Beispiel #1
  public static function options_form( $options ) {

    $html = "";
    $limit = self::get_filesize_limit();

    $limit_mb = WOOF_File::format_filesize($limit, "MB", false);

    $defaults = array(
      "filename_case" => "lowercase",
      "filename_sanitize" => "dashes",
      "allowed_types" => array("csv","doc","docx","gz","m4a", "md", "pdf","pps","ppt","pptx","psd","rar","rtf","swf","txt","vcf","xls","xlsx","xml","zip")

    $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );
    $p = self::type_prefix(__CLASS__);

    $allowed_maxsize = self::option_value($options, "allowed_maxsize");
    $allowed_types = self::option_value($options, "allowed_types");

    $allowed_field = implode(",", $allowed_types);

    $allowed_types_label = __("Allowed File Types:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_maxsize_label = __("Maximum Size:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $allowed_field_label = __("More Allowed Types:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_field_note = __("Separate file extensions that you would like to allow with commas.<br /><strong>Important:</strong> in the interests of security, take care to avoid file types that are executable on your server that may be exploitable by malicious users.<br /><br />Alternatively, you can populate the list by selecting from the list of typical field types below:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_label = __("File Name Handling", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $filename_label_note = __("specify how file names should be sanitized on upload", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_sanitize_label = __("Sanitize file name:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $filename_sanitize_note = __("Sanitization removes special characters and replaces word boundaries with the specified character", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_case_label = __("Change case to:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_case_select = WOOF_HTML::select(
      array("id" => $p."filename_case", "name" => "type_options[filename_case]"), 
        "lower-case" => "lowercase", 
        "Title-Case" => "titlecase", 
        "UPPER-CASE" => "uppercase", 
        "Preserve (No Change)" => "none"

    $filename_sanitize_select = WOOF_HTML::select(
      array("id" => $p."filename_sanitize", "name" => "type_options[filename_sanitize]"), 
        __("With Dashes ( - )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "dashes", 
        __("With Underscores ( _ )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "underscores", 
        __("None (Don't Sanitize)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "none"

    $allowed_maxsize_note = __("( MB )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_maxsize_blank_note = sprintf(__("This value <strong>cannot exceed</strong> the maximum upload size<br />for your server, which is currently set to <strong>%s</strong>.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), WOOF_File::format_filesize($limit, "MB", true, "&nbsp;"));

    $allowed_label = __("File Restrictions", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_label_note = __("restrict allowable files by type and file size", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    // setup variables to insert into the heredoc string
    // (this is required where we cannot call functions within heredoc strings)

    $html .= <<<HTML

    <div class="filename-handling-wrap">

    <h4><i class="highlighter"></i>{$filename_label}<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;{$filename_label_note}</span></h4>

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}filename_sanitize">{$filename_sanitize_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}filename_sanitize" class="fw">
        <p class="note">{$filename_sanitize_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}filename_case">{$filename_case_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}filename_case" class="fw">
    <!-- /.f -->


    <div class="allowed-wrap divider">

    <h4><i class="warning-shield"></i>{$allowed_label}<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;{$allowed_label_note}</span></h4>

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}allowed_maxsize">{$allowed_maxsize_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}allowed_maxsize" class="fw">
        <input id="{$p}allowed_maxsize" name="type_options[allowed_maxsize]" type="text" maxlength="4" value="{$allowed_maxsize}" class="text" /><span class="note">{$allowed_maxsize_note}</span>
        <p class="note">{$allowed_maxsize_blank_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f f-allowed-types">
      <p class="label">{$allowed_types_label}</p>
      <div class="fw">

      <div class="clearfix">
      <textarea id="{$p}allowed_field" class="mono" name="allowed_field">{$allowed_field}</textarea>
      <p id="allowed-field-note" class="note">{$allowed_field_note}</p>

      <div id="{$p}allowed-types-wrap">

      foreach (WOOF_File::file_type_categories() as $header => $exts) {

        $html .= '<div class="file-category">';
        $html .= "<h5>".$header."</h5>";

        $file_types_items = array();

