function rs_wpss_check_new_user($errors = NULL, $user_login = NULL, $user_email = NULL)
    /* Error checking for new user registration */
    global $spamshield_options, $wpss_reg_err_chk_complete, $wpss_wc_reg_inprog;
    if (is_user_logged_in() || !empty($wpss_reg_err_chk_complete)) {
        return $errors;
    if (!empty($wpss_wc_reg_inprog) || WPSS_Compatibility::is_woocom_enabled()) {
        /* Check if we're on a WooCommerce Checkout Page */
        if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'woocommerce_checkout') {
            return $errors;
        $ecom_urls = unserialize(WPSS_ECOM_URLS);
        foreach ($ecom_urls as $k => $u) {
            if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $u) !== FALSE) {
                return $errors;
    } elseif (WPSS_Compatibility::is_ecom_enabled()) {
        /* Check if we're on another e-commerce Checkout or Shopping Cart Page */
        $ecom_urls = unserialize(WPSS_ECOM_URLS);
        foreach ($ecom_urls as $k => $u) {
            if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $u) !== FALSE) {
                return $errors;
    if (empty($spamshield_options)) {
        $spamshield_options = get_option('spamshield_options');
    if (!empty($spamshield_options['registration_shield_disable'])) {
        return $errors;
    /* BYPASS - HOOK */
    $reg_check_bypass = apply_filters('wpss_registration_check_bypass', FALSE);
    if (!empty($reg_check_bypass)) {
        return $errors;
    if (empty($errors) || !is_object($errors)) {
        $errors = new WP_Error();
    $reg_filter_status = $wpss_error_code = $log_pref = '';
    $reg_jsck_error = $reg_badrobot_error = $wpss_reg_err_chk_complete = $buddypress_status = $wc_status = $s2member_status = $wpmembers_status = $affiliates_status = FALSE;
    $ns_val = 'NS3';
    $pref = 'R-';
    $errors_3p = array();
    /* Error array for 3rd party plugins that don't follow WordPress standards for registration processing: BuddyPress, ... */
    $error_txt = rs_wpss_error_txt();
    if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
        if (empty($user_login) && isset($_POST['signup_username'])) {
            $user_login = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_user(wp_unslash($_POST['signup_username'])));
            $buddypress_status = TRUE;
            $log_pref = 'bp-';
        if (empty($user_email) && isset($_POST['signup_email'])) {
            $user_email = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_email(wp_unslash($_POST['signup_email'])));
            $buddypress_status = TRUE;
            $log_pref = 'bp-';
    if (!empty($wpss_wc_reg_inprog)) {
        $wc_status = TRUE;
        $log_pref = 'wc-';
    if (defined('WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION')) {
        $s2member_status = TRUE;
        $log_pref = 's2-';
    if (defined('AFFILIATES_CORE_VERSION')) {
        $affiliates_status = TRUE;
        $log_pref = 'aff-';
    if (defined('WPMEM_VERSION')) {
        $wpmembers_status = TRUE;
        $log_pref = 'wpm-';
    if (TRUE === $wc_status) {
        $user_login = '';
        if (empty($user_login) && isset($_POST['username'])) {
            $user_login = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_user(wp_unslash($_POST['username'])));
        if (empty($user_email) && isset($_POST['email'])) {
            $user_email = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_email(wp_unslash($_POST['email'])));
    if (TRUE === $affiliates_status) {
        if (empty($user_login) && isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
            $user_login = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_user(wp_unslash($_POST['user_login'])));
        if (empty($user_email) && isset($_POST['user_email'])) {
            $user_email = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', sanitize_email(wp_unslash($_POST['user_email'])));
    if (!rs_wpss_is_lang_en_us()) {
        $locale = get_locale();
        @load_textdomain('default', WP_LANG_DIR . "/admin-{$locale}.mo");
    $new_fields = array('first_name' => rs_wpss_first_name_txt(), 'last_name' => rs_wpss_last_name_txt(), 'disp_name' => rs_wpss_disp_name_txt());
    $user_data = array();
    foreach ($new_fields as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($_POST[$k])) {
            $user_data[$k] = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_POST[$k]));
        } else {
            $user_data[$k] = '';
    if (FALSE === $buddypress_status && FALSE === $wc_status && FALSE === $s2member_status && FALSE === $affiliates_status) {
        /* Check New Fields for Blanks */
