// END init
     * This updates the next payment date on the subscription order.
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @access public
     * @param  $order_id
     * @param  $next_subscription_payment
    public function update_next_payment($order_id, $next_subscription_payment)
        // Need to add code here.
    // END update_next_payment()
     * Subscription Skipped Next Payment
     * Send the customer an email with the next payment date for the subscription.
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @access public
     * @param  WC_Order|int $order The WC_Order object or ID of a WC_Order order.
     * @param  $next_payment The new date for the next payment of the subscription.
    public function send_customer_skipped_order_email($order, $next_payment)
        WCSO_Emails::send_customer_skipped_order_email($order, $next_payment);