data-shortcode="' . $this->config['shortcode'] . '" class="element-edit column" data-use-ajax="' . ($this->config['edit_using_ajax'] ? 1 : 0) . '"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></a> <a class="item-delete column" onclick="return false;" title="' . __('Delete column', WR_PBL) . '" href="#"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="jsn-element-container item-container-content"> ' . $column_html . '</div> <a class="jsn-add-more wr-more-element" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-plus"></i>' . __('Add Element', WR_PBL) . '</a> </div> <textarea class="hidden" name="shortcode_content[]" >[/' . $this->config['shortcode'] . ']</textarea> </div> </div> </div>'; return $column; }
/** * Remove cache folder * * @return type */ static function remove_cache_folder() { $cache_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads' . '/igcache/pagebuilder'; WR_Pb_Utils_Common::recursive_delete($cache_dir); // if directory still exits, false if (is_dir($dir)) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); extract($arr_params); $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $carousel_id = "carousel_{$random_id}"; $interval_time = !empty($cycling_interval) ? intval($cycling_interval) * 1000 : 5000; $interval = $automatic_cycling == 'yes' ? $interval_time : 'false'; $pause = $pause_mouseover == 'yes' ? 'pause : "hover"' : ''; $script = "<script type='text/javascript'>(function (\$){ \$( document ).ready(function(){if( \$( '#{$carousel_id}' ).length ){ \$( '#{$carousel_id}' ).carousel( {interval: {$interval},{$pause}} );}});} )( jQuery )</script>"; $styles = array(); if (!empty($dimension_width)) { $styles[] = "width : {$dimension_width}{$dimension_width_unit};"; } if (!empty($dimension_height)) { $styles[] = "height : {$dimension_height}px;"; } if (in_array($align, array('left', 'right', 'inherit'))) { $styles[] = "float : {$align};"; } else { if ($align == 'center') { $styles[] = 'margin : 0 auto;'; } } $styles = trim(implode(' ', $styles)); $styles = !empty($styles) ? "style='{$styles}'" : ''; $carousel_indicators = array(); $carousel_indicators[] = '<ol class="carousel-indicators">'; $sub_shortcode = do_shortcode($content); $items = explode('<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode); $items = array_filter($items); $initial_open = isset($initial_open) ? $initial_open > count($items) ? 1 : $initial_open : 1; foreach ($items as $idx => $item) { $active = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? 'active' : ''; $item = str_replace('{active}', $active, $item); $item = str_replace('{WIDTH}', !empty($dimension_width) ? (string) $dimension_width : '', $item); $item = str_replace('{HEIGHT}', !empty($dimension_height) ? (string) $dimension_height : '', $item); $items[$idx] = $item; $active_li = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? "class='active'" : ''; $carousel_indicators[] = "<li {$active_li}></li>"; } $carousel_content = "<div class='carousel-inner'>" . implode('', $items) . '</div>'; $carousel_indicators[] = '</ol>'; $carousel_indicators = implode('', $carousel_indicators); if ($show_indicator == 'no') { $carousel_indicators = ''; } $carousel_navigator = ''; if ($show_arrows == 'yes') { $carousel_navigator = "<a class='left carousel-control'><span class='icon-arrow-left'></span></a><a class='right carousel-control'><span class='icon-arrow-right'></span></a>"; } $html = "<div class='carousel slide' {$styles} id='{$carousel_id}'>{$carousel_indicators} {$carousel_content} {$carousel_navigator}</div>"; return $this->element_wrapper($html . $script, $arr_params); }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); $initial_open = intval($arr_params['initial_open']); $tab_position = $arr_params['tab_position']; $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $tab_navigator = array(); $tab_navigator[] = '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">'; $sub_shortcode = do_shortcode($content); $items = explode('<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode); $items = array_filter($items); $initial_open = $initial_open > count($items) ? 1 : $initial_open; $fade_effect = ''; if ($arr_params['fade_effect'] == 'yes') { $fade_effect = 'fade in'; } foreach ($items as $idx => $item) { // Extract icon & heading $ex_heading = explode('<!--heading-->', $item); $ex_icon = explode('<!--icon-->', isset($ex_heading[1]) ? $ex_heading[1] : ''); $new_key = $random_id . $idx; $active = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? 'active' : ''; $item = isset($ex_icon[1]) ? $ex_icon[1] : ''; $item = str_replace('{index}', $new_key, $item); $item = str_replace('{active}', $active, $item); $item = str_replace('{fade_effect}', $fade_effect, $item); $items[$idx] = $item; $icon = !empty($ex_icon[0]) ? "<i class='{$ex_icon[0]}'></i> " : ''; $heading = !empty($ex_heading[0]) ? $ex_heading[0] : __('Tab Item ') . ' ' . $idx; WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::heading_icon($heading, $icon); $active_li = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? "class='active'" : ''; $tab_navigator[] = "<li {$active_li}><a href='#pane{$new_key}'>{$icon}{$heading}</a></li>"; } $sub_shortcode = implode('', $items); $tab_content = "<div class='tab-content'>{$sub_shortcode}</div>"; // update min-height of each tab content in case tap position is left/right if (in_array($tab_position, array('left', 'right'))) { $min_height = 36 * count($items); $tab_content = WR_Pb_Utils_Placeholder::remove_placeholder($tab_content, 'custom_style', "style='min-height: {$min_height}px'"); } $tab_navigator[] = '</ul>'; $tab_positions = array('top' => '', 'left' => 'tabs-left', 'right' => 'tabs-right', 'bottom' => 'tabs-below'); $extra_class = $tab_positions[$tab_position]; if ($tab_position == 'bottom') { $tab_content .