        $enter_your_x_txt = rs_wpss_enter_your_x_txt();
        foreach ($new_fields as $k => $v) {
            $k_uc = rs_wpss_casetrans('upper', $k);
            if (empty($_POST[$k])) {
                $errors->add('empty_' . $k, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . sprintf($enter_your_x_txt . '.', $v));
                $wpss_error_code .= ' R-BLANK-' . $k_uc;
    $bad_robot_filter_data = rs_wpss_bad_robot_blacklist_chk('register', $reg_filter_status, '', '', $user_data['disp_name'], $user_email);
    $reg_filter_status = $bad_robot_filter_data['status'];
    $bad_robot_blacklisted = $bad_robot_filter_data['blacklisted'];
    if (!empty($bad_robot_blacklisted)) {
        $wpss_error_code .= $bad_robot_filter_data['error_code'];
        $reg_badrobot_error = TRUE;
    /* BAD ROBOT TEST - END */
    /* BAD ROBOTS */
    if ($reg_badrobot_error !== FALSE) {
        $err_cod = 'badrobot_error';
        $err_msg = __('User registration is currently not allowed.');
        if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
            $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
        } else {
            $errors->add($err_cod, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $err_msg);
    $wpss_ck_key_bypass = $wpss_js_key_bypass = FALSE;
    $wpss_key_values = rs_wpss_get_key_values();
    $wpss_jsck_cookie_val = !empty($_COOKIE[$wpss_ck_key]) ? $_COOKIE[$wpss_ck_key] : '';
    $wpss_jsck_field_val = !empty($_POST[$wpss_js_key]) ? $_POST[$wpss_js_key] : '';
    $wpss_jsck_jquery_val = !empty($_POST[$wpss_jq_key]) ? $_POST[$wpss_jq_key] : '';
    if (TRUE === WPSS_COMPAT_MODE || defined('WPSS_SOFT_COMPAT_MODE')) {
        /* 1.9.1 */
        $wpss_ck_key_bypass = TRUE;
    if (FALSE === $wpss_ck_key_bypass) {
        /* 1.8.9 */
        /* If jscripts.php is disabled, these would be skipped - Compatibility Mode */
        if ($wpss_jsck_cookie_val !== $wpss_ck_val) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'COOKIE-3';
            $reg_jsck_error = TRUE;
        if ($wpss_jsck_jquery_val !== $wpss_jq_val) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'JQHFT-3';
            $reg_jsck_error = TRUE;
    if (FALSE === $wpss_js_key_bypass) {
        if ($wpss_jsck_field_val !== $wpss_js_val) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'FVFJS-3';
            $reg_jsck_error = TRUE;
    $post_jsonst = !empty($_POST[WPSS_JSONST]) ? trim($_POST[WPSS_JSONST]) : '';
    $post_jsonst_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $post_jsonst);
    if (FALSE === $buddypress_status) {
        if ($post_jsonst_lc === 'ns1' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns2' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns3' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns4' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns5') {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'JSONST-1000-3';
            $reg_jsck_error = TRUE;
    if ($reg_jsck_error !== FALSE && $reg_badrobot_error !== TRUE) {
        $err_cod = 'jsck_error';
        $err_msg = __('JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to register. Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser, and reload the page.', 'wp-spamshield');
        if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
            $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
        } else {
            $errors->add($err_cod, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $err_msg);
    if (FALSE === $wc_status) {
        /* EMAIL BLACKLIST */
        if (rs_wpss_email_blacklist_chk($user_email)) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '9200E-BL';
            if ($reg_badrobot_error !== TRUE && $reg_jsck_error !== TRUE) {
                $err_cod = 'blacklist_email_error';
                $err_msg = __('Sorry, that email address is not allowed!') . ' ' . __('Please enter a valid email address.');
                if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
                    $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
                } else {
                    $errors->add($err_cod, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $err_msg);
    if (FALSE === $buddypress_status && FALSE === $wc_status && FALSE === $s2member_status && FALSE === $affiliates_status) {
        foreach ($user_data as $k => $v) {
            $k_uc = rs_wpss_casetrans('upper', $k);
            if (($k === 'user_login' || $k === 'first_name' || $k === 'last_name' || $k === 'disp_name') && rs_wpss_anchortxt_blacklist_chk($v)) {
                $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '10500A-BL-' . $k_uc;
