public function display($id)
        $form_maker_front_end = "";
        $result = $this->model->showform($id);
        if (!$result) {
        $ok = $this->model->savedata($result[0], $id);
        if (is_numeric($ok)) {
        $row = $result[0];
        $label_id = $result[2];
        $label_type = $result[3];
        $form_theme = $result[4];
        if (isset($_SESSION['cfm_form_submit_type' . $id])) {
            $type_and_id = $_SESSION['cfm_form_submit_type' . $id];
            $type_and_id = explode(',', $type_and_id);
            $form_get_type = $type_and_id[0];
            $form_get_id = isset($type_and_id[1]) ? $type_and_id[1] : '';
            $_SESSION['cfm_form_submit_type' . $id] = 0;
            if ($form_get_type == 3) {
                $_SESSION['cfm_massage_after_submit' . $id] = "";
                $after_submission_text = $this->model->get_after_submission_text($form_get_id);
                require_once WD_CFM_DIR . '/framework/WDW_CFM_Library.php';
                $form_maker_front_end .= WDW_CFM_Library::message(wpautop(html_entity_decode($after_submission_text)), 'warning', $id);
                return $form_maker_front_end;
        if (isset($_SESSION['cfm_massage_after_submit' . $id]) && $_SESSION['cfm_massage_after_submit' . $id] != "") {
            $message = $_SESSION['cfm_massage_after_submit' . $id];
            $_SESSION['cfm_massage_after_submit' . $id] = "";
            if ($_SESSION['cfm_error_or_no' . $id]) {
                $error = 'error';
            } else {
                $error = 'warning';
            require_once WD_CFM_DIR . '/framework/WDW_CFM_Library.php';
            $form_maker_front_end .= WDW_CFM_Library::message($message, $error, $id);
        if (isset($_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id])) {
            if ($_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id] == 1) {
                $_SESSION['show_submit_text' . $id] = 0;
                $form_maker_front_end .= $row->submit_text;
        $new_form_theme = explode('{', $form_theme);
        $count_after_explod_theme = count($new_form_theme);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_after_explod_theme; $i++) {
            $body_or_classes[$i] = explode('}', $new_form_theme[$i]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_after_explod_theme; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $body_or_classes[$i][0] = ".contactform" . $id . ' ' . str_replace(',', ", .contactform" . $id, $body_or_classes[$i][0]);
            } else {
                $body_or_classes[$i][1] = ".contactform" . $id . ' ' . str_replace(',', ", .contactform" . $id, $body_or_classes[$i][1]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_after_explod_theme; $i++) {
            $body_or_classes_implode[$i] = implode('}', $body_or_classes[$i]);
        $form_theme = implode('{', $body_or_classes_implode);
        $form_maker_front_end .= '<style class="cfm_style">' . str_replace('[SITE_ROOT]', WD_CFM_URL, $form_theme) . '</style>';
        $check_js = '';
        $onload_js = '';
        $onsubmit_js = '';
        $form_maker_front_end .= '<form name="contactform' . $id . '" action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" id="contactform' . $id . '" class="contactform' . $id . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="check_required(\'submit\', \'' . $id . '\'); return false;">
      <input type="hidden" id="counter' . $id . '" value="' . $row->counter . '" name="counter' . $id . '" />
      <input type="hidden" id="Itemid' . $id . '" value="" name="Itemid' . $id . '" />';
        $is_type = array();
        $id1s = array();
        $types = array();
        $labels = array();
        $paramss = array();
        $required_sym = $row->requiredmark;
        $fields = explode('*:*new_field*:*', $row->form_fields);
        $fields = array_slice($fields, 0, count($fields) - 1);
        $disabled_fields = explode(',', $row->disabled_fields);
        $disabled_fields = array_slice($disabled_fields, 0, count($disabled_fields) - 1);
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $temp = explode('*:*id*:*', $field);
            array_push($id1s, $temp[0]);
            $temp = explode('*:*type*:*', $temp[1]);
            array_push($types, $temp[0]);
            $temp = explode('*:*w_field_label*:*', $temp[1]);
            array_push($labels, $temp[0]);
            array_push($paramss, $temp[1]);
        $form_id = $id;
        if ($row->autogen_layout == 0) {
            $form = $row->custom_front;
        } else {
            $form = $row->form_front;
        foreach ($id1s as $id1s_key => $id1) {
            $label = $labels[$id1s_key];
            $type = $types[$id1s_key];
            $params = $paramss[$id1s_key];
            if (strpos($form, '%' . $id1 . ' - ' . $label . '%') || strpos($form, '%' . $id1 . ' -' . $label . '%')) {
                $rep = '';
                $required = FALSE;
                $param = array();
                $param['attributes'] = '';
                $is_type[$type] = TRUE;
                if (!in_array($id1, $disabled_fields)) {
                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'type_section_break':
                            $params_names = array('w_editor');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            $rep = '<div type="type_section_break" class="wdform-field-section-break"><div class="wdform_section_break">' . html_entity_decode($param['w_editor']) . '</div></div>';
                        case 'type_editor':
                            $params_names = array('w_editor');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            $rep = '<div type="type_editor" class="wdform-field">' . html_entity_decode($param['w_editor']) . '</div>';
                        case 'type_send_copy':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_required');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == 'true' ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            $post_value = isset($_POST["counter" . $form_id]) ? $_POST["counter" . $form_id] : NULL;
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                $post_temp = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id] : NULL;
                                $input_active = isset($post_temp) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_send_copy" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label"><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '">' . $label . '</label></span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div>
              <div class="wdform-element-section" style="min-width:inherit !important; ' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '" >
                <div class="checkbox-div" style="left:3px">
                <input type="checkbox" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" ' . $input_active . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '/>
                <label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '"></label>
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
              if (!jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").is(":checked")) {
                jQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_send_copy_' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"1\\" />").appendTo("#contactform' . $form_id . '");
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0) {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                    return false;