= implode('', $tab_navigator); } else { $tab_content = implode('', $tab_navigator) . $tab_content; } $html_element = "<div class='tabbable {$extra_class}' id='tab_{ID}'>{$tab_content}</div>"; $html_element = str_replace('{ID}', "{$random_id}", $html_element); return $this->element_wrapper($html_element, $arr_params); }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); $initial_open = intval($arr_params['initial_open']); $multi_open = $arr_params['multi_open']; $filter = $arr_params['filter']; $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $script = ''; extract($arr_params); if ($multi_open == 'no') { $script .= "<script type='text/javascript'>( function (\$) {\n\t\t\t\t\$( document ).ready( function ()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t// Bind event click accordion\n\t\t\t\t\t\$( '#accordion_{$random_id} .panel-title a' ).on('click', function (e) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#accordion_{$random_id} .in').collapse('hide');\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t} )( jQuery )</script>"; } $sub_shortcode = do_shortcode($content); $items = explode('<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode); // remove empty element $items = array_filter($items); // update id, class for each item $initial_open = $initial_open > count($items) ? 1 : $initial_open; foreach ($items as $idx => $item) { $open = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? 'in' : ''; $item = str_replace('{index}', $random_id . $idx, $item); $item = str_replace('{show_hide}', $open, $item); $items[$idx] = $item; } $sub_shortcode = implode('', $items); $filter_html = ''; if ($filter == 'yes') { $sub_sc_data = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::extract_sub_shortcode($content); $sub_sc_data = reset($sub_sc_data); // tags to filter item $tags = array('all'); foreach ($sub_sc_data as $shortcode) { $extract_params = shortcode_parse_atts($shortcode); $tags[] = $extract_params['tag']; } $tags = array_filter($tags); if (count($tags) > 1) { $tags = implode(',', $tags); $tags = explode(',', $tags); $tags = array_unique($tags); $filter_html = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::render_parameter('filter_list', $tags, $random_id); // remove "All" tag array_shift($tags); $inner_tags = implode(',', $tags); $script .= "<script type='text/javascript'>( function (\$) {\n\t\t\t\t\$( document ).ready( function ()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.parent.jQuery.noConflict()( '#jsn_view_modal').contents().find( '#wr_share_data' ).text( '{$inner_tags}')\n\t\t\t\t\tvar parent_criteria = '#filter_{$random_id}'\n\t\t\t\t\tvar clientsClone = \$( '#accordion_{$random_id}' );\n\t\t\t\t\tvar tag_to_filter = 'div';\n\t\t\t\t\tvar class_to_filter = '.panel-default';\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\$( parent_criteria + ' a' ).click( function(e ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// stop running filter\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( class_to_filter ).each(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).stop( true )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//active clicked criteria\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( parent_criteria + ' li' ).removeClass( 'active' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).parent().addClass( 'active' );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar filterData = \$( this ).attr( 'class' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar filters;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( filterData == 'all' ){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilters = clientsClone.find( tag_to_filter );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilters = clientsClone.find( tag_to_filter + '[data-tag~='+ filterData +']' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclientsClone.find( class_to_filter ).each(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).fadeOut()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfilters.each(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$( this ).fadeIn()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t} )( jQuery )</script>"; } } $html = '<div class="panel-group" id="accordion_{ID}">' . $sub_shortcode . '</div>'; $html = str_replace('{ID}', $random_id, $html); return $this->element_wrapper($filter_html . $html . $script, $arr_params); }
/** * element items * * @see WR_Element::element_items() * @access public * @return array */ public function element_items() { //$random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string( 8, true ); $this->items = array('Notab' => array(array('id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_id', 'type' => 'text_field', 'std' => 'attr_' . WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(), 'input-type' => 'hidden', 'container_class' => 'hidden'), array('name' => __('Title', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'role' => 'title', 'std' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Title', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Description', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_desc', 'type' => 'text_area', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'std' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Description', WR_PBL)), array('name' => __('Type', WR_PBL), 'id' => 'prtbl_item_attr_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-sm', 'std' => '', 'options' => WR_Pb_Helper_Type::get_sub_item_pricing_type(), 'tooltip' => __('Type', WR_PBL)))); }