                if ($reg_badrobot_error !== TRUE && $reg_jsck_error !== TRUE) {
                    $nfk = $new_fields[$k];
                    $errors->add('blacklist_' . $k . '_error', '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . sprintf(__('"%1$s" appears to be spam. Please enter a different value in the <strong> %2$s </strong> field.', 'wp-spamshield'), sanitize_text_field($v), $nfk));
    /* Enhanced Comment Blacklist - R-0-ECBL*/
    if (!empty($spamshield_options['enhanced_comment_blacklist']) && empty($wpss_error_code)) {
        if (rs_wpss_blacklist_check('', $user_email)) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '0-ECBL';
            $err_cod = 'blacklist_ecbl_error';
            $err_msg = __('User registration is currently not allowed.');
            if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
                $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
            } else {
                $errors->add($err_cod, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $err_msg);
    if (FALSE === $wc_status) {
        /* BLACKLISTED USER */
        if (empty($wpss_error_code) && rs_wpss_ubl_cache()) {
            $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '0-BL';
            $err_cod = 'blacklisted_user_error';
            $err_msg = __('User registration is currently not allowed.');
            if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
                $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
            } else {
                $errors->add($err_cod, '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $err_msg);
    /* Done with Tests */
    /* Now Log the Errors, if any */
    $post_ref2xjs = !empty($_POST[WPSS_REF2XJS]) ? trim($_POST[WPSS_REF2XJS]) : '';
    $post_ref2xjs_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $post_ref2xjs);
    if (!empty($post_ref2xjs)) {
        $ref2xJS = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', addslashes(urldecode($post_ref2xjs)));
        $ref2xJS = str_replace('%3a', ':', $ref2xJS);
        $ref2xJS = str_replace(' ', '+', $ref2xJS);
        $wpss_javascript_page_referrer = esc_url_raw($ref2xJS);
    } else {
        $wpss_javascript_page_referrer = '[None]';
    if ($post_jsonst_lc === 'ns1' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns2' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns3' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns4' || $post_jsonst_lc === 'ns5') {
        $wpss_jsonst = $post_jsonst;
    } else {
        $wpss_jsonst = '[None]';
    $user_id = 'None';
    /* Possibly change to '' */
    $register_author_data = array('display_name' => $user_data['disp_name'], 'user_firstname' => $user_data['first_name'], 'user_lastname' => $user_data['last_name'], 'user_email' => $user_email, 'user_login' => $user_login, 'ID' => $user_id, 'comment_author' => $user_data['disp_name'], 'comment_author_email' => $user_email, 'comment_author_url' => '', 'javascript_page_referrer' => $wpss_javascript_page_referrer, 'jsonst' => $wpss_jsonst);
    if (empty($register_author_data['comment_author']) && !empty($user_login)) {
        $register_author_data['comment_author'] = $user_login;
    unset($wpss_javascript_page_referrer, $wpss_jsonst);
    $wpss_error_code = trim($wpss_error_code);
    if (strpos($wpss_error_code, '0-BL') !== FALSE || strpos($wpss_error_code, '0-ECBL') !== FALSE) {
        rs_wpss_append_log_data('Blacklisted user detected. Registration has been temporarily disabled to prevent spam. ERROR CODE: ' . $wpss_error_code, FALSE);
    if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
        if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
            $wpss_error_code = str_replace('R-', 'BPR-', $wpss_error_code);
        } elseif (TRUE === $wc_status) {
            $wpss_error_code = str_replace('R-', 'WCR-', $wpss_error_code);
        } elseif (TRUE === $s2member_status) {
            $wpss_error_code = str_replace('R-', 'S2R-', $wpss_error_code);
        } elseif (TRUE === $wpmembers_status) {
            $wpss_error_code = str_replace('R-', 'WPMR-', $wpss_error_code);
        } elseif (TRUE === $affiliates_status) {
            $wpss_error_code = str_replace('R-', 'AFFR-', $wpss_error_code);
        rs_wpss_update_accept_status($register_author_data, 'r', 'Line: ' . __LINE__, $wpss_error_code);
        if (!empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging'])) {
            rs_wpss_log_data($register_author_data, $wpss_error_code, $log_pref . 'register');
    } elseif (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
        rs_wpss_update_accept_status($register_author_data, 'a', 'Line: ' . __LINE__);
