Beispiel #1
  * Set related list information between other module
  * @param Vtiger_Module Instance of target module with which relation should be setup
  * @param String Label to display in related list (default is target module name)
  * @param Array List of action button to show ('ADD', 'SELECT')
  * @param String Callback function name of this module to use as handler
  * @internal Creates table vtiger_crmentityrel if it does not exists
 function setRelatedList($moduleInstance, $label = '', $actions = false, $function_name = 'get_related_list')
     global $adb;
     if (empty($moduleInstance)) {
     if (!Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable('vtiger_crmentityrel')) {
         Vtiger_Utils::CreateTable('vtiger_crmentityrel', '(crmid INT NOT NULL, module VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, relcrmid INT NOT NULL, relmodule VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL)', true);
     $relation_id = $this->__getRelatedListUniqueId();
     $sequence = $this->__getNextRelatedListSequence();
     $presence = 0;
     // 0 - Enabled, 1 - Disabled
     if (empty($label)) {
         $label = $moduleInstance->name;
     // Allow ADD action of other module records (default)
     if ($actions === false) {
         $actions = array('ADD');
     $useactions_text = $actions;
     if (is_array($actions)) {
         $useactions_text = implode(',', $actions);
     $useactions_text = strtoupper($useactions_text);
     // Add column to vtiger_relatedlists to save extended actions
     Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_relatedlists', 'actions', 'VARCHAR(50)');
     $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_relatedlists(relation_id,tabid,related_tabid,name,sequence,label,presence,actions) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($relation_id, $this->id, $moduleInstance->id, $function_name, $sequence, $label, $presence, $useactions_text));
     self::log("Setting relation with {$moduleInstance->name} [{$useactions_text}] ... DONE");
Beispiel #2
  * Initialize vtiger schema changes.
  * @access private
 function __handleVtigerCoreSchemaChanges()
     // Add version column to the table first
     Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_tab', 'version', ' VARCHAR(10)');
     Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_tab', 'parent', ' VARCHAR(30)');
Beispiel #3
  * Creating a new field
  * @param string $type
  * @param array $params
  * @return array/false
 public function addField($type, $params)
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $inventoryClassName = Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName('InventoryField', $type, $this->get('module'));
     $instance = new $inventoryClassName();
     $table = $this->getTableName();
     $columnName = $instance->getColumnName();
     $label = $instance->getDefaultLabel();
     $defaultValue = $instance->getDefaultValue();
     $colSpan = $instance->getColSpan();
     if (!$instance->isOnlyOne()) {
         $id = $this->getUniqueID($instance);
         $columnName = $columnName . $id;
     if (isset($params['label'])) {
         $label = $params['label'];
     if (isset($params['defaultValue'])) {
         $defaultValue = $params['defaultValue'];
     if (isset($params['colSpan'])) {
         $colSpan = $params['colSpan'];
     Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn($table, $columnName, $instance->getDBType());
     foreach ($instance->getCustomColumn() as $column => $criteria) {
         Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn($table, $column, $criteria);
     $result = $adb->query("SELECT MAX(sequence) AS max FROM " . $this->getTableName('fields'));
     $sequence = (int) $adb->getSingleValue($result) + 1;
     return $adb->insert($this->getTableName('fields'), ['columnname' => $columnName, 'label' => $label, 'invtype' => $instance->getName(), 'defaultvalue' => $defaultValue, 'sequence' => $sequence, 'block' => $params['block'], 'displaytype' => $params['displayType'], 'params' => $params['params'], 'colspan' => $colSpan]);
Beispiel #4
$tabId = getTabid('PBXManager');
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET presence=? WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?;", array(1, $tabId, "callfrom"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET presence=? WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?;", array(1, $tabId, "callto"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET presence=? WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?;", array(1, $tabId, "timeofcall"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET presence=? WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?;", array(1, $tabId, "status"));
echo '<br>Hiding previous PBXManager fields done.<br>';
//PBXManager porting ends.
