Beispiel #1
 * Calls view function for specific field type.
 * @param type $field
 * @param type $atts
 * @return type
function types_render_field($field_id = null, $params = array(), $content = null, $code = '')
    if (empty($field_id)) {
        return '';
    global $wpcf;
    // HTML var holds actual output
    $html = '';
    // Set post ID to global
    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    // Check if other post required
    if (isset($params['post_id'])) {
        // If numeric value
        if (is_numeric($params['post_id'])) {
            $post_id = intval($params['post_id']);
            // WP parent
        } else {
            if ($params['post_id'] == '$parent') {
                $current_post = get_post($post_id);
                if (empty($current_post->post_parent)) {
                    return '';
                $post_id = $current_post->post_parent;
                // Types parent
            } else {
                if (strpos($params['post_id'], '$') === 0) {
                    $post_id = intval(WPCF_Relationship::get_parent($post_id, trim($params['post_id'], '$')));
    if (empty($post_id)) {
        return '';
    // Set post
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    if (empty($post)) {
        return '';
    // Get field
    $field = types_get_field($field_id);
    // If field not found return empty string
    if (empty($field)) {
        // Log
        if (!function_exists('wplogger')) {
            require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_TOOLSET_ABSPATH . '/toolset-common/wplogger.php';
        global $wplogger;
        $wplogger->log('types_render_field call for missing field \'' . $field_id . '\'', WPLOG_DEBUG);
        return '';
    // Set field
    $wpcf->field->set($post, $field);
    // See if repetitive
    if (types_is_repetitive($field)) {
        $wpcf->repeater->set($post_id, $field);
        $_meta = $wpcf->repeater->_get_meta();
        $meta = $_meta['custom_order'];
        // Sometimes if meta is empty - array(0 => '') is returned
        if (count($meta) == 1 && reset($meta) == '') {
            return '';
        if (!empty($meta)) {
            $output = '';
            if (isset($params['index'])) {
                $index = $params['index'];
            } else {
                $index = '';
            // Allow wpv-for-each shortcode to set the index
            $index = apply_filters('wpv-for-each-index', $index);
            if ($index === '') {
                $output = array();
                foreach ($meta as $temp_key => $temp_value) {
                    $params['field_value'] = $temp_value;
                    $temp_output = types_render_field_single($field, $params, $content, $code, $temp_key);
                    if (!empty($temp_output)) {
                        $output[] = $temp_output;
                if (!empty($output) && isset($params['separator']) && $params['separator'] !== '') {
                    $output = implode(html_entity_decode($params['separator']), $output);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($output)) {
                        $output = implode(' ', $output);
                    } else {
                        return '';
            } else {
                // Make sure indexed right
                $_index = 0;
                foreach ($meta as $temp_key => $temp_value) {
                    if ($_index == $index) {
                        $params['field_value'] = $temp_value;
                        return types_render_field_single($field, $params, $content, $code, $temp_key);
                // If missed index
                return '';
            $html = $output;
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        // Non-repetitive field
        $params['field_value'] = wpcf_get_post_meta($post_id, wpcf_types_get_meta_prefix($field) . $field['slug'], true);
        if ($params['field_value'] == '' && $field['type'] != 'checkbox') {
            return '';
        $html = types_render_field_single($field, $params, $content, $code, $wpcf->field->meta_object->meta_id);
    return $wpcf->field->html($html, $params);
Beispiel #2
  * Renders Thickbox content.
  * Field should provide callback function
  * that will be called automatically.
