 * Render a UL of control links for a given Model.
 * Will call the /core/controllinks/{baseurl} hook automatically to retrieve any addon calls.
 * #### Smarty Parameters
 * * model
 *   * Preferred way to use this method, simply pass the model to retrieve the control links from.
 *   * This MUST be a valid Model and calls the getControlLinks method of that model.
 * * baseurl
 *   * String of the "baseurl" or the model or object to view.
 *   * This relies on a hook being dispatched on /core/controllinks/{baseurl}.
 * * subject
 *   * If baseurl is requested, this can be an ID, string, object, or anything else that the hook should pass along with the request.
 * * hover
 *   * Set to "0" to disable hover functionality in the UI.
 * * proxy-force
 *   * Set to "0" to disallow a proxy and "1" to force a proxy.
 * * proxy-text
 *   * Set the proxy text to a given value
 * #### Example Usage
 * Shortened, inline version of the model controls and the /core/controllinks hook.
 * This is the most ideal use of this function.
 * This version will first query the Model's getControlLinks method,
 * then the appropriate /core/controllinks hook for any additional links.
 * <pre>
 * {controls model=$user}
 * </pre>
 * Traditional usage of the controls and the /core/controllinks hook.
 * <pre>
 * {controls baseurl="/user/view" subject="`$user.id`"}
 * </pre>
 * @param array  $params  Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template
 * @param Smarty $smarty  Parent Smarty template object
 * @throws SmartyException
 * @return string
function smarty_function_controls($params, $smarty){

		// There is a "model" attribute provided, this must be a valid Model object,
		// (and is the preferred way of handling this system).
		$subject = $params['model'];
		if(!$subject instanceof Model){
			throw new SmartyException('Only Models can be used with the {controls model=...} syntax!');

		$controls = ViewControls::DispatchModel($subject);
		// There is a baseurl provided, this does not require a full object and simply a string will suffice.
		// Since there is no Model provided, only the registered hooks will be called.
		$baseurl = $params['baseurl'];

		// They may or may not have subjects.
		// The subject is the subject matter of this control link.
		$subject = (isset($params['subject'])) ? $params['subject'] : null;

		$controls = ViewControls::Dispatch($baseurl, $subject);
		throw new SmartyException('Unable to get links without a baseurl!  Provided Parameters: ' . print_r($params, true));

	// Other options
		$controls->hovercontext = ($params['hover']);



	// Render out controls.
	echo $controls->fetch();
  * View a user's public profile
 public function view()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     $manager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/users/manage');
     // Current user an admin?
     // First argument here will either be the username or user id.
     $arg1 = $request->getParameter(0);
     $user = UserModel::Construct($arg1);
     if (!($user && $user->exists())) {
         // Try by username instead.
         $match = UserUserConfigModel::Find(array('key' => 'username', 'value' => $arg1), 1);
         if (!$match) {
             return View::ERROR_NOTFOUND;
         $user = UserModel::Construct($match->get('user_id'));
     if (!$user) {
         return View::ERROR_NOTFOUND;
     // If the UA requested the user by ID but the user has a username set, return a 404 as well.
     // This should help cut down on scanning attempts for userdata.
     if (is_numeric($arg1) && $user->get('username')) {
         return View::ERROR_NOTFOUND;
     // Now see why username needs to not begin with a number? :p
     /** @var $user UserModel */
     // Only allow this if the user is either the same user or has the user manage permission.
     if ($user->get('id') == \Core\user()->get('id') || $manager) {
         $editor = true;
     } else {
         $editor = false;
     $view->controls = ViewControls::DispatchModel($user);
     $view->title = $user->getDisplayName();
     $view->assign('user', $user);
     $view->assign('profiles', $user->get('external_profiles'));
Beispiel #3
	 * Add an array of controls at once, useful in conjunction with the model->getControlLinks method.
	 * If a Model is provided as the subject, that is used as the subject and all system hooks apply thereof.
	 * @param array|Model $controls
	public function addControls($controls){
		if($controls instanceof Model){
			// Allow a raw Model to be sent in as the control subject.
			// This is a shortcut for Controllers much like the {controls} smarty function has.
			$this->controls = ViewControls::DispatchModel($controls);

		foreach($controls as $c){
	 * View to edit the user account, both administratively and from within the user's profile.
	public function edit(){

		$view          = $this->getView();
		$req           = $this->getPageRequest();
		$userid        = $req->getParameter(0);
		$manager       = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/users/manage'); // Current user an admin?
		$groupmanager  = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/groups/manage');
		$contextnames  = [];
		$contexts      = [];
		$usecontexts   = false;

		if($userid === null) $userid = \Core\user()->get('id'); // Default to current user.

		// Only allow this if the user is either the same user or has the user manage permission.
		if(!($userid == \Core\user()->get('id') || $manager)){
			\Core\set_message('Insufficient Permissions', 'error');

		/** @var UserModel $user */
		$user = UserModel::Construct($userid);
		if($user) {
			$form = \Core\User\Helper::GetEditForm($user);
		} else {
			\Core\set_message('A user with this ID does not exist');

			$contextgroups = UserGroupModel::Find(['context != '], null, 'name');
			foreach($contextgroups as $group){
				/** @var UserGroupModel $group */

				$ckey = $group->get('context');
				$gkey = $group->get('id');
				$contextnames[ $group->get('name') ] = $gkey;

				// I need to load *all* those models into the system so they're available to the UI.
				$fac = new ModelFactory($ckey . 'Model');
				$all = [];
				foreach($fac->get() as $m){
					/** @var Model $m */
					$all[$m->getPrimaryKeyString()] = $m->getLabel();
				$contexts[$gkey] = $all;

				$usecontexts = true;

		$view->controls = ViewControls::DispatchModel($user);
		$view->mastertemplate = ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/siteskin/user');
		$view->title = 'Editing ' . $user->getDisplayName();
		$view->assign('form', $form);
		$view->assign('contextnames_json', json_encode($contextnames));
		$view->assign('contextnames', $contextnames);
		$view->assign('contexts_json', json_encode($contexts));
		$view->assign('use_contexts', $usecontexts);
		$view->assign('user', $user);

		// Breadcrumbs! (based on access permissions)
			//$view->addBreadcrumb('User Administration', '/user/admin');