public static function ShowActiveVideo(&$gallery_list, $width, $height, $videoid, &$videolist_row, &$theme_row, $videosource = '') { jimport('joomla.version'); $version = new JVersion(); $JoomlaVersionRelease = $version->RELEASE; $VideoRow = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getVideoRowByID($videoid, $gallery_list); if ($theme_row->changepagetitle != 3) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $sitename = $mainframe->getCfg('sitename'); if ($VideoRow) { $title = $VideoRow['title']; } else { $title = ''; } //$title=YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getTitleByVideoID($videoid,$gallery_list); $mydoc = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($theme_row->changepagetitle == 0) { $mydoc->setTitle($title . ' - ' . $sitename); } elseif ($theme_row->changepagetitle == 1) { $mydoc->setTitle($sitename . ' - ' . $title); } elseif ($theme_row->changepagetitle == 2) { $mydoc->setTitle($title); } } $result = ''; if ($videoid) { $vpoptions = array(); $vpoptions['width'] = $width; $vpoptions['height'] = $height; $vpoptions['videoid'] = $videoid; $vpoptions['autoplay'] = $theme_row->autoplay; $vpoptions['showinfo'] = $theme_row->showinfo; $vpoptions['relatedvideos'] = $theme_row->related; $vpoptions['repeat'] = $theme_row->repeat; $vpoptions['allowplaylist'] = $theme_row->allowplaylist; $vpoptions['border'] = $theme_row->border; $vpoptions['color1'] = $theme_row->color1; $vpoptions['color2'] = $theme_row->color2; $vpoptions['controls'] = $theme_row->controls; $vpoptions['playertype'] = $theme_row->playertype; $vpoptions['youtubeparams'] = $theme_row->youtubeparams; $vpoptions['fullscreen'] = $theme_row->fullscreen; $list_index = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getListIndexByVideoID($videoid, $gallery_list); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($videoid == '****youtubegallery-video-id****') { //Hot Switch if ($videosource != '') { $vs = $videosource; } else { $vs = ''; } $image_link = ''; $startsecond = '****youtubegallery-video-startsecond****'; $endsecond = '****youtubegallery-video-endsecond****'; } elseif ($list_index == -1) { $row = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getVideoRowByID($videoid, $gallery_list, false); if (!$row) { return ''; } if ($videosource != '') { $vs = $videosource; } else { $vs = $row['videosource']; } $image_link = $row['imageurl']; $startsecond = $row['startsecond']; $endsecond = $row['endsecond']; } else { if ($videosource != '') { $vs = $videosource; } else { $vs = $gallery_list[$list_index]['videosource']; } $image_link = $gallery_list[$list_index]['imageurl']; $startsecond = $gallery_list[$list_index]['startsecond']; $endsecond = $gallery_list[$list_index]['endsecond']; } if ($theme_row->prepareheadtags == 2 or $theme_row->prepareheadtags == 3) { if ($image_link != '' and strpos($image_link, '#') === false) { // echo '$image_link='.$image_link.'<br/>'; $curPageUrl = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::curPageURL(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $image_link_array = explode(',', $image_link); if (count($image_link_array) >= 3) { $imagelink = $image_link_array[3]; } else { $imagelink = $image_link_array[0]; } $imagelink = (strpos($imagelink, 'http://') === false and strpos($image_link, 'https://') === false ? $curPageUrl . '/' : '') . $imagelink; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) and $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $imagelink = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $imagelink); } $document->addCustomTag('<link rel="image_src" href="' . $imagelink . '" /><!-- active -->'); } //add meta keywords if ($vs == 'youtube') { $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->setMetaData('keywords', $VideoRow['keywords']); //tags $doc->setMetaData('description', $VideoRow['description']); } } if ((int) $vpoptions['width'] == 0) { $width = 400; } else { $width = (int) $vpoptions['width']; } if ((int) $vpoptions['height'] == 0) { $height = 200; } else { $height = (int) $vpoptions['height']; } switch ($vs) { case 'break': require_once 'break.php'; $result .= VideoSource_Break::renderBreakPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'vimeo': require_once 'vimeo.php'; $result .= VideoSource_Vimeo::renderVimeoPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'own3dtvlive': require_once 'own3dtvlive.php'; $result .= VideoSource_Own3DTvLive::renderOwn3DTvLivePlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'own3dtvvideo': require_once 'own3dtvvideo.php'; $result .= VideoSource_Own3DTvVideo::renderOwn3DTvVideoPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'youtube': //if($vpoptions['autoplay']==1 and $vpoptions['repeat']==1 ) //{ $pl = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getPlaylistIdsOnly($gallery_list, $videoid, 'youtube'); $shorten_pl = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($pl as $p) { $i++; if ($i > 20) { break; } $shorten_pl[] = $p; } $YoutubeVideoList = implode(',', $shorten_pl); $full_pl = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getPlaylistIdsOnly($gallery_list, '', 'youtube', true); $shorten_full_pl = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($full_pl as $p) { $i++; if ($i > 20) { break; } $shorten_full_pl[] = $p; } $full_YoutubeVideoList = implode(',', $shorten_full_pl); if ($vpoptions['youtubeparams'] == '') { $vpoptions['youtubeparams'] = 'playlist=' . $YoutubeVideoList; } else { $vpoptions['youtubeparams'] .= ';playlist=' . $YoutubeVideoList; } if ($vpoptions['youtubeparams'] == '') { $vpoptions['youtubeparams'] = 'fullplaylist=' . $full_YoutubeVideoList; } else { $vpoptions['youtubeparams'] .