  * Function should be named like:
  * 'wpcf_fields_' . $field_type . '_editor_callback'
  * e.g. 'wpcf_fields_checkbox__editor_callback'
  * Function should return array with elements:
  * 'supports' - parameters or other feature supported, e.g. 'styling' will
  *     enable 'Styling' options
  * Tabs is array with elements:
  * 'menu_title' - used for menu title
  * 'title' - used for main title
  * 'content' - HTML content of tab
  * @param type $field
  * @param type $meta_type
  * @param type $post_id
  * @param string $shortcode
 function frame($field, $meta_type = 'postmeta', $post_id = -1, $shortcode = null, $callback = false, $views_usermeta = false)
     global $wp_version, $wpcf;
     // Queue rendering JS settings
     add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'renderTedSettings'), 1);
     // Load cloned WP Media Modal CSS
     if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.5', '<')) {
     $this->field = $field;
     $this->_meta_type = $meta_type;
     $this->_post = get_post($post_id);
     $this->_settings = is_null($shortcode) ? array() : $this->shortcodeToParameters($shortcode);
     $this->callback = $callback;
     $this->_data = array('meta_type' => $meta_type, 'field' => $field, 'field_type_data' => WPCF_Fields::getFieldTypeData($field['type']), 'settings' => array(), 'tabs' => array(), 'supports' => array(), 'post' => $this->_post, 'post_types' => get_post_types(array('show_ui' => true)), 'style' => isset($this->_settings['style']) ? $this->_settings['style'] : '', 'class' => isset($this->_settings['class']) ? $this->_settings['class'] : '', 'output' => 'html', 'user_form' => '');
     // Set title if updated
     if (!is_null($shortcode)) {
         $this->_data['title'] = sprintf(__('Update %s', 'wpcf'), $this->_data['field_type_data']['title']);
         $this->_data['submit_button_title'] = __('Update shortcode', 'wpcf');
     // Exclude post types
     foreach ($wpcf->excluded_post_types as $_post_type) {
      * Callback
     $function = 'wpcf_fields_' . $field['type'] . '_editor_callback';
     if (function_exists($function)) {
         // Main callback
         $callback = call_user_func($function, $field, $this->_settings, $this->_meta_type, $this->_post);
         // Add supports
         if (!empty($callback['supports']) && is_array($callback['supports'])) {
             $this->_data['supports'] = $callback['supports'];
         // Add tabs
         if (!empty($callback['tabs']) && is_array($callback['tabs'])) {
             $this->_data['tabs'] = $callback['tabs'];
         // Unify settings
         if (!empty($callback['settings']) && is_array($callback['settings'])) {
             $this->_settings = array_merge($this->_settings, self::sanitizeParams($callback['settings'], 'array'));
     // If no tabs
     if (empty($this->_data['tabs'])) {
         $this->_data['tabs']['display'] = array('menu_title' => __('Display', 'wpcf'), 'title' => __('Display', 'wpcf'), 'content' => sprintf(__('There are no additional display options for the %s field.', 'wpcf'), $this->_data['field_type_data']['title']));
     // Add User ID form
     if ($this->_meta_type == 'usermeta') {
         if (!$views_usermeta) {
             $this->_data['user_form'] = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_get_usermeta_form_addon($this->_settings));
             $this->_data['supports'][] = 'user_id';
     } else {
         // Add Post ID form
         $this->_data['supports'][] = 'post_id';
     // Get parents
     if (!empty($this->_post->ID)) {
         $this->_data['parents'] = WPCF_Relationship::get_parents($this->_post);
     // Set icons
     $icons = array('audio' => 'icon-music', 'checkbox' => 'icon-check', 'checkboxes' => 'icon-checkboxes', 'colorpicker' => 'icon-tint', 'date' => 'icon-calendar', 'email' => 'icon-envelope-alt', 'embed' => 'icon-youtube-play', 'file' => 'icon-file-alt', 'image' => 'icon-picture', 'map' => 'icon-map-marker', 'numeric' => 'icon-numeric', 'phone' => 'icon-phone', 'radio' => 'icon-radio-button', 'select' => 'icon-select-box', 'skype' => 'icon-skype', 'textarea' => 'icon-text-area', 'textfield' => 'icon-text-field', 'url' => 'icon-link', 'video' => 'icon-film', 'wysiwyg' => 'icon-wysiwyg');
     $this->_data['icon_class'] = isset($icons[$field['type']]) ? $icons[$field['type']] : 'icon-text-field';
     // Is repetitive
     $this->_data['is_repetitive'] = (bool) types_is_repetitive($field);
     if ($this->_data['is_repetitive']) {
         $this->_data['supports'][] = 'separator';
     // Render header
     // Check if submitted
     // Render form
     echo '<form method="post" action="" id="types-editor-modal-form">';
     echo WPCF_Loader::view('editor-modal-window', $this->_data);
     wp_nonce_field('types_editor_frame', '__types_editor_nonce');
     echo '</form>';
     // Render footer