/** * Generate HTML for Vimeo. * * @param array $params Shortcode parameters. * * @return string HTML code. */ function generate_vimeo($params) { $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $_w = ' width="' . $params['video_vimeo_dimension_width'] . '" '; $_h = $params['video_vimeo_dimension_height'] ? ' height="' . $params['video_vimeo_dimension_height'] . '" ' : ''; // Alignment $container_class = ''; $object_style = ''; if ($params['video_alignment'] === 'right') { $object_style .= 'float:right;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter pull-right'; } else { if ($params['video_alignment'] === 'center') { $object_style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; } else { if ($params['video_alignment'] === 'left') { $object_style .= 'float:left;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter pull-left'; } } } // Genarate Container class $container_class = $container_class ? 'class="' . $container_class . '" ' : ''; // Get video ID. $params['video_source_link_vimeo'] = urldecode($params['video_source_link_vimeo']); $video_info = self::get_vimeo_video_info($params['video_source_link_vimeo']); $video_info = json_decode($video_info); if (!$video_info) { return; } $video_info = $video_info->html; $_arr = array(); $video_src = ''; preg_match('/src\\s*\\n*=\\s*\\n*"([^"]*)"/i', $video_info, $_arr); if (count($_arr)) { $video_src = $_arr[1]; $video_src .= '?innerframe=true'; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_autoplay']) ? '&autoplay=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_autoplay'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_loop']) ? '&loop=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_loop'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_title']) ? '&title=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_title'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_color']) ? '&color=' . str_replace('#', '', (string) $params['video_vimeo_color']) : ''; } $embed = '<div ' . $container_class . '>'; $embed .= '<iframe webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="display:block;' . $object_style . '" ' . $_w . $_h . '" src="' . $video_src . '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; $embed .= '</div>'; return $embed; }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); extract($arr_params); $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $script = $html_element = ''; if (!empty($content)) { $content = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::remove_autop($content); } if (isset($enable_dropcap) && $enable_dropcap == 'yes') { if ($content) { $styles = array(); if ($dropcap_font_face_type == 'google fonts' and $dropcap_font_face_value != '') { $script .= WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::add_google_font_link_tag($dropcap_font_face_value); $styles[] = 'font-family:' . $dropcap_font_face_value; } elseif ($dropcap_font_face_type == 'standard fonts' and $dropcap_font_face_value) { $styles[] = 'font-family:' . $dropcap_font_face_value; } if (intval($dropcap_font_size) > 0) { $styles[] = 'font-size:' . intval($dropcap_font_size) . 'px'; $styles[] = 'line-height:' . intval($dropcap_font_size) . 'px'; } switch ($dropcap_font_style) { case 'bold': $styles[] = 'font-weight:700'; break; case 'italic': $styles[] = 'font-style:italic'; break; case 'normal': $styles[] = 'font-weight:normal'; break; } if (strpos($dropcap_font_color, '#') !== false) { $styles[] = 'color:' . $dropcap_font_color; } if (count($styles)) { $html_element .= '<style type="text/css">'; $html_element .= sprintf('%1$s .dropcap:first-letter, %1$s .dropcap p:first-letter { float:left;', "#{$random_id}"); $html_element .= implode(';', $styles); $html_element .= '}'; $html_element .= '</style>'; } $html_element .= "<div class='dropcap'>{$content}</div>"; } } else { $html_element .= $content; } $html = sprintf('<div class="wr_text" id="%s">', $random_id); $html .= $script; $html .= $html_element; $html .= '</div>'; // Process margins if (isset($arr_params['text_margin_top'])) { $arr_params['div_margin_top'] = $arr_params['text_margin_top']; } if (isset($arr_params['text_margin_bottom'])) { $arr_params['div_margin_bottom'] = $arr_params['text_margin_bottom']; } if (isset($arr_params['text_margin_right'])) { $arr_params['div_margin_right'] = $arr_params['text_margin_right']; } if (isset($arr_params['text_margin_left'])) { $arr_params['div_margin_left'] = $arr_params['text_margin_left']; } return $this->element_wrapper($html, $arr_params); }
/** * define shortcode structure of element */ function element_shortcode($atts = null, $content = null) { $extra_class = $style = $custom_script = $extra_content = $data_attr = ''; $extra_id = !empty($atts['id_wrapper']) ? esc_attr($atts['id_wrapper']) : WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); if (isset($atts) && is_array($atts)) { $arr_styles = array(); switch ($atts['width']) { case 'full': $extra_class = 'wr_fullwidth'; // some overwrite css to enable row full width $script = "\$('body').addClass('wr-full-width');"; $custom_script = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::script_box($script); $arr_styles[] = '-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;-moz-box-sizing: content-box;box-sizing: content-box;width: 100%;padding-left: 1000px;padding-right: 1000px;margin:0 -1000px;'; break; case 'boxed': ///$arr_styles[] = "width: 100%;"; break; } $background = ''; switch ($atts['background']) { case 'none': if ($atts['width'] == 'full') { $background = 'background: none;'; } break; case 'solid': $solid_color = $atts['solid_color_value']; $background = "background-color: {$solid_color};"; break; case 'gradient': $background = $atts['gradient_color_css']; break; case 'pattern': $pattern_img = $atts['pattern']; $background = "background-image:url(\"{$pattern_img}\");"; $background_repeat = self::background_repeat($atts['repeat']); if (!empty($background_repeat)) { $background .= "background-repeat:{$background_repeat};"; } break; case 'image': $image = $atts['image']; $image_position = $atts['position']; $background = "background-image:url(\"{$image}\");background-position:{$image_position};"; // Background repeat $background_repeat = self::background_repeat($atts['img_repeat']); if (!empty($background_repeat)) { $background .= "background-repeat:{$background_repeat};"; } break; case 'video': $url = $atts['video_url']; // Youtube video if (preg_match('/youtube\\.com/', $url)) { $extra_class .