        $proxy = "";

        if ($header == "Camera RAW Files") {
          $proxy = "file-type-raw";

        foreach ($exts as $ext) {
          $file_types_items[ self::file_type_label($ext, $proxy) ] = $ext;

        $html .= WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "type_options[allowed_types][]", $p."allowed-types-", $file_types_items, $allowed_types, WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div")); 

        $html .= '<div class="controls"><button type="button" class="button button-small select-all">Select All</button><button type="button" class="button button-small select-none">Select None</button></div>';

        $html .= '</div>';

      $html .= <<<HTML

      <div id="{$p}allowed-types-custom">
    <!-- /.f -->



    return $html;

Beispiel #2
  public static function options_form( $options ) {

    $mfs = WOOF_File::to_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
    $mps = WOOF_File::to_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));

    $html = "";
    $limit = self::get_filesize_limit();

    $limit_mb = WOOF_File::format_filesize($limit, "MB", false);

    $defaults = array(
      "filename_case" => "lowercase",
      "filename_sanitize" => "dashes",
      "filename_dashes_underscores" => "dashes",
      "allowed_maxsize" => $limit_mb,
      "allowed_types" => array("jpg","jpeg","png","gif")

    $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );
    $p = self::type_prefix(__CLASS__);

    $allowed_types_label = __("Allowed File Types:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_maxsize_label = __("Maximum Size:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_label = __("File Name Handling", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $filename_label_note = __("specify how file names should be sanitized on upload", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_sanitize_label = __("Sanitize file name:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $filename_sanitize_note = __("Sanitization removes special characters and replaces word boundaries with the specified character", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_case_label = __("Change case to:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $filename_case_select = WOOF_HTML::select(
      array("id" => $p."filename_case", "name" => "type_options[filename_case]"), 
        "lower-case" => "lowercase", 
        "Title-Case" => "titlecase",
        "UPPER-CASE" => "uppercase",
        "Preserve (No Change)" => "none"

    $filename_sanitize_select = WOOF_HTML::select(
      array("id" => $p."filename_sanitize", "name" => "type_options[filename_sanitize]"), 
        __("With Dashes ( - )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "dashes", 
        __("With Underscores ( _ )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "underscores", 
        __("None (Don't Sanitize)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "none"

    $allowed_maxsize_note = __("( MB )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_maxsize_blank_note = sprintf(__("This value <strong>cannot exceed</strong> the maximum upload size<br />for your server, which is currently set to <strong>%s</strong>.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), WOOF_File::format_filesize($limit, "MB", true, "&nbsp;"));

    $allowed_label = __("File Restrictions", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allowed_label_note = __("restrict allowable files by type and file size", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $allowed_types_note = __("The image field type is intended only for images that are displayable on a website.<br />For other image types, use the <em>file</em> field type instead", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);


    foreach (array("jpg","jpeg","png","gif") as $ext) {
      $file_types_items[ MPFT_File::file_type_label($ext) ] = $ext;

    $allowed_types_checkboxes = WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "type_options[allowed_types][]", $p."allowed-types-", $file_types_items, $options["allowed_types"], WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div")); 

    // setup variables to insert into the heredoc string
    // (this is required where we cannot call functions within heredoc strings)

    $html .= <<<HTML

    <div class="filename-handling-wrap">

    <h4><i class="highlighter"></i>{$filename_label}<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;{$filename_label_note}</span></h4>

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}filename_sanitize">{$filename_sanitize_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}filename_sanitize" class="fw">
        <p class="note">{$filename_sanitize_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}filename_case">{$filename_case_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}filename_case" class="fw">
    <!-- /.f -->


    <div class="allowed-wrap divider">

    <h4><i class="warning-shield"></i>{$allowed_label}<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;{$allowed_label_note}</span></h4>

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}allowed_maxsize">{$allowed_maxsize_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}allowed_maxsize" class="fw">
        <input id="{$p}allowed_maxsize" name="type_options[allowed_maxsize]" type="text" maxlength="4" value="{$options['allowed_maxsize']}" class="text" /><span class="note">{$allowed_maxsize_note}</span>
        <p class="note">{$allowed_maxsize_blank_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f f-allowed-types">
      <p class="label">{$allowed_types_label}</p>
      <div class="fw">
      <div class="controls"><button type="button" class="button button-small select-all">Select All</button><button type="button" class="button button-small select-none">Select None</button></div>
      <p class="note">{$allowed_types_note}</p>