//Making document module fields masseditable
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "notes_title"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "assigned_user_id"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "notecontent"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "fileversion"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "filestatus"));
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable = ? WHERE tabid = 8 AND fieldname = ?;", array(1, "folderid"));
//Add Vat ID to Company Details
Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_organizationdetails', 'vatid', 'VARCHAR(100)');
//Add Column trial for vtiger_tab table if not exists
$result = $adb->pquery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM vtiger_tab LIKE ?", array('trial'));
if (!$adb->num_rows($result)) {
    $adb->pquery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_tab ADD trial INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", array());
//Avoid premature deletion of activity related records
$moduleArray = array('Accounts', 'Leads', 'HelpDesk', 'Campaigns', 'Potentials', 'PurchaseOrder', 'SalesOrder', 'Quotes', 'Invoice');
$relatedToQuery = "SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?";
$calendarInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calendar');
$tabId = $calendarInstance->getId();
$result = $adb->pquery($relatedToQuery, array($tabId, 'parent_id'));
$fieldId = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'fieldid');
$insertQuery = "INSERT INTO vtiger_fieldmodulerel (fieldid,module,relmodule,status,sequence) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)";
$relModule = 'Calendar';
migration520_populateFieldForSecurity($leads_tab_id, $campignrelstatus_leads_fieldid);
$campignrelstatus_campaigns_fieldid = $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_field');
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_field(tabid, fieldid, columnname, tablename, generatedtype, uitype, fieldname, fieldlabel, readonly, presence, selected, maximumlength, sequence, block, displaytype, typeofdata, quickcreate, quickcreatesequence, info_type, masseditable, helpinfo) VALUES ({$campaigns_tab_id}," . $campignrelstatus_campaigns_fieldid . ", 'campaignrelstatus', 'vtiger_campaignrelstatus', 1, '16', 'campaignrelstatus', 'Status', 1, 0, 0, 100, 1, NULL, 1, 'V~O', 1, NULL, 'BAS', 0, NULL)");
migration520_populateFieldForSecurity($campaigns_tab_id, $campignrelstatus_campaigns_fieldid);
ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE vtiger_campaignrelstatus (\n\tcampaignrelstatusid INTEGER, campaignrelstatus VARCHAR(200), sortorderid INT, presence INT) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_campaignrelstatus VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_campaignrelstatus') . ", '--None--',1,1)");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_campaignrelstatus VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_campaignrelstatus') . ", 'Contacted - Successful',2,1)");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_campaignrelstatus VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_campaignrelstatus') . ", 'Contected - Unsuccessful',3,1)");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_campaignrelstatus VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_campaignrelstatus') . ", 'Contacted - Never Contact Again',4,1)");
ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE vtiger_campaignaccountrel (\n\tcampaignid INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n\taccountid INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n\tcampaignrelstatusid INTEGER UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_campaignaccountrel ADD PRIMARY KEY (campaignid, accountid)");
ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_campaigncontrel ADD COLUMN campaignrelstatusid INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1");
ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_campaignleadrel ADD COLUMN campaignrelstatusid INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_relatedlists VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_relatedlists') . ", {$accounts_tab_id}, {$campaigns_tab_id}, 'get_campaigns', 13, 'Campaigns', 0, 'select')");
ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO vtiger_relatedlists VALUES (" . $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_relatedlists') . ", {$campaigns_tab_id}, {$accounts_tab_id}, 'get_accounts', 5, 'Accounts', 0, 'add,select')");
Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_inventorynotification', 'status', 'VARCHAR(30)');
//Fix : 6182 after migration from 510 'fields to be shown' at a profile for Email module
$query = "SELECT * from vtiger_profile";
$result = $adb->pquery($query, array());
$rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
$fields = "SELECT fieldid from vtiger_field where tablename = ?";
$fieldResult = $adb->pquery($fields, array('vtiger_emaildetails'));
$fieldRows = $adb->num_rows($fieldResult);
$EmailTabid = getTabid('Emails');
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
    $profileid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'profileid');
    for ($j = 0; $j < $fieldRows; $j++) {
        $fieldid = $adb->query_result($fieldResult, $j, 'fieldid');
        $sql_profile2field = "select * from vtiger_profile2field where fieldid=? and profileid=?";
        $result_profile2field = $adb->pquery($sql_profile2field, array($fieldid, $profileid));
        $rows_profile2field = $adb->num_rows($result_profile2field);
Beispiel #6
  * Create this field instance