                        case 'type_text':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique');
                            $temp = $params;
                            if (strpos($temp, 'w_regExp_status') > -1) {
                                $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_regExp_status', 'w_regExp_value', 'w_regExp_common', 'w_regExp_arg', 'w_regExp_alert', 'w_unique');
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id] : $param['w_first_val'];
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] + 10 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $param['w_regExp_status'] = isset($param['w_regExp_status']) ? $param['w_regExp_status'] : "no";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_text" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"  ><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $param['w_title'] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
                    old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( jQuery(this).val()!="" ) jQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else jQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
                    return false;
                            if ($param['w_regExp_status'] == 'yes') {
                                $check_js .= '
				       	  var RegExpression = "";
					        var rules = unescape("' . $param["w_regExp_value"] . '");
  		      	    ("' . $param["w_regExp_arg"] . '".length <= 0) ?  RegExpression = new RegExp(rules) : RegExpression = new RegExp(rules' . ', "' . $param["w_regExp_arg"] . '");
			        	  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val().length > 0) {
                    if (RegExpression.test(jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()) != true) {
                      alert(" ' . $param["w_regExp_alert"] . ' ");
                      old_bg = x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                      x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass("form-error");
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( jQuery(this).val()!="" ) jQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else jQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
                      return false;
                        case 'type_number':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id] : $param['w_first_val'];
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] + 10 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_number" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $param['w_title'] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
                    old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( jQuery(this).val()!="" ) jQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else jQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
                    return false;
                        case 'type_password':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] + 10 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_password" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="password" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
                    old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").focus();
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").change(function() { if( jQuery(this).val()!="" ) jQuery(this).removeClass("form-error"); else jQuery(this).addClass("form-error");});
                    return false;
                        case 'type_textarea':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size_w', 'w_size_h', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_first_val'] = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id] : $param['w_first_val'];
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size_w'] + 10 : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size_w']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display:block;";
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_textarea" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size_w'] . 'px"><textarea class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%; height: ' . $param['w_size_h'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_first_val'] . '</textarea></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $param['w_title'] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
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                        case 'type_wdeditor':
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
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                    return false;
                        case 'type_phone':
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                            $temp = $params;
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                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_phone" class="wdform-field" style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label" >' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '
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                <div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;">
                  <div class="wdform_line" style="margin: 0px 4px 10px 4px; padding: 0px;">-</div>
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div>
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[0] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[1] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
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                    return false;
                        case 'type_name':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_size', 'w_name_format', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
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                                $param['w_first_val'] = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_title' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_title' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[0]) . '***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[1]) . '***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[2]) . '***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_middle' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_middle' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[3]);
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                                if (isset($element_first)) {
                                    $param['w_first_val'] = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[0]) . '***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id] : $w_first_val[1]);
                            $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $w_first_val = explode('***', $param['w_first_val']);
                            $w_title = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                            if ($param['w_name_format'] == 'normal') {
                                $w_name_format = '
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div>
                <div style="display:table-cell;"><div style="margin: 0px 8px; padding: 0px;"></div></div>
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[2] . '</label></div>
                                $w_size = 2 * $param['w_size'];
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[0] . '</label></div>
                <div style="display:table-cell;"><div style="margin: 0px 1px; padding: 0px;"></div></div>
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></div>
                <div style="display:table-cell;"><div style="margin: 0px 4px; padding: 0px;"></div></div>
                <div style="display: table-cell; width:30%">
                  <div><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '" value="' . $w_first_val[2] . '" title="' . $w_title[2] . '" style="width:  100%;"></div>
                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[2] . '</label></div>
                <div style="display:table-cell;"><div style="margin: 0px 4px; padding: 0px;"></div></div>
                <div style="display: table-cell; width:30%">
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                  <div><label class="mini_label">' . $w_mini_labels[3] . '</label></div>
                                $w_size = 3 * $param['w_size'] + 80;
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_name" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div>
              <div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $w_size . 'px;">' . $w_name_format . '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                if ($param['w_name_format'] == 'normal') {
                                    $check_js .= '
                  if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                    if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[0] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[1] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                      alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                      old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                      x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").focus();
                      return false;
                                } else {
                                    $check_js .= '
                  if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                    if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[0] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_title' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[1] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[2] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_last' . $form_id . '").val()=="" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_middle' . $form_id . '").val()=="' . $w_title[3] . '" || jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_middle' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                      alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                      old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                      x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_first' . $form_id . '").focus();
                      return false;
                        case 'type_address':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_mini_labels', 'w_disabled_fields', 'w_required', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $wdformfieldsize = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? $param['w_field_label_size'] + $param['w_size'] : max($param['w_field_label_size'], $param['w_size']);
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $w_mini_labels = explode('***', $param['w_mini_labels']);
                            $w_disabled_fields = explode('***', $param['w_disabled_fields']);
                            $rep = '<div type="type_address" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $address_fields = '';
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                                $g += 2;
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                            if (isset($w_disabled_fields[1]) && $w_disabled_fields[1] == 'no') {
                                $g += 2;
                                $address_fields .= '<span style="float: left; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 8px; display: block;"><input type="text" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_street2' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . ($id1 + 1) . '_street2' . $form_id . '" value="' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . ($id1 + 1) . '_street2' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . ($id1 + 1) . '_street2' . $form_id] : "") . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label class="mini_label" >' . $w_mini_labels[1] . '</label></span>';
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                                $address_fields .= '<span style="float: left; width: 48%; padding-bottom: 8px;"><input type="text" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_city' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . ($id1 + 2) . '_city' . $form_id . '" value="' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . ($id1 + 2) . '_city' . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . ($id1 + 2) . '_city' . $form_id] : "") . '" style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label class="mini_label" >' . $w_mini_labels[2] . '</label></span>';
                            if (isset($w_disabled_fields[3]) && $w_disabled_fields[3] == 'no') {
                                $w_states = array("", "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "District Of Columbia", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming");
                                $w_state_options = '';
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                                        $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                    } else {
                                        $selected = '';
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                            $w_options = '';
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                                    $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                } else {
                                    $selected = '';
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                        case 'type_submitter_mail':
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                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '"  style="width: 100%;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div>';
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                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
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                            $check_js .= '
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                    alert("' . addslashes(__("This is not a valid email address.", 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
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                    return false;
                        case 'type_checkbox':
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                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_checkbox" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
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                                    $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
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                                $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] != 'hor' ? 'table-cell' : 'table-row') . ';"><label class="wdform-ch-rad-label" for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key . '">' . $choice . '</label><div class="checkbox-div forlabs"><input type="checkbox" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'other="1"' : '') . ' id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice) . '" ' . ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == $key ? 'onclick="if(set_checked(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $key . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;)) show_other_input(&quot;wdform_' . $id1 . '&quot;,&quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);"' : '') . ' ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '><label for="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '' . $key . '"></label></div></div>';
                            $rep .= '</div>';
                            $rep .= '</div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . '] input:checked")).length == 0) {
                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                    old_bg = x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                    x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                    return false;
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                            $onsubmit_js .= '
                jQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#contactform' . $form_id . '");
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                        case 'type_radio':
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                                $temp = $temp[1];
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $post_value = isset($_POST["counter" . $form_id]) ? $_POST["counter" . $form_id] : NULL;
                            $is_other = FALSE;
                            if (isset($post_value)) {
                                if ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes") {
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                            } else {
                                $is_other = $param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_choices_checked'][$param['w_allow_other_num']] == 'true';
                            $rep = '<div type="type_radio" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">';
                            $rep .= '<div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . '; vertical-align: top;">';
                            foreach ($param['w_choices'] as $key => $choice) {
                                if ($key % $param['w_rowcol'] == 0 && $key > 0) {
                                    $rep .= '</div><div style="display: ' . ($param['w_flow'] == 'hor' ? 'inline-block' : 'table-row') . ';  vertical-align:top">';
                                if (!isset($post_value)) {
                                    $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                } else {
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                            $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
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                                $check_js .= '
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                    alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
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                    return false;
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                                $onload_js .= 'show_other_input("wdform_' . $id1 . '","' . $form_id . '"); jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_other_input' . $form_id . '").val("' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $id1 . "_other_input" . $form_id] : '') . '");';
                            $onsubmit_js .= '
                jQuery("<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"wdform_' . $id1 . '_allow_other' . $form_id . '\\" value = \\"' . $param['w_allow_other'] . '\\" />").appendTo("#contactform' . $form_id . '");
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                        case 'type_own_select':
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
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                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $required = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? TRUE : FALSE;
                            $param['w_choices'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices']);
                            $param['w_choices_checked'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_checked']);
                            $param['w_choices_disabled'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_disabled']);
                            $post_value = isset($_POST["counter" . $form_id]) ? $_POST["counter" . $form_id] : NULL;
                            $rep = '<div type="type_own_select" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $wdformfieldsize . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $rep .= '<span class="wdform-required">' . $required_sym . '</span>';
                            $rep .= '</div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px; "><select id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" name="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" style="width: 100%"  ' . $param['attributes'] . '>';
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                                    $choice_value = '';
                                } else {
                                    $choice_value = $choice;
                                $rep .= '<option id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_option' . $key . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($choice_value) . '" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] . '>' . $choice . '</option>';
                            $rep .= '</select></div></div>';
                            if ($required) {
                                $check_js .= '
                if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                  if (jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                      alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                      jQuery("#wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '").addClass( "form-error" );
                      old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
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                      return false;
                        case 'type_captcha':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_digit', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_captcha" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . ' width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . '"><div style="display: table;"><div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;"><div valign="middle" style="display: table-cell; text-align: center;"><img type="captcha" digit="' . $param['w_digit'] . '" src=" ' . add_query_arg(array('action' => 'ContactFormmakerwdcaptcha', 'digit' => $param['w_digit'], 'i' => $form_id), admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) . '" id="wd_captcha' . $form_id . '" class="captcha_img" style="display:none" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div><div valign="middle" style="display: table-cell;"><div class="captcha_refresh" id="_element_refresh' . $form_id . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div><div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;"><div style="display: table-cell;"><input type="text" class="captcha_input" id="wd_captcha_input' . $form_id . '" name="captcha_input" style="width: ' . ($param['w_digit'] * 10 + 15) . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= 'jQuery("#wd_captcha' . $form_id . '").click(function() {captcha_refresh("wd_captcha","' . $form_id . '")});';