    <!-- /.f -->



    return $html;

  public static function options_form( $options ) {

    global $wf;

    $defaults = array();

    if (MPC::is_create()) {
      $defaults = array("maxwidth" => 580, "height" => 200);

    $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );

    $p = self::type_prefix(__CLASS__);

    // setup variables to insert into the heredoc string
    // (this is required since we cannot call functions within heredoc strings)

    $user_roles_label = __("Available User Roles:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $user_roles_note = __("Specify the user roles available for selection in the field control", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $user_roles_items = array();

    $user_roles = get_editable_roles();

    foreach ($wf->roles() as $role) {
      $user_roles_items[$role->name()] = $role->id();

    $user_roles_checkboxes = WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "type_options[user_roles][]", $p."user-roles-", $user_roles_items, self::option_value($options, "user_roles"), WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div")); 

    $basic = MPFT::options_select_basic( $p, $options );
    $multi_layout = MPFT::options_select_multi_layout( $p, $options );
    $control_style = MPFT::options_select_control_style( $p, $options );
    $maxwidth = MPFT::options_maxwidth( $p, $options );
    $height = MPFT::options_height( $p, $options );
    $placeholder = MPFT::options_placeholder($p, $options);

    $control_selections_label = __("Selection Display - <span>settings for the display of the selected user roles</span>", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); 

$html = <<<HTML


    <div class="f f-user-roles">
      <p class="label">{$user_roles_label}</p>
      <div class="fw">

      <div id="{$p}user-roles-wrap">

      <div id="{$p}user-roles-controls" class="controls">
        <button type="button" class="button button-small select-all">Select All</button>
        <button type="button" class="button button-small select-none">Select None</button>
      <!-- /.controls -->

      <p class="note">{$user_roles_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->


    <div id="{$p}control-selections-wrap" class="divider">
    <h4><i class="buttons"></i>{$control_selections_label}</h4>  

    return $html;

Beispiel #4
  public static function ui( MEOW_Field $field ) {

    // $field here is a MEOW_Field, which is a class that encapsulates the value of a field AND the info associated with it

    $options = $field->info->type_options;

    $select_none_label = __("Select None", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $select_all_label = __("Select All", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $disabled = WOOF_HTML::disabled_attr(!$field->is_editable());
    $field_value = $field->value();
    if (!is_array($field_value)) {
      $field_value = array();
    $selected_values = $field_value;

    $values = WOOF_HTML::option_values($options["values"]);

    self::$values_keys = array();

    if (!$field->blank()) {
      // populate the values
      $selected_values = array();

      foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        if (in_array($value, $field_value)) {
          self::$values_keys[] = $key; // cache the keys for the summary, so we don't have to look them up again!
          $selected_values[] = $value;


    $hidden = "";
    $buttons = "";
    $checkbox_name = "{{name}}[]";
    $checkbox_id = "{{id}}";
    if (!$field->is_editable()) {
      $hidden_name = $checkbox_name;
      $hidden_id = $checkbox_id;

      $checkbox_name = "display_".$checkbox_name;
      $checkbox_id = "display_".$checkbox_id;
      foreach ($selected_values as $value) {
        $hidden .= '<input id="'.$hidden_id.'" name="'.$hidden_name.'" value="'.$value.'" type="hidden" />';
    } else {
      $buttons = <<<HTML
      <div class="buttons">
        <button type="button" class="button button-small check-all">{$select_all_label}</button>
        <button type="button" class="button button-small uncheck-all">{$select_none_label}</button>

    $checkboxes = WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "{{name}}[]", "{{id}}", $values, $selected_values, WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div"), !$field->is_editable()); 

    $html = <<<HTML

    <div class="f">
      <div class="fw">


    return $html;

Beispiel #5
  public static function options_form( $options ) {

    global $wf;

    global $meow_provider;