  * @param Vtiger_Block Instance of the block to use
  * @access private
 function __create($blockInstance)
     global $adb;
     $this->block = $blockInstance;
     $moduleInstance = $this->getModuleInstance();
     $this->id = $this->__getUniqueId();
     if (!$this->sequence) {
         $this->sequence = $this->__getNextSequence();
     if ($this->quickcreate != 1) {
         // If enabled for display
         if (!$this->quicksequence) {
             $this->quicksequence = $this->__getNextQuickCreateSequence();
     } else {
         $this->quicksequence = null;
     // Initialize other variables which are not done
     if (!$this->table) {
         $this->table = $moduleInstance->basetable;
     if (!$this->column) {
         $this->column = strtolower($this->name);
         if (!$this->columntype) {
             $this->columntype = 'VARCHAR(100)';
     if (!$this->label) {
         $this->label = $this->name;
     $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_field (tabid, fieldid, columnname, tablename, generatedtype,\n\t\t\tuitype, fieldname, fieldlabel, readonly, presence, defaultvalue, maximumlength, sequence,\n\t\t\tblock, displaytype, typeofdata, quickcreate, quickcreatesequence, info_type, helpinfo) \n\t\t\tVALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($this->getModuleId(), $this->id, $this->column, $this->table, $this->generatedtype, $this->uitype, $this->name, $this->label, $this->readonly, $this->presence, $this->defaultvalue, $this->maximumlength, $this->sequence, $this->getBlockId(), $this->displaytype, $this->typeofdata, $this->quickcreate, $this->quicksequence, $this->info_type, $this->helpinfo));
     // Set the field status for mass-edit (if set)
     $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET masseditable=? WHERE fieldid=?', array($this->masseditable, $this->id));
     if (!empty($this->columntype)) {
         Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn($this->table, $this->column, $this->columntype);
     self::log("Creating Field {$this->name} ... DONE");
     self::log("Module language mapping for {$this->label} ... CHECK");
Beispiel #7
$task->summary = 'Send Notification Email to Record Owner';
$task->recepient = "\$(assigned_user_id : (Users) email1)";
$task->subject = "Task :  \$subject";
$task->content = '$(assigned_user_id : (Users) last_name) $(assigned_user_id : (Users) first_name) ,<br/>' . '<b>Task Notification Details:</b><br/>' . 'Subject : $subject<br/>' . 'Start date and time : $date_start  $time_start ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'End date and time   : $due_date ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) dbtimezone) ) <br/>' . 'Status              : $taskstatus <br/>' . 'Priority            : $taskpriority <br/>' . 'Related To          : $(parent_id : (Leads) lastname) $(parent_id : (Leads) firstname) $(parent_id : (Accounts) accountname) ' . '$(parent_id         : (Potentials) potentialname) $(parent_id : (HelpDesk) ticket_title) <br/>' . 'Contacts List       : $(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname) <br/>' . 'Location            : $location <br/>' . 'Description         : $description';
ExecutePQuery("UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET defaultworkflow=1 WHERE\r\n\t\t\tmodule_name='Invoice' and summary='UpdateInventoryProducts On Every Save'", array());
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
// Registering event for HelpDesk - To reset from_portal value
$em->registerHandler('', 'modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php', 'HelpDeskHandler');
Vtiger_Cron::register('Workflow', 'cron/modules/com_vtiger_workflow/com_vtiger_workflow.service', 900, 'com_vtiger_workflow', '', '', 'Recommended frequency for Workflow is 15 mins');
Vtiger_Cron::register('RecurringInvoice', 'cron/modules/SalesOrder/RecurringInvoice.service', 43200, 'SalesOrder', '', '', 'Recommended frequency for RecurringInvoice is 12 hours');
Vtiger_Cron::register('SendReminder', 'cron/SendReminder.service', 900, 'Calendar', '', '', 'Recommended frequency for SendReminder is 15 mins');
Vtiger_Cron::register('ScheduleReports', 'cron/modules/Reports/ScheduleReports.service', 900, 'Reports', '', '', 'Recommended frequency for ScheduleReports is 15 mins');
Vtiger_Cron::register('MailScanner', 'cron/MailScanner.service', 900, 'Settings', '', '', 'Recommended frequency for MailScanner is 15 mins');
ExecutePQuery("DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name='LBL_ASSIGN_MODULE_OWNERS'", array());
Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn('vtiger_tab', 'parent', 'VARCHAR(30)');
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Sales' where name = 'Accounts'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Tools' where name = 'Calendar'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Sales' where name = 'Contacts'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Analytics' where name = 'Dashboard'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Sales' where name = 'Leads'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Sales' where name = 'Potentials'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Inventory' where name = 'Vendors'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Inventory' where name = 'Products'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Tools' where name = 'Documents'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Tools' where name = 'Emails'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Support' where name = 'HelpDesk'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Support' where name = 'Faq'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set tabsequence = -1 where name = 'Faq'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set parent = 'Inventory' where name = 'PriceBooks'");