= ' wr_video_bg'; parse_str($url, $youtube_url); $data_attr = sprintf("data-property=\"{videoURL:'http://youtu.be/%s', containment:'%s', autoPlay:%s, mute:true, startAt:0, opacity:1, showControls:false}\"", reset($youtube_url), "#{$extra_id}", $atts['autoplay']); add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'enqueue_player_scripts')); add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'print_player_scripts')); } break; } $arr_styles[] = $background; // Paralax background if (isset($atts['paralax']) && $atts['paralax'] == 'yes') { $data_attr .= " data-stellar-background-ratio='-.3'"; } // Border if (isset($atts['border_width_value_']) && intval($atts['border_width_value_'])) { $border = array(); $border[] = $atts['border_width_value_'] . 'px'; $border[] = $atts['border_style']; $border[] = $atts['border_color']; $arr_styles[] = sprintf('border-top:%1$s; border-bottom:%1$s;', implode(' ', $border)); } // Padding $arr_styles[] = "padding-top:{$atts['div_padding_top']}px;"; $arr_styles[] = "padding-bottom:{$atts['div_padding_bottom']}px;"; if ($atts['width'] != 'full') { $arr_styles[] = "padding-left:{$atts['div_padding_left']}px;"; $arr_styles[] = "padding-right:{$atts['div_padding_right']}px;"; } $style = $arr_styles ? sprintf("style='%s'", implode('', $arr_styles)) : ''; } $extra_class .= !empty($atts['css_suffix']) ? ' ' . esc_attr($atts['css_suffix']) : ''; $content = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::remove_autop($content); return $custom_script . sprintf("<div class='jsn-bootstrap3'><div id='%s' class='row %s' %s>%s</div></div>", $extra_id, ltrim($extra_class, ' '), $data_attr . ' ' . $style, balanceTags($extra_content . $content)); }
/** * Deactivate handle * * @global type $pagenow * @global type $wpdb */ function do_deactivate() { global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == 'plugins.php') { $deactivate_action = false; $wr_pb_plugin = 'wr-pagebuilder/wr-pagebuilder.php'; // check if single deactivate plugin/ bulk deactivate plugins if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && in_array($_REQUEST['action'], array('deactivate-selected', 'deactivate'))) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; if ($action == 'deactivate' && $_REQUEST['plugin'] == $wr_pb_plugin || $action == 'deactivate-selected' && in_array($wr_pb_plugin, $_REQUEST['checked'])) { $deactivate_action = true; } } if ($deactivate_action) { $wr_action = 'wr_deactivate'; if (is_network_admin()) { $plugin_url = network_admin_url('plugins.php'); } else { $plugin_url = admin_url('plugins.php'); } // check whether delete only WR PageBuilder OR Bulk deactivate plugins $deactivate_one = isset($_POST['action']) ? false : true; // show Confirmation form before doing deactivate if (!isset($_REQUEST['wr_wpnonce']) && !isset($_REQUEST['wr_back'])) { // create wr_nonce $wr_nonce = wp_create_nonce($wr_action); $method = $deactivate_one ? 'GET' : 'POST'; $back_text = __('No, take me back', WR_PBL); if ($deactivate_one) { $back_btn = "<a href='{$plugin_url}' class='button button-large'>" . $back_text . '</a>'; } else { $back_btn = "<input type='submit' name='wr_back' class='button button-large' value='" . $back_text . "'>"; } $form = " action='{$plugin_url}' method='{$method}' "; $fields = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $fields .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$key}' value='{$value}' />"; } else { foreach ($value as $p) { $fields .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$key}[]' value='{$p}' />"; } } } $fields .= "<input type='hidden' name='wr_wpnonce' value='{$wr_nonce}' />"; // show message ob_start(); ?> <p> <?php _e('After deactivating, all content built with PageBuilder will be parsed to plain HTML code. Are you sure you want to deactivate PageBuilder plugin?', WR_PBL); ?> </p> <center> <form <?php echo balanceTags($form); ?> > <?php echo balanceTags($fields); ?> <input type="submit" name="wr_deactivate" class="button button-large" value="<?php _e('Yes, deactivate plugin', WR_PBL); ?> " style="background: #d9534f; color: #fff; text-shadow: none; border: none;"> <?php echo balanceTags($back_btn); ?> </form> </center> <p style="font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 20px;"> <?php _e("Or if you want to deactivate without parsing 'content built with PageBuilder' to HTML code, click on the button below", WR_PBL); ?> </p> <center> <form <?php echo balanceTags($form); ?> > <?php echo balanceTags($fields); ?> <input type="submit" name="wr_deactivate_light" class="button button-large" value="<?php _e('Deactivate without parsing data', WR_PBL); ?> " style="background: #f0ad4e; color: #fff; text-shadow: none; border: none;"> </form> </center> <?php $message = ob_get_clean(); // Change page title _default_wp_die_handler($message, __('WordPress › Confirmation', WR_PBL)); exit; } else { // get nonce $wr_nonce = esc_sql($_REQUEST['wr_wpnonce']); $nonce = wp_verify_nonce($wr_nonce, $wr_action); // if nonce is invalid if (!in_array($nonce, array(1, 2))) { _default_wp_die_handler(__('Nonce is invalid!', WR_PBL)); exit; } // do action when customer choose "take me back" in confirmation form if (isset($_REQUEST['wr_back'])) { // remove WR PageBuilder from the checked list if (($key = array_search($wr_pb_plugin, $_REQUEST['checked'])) !