  * For the purposes of simplifying calculations, add the sign up fee to the price per period
  * so WC can do all the calculations and then we can figure out what proportion of the total
  * calculated by WC is for the initial payment and how much is for the recurring payment.
  * @since 1.2
 public static function set_subscription_prices_for_calculation($price, $product)
     global $woocommerce;
     if (WC_Subscriptions_Product::is_subscription($product)) {
         self::$base_product_price = $price;
         $woocommerce->cart->base_recurring_prices[$product->id] = $price;
         $sign_up_fee = WC_Subscriptions_Product::get_sign_up_fee($product);
         // only modify the price when calculating a sign up fee or entire cart
         if ('sign_up_fee' == self::$recalculation_type) {
             $price = $sign_up_fee;
         } elseif ('none' == self::$recalculation_type) {
             $price += $sign_up_fee;
         } else {
             // do not modify price
     return $price;