    $defaults = array();

    if (MPC::is_create()) {
      $defaults = array("maxwidth" => 580, "height" => 200);

    $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );

    $p = self::type_prefix(__CLASS__);

    // setup variables to insert into the heredoc string
    // (this is required since we cannot call functions within heredoc strings)

    $user_roles_label = __("Available User Roles:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $user_roles_note = __("Specify the roles that users must have to be available for selection in the field control", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $user_roles_items = array();

    $user_roles = $wf->roles();

    $user_roles_selected = array();
    foreach ($user_roles as $role) {
      $user_roles_selected[] = $role->id();
      $user_roles_items[$role->name()] = $role->id();

    if (!MPC::is_create()) {
      $user_roles_selected = self::option_value($options, "user_roles");  
    $user_roles_checkboxes = WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "type_options[user_roles][]", $p."user-roles-", $user_roles_items, $user_roles_selected, WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div")); 

    $ex_label = __("Details", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $title_label = __("Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $results_row_style = MPFT::options_select_results_row_style( $p, $options, array("excerpt" => $ex_label, "title" => $title_label ) );

    $basic = MPFT::options_select_basic( $p, $options );
    $multi_layout = MPFT::options_select_multi_layout( $p, $options );
    $control_style = MPFT::options_select_control_style( $p, $options );
    $maxwidth = MPFT::options_maxwidth( $p, $options );
    $grouping = MPFT::options_select_grouping( $p, $options, __("Role", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) );
    $results_input_length = MPFT::options_input_text( $p, $options, "results_input_length", __("Minimum Input Length", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), __("Enter the number of characters required before any results are displayed.<br />This is useful for large numbers of posts, where performance may become poor.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN));

    $control_options_label = __("Control Options", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); 
    $control_results_label = __("Results Display - <span>settings for the display of the available users</span>", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); 
    $control_selections_label = __("Selection Display - <span>settings for the display of the selected users</span>", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); 

    $placeholder = MPFT::options_placeholder($p, $options);

// build a taxonomies grid
    $results_row_item_prop_label = __("Row Item Properties:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $results_row_item_prop_note = __("Defines the user properties used to derive the info shown in result rows.<br /><b>Note: </b>Details and images will be truncated / resized automatically.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $row_style = self::option_value($options, "row_style", "icon_title");

    $grid  = WOOF_HTML::open("table", "class=grid mini not-selectable grid-row-item-prop&cellspacing=0");
      $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("thead");
        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("th", "class=icon user-role", WOOF_HTML::tag("i", "class=user-role", "") . WOOF_HTML::tag("span", null, __("User Role", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)));
        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("th", "class=icon title", WOOF_HTML::tag("i", "class=title-bar", "") . WOOF_HTML::tag("span", null, $title_label));
        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("th", "class=".(($row_style == "icon_title" || $row_style == "image_title") ? "disabled " : "")."icon excerpt", WOOF_HTML::tag("i", "class=content-bar", "") . WOOF_HTML::tag("span", null, $ex_label));
        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("th", "class=".(($row_style == "icon_title" || $row_style == "icon_title_excerpt") ? "disabled " : "")."icon image", WOOF_HTML::tag("i", "class=image", "") . WOOF_HTML::tag("span", null, __("Image", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)));

      $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("thead");

      $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("tbody");
      $count = 1;
      foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
        $classes = array("user-role-".$user_role->id);
        if ($count == 1) {
          $classes[] = "first";
        $attr = array("class" => implode(" ", $classes));
        if (!in_array($user_role->id, $user_roles_selected)) {
          $attr["style"] = "display: none;";

        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("tr", $attr);

          $span = WOOF_HTML::tag("span", array(), $user_role->name());
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("td", "class=first user-role", $span);
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("td", "class=title");
            $default = "full_name";
            $value = isset($options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["title"]) ? $options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["title"] : $default;
            if ($value == "") {
              $value = $default;
            $input_attr = array(
              "type" => "text",
              "name" => "type_options[result_row_prop][".$user_role->id."][title]",
              "class" => "text",
              "value" => $value

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("div");

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("input", $input_attr);