== false) { unset($_REQUEST['checked'][$key]); } // Overwrite list of checked plugins to deactivating $_POST['checked'] = $_REQUEST['checked']; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['wr_deactivate'])) { global $wpdb; // update post content = value of '_wr_html_content', deactivate pagebuilder $meta_key1 = 1; $meta_key2 = '_wr_html_content'; $meta_key3 = '_wr_deactivate_pb'; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE\t\t{$wpdb->posts} p\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\t{$wpdb->postmeta} p1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON p1.post_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\t{$wpdb->postmeta} p2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON p2.post_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\t\t\tpost_content = p1.meta_value, p2.meta_value = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\t\tp1.meta_key = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND p2.meta_key = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", $meta_key1, $meta_key2, $meta_key3)); // update post content = value of '_wr_html_content', deactivate pagebuilder all blog if (is_network_admin()) { // get list id blog all $list_prefix_musite = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs}", ARRAY_A); if ($list_prefix_musite && count($list_prefix_musite) > 1) { foreach ($list_prefix_musite as $key => $value) { if ($value['blog_id'] == 1) { continue; } $prefix = $wpdb->prefix . $value['blog_id'] . '_'; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE\t\t{$prefix}posts p\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\t{$prefix}postmeta p1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON p1.post_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\t{$prefix}postmeta p2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON p2.post_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\t\t\tpost_content = p1.meta_value, p2.meta_value = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\t\tp1.meta_key = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND p2.meta_key = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", $meta_key1, $meta_key2, $meta_key3)); } } } // delete pagebuilder content WR_Pb_Utils_Common::delete_meta_key(array('_wr_page_builder_content', '_wr_page_active_tab')); do_action('wr_pb_deactivate'); } } } } } }
/** * Dummy content * * @return array */ static function lorem_text($word_count = 50) { return ucfirst(WR_Pb_Utils_Common::lorem_text($word_count, true)); }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $html_element = $container_class = $str_scripts = ''; $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); extract($arr_params); $arrDefaultOptions = array('streetViewControl', 'zoomControl', 'panControl', 'mapTypeControl', 'scaleControl', 'overviewMapControl', 'scrollwheel'); if ($gmap_elements) { $arr_elements = array_filter(explode('__#__', $gmap_elements)); foreach ($arrDefaultOptions as $i => $item) { if (in_array($item, $arr_elements)) { $str_scripts .= $item . ': true,'; } else { $str_scripts .= $item . ': false,'; } } } $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $player_elements = ''; if ($gmap_alignment === 'right') { $player_elements .= '$( "#wr-gmap-' . $random_id . '" ).css( "float", "right" );'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } else { if ($gmap_alignment === 'center') { $player_elements .= '$( "#wr-gmap-' . $random_id . '" ).css( {"margin" : "0 auto", "display" : "block" } );'; } else { if ($gmap_alignment === 'left') { $player_elements .= '$( "#wr-gmap-' . $random_id . '" ).css( "float", "left" );'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } } } $html_element .= '<script type="text/javascript">(function ($) { $( document ).ready( function () { ' . $player_elements . ' var map_' . $random_id . ' = ""; var marker_locations_' . $random_id . ' = []; function get_latlong(obj) { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng( obj.gmi_lat, obj.gmi_long); return myLatlng; } function get_infobox(obj) { var infowindow = ""; var contentString = "<div class=\\"wr-gmi-info\\" style=\\"width:250px\\" >"; contentString += "<div class=\\"wr-gmi-thumb\\">"; if ( obj.gmi_image != "" && obj.gmi_image != "http://" ) contentString += "<img src=\\"" + obj.gmi_image + "\\" />"; contentString += "</div>"; contentString += "<span class=\\"wr-gmi-title\\"><b>" + obj.gmi_title + "</b></span>"; if ( obj.gmi_desc_content ) contentString += "<p>" + obj.gmi_desc_content + "</p>"; if ( obj.gmi_url != "" && obj.gmi_url != "http://" ) contentString += "<a href=\\"" + obj.gmi_url + "\\" target=\\"_blank\\">more...></a>"; contentString += "</div>"; infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); infowindow.setOptions({maxWidth:300}); return infowindow; } function markerAtPoint(latlng) { for (var i = 0; i < marker_locations_' . $random_id . '.length; ++i) { if (marker_locations_' . $random_id . '[i].equals(latlng)) return true; } return false; } function initialize_' . $random_id . '() { var gmap_zoom = parseInt("' . $gmap_zoom . '"); var gmap_lat = ""; var gmap_long = ""; var gmap_type = google.maps.MapTypeId.' . $gmap_type . '; var directionsService_' . $random_id . ' = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); var has_direction = false; var mapOptions_' . $random_id . ' = { zoom: gmap_zoom, center: new google.maps.LatLng(0,0), mapTypeId: gmap_type, ' . $str_scripts . ' }; map_' . $random_id . ' = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\'wr-gmap-' . $random_id . '\'), mapOptions_' . $random_id . '); var rendererOptions_' . $random_id . ' = { map: map_' . $random_id . ', suppressMarkers: true } var directionsDisplay_' . $random_id . ' = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(rendererOptions_' . $random_id . '); directionsDisplay_' . $random_id . '.setMap(map_' . $random_id . '); // Check has directions $( "#wr-gmap-wrapper-' . $random_id . ' .wr-gmi-lat-long" ).each(function (index) { var obj = JSON.parse($(this).val()); if ( obj.gmi_lat != "" && obj.gmi_long != "" && obj.gmi_destination != "" ) { has_direction = true; } }); // Add markers if ( has_direction == false ) { $( "#wr-gmap-wrapper-' . $random_id . ' .wr-gmi-lat-long" ).each(function (index) { var obj = JSON.parse($(this).val()); if ( obj.gmi_lat != "" && obj.gmi_long != "" ) { var myLatlng = get_latlong(obj); var infowindow = get_infobox(obj); if ( map_' . $random_id . ' ) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatlng, map: map_' . $random_id . ', title: obj.gmi_title }); marker_locations_' . $random_id . '.push(myLatlng); map_' . $random_id . '.setCenter(marker.getPosition()); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, \'click\', function() { infowindow.open(map_' . $random_id . ',marker); }); } } }); } else { $( "#wr-gmap-wrapper-' . $random_id . ' .wr-gmi-lat-long" ).each(function (i) { var obj = JSON.parse($(this).val()); $( "#wr-gmap-wrapper-' . $random_id . ' .wr-gmi-lat-long" ).each(function (j) { var sub_obj = JSON.parse($(this).val()); if ( sub_obj.gmi_title == obj.gmi_destination && sub_obj.gmi_lat != "" && sub_obj.gmi_long != "" ) { var start = get_latlong(obj); var end = get_latlong(sub_obj); var infowindow = get_infobox(obj); if ( map_' . $random_id . ' ) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: start, map: map_' . $random_id . ', title: obj.gmi_title }); marker_locations_' . $random_id . '.push(start); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, \'click\', function() { infowindow.open(map_' . $random_id . ',marker); }); } var sub_infowindow = get_infobox(sub_obj); if ( map_' . $random_id . ' ) { var sub_marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: end, map: map_' . $random_id . ', title: sub_obj.gmi_title }); marker_locations_' . $random_id . '.push(end); google.maps.event.addListener(sub_marker, \'click\', function() { sub_infowindow.open(map_' . $random_id . ',sub_marker); }); } var request = { origin:start, destination:end, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING }; directionsService_' . $random_id . '.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { directionsDisplay_' . $random_id . '.setDirections(response); } }); } if ( markerAtPoint(new google.maps.LatLng( obj.gmi_lat, obj.gmi_long) ) == false ) { var myLatlng = get_latlong(obj); var infowindow = get_infobox(obj); if ( map_' . $random_id . ' ) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatlng, map: map_' . $random_id . ', title: obj.gmi_title }); marker_locations_' . $random_id . '.push(myLatlng); map_' . $random_id . '.setCenter(marker.getPosition()); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, \'click\', function() { infowindow.open(map_' . $random_id . ',marker); }); } } }); }); } } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, \'load\', initialize_' . $random_id . '); // Center map on resize google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, \'resize\', function() { var center = map_' . $random_id . '.getCenter(); google.maps.event.trigger(map_' . $random_id . ', \'resize\'); map_' . $random_id . '.setCenter(center); }); }); })(jQuery)</script>'; $class = 'wr-googlemap'; if ($gmap_container_style == 'img-thumbnail') { $class .= ' img-thumbnail'; } if ($gmap_margin_top) { $gmap_styles[] = "margin-top:{$gmap_margin_top}px !important"; } if ($gmap_margin_bottom) { $gmap_styles[] = "margin-bottom:{$gmap_margin_bottom}px !important"; } if ($gmap_margin_right) { $gmap_styles[] = "margin-right:{$gmap_margin_right}px !important"; } if ($gmap_margin_left) { $gmap_styles[] = "margin-left:{$gmap_margin_left}px !important"; } if ($gmap_dimension_height) { $gmap_styles[] = "height:{$gmap_dimension_height}px !important"; } if ($gmap_dimension_width) { $gmap_styles[] = "width:{$gmap_dimension_width}{$gmap_dimension_width_unit} !important"; } $styles = count($gmap_styles) ? ' style="' . implode(';', $gmap_styles) . '"' : ''; $html_element .= '<div id="wr-gmap-wrapper-' . $random_id . '">'; $html_element .= '<div id="wr-gmap-' . $random_id . '" ' . $styles . ' class="' . $class . '"></div>'; $sub_shortcode = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::remove_autop($content); $items = explode('<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode); // remove empty element $items = array_filter($items); $initial_open = !isset($initial_open) || $initial_open > count($items) ? 1 : $initial_open; foreach ($items as $idx => $item) { $open = $idx + 1 == $initial_open ? 'in' : ''; $items[$idx] = $item; } $sub_htmls = do_shortcode($sub_shortcode); $html_element .= $sub_htmls; $html_element .= '</div>'; return $this->element_wrapper($html_element, $arr_params); }
/** * Generate HTML code from shortcode content. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $content Current content. * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode_full($atts = null, $content = null) { $arr_params = shortcode_atts($this->config['params'], $atts); extract($arr_params); $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $testimonial_id = "testimonial_{$random_id}"; $styles = "style='width:100%'"; $image_container_style = $author_image_style != 'no-styling' ? "{$author_image_style}" : ''; $content_elements = array_filter(explode('__#__', $content_elements)); $testimonial_indicators = array(); $testimonial_indicators[] = '<ol class="carousel-indicators">'; $sub_shortcode = do_shortcode($content); $testimonial_content = array(); $items = explode('<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode); $items = array_filter($items); $count_items = count($items); foreach ($items as $idx => $item) { $item = unserialize($item); if ($idx % $items_per_slide == 0) { $active = $idx == 0 ? 'active' : ''; $testimonial_content[] = "<div class='item row {$active}'>"; $active_li = $idx == 0 ? "class='active'" : ''; $testimonial_indicators[] = "<li {$active_li}></li>"; } $divide = $count_items > $items_per_slide ? $items_per_slide : $count_items; $colmd = 'col-md-' . 12 / $divide; $colsm = 'col-sm-' . 12 / $divide; $item_html = "<div class='wr-testimonial-item {$colmd} {$colsm}'>"; $testimonial_info = array(); if (in_array('content', $content_elements)) { $item_content = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::remove_autop($item['testimonial_content']); $item_content = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::trim_content($item_content, $content_count, $content_type); $testimonial_info['content'] = "<div class='wr-testimonial-box top'><div class='arrow'></div><div class='wr-testimonial-content'><p>" . $item_content . '</p></div></div>'; } if (isset($item['image_file']) && !empty($item['image_file'])) { $data = getimagesize($item['image_file']); $width = $data[0]; $height = $data[1]; $img = "<div class='wr-testimonial-avatar'><img width='{$width}' height='{$height}' class='{$image_container_style}' src='{$item['image_file']}' /></div>"; } else { $img = ''; } $testimonial_info['image'] = in_array('image', $content_elements) ? $img : ''; // Process company field if (isset($item['company']) && $item['company'] != '') { $company_link = "<a href='{$item['web_url']}'>{$item['company']}</a>"; } else { $company_link = "<a href='{$item['web_url']}'>{$item['web_url']}</a>"; } if (!isset($item['web_url']) || empty($item['web_url'])) { $company_link = $item['company']; } // Process testimonial metadata $arr_style = array(); if (isset($item['name_height'])) { $arr_style[] = 'font-size: ' . $item['name_height'] . 