                            $onload_js .= 'jQuery("#_element_refresh' . $form_id . '").click(function() {captcha_refresh("wd_captcha","' . $form_id . '")});';
                            $check_js .= '
              if (x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).length != 0) {
                if (jQuery("#wd_captcha_input' . $form_id . '").val()=="") {
                  alert("' . addslashes($label . ' ' . __('field is required.', 'contact_form_maker')) . '");
                  old_bg=x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).css("background-color");
                  x.find(jQuery("div[wdid=' . $id1 . ']")).effect( "shake", {}, 500 ).css("background-color","#FF8F8B").animate({backgroundColor: old_bg}, {duration: 500, queue: false });
                  jQuery("#wd_captcha_input' . $form_id . '").focus();
                  return false;
                            $onload_js .= 'captcha_refresh("wd_captcha", "' . $form_id . '");';
                        case 'type_recaptcha':
                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_public', 'w_private', 'w_theme', 'w_class');
                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
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                                foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_field_label_pos1'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "float: left;" : "";
                            $param['w_field_label_pos2'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "" : "display: block;";
                            $publickey = $row->public_key ? $row->public_key : '0';
                            $error = NULL;
                            require_once WD_CFM_DIR . '/recaptchalib.php';
                            $rep = '<script>var RecaptchaOptions = {theme: "' . $param['w_theme'] . '"};</script><div type="type_recaptcha" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos1'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span class="wdform-label">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="' . $param['w_field_label_pos2'] . ';">
              <div id="wd_recaptcha' . $form_id . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error) . '</div></div></div>';
                        case 'type_map':
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                            $temp = $params;
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                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                                $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $marker = '';
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                            $param['w_lat'] = explode('***', $param['w_lat']);
                            $param['w_info'] = explode('***', $param['w_info']);
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                            $rep = '<div type="type_map" class="wdform-field"  style="width:' . $param['w_width'] . 'px"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"><span id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element_label' . $form_id . '" style="display: none;">' . $label . '</span></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="width: ' . $param['w_width'] . 'px;"><div id="wdform_' . $id1 . '_element' . $form_id . '" zoom="' . $param['w_zoom'] . '" center_x="' . $param['w_center_x'] . '" center_y="' . $param['w_center_y'] . '" style="width: 100%; height: ' . $param['w_height'] . 'px;" ' . $marker . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '></div></div></div>';
                            $onload_js .= 'if_gmap_init("wdform_' . $id1 . '", ' . $form_id . ');';
                            foreach ($param['w_long'] as $key => $w_long) {
                                $onload_js .= 'add_marker_on_map("wdform_' . $id1 . '",' . $key . ', "' . $w_long . '", "' . $param['w_lat'][$key] . '", "' . str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '<br />', $param['w_info'][$key]) . '", ' . $form_id . ',false);';
                        case 'type_submit_reset':
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                            $temp = $params;
                            foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                                $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                                $temp = $temp[1];
                            if ($temp) {
                                $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
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                                    $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' ' . $attr;
                            $param['w_act'] = $param['w_act'] == "false" ? 'style="display: none;"' : "";
                            $rep = '<div type="type_submit_reset" class="wdform-field"><div class="wdform-label-section" style="display: table-cell;"></div><div class="wdform-element-section ' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: table-cell;"><button type="button" class="button-submit" onclick="check_required' . $form_id . '(&quot;submit&quot;, &quot;' . $form_id . '&quot;);" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_submit_title'] . '</button><button type="button" class="button-reset" onclick="check_required' . $form_id . '(&quot;reset&quot;);" ' . $param['w_act'] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $param['w_reset_title'] . '</button></div></div>';
                $form = str_replace('%' . $id1 . ' - ' . $labels[$id1s_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
                $form = str_replace('%' . $id1 . ' -' . $labels[$id1s_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
        $rep1 = array('form_id_temp');
        $rep2 = array($id . 'contact');
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        $form_maker_front_end .= '</form>';
    <script type="text/javascript">
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        echo $id;
() {
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").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']")).click(function() {jQuery("input[type='radio']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label')});	
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        echo $id;
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+'contactform_view1')) {
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      function check_required<?php 
        echo $form_id;
(but_type) {
        if (but_type == 'reset') {
          window.location = "<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        x = jQuery("#contactform<?php 
        echo $form_id;
        echo $check_js;
        var a = [];
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        echo $form_id;
] !== 'undefined') {
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        echo $form_id;
] == 1) {
        echo $onsubmit_js;
        echo $form_id;
] = 1;
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