ExecuteQuery("update vtiger_tab set tabsequence = -1 where name = 'PriceBooks'");
Beispiel #8
 public function addFields()
     global $log, $adb;
     $log->debug("Entering YetiForceUpdate::addFields() method ...");
     include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
     $columnName = array("tabid", "id", "column", "table", "generatedtype", "uitype", "name", "label", "readonly", "presence", "defaultvalue", "maximumlength", "sequence", "block", "displaytype", "typeofdata", "quickcreate", "quicksequence", "info_type", "masseditable", "helpinfo", "summaryfield", "fieldparams", "columntype", "blocklabel", "setpicklistvalues", "setrelatedmodules");
     $Calculations = array(array('70', '1748', 'productid', 'vtiger_calculationsproductrel', '1', '10', 'productid', 'Item Name', '0', '2', '', '100', '1', '113', '5', 'V~M', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "int(19)", "LBL_ITEM_DETAILS", [], ['Products', 'Services']), array('70', '1749', 'quantity', 'vtiger_calculationsproductrel', '1', '7', 'quantity', 'Quantity', '0', '2', '', '100', '2', '113', '5', 'N~O', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "decimal(25,3)", "LBL_ITEM_DETAILS", [], []), array('70', '1750', 'listprice', 'vtiger_calculationsproductrel', '1', '71', 'listprice', 'List Price', '0', '2', '', '100', '3', '113', '5', 'N~O', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "decimal(27,8)", "LBL_ITEM_DETAILS", [], []), array('70', '1751', 'subtotal', 'vtiger_calculations', '1', '72', 'hdnSubTotal', 'Sub Total', '1', '2', '', '100', '14', '190', '3', 'N~O', '3', '0', 'BAS', '1', '', '0', '', "decimal(25,8)", "", [], []), array('70', '1752', 'pre_tax_total', 'vtiger_calculations', '1', '72', 'pre_tax_total', 'Pre Tax Total', '1', '2', '', '100', '23', '185', '3', 'N~O', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '1', '', '0', '', "decimal(25,8)", "LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION", [], []));
     $OSSCosts = array(array('71', '1753', 'productid', 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel', '1', '10', 'productid', 'Item Name', '0', '2', '', '100', '1', '188', '5', 'V~M', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "int(19)", "LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION", [], ['Products', 'Services']), array('71', '1754', 'quantity', 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel', '1', '7', 'quantity', 'Quantity', '0', '2', '', '100', '2', '188', '5', 'N~O', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "decimal(25,3)", "LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION", [], []), array('71', '1755', 'listprice', 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel', '1', '71', 'listprice', 'List Price', '0', '2', '', '100', '3', '188', '5', 'N~O', '1', NULL, 'BAS', '0', '', '0', '', "decimal(27,8)", "LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION", [], []));
     $setToCRM = array('Calculations' => $Calculations, 'OSSCosts' => $OSSCosts);
     $setToCRMAfter = array();
     foreach ($setToCRM as $nameModule => $module) {
         if (!$module) {
         foreach ($module as $key => $fieldValues) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($fieldValues); $i++) {
                 $setToCRMAfter[$nameModule][$key][$columnName[$i]] = $fieldValues[$i];
     foreach ($setToCRMAfter as $moduleName => $fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (self::checkFieldExists($field, $moduleName)) {
             $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
             $blockInstance = Vtiger_Block::getInstance($field['blocklabel'], $moduleInstance);
             $id = $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_field');
             if ($blockInstance) {
                 $blockId = $blockInstance->id;
             } else {
                 $blockId = $field['block'];
             $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_field (tabid, fieldid, columnname, tablename, generatedtype,\n\t\t\t\tuitype, fieldname, fieldlabel, readonly, presence, defaultvalue, maximumlength, sequence,\n\t\t\t\tblock, displaytype, typeofdata, quickcreate, quickcreatesequence, info_type, helpinfo, summaryfield, fieldparams,masseditable) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [getTabid($moduleName), $id, $field['column'], $field['table'], $field['generatedtype'], $field['uitype'], $field['name'], $field['label'], $field['readonly'], $field['presence'], $field['defaultvalue'], $field['maximumlength'], $field['sequence'], $blockId, $field['displaytype'], $field['typeofdata'], $field['quickcreate'], $field['quicksequence'], $field['info_type'], $field['helpinfo'], $field['summaryfield'], $field['fieldparams'], $field['masseditable']]);
             if (!empty($field['columntype']) && in_array($field['column'], ['subtotal', 'pre_tax_total'])) {
                 $columntype = $field['columntype'];
                 if ($field['uitype'] == 10) {
                     $columntype .= ', ADD INDEX (`' . $field['column'] . '`)';
                 Vtiger_Utils::AddColumn($field['table'], $field['column'], $columntype);
             if ($field['setrelatedmodules'] && $field['uitype'] == 10) {
                 $this->setRelatedModules($field['setrelatedmodules'], $id, $moduleName);
     $log->debug("Exiting YetiForceUpdate::addFields() method ...");