'px'; } if (isset($item['name_color'])) { $arr_style[] = 'color: ' . $item['name_color']; } $style = $arr_style ? "style='" . implode(';', $arr_style) . "'" : ''; $name = isset($item['name']) && in_array('name', $content_elements) ? "<strong {$style} class='wr-testimonial-name'>{$item['name']}</strong>" : ''; $job_title = isset($item['job_title']) && in_array('job_title', $content_elements) ? "<span class='wr-testimonial-jobtitle'>{$item['job_title']}</span>" : ''; $country = isset($item['country']) && in_array('country', $content_elements) ? "<span class='wr-testimonial-country'>{$item['country']}</span>" : ''; if ($company_link) { $company = in_array('company', $content_elements) ? "<span class='wr-testimonial-link'>{$company_link}</span>" : ''; } $html_metadata = ''; if ($name != '' || $job_title != '' || $country != '' || $company != '') { $html_metadata .= '<div class="wr-testimonial-meta">'; $html_metadata .= $name . $job_title . $country . $company; $html_metadata .= '</div>'; } foreach ($content_elements as $element) { $item_html .= isset($testimonial_info[$element]) ? $testimonial_info[$element] : ''; } $item_html .= $html_metadata; $item_html .= '</div>'; $testimonial_content[] = $item_html; if (($idx + 1) % $items_per_slide == 0 || $idx + 1 == count($items)) { $testimonial_content[] = '</div>'; } } $testimonial_content = "<div class='carousel-inner'>" . implode('', $testimonial_content) . '</div>'; $testimonial_indicators[] = '</ol>'; $testimonial_indicators = implode('', $testimonial_indicators); $script = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t(function (\$){\n\t\t\t\$( document ).ready(function(){\n\t\t\t\tif( \$( '#{$testimonial_id}' ).length ){\n\t\t\t\t\t\$( '#{$testimonial_id} .carousel-indicators li' ).each(function (i) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).on('click', function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#{$testimonial_id}').carousel(i);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} )( jQuery );\n\t\t</script>"; $slider_elements = explode('__#__', $slider_elements); if ($count_items <= $items_per_slide || !in_array('indicator', $slider_elements)) { $testimonial_indicators = ''; } $testimonial_navigator = $count_items > $items_per_slide && in_array('arrows', $slider_elements) ? "<a class='carousel-control left icon-arrow-left wr-arrow-left'></a><a class='carousel-control right icon-arrow-right wr-arrow-right'></a>" : ''; $html = "<div class='carousel slide wr-testimonial' {$styles} id='{$testimonial_id}'>{$testimonial_indicators} {$testimonial_content} {$testimonial_navigator}</div>"; return $this->element_wrapper($script . $html, $arr_params); }
/** * Return html structure of shortcode in Page Builder area * * @param type $shortcode_name * @param type $attr * @param type $content */ public static function shortcode_to_pagebuilder($shortcode_name, $content = '', $shortcode_data = '', $shortcode_params = '') { $class = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::get_shortcode_class($shortcode_name); if (class_exists($class)) { global $Wr_Pb; $elements = $Wr_Pb->get_elements(); $instance = isset($elements['element'][strtolower($class)]) ? $elements['element'][strtolower($class)] : null; if (!is_object($instance)) { $instance = new $class(); } $instance->init_element(); $el_title = ''; if ($class != 'WR_Widget') { // extract param of shortcode ( now for column ) if (isset($instance->config['extract_param'])) { parse_str(trim($shortcode_params), $output); foreach ($instance->config['extract_param'] as $param) { if (isset($output[$param])) { $instance->params[$param] = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::remove_quotes($output[$param]); } } } // get content in pagebuilder of shortcode: Element Title must always first option of Content tab if (isset($instance->items['content']) && isset($instance->items['content'][0])) { $title = $instance->items['content'][0]; if ($title['role'] == 'title') { $params = shortcode_parse_atts($shortcode_params); $el_title = !empty($params[$title['id']]) ? $params[$title['id']] : __('(Untitled)', WR_PBL); } } } else { $widget_info = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::extract_widget_params($shortcode_data); $el_title = !empty($widget_info['title']) ? $widget_info['title'] : ''; $params = WR_Pb_Helper_Shortcode::extract_params($shortcode_data); $instance->config['shortcode'] = $params['widget_id']; $instance->config['el_type'] = 'widget'; } $shortcode_view = $instance->element_in_pgbldr($content, $shortcode_data, $el_title); return $shortcode_view[0]; } }
/** * Upload premade layout to file * * @return type */ function upload_layout() { if (!isset($_POST[WR_NONCE]) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST[WR_NONCE], WR_NONCE)) { return; } $status = 0; if (!empty($_FILES)) { $fileinfo = $_FILES['file']; $file = $fileinfo['tmp_name']; $tmp_file = 'tmp-layout-' . time(); $dest = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::get_wp_upload_folder('/wr-pb-layout/' . $tmp_file); if ($fileinfo['type'] == 'application/octet-stream') { WP_Filesystem(); $unzipfile = unzip_file($file, $dest); if ($unzipfile) { // explore extracted folder to get provider info $status = WR_Pb_Helper_Layout::import($dest); } // remove zip file unlink($file); } WR_Pb_Utils_Common::recursive_delete($dest); } echo intval($status); exit; }