        if (!empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging']) && !empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging_all'])) {
            rs_wpss_log_data($register_author_data, $wpss_error_code, $log_pref . 'register');
    /* Now return the error values, or output error message */
    if (TRUE === $wc_status) {
        $wpss_wc_reg_inprog = FALSE;
    if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
        if (TRUE === $buddypress_status) {
            $error_msg = '';
            foreach ($errors_3p as $c => $m) {
                $error_msg .= '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $m . '<br /><br />' . WPSS_EOL;
            WP_SpamShield::wp_die($error_msg, TRUE);
    } elseif (TRUE === $wc_status) {
        rs_wpss_update_accept_status($register_author_data, 'a', 'Line: ' . __LINE__);
        if (!empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging']) && !empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging_all'])) {
            rs_wpss_log_data($register_author_data, $wpss_error_code, $log_pref . 'register');
    $wpss_reg_err_chk_complete = TRUE;
    return $errors;
 public static function early_post_intercept()
      * SECURITY - Checks all incoming POST requests early for malicious behavior
      * Added
     if ('POST' !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] || rs_wpss_is_local_request() || is_user_logged_in()) {
     global $spamshield_options;
     if (empty($spamshield_options)) {
         $spamshield_options = get_option('spamshield_options');
     if (!empty($spamshield_options['disable_misc_form_shield'])) {
     $url = rs_wpss_get_url();
     $url_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $url);
     $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $req_uri_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $req_uri);
     $epc_filter_status = $wpss_error_code = $log_pref = '';
     $epc_jsck_error = $epc_badrobot_error = FALSE;
     $form_type = 'misc form';
     $pref = 'EPC-';
     $errors_3p = array();
     $error_txt = rs_wpss_error_txt();
     $server_name = WPSS_SERVER_NAME;
     $server_email_domain = rs_wpss_get_email_domain($server_name);
     $epc_serial_post = json_encode($_POST);
     $form_auth_dat = array('comment_author' => '', 'comment_author_email' => '', 'comment_author_url' => '');
     $blocked = FALSE;
     $c = array('name' => '', 'value' => '1', 'expire' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => rs_wpss_get_cookie_domain(), 'secure' => FALSE, 'httponly' => FALSE);
     if (rs_wpss_is_xmlrpc()) {
         if (empty($_POST) || !empty($_GET)) {
             $blocked = TRUE;
         $c['name'] = 'P_XMLRPC';
     if (rs_wpss_is_doing_ajax()) {
         if (empty($_POST) && empty($_GET) || empty($_REQUEST['action'])) {
             $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'FAR1020';
             $err_cod = 'fake_ajax_request_error';
             $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
             $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (rs_wpss_skiddie_ua_check()) {
         $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'UA1004';
         $err_cod = 'badrobot_skiddie_error';
         $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
         $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (rs_wpss_ubl_cache()) {
         if (TRUE === WPSS_IP_BAN_ENABLE && rs_wpss_is_xmlrpc()) {
         $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '0-BL';
         $err_cod = 'blacklisted_user_error';
         $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
         $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (!empty($c['name'])) {
         /* Setting cookie to honeypot bad actors */
         @setcookie($c['name'], $c['value'], $c['expire'], $c['path'], $c['domain'], $c['secure'], $c['httponly']);
     if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
         rs_wpss_update_accept_status($form_auth_dat, 'r', 'Line: ' . __LINE__, $wpss_error_code);
         if (!empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging'])) {
             rs_wpss_log_data($form_auth_dat, $wpss_error_code, $form_type, $epc_serial_post);
     } else {
         rs_wpss_update_accept_status($form_auth_dat, 'a', 'Line: ' . __LINE__);
     /* Now output error message */
     if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
         $error_msg = '';
         foreach ($errors_3p as $c => $m) {
             $error_msg .= '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $m . '<br /><br />' . WPSS_EOL;
         WP_SpamShield::wp_die($error_msg, TRUE);