function afterSave($created)
     if ($created) {
         //		$user_id                 = $this->Auth->user('id');
         $data = array();
         $vlog_id = $this->getInsertID();
         $datas = $this->data['VideoResponse'];
         if ($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id'] == 36) {
         } else {
             foreach ($datas as $key => $val) {
                 $data = $this->VideoResponse->set(array('video_log_id' => $vlog_id, 'video_feedback_id' => $key, 'video_feedback_option_id' => $val['video_feedback_option_id']));
             $vid = $this->Video->findVideo($this->data['VideoLog']['video_id']);
             $num_views = $vid['Video']['video_views'];
             $max_views = $vid['Video']['max_view'];
             if ($num_views == $max_views || $num_views > $max_views) {
             App::import('Model', 'Viewer');
             $viewer = new Viewer();
             $trust = $viewer->getTrustScore($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id']);
             $credit = $this->Video->findCreditValue($this->data['VideoLog']['video_id']);
             $this->User->credituser($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id'], $credit, $trust);
             $currentbalance = $this->User->findCurrentBalance($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id']);
             App::import('Model', 'CreditLog');
             $creditLog = new CreditLog();
             $ext_id = $this->data['VideoLog']['video_id'];
             $rate = $trust / 16000;
             //checking trust percentage
             if ($rate == 1) {
                 // check if user has 100% trust
                 $creditLog->addCreditLog($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id'], $credit, $currentbalance, $ext_id);
                 //log entry of the Video View
             } else {
                 $credit_added = $credit * $rate;
                 //eels credited to the users account
                 $credit_left = $credit - $credit_added;
                 // credits left from the video view
                 $currentbalance_flipit = $this->User->findCurrentBalance(18);
                 //current balance ofthe flipit account
                 $creditLog->addCreditLog($this->data['VideoLog']['user_id'], $credit_added, $currentbalance, $ext_id);
                 // log entry of the percentage of credit deposited into user account
                 $creditLog->left_CreditLog(18, $credit_left, $currentbalance_flipit, $ext_id);
                 // Log entry of the remaining crdits from the video to flipit account