/** * * Uninstalling WR PageBuilder: deletes post metas & options * * @author WooRockets Team <*****@*****.**> * @package IGPGBLDR * @version $Id$ */ //if uninstall not called from WordPress exit if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { exit; } include_once 'core/utils/common.php'; // delete all other providers $providers = get_option('_wr_pb_providers'); if ($providers) { $providers = unserialize($providers); $list_plugins = array(); foreach ($providers as $provider) { if (!empty($provider['file'])) { $list_plugins[] = $provider['file']; } } delete_plugins($list_plugins); } // delete cache folder WR_Pb_Utils_Common::remove_cache_folder(); // delete meta key WR_Pb_Utils_Common::delete_meta_key(array('_wr_page_builder_content', '_wr_html_content', '_wr_page_active_tab', '_wr_post_view_count', '_wr_deactivate_pb', '_wr_page_builder_css_files', '_wr_page_builder_css_custom'));
/** * Generate HTML for local audio player. * * @param array $params Shortcode parameters. * * @return string HTML code. */ function generate_local_files($params) { $random_id = WR_Pb_Utils_Common::random_string(); $audio_size = array(); $audio_size['width'] = ' width="' . $params['audio_local_dimension_width'] . '" '; $audio_size['height'] = $params['audio_local_dimension_height'] != '' ? ' height="' . $params['audio_local_dimension_height'] . '" ' : ''; $player_options = '{'; $player_options .= $params['audio_local_start_volume'] != '' ? 'startVolume: ' . (int) $params['audio_local_start_volume'] / 100 . ',' : ''; $player_options .= $params['audio_local_loop'] != '' ? 'loop: ' . $params['audio_local_loop'] . ',' : ''; if (!isset($params['audio_local_player_image'])) { $_player_color = isset($params['audio_local_player_color']) ? '$( ".mejs-mediaelement, .mejs-controls", audio_container ).css( "background", "none repeat scroll 0 0 ' . $params['audio_local_player_color'] . '" );' : ''; } else { $_player_color = isset($params['audio_local_player_color']) ? '$( ".mejs-mediaelement, .mejs-controls", audio_container ).css( "background", "url(\'' . $params['audio_local_player_image'] . '\' ) repeat scroll 0 0 ' . $params['audio_local_player_color'] . '");' : ''; } $_progress_bar_color = isset($params['audio_local_progress_color']) ? '$( ".mejs-time-loaded, .mejs-horizontal-volume-current", audio_container ).css( "background", "none repeat scroll 0 0 ' . $params['audio_local_progress_color'] . '" );' : ''; $params['audio_local_elements'] = explode('__#__', $params['audio_local_elements']); $player_elements = ''; $player_elements .= in_array('play_button', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-playpause-button", audio_container ).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array('current_time', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-currenttime-container", audio_container ).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array('time_rail', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-time-rail", audio_container ).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array('track_duration', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-duration-container", audio_container ).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array('volume_button', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-volume-button", audio_container ).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array('volume_slider', $params['audio_local_elements']) ? '' : '$( ".mejs-horizontal-volume-slider", audio_container ).hide();'; $container_class = $container_style = ''; if ($params['audio_alignment'] === 'right') { $player_elements .= 'audio_container.css( "float", "right" )'; $container_class .= 'clearafter pull-right'; } else { if ($params['audio_alignment'] === 'center') { $container_style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; $player_elements .= 'audio_container.css( "margin", "0 auto" )'; } else { if ($params['audio_alignment'] === 'left') { $player_elements .= 'audio_container.css( "float", "left" )'; $container_class .= 'clearafter pull-left'; } } } // Genarate Container class $container_class .= ' wr-' . $random_id . ' ' . $container_class; $container_class = $container_class ? ' class="' . $container_class . '" ' : ''; $player_options .= 'success: function( mediaElement, domObject ){ var audio_container = $( domObject ).parents( ".mejs-container" ); ' . $player_elements . ' },'; $player_options .= 'keyActions:[]}'; $script = ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function ($ ){ new MediaElementPlayer("#' . $random_id . '", ' . $player_options . ' ); }); </script>'; $fixed_css = ''; if (isset($params['audio_local_dimension_height']) && $params['audio_local_dimension_height'] != '') { $fixed_css = "<style type='text/css'>.wr-element-audio .wr-{$random_id} .mejs-container {\n\tmin-height: {$params['audio_local_dimension_height']}px;\n}</style>"; } $container_style .= isset($params['audio_local_dimension_width']) && $params['audio_local_dimension_width'] != '' ? 'width:' . $params['audio_local_dimension_width'] . 'px' : ''; $container_style = $container_style ? ' style=" ' . $container_style . ' " ' : ''; // Define the media type $src = str_replace(' ', '+', $params['audio_source_local']); $source = '<source type="%s" src="%s" />'; $type = wp_check_filetype($src); $source = sprintf($source, $type['type'], esc_url($src)); return $fixed_css . $script . '<div ' . $container_class . $container_style . '> <audio controls="controls" preload="none" ' . $audio_size['width'] . $audio_size['height'] . ' id="' . $random_id . '" src="' . $src . '" > ' . $source . ' </audio> </div>'; }
/** * Remove group layout * * @param type $group */ static function remove_group($group) { $group = substr($group, 0, -7); $dir = WR_Pb_Helper_Functions::get_wp_upload_folder('/wr-pb-layout/' . $group, false); if (is_dir($dir)) { WR_Pb_Utils_Common::recursive_delete($dir); // if directory still exits, false if (is_dir($dir)) { return false; } return true; } return false; }