Beispiel #1
        if ($v['tag'] == "ORIGCURRENCY") {
            $origcurrency = $v['value'];
    $origcurrency = $origcurrency != "" ? $origcurrency : "EUR";
    $RATES[$origcurrency] = 1;
// ALCON permette la definizione di feed in lingue differenti
$p_lang = @$_GET['lang'] != "" ? @$_GET['lang'] : "it-IT";
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$tagging_params = @$_GET['tagging_params'] != "" ? urldecode($_GET['tagging_params']) : "utm_source=tradetracker-" . substr($p_lang, 0, 2) . "&utm_medium=pxp";
$cat = new VirtuemartModelCategory();
$product = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
$image = new VirtueMartModelMedia();
$currency = new VirtueMartModelCurrency();
// Pagination and limit settings
$pagination = "off";
if (isset($_GET['pg']) && @$_GET['pg'] > 0) {
    $_step = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 1;
    $_start = ($_GET['pg'] - 1) * $_step;
    $_start = $_start >= 0 ? $_start : 0;
    $_end = $_start + $_step - 1;
    $pagination = "on";
if ($limit > 0 && $pagination == "on") {
    $product->_noLimit = true;
    $nbrReturnProducts = false;
} elseif ($limit > 0) {
    print $limit . " " . $nbrReturnProducts;
Beispiel #2
        if ($v['tag'] == "ORIGCURRENCY") {
            $origcurrency = $v['value'];
    $origcurrency = $origcurrency != "" ? $origcurrency : "EUR";
    $RATES[$origcurrency] = 1;
// ALCON permette la definizione di feed in lingue differenti
$p_lang = @$_GET['lang'] != "" ? @$_GET['lang'] : "it-IT";
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$tagging_params = @$_GET['tagging_params'] != "" ? urldecode($_GET['tagging_params']) : "utm_source=tradetracker-" . substr($p_lang, 0, 2) . "&utm_medium=pxp";
$cat = new VirtuemartModelCategory();
$product = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
$image = new VirtueMartModelMedia();
$currency = new VirtueMartModelCurrency();
// Pagination and limit settings
$pagination = "off";
if (isset($_GET['pg']) && @$_GET['pg'] > 0) {
    $_step = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 1;
    $_start = ($_GET['pg'] - 1) * $_step;
    $_start = $_start >= 0 ? $_start : 0;
    $_end = $_start + $_step - 1;
    $pagination = "on";
if ($limit > 0 && $pagination == "on") {
    $product->_noLimit = true;
    $nbrReturnProducts = false;
} elseif ($limit > 0) {
    print $limit . " " . $nbrReturnProducts;
Beispiel #3
        if ($v['tag'] == "ORIGCURRENCY") {
            $origcurrency = $v['value'];
    $origcurrency = $origcurrency != "" ? $origcurrency : "EUR";
    $RATES[$origcurrency] = 1;
// ALCON permette la definizione di feed in lingue differenti
$p_lang = @$_GET['lang'] != "" ? @$_GET['lang'] : "it-IT";
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$tagging_params = @$_GET['tagging_params'] != "" ? urldecode($_GET['tagging_params']) : "utm_source=syou-" . substr($p_lang, 0, 2) . "&utm_medium=cpc";
$cat = new VirtuemartModelCategory();
$product = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
$image = new VirtueMartModelMedia();
$currency = new VirtueMartModelCurrency();
if($hasShipping && $add_shipping == "on") {
	$shipment = new VirtueMartModelShipmentmethod();
	$defaultFrontEndLang = explode("-", $config->getValue('config.language'));
	$db = $shipment->getDbo();
	$db->setQuery("SELECT virtuemart_country_id FROM #__virtuemart_countries WHERE country_2_code = '{$defaultFrontEndLang[1]}'");
	$result = $db->loadAssoc();
	$defaultFrontEndCountryCode = $result['virtuemart_country_id'];

	$db->setQuery("SELECT virtuemart_shoppergroup_id FROM #__virtuemart_shoppergroups WHERE `default` = 1");
	$defaultShopperGroup = $db->loadObject();

	$shippings = $shipment->getShipments();