= ';fullplaylist=' . $full_YoutubeVideoList; } //} require_once 'youtube.php'; $temp = VideoSource_Youtube::renderYouTubePlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row, $startsecond, $endsecond); if ($temp != '') { if ($theme_row->useglass or $theme_row->logocover) { //$result.='<div class="YoutubeGalleryLogoCover'.$videolist_row->id.'" style="position: relative;width:'.$width.'px;height:'.$height.'px;padding:0;">'; $result .= '<div class="YoutubeGalleryLogoCover' . $videolist_row->id . '" style="position: relative;width:100%;height:100%;padding:0;border:none;">'; } $result .= $temp; if ($theme_row->logocover) { if ($theme_row->controls and ($theme_row->playertype == 3 or $theme_row->playertype == 4)) { $bottom_px = '25'; } else { $bottom_px = '0'; } $result .= '<div style="position: absolute;bottom:' . $bottom_px . 'px;right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;">' . '<img src="' . $theme_row->logocover . '" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;display:block;border: none;" /></div>'; } if ($theme_row->useglass) { //$result.='<div style="position: absolute;background-image: url(\'components/com_youtubegallery/images/dot.png\');' //.'top:0px;left:0px;width:'.$width.'px;height:'.($height-25).'px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;padding:0px;"></div>'; $result .= '<div class="YoutubeGalleryGlassCover"></div>'; } if ($theme_row->useglass or $theme_row->logocover) { $result .= '</div>'; } } break; case 'google': require_once 'google.php'; $result .= VideoSource_Google::renderGooglePlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'yahoo': require_once 'yahoo.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_Yahoo::renderYahooPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'collegehumor': require_once 'collegehumor.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_CollegeHumor::renderCollegeHumorPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'dailymotion': require_once 'dailymotion.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_DailyMotion::renderDailyMotionPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'presentme': require_once 'presentme.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_PresentMe::renderPresentMePlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'ustream': require_once 'ustream.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_Ustream::renderUstreamPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'ustreamlive': require_once 'ustreamlive.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_UstreamLive::renderUstreamLivePlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case 'soundcloud': require_once 'soundcloud.php'; $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid, $gallery_list); $result .= VideoSource_SoundCloud::renderPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row); break; case '.flv': if ($list_index != -1) { //Not Hot Switch $vpoptions['thumbnail'] = $gallery_list[$list_index]['imageurl']; //YoutubeGalleryLayoutRenderer::getThumbnailByID($videoid,$gallery_list);; $videolink = $gallery_list[$list_index]['link']; } else { $videolink = '****youtubegallery-video-link****'; } //For Hot Switch require_once 'flv.php'; $result .= VideoSource_FLV::renderFLVPlayer($vpoptions, $width, $height, $videolist_row, $theme_row, $videolink); break; } } $imageurl = ''; $isHot = false; if ($videoid == '****youtubegallery-video-id****') { $isHot = true; $videoid_d = 'hot' . $videolist_row->id; $imageurl = '****youtubegallery-video-customimage****'; } else { $videoid_d = $videoid; if ($VideoRow) { $imageurl = $VideoRow['custom_imageurl']; } } if ($imageurl != '' and $theme_row->rel == '' and strpos($imageurl, '#') === false and strpos($imageurl, '_small') === false) { //Specific preview image for your YouTube video //The idea of Jarrett Gucci (Modified: play button added) $result = ($isHot ? '***code_begin***' : '') . '<div onclick="ygimage' . $videoid_d . '=document.getElementById(\'ygvideoplayer' . $videoid_d . '\');ygimage' . $videoid_d . '.style.display=\'block\';\'none\'"' . ' style="position:relative;width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;padding:0;">' . '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" style="cursor:pointer;width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;padding:0;" />' . '<div style="position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;left:' . floor($width / 2 - 50) . 'px;top:' . floor($height / 2 - 50) . 'px;">' . '<img src="components/com_youtubegallery/images/play.png" style="border:none!important;cursor:pointer;width:100px;height:100px;padding:0;" />' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div id="ygvideoplayer' . $videoid_d . '" style="display:none">' . ($isHot ? '***code_end***' : '') . $result . ($isHot ? '***code_begin***' : '') . '</div>' . ($isHot ? '***code_end***' : ''); } if ($videoid != '****youtubegallery-video-id****') { $result = str_replace('****youtubegallery-video-id****', $videoid, $result); } else { $result = str_replace('\'', '*quote*', $result); } $result = '<div id="YoutubeGallerySecondaryContainer' . $videolist_row->id . '" style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;">' . $result . '</div>'; return $result; }
function GrabVideoData($listitem, $vsn, $videoid_optional = '') { $query_video_host = true; //Return Video Data Array separated with commma //extract title if it's needed for navigation (thumbnail) or for active video. $videoitem = array(); $customtitle = ''; $customdescription = ''; $customimage = ''; $startsecond = 0; $endsecond = 0; if (is_array($listitem)) { $theLink = trim($listitem[0]); if (isset($listitem[1])) { $customtitle = $listitem[1]; } if (isset($listitem[2])) { $customdescription = $listitem[2]; } if (isset($listitem[3])) { $customimage = $listitem[3]; } if (isset($listitem[5])) { $startