/** * WP action callback * @return void */ public function actionAdminNotices() { if (!WPML::get('isCompatible')) { $plugin_title = get_admin_page_title(); echo '<div class="error">'; echo sprintf(WPML::__('<p>Error - The plugin <strong>%1$s</strong> requires PHP %2$s + and WP %3$s +.' . ' Please upgrade your PHP and/or WordPress.' . '<br/>Disable the plugin to remove this message.</p>'), $plugin_title, WPML::get('minPhpVersion'), WPML::get('minWpVersion')); echo '</div>'; } if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === WPML::get('adminPage') && is_plugin_active('email-encoder-bundle/email-encoder-bundle.php')) { WPML_View::factory('/admin/notices.php')->show(); } }
/** * Render a view * @param string $file * @param boolean $show * @return string */ protected function renderView($file, $show = false) { return WPML_View::factory($file)->render($show); }