Beispiel #1
  * Gets the value of the key . First it will check whether specified key is a property if not it
  *  will get from normal data attribure from base class
  * @param <string> $key - property or key name
  * @return <object>
 public function get($key)
     if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
         return $this->{$key};
     return parent::get($key);
Beispiel #2
 function get($key)
     $value = parent::get($key);
     if ($key === 'content' && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'Detail') {
         return Vtiger_Functions::removeHtmlTags(array('link', 'style', 'a', 'img', 'script', 'base'), decode_html($value));
     if ($key === 'uid' || $key === 'content') {
         return decode_html($value);
     return $value;
Beispiel #3
 public function saveRecord(Vtiger_Record_Model $recordModel)
     $moduleName = $this->get('name');
     $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($moduleName);
     $fields = $focus->column_fields;
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
         $fieldValue = $recordModel->get($fieldName);
         if (is_array($fieldValue)) {
             $focus->column_fields[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
         } else {
             if ($fieldValue !== null) {
                 if (in_array($fieldName, array('header_content', 'content', 'footer_content'))) {
                     $focus->column_fields[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
                 } else {
                     $focus->column_fields[$fieldName] = decode_html($fieldValue);
     $focus->mode = $recordModel->get('mode');
     $focus->id = $recordModel->getId();
     return $recordModel->setId($focus->id);
Beispiel #4
  * Function to set data of parent record model to this record
  * @param Vtiger_Record_Model $parentRecordModel
  * @return Inventory_Record_Model
 public function setParentRecordData(Vtiger_Record_Model $parentRecordModel)
     $userModel = Users_Privileges_Model::getCurrentUserPrivilegesModel();
     $moduleName = $parentRecordModel->getModuleName();
     $data = array();
     $fieldMappingList = $parentRecordModel->getInventoryMappingFields();
     foreach ($fieldMappingList as $fieldMapping) {
         $parentField = $fieldMapping['parentField'];
         $inventoryField = $fieldMapping['inventoryField'];
         $fieldModel = Vtiger_Field_Model::getInstance($parentField, Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($moduleName));
         if ($fieldModel->getPermissions()) {
             $data[$inventoryField] = $parentRecordModel->get($parentField);
         } else {
             $data[$inventoryField] = $fieldMapping['defaultValue'];
     return $this->setData($data);
Beispiel #5
  * Save attachments from the email and add it to the module record.
  * @global PearDataBase $db
  * @global String $root_directory
  * @param MailManager_Message_Model $mailrecord
  * @param String $basemodule
  * @param Vtiger_Record_Model $recordModel
 public function __SaveAttachements($mailrecord, $basemodule, $recordModel)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     // If there is no attachments return
     if (!$mailrecord->_attachments) {
     $userid = $recordModel->get('assigned_user_id');
     $recordId = $recordModel->getId();
     $setype = "{$basemodule} Attachment";
     $date_var = $db->formatDate(date('YmdHis'), true);
     foreach ($mailrecord->_attachments as $filename => $filecontent) {
         if (empty($filecontent)) {
         $attachid = $db->getUniqueId('vtiger_crmentity');
         $description = $filename;
         $usetime = $db->formatDate($date_var, true);
         $db->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_crmentity(crmid, smcreatorid, smownerid,\n\t\t\t\tmodifiedby, setype, description, createdtime, modifiedtime, presence, deleted)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($attachid, $userid, $userid, $userid, $setype, $description, $usetime, $usetime, 1, 0));
         $issaved = $this->__SaveAttachmentFile($attachid, $filename, $filecontent);
         if ($issaved) {
             // To compute file size & type
             $attachRes = $db->pquery("SELECT * FROM vtiger_attachments WHERE attachmentsid = ?", array($attachid));
             if ($db->num_rows($attachRes)) {
                 $filePath = $db->query_result($attachRes, 0, 'path');
                 $completeFilePath = vglobal('root_directory') . $filePath . $attachid . '_' . $filename;
                 if (file_exists($completeFilePath)) {
                     $fileSize = filesize($completeFilePath);
                     $mimetype = MailAttachmentMIME::detect($completeFilePath);
             // Link file attached to emails also, for it to appear on email's page
             if (!empty($recordId) && !empty($attachid)) {
                 $this->relateAttachment($recordId, $attachid);
Beispiel #6
  * Function to delete a given record model of the current module
  * @param Vtiger_Record_Model $recordModel
 public function deleteRecord($recordModel)
     $moduleName = $this->get('name');
     $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($moduleName);
     $focus->trash($moduleName, $recordModel->getId());
     if (method_exists($focus, 'transferRelatedRecords')) {
         if ($recordModel->get('transferRecordIDs')) {
             $focus->transferRelatedRecords($moduleName, $recordModel->get('transferRecordIDs'), $recordModel->getId());
Beispiel #7
  * Function to delete a given record model of the current module
  * @param Vtiger_Record_Model $recordModel
 public function deleteRecord($recordModel)
     $moduleName = $this->get('name');
     $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($moduleName);
     $focus->trash($moduleName, $recordModel->getId());
     if (method_exists($focus, 'transferRelatedRecords')) {
         if ($recordModel->get('transferRecordIDs')) {
             $focus->transferRelatedRecords($moduleName, $recordModel->get('transferRecordIDs'), $recordModel->getId());
     $wfs = new VTWorkflowManager(PearDatabase::getInstance());
     $workflows = $wfs->getWorkflowsForModule($moduleName, VTWorkflowManager::$ON_DELETE);
     if (count($workflows)) {
         $wsId = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId($moduleName, $recordModel->getId());
         $entityCache = new VTEntityCache(Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel());
         $entityData = $entityCache->forId($wsId);
         foreach ($workflows as $id => $workflow) {
             if ($workflow->evaluate($entityCache, $entityData->getId())) {
Beispiel #8
 function get($key)
     $value = parent::get($key);
     if ($key === 'notecontent') {
         return decode_html($value);
     return $value;