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag(
                "type" => "button",
                "class" => "ir",
                "data-dialog" => "dialog-user-role-".$user_role->id,
                "data-filter" => "text",
                "title" => __("Select Field", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("div");

          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("td");
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("td", "class=excerpt".(($row_style == "icon_title" || $row_style == "image_title") ? " disabled" : ""));

            $default = "role_name";
            $value = isset($options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["excerpt"]) ? $options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["excerpt"] : $default;
            if ($value == "") {
              $value = $default;

            $input_attr = array(
              "type" => "text",
              "name" => "type_options[result_row_prop][".$user_role->id."][excerpt]",
              "class" => "text",
              "value" => $value

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("div");

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("input", $input_attr);
            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag(
                "type" => "button",
                "class" => "ir",
                "data-dialog" => "dialog-user-role-".$user_role->id,
                "data-filter" => "text",
                "title" => __("Select Field", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("div");
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("td");
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("td", "class=image".(($row_style == "icon_title" || $row_style == "icon_title_excerpt") ? " disabled" : ""));

            $default = "avatar";
            $value = isset($options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["image"]) ? $options["result_row_prop"][$user_role->id]["image"] : $default;
            if ($value == "") {
              $value = $default;
            $input_attr = array(
              "type" => "text",
              "name" => "type_options[result_row_prop][".$user_role->id."][image]",
              "class" => "text",
              "value" => $value

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::open("div");

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag("input", $input_attr);
            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::tag(
                "type" => "button",
                "class" => "ir",
                "data-dialog" => "dialog-user-role-".$user_role->id,
                "data-filter" => "image",
                "title" => __("Select Field", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)

            $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("div");
          $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("td");

        $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("tr");

      $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("tbody");
    $grid .= WOOF_HTML::close("table");

    // build dialogs for selecting row properties in the grid
    $dialogs = "";
    foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
      $dialogs .= WOOF_HTML::open(
          "class" => "wp-dialog dialog dialog-fields",
          "id" => "dialog-user-role-".$user_role->id,
          "data-title" => __("Select a Field", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)
      $fs = $meow_provider->user_role_field_sets($user_role->id);

      $field_options = array();
      $field_options[""] = "";

      $field_options_attr = array("");

      $field_options[__("( Built-in Fields )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)] = array(
        "options" => array(
          __("Full Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "full_name",
          __("Role Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "role_name",
          __("Login", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "login",
          __("Email", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "email",
          __("Avatar", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "feature_image"
        "options_attr" => array(
          array("data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-text-box", "class" => "text"),
          array("data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-text-box", "class" => "text"),
          array("data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-text-box", "class" => "text"),
          array("data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-text-box", "class" => "text"),
          array("data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-image", "class" => "image")

      foreach ($fs as $set) {
        $fo = array();
        $fo_attr = array();
        foreach ($set->fields() as $field) {

          if ($type_class = MPFT::type_class($field->type)) {
            $image = call_user_func( array($type_class, "supports_image") ) ? " image" : "";
            $text = call_user_func( array($type_class, "supports_text") ) ? " text" : "";

            $fo[$field->display_label()] = $set->name.".".$field->name;
            $fo_attr[] = $field_options_attr[] = array("class" => $image.$text, "data-icon" => "mp-icon mp-icon-field-type-".$field->type);

          $field_options[$set->display_label()] = array("options" => $fo, "options_attr" => $fo_attr);


      $dialogs .= WOOF_HTML::select(array("name" => "add-field-column-field-sets", "class" => "with-icons select2-source", "data-placeholder" => __("-- Select a Field --", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)), $field_options, "", $field_options_attr);
      $dialogs .= WOOF_HTML::close("div");
$html = <<<HTML


    <div class="f f-user-roles">
      <p class="label">{$user_roles_label}</p>
      <div class="fw">

      <div id="{$p}user-roles-wrap">

      <div id="{$p}user-roles-controls" class="controls">
        <button type="button" class="button button-small select-all">Select All</button>
        <button type="button" class="button button-small select-none">Select None</button>
      <!-- /.controls -->

      <p class="note">{$user_roles_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->


    <div class="divider">
    <h4><i class="menu-gray"></i>{$control_results_label}</h4>  
    <div id="{$p}results-row-item-prop-f" class="results-row-item-prop-f f">
    <p class="label">{$results_row_item_prop_label}</p> 
    <div class="fw">
      <p class="note">{$results_row_item_prop_note}</p> 
    <!-- /.f -->
    <div id="{$p}control-selections-wrap" class="divider">
    <h4><i class="buttons"></i>{$control_selections_label}</h4>  

    return $html;

Beispiel #6
  public static function options_form( $options ) {

    $defaults = array();

    if (MPC::is_create()) {
      $defaults = array(
          "buttons" => "select_all,select_none",
          "width" => 400, 
          "height" => 160,
          "allow_multiple" => "yes" 

    $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );

    $p = self::type_prefix(__CLASS__);

    // setup variables to insert into the heredoc string
    // (this is required where we cannot call functions within heredoc strings)

    $maxwidth_label = __("Maximum Width:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $height_label = __("Height:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $height_note = __("(pixels)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $maxwidth_note = __("(pixels)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $maxwidth = self::option_value($options, "maxwidth");
    $values = self::option_value($options, "values");
    $default_value = self::option_value($options, "default_value");
    $buttons = self::option_value($options, "buttons");
    $height = self::option_value($options, "height");

    $allow_multiple_label = __("Multiple Selections?:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $allow_multiple_checked_attr = WOOF_HTML::checked_attr( $options["allow_multiple"] == "yes" );

    $values_label = __("Choices:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $values_note = __('Specify the labels for each choice on separate lines. To use a different underlying <span class="tt">value</span> for any of the choices,<br /> use the form <strong><span class="tt">label = value</span></strong>. To create a group of choices, prefix the line you wish to use as a group label with <span class="tt">--</span> (group labels are not selectable)', MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $default_value_label = __("Default State:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $default_value_note = __("Use the preview of your control above to setup the default state", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);

    $buttons_label = __("Selection Buttons:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN);
    $buttons_checkboxes = WOOF_HTML::input_checkbox_group( "type_options[buttons][]", $p."buttons-", array("Select All" => "select_all", "Select None" => "select_none"), $buttons, WOOF_HTML::open("div", "class=fwi"), WOOF_HTML::close("div")); 

    $default_value_attr = array( "id" => $p."default-value", "name" => "type_options[default_value][]" );

    if ($options["allow_multiple"] == "yes") {
      $default_value_attr["multiple"] = "multiple";
    } else {
      $default_value_attr["size"] = 2;

    $default_value_select = WOOF_HTML::select( 
      WOOF_HTML::option_values($values, "", true),

    $html = <<<HTML

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}values">{$values_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}values" class="fw">
        <textarea id="{$p}values" class="mono" name="type_options[values]">{$values}</textarea>
        <p class="note">{$values_note}</p>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}maxwidth">{$maxwidth_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}maxwidth" class="fw">
        <input id="{$p}maxwidth" type="text" name="type_options[maxwidth]" maxlength="4" value="{$maxwidth}" class="text" /><span class="note">{$maxwidth_note}</span>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}height">{$height_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}height" class="fw">
        <input id="{$p}height" type="text" name="type_options[height]" value="{$height}" class="text" /><span class="note">{$height_note}</span>
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div class="f">
      <label for="{$p}allow-multiple">{$allow_multiple_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}allow-multiple" class="fw">
        <input id="{$p}allow-multiple" name="type_options[allow_multiple]" type="checkbox" {$allow_multiple_checked_attr} value="yes" class="checkbox" />
    <!-- /.f -->

    <div id="{$p}default-value-f" class="f">
      <label for="{$p}default-value">{$default_value_label}</label>
      <div id="fw-{$p}default-value" class="fw">

        <div class="preview">
          <div id="{$p}default-value-controls" class="controls">
            <button type="button" class="button button-small select-all">Select All</button>
            <button type="button" class="button button-small select-none">Select None</button>
          <!-- /.controls -->

        <p class="note">{$default_value_note}</p>

    <!-- /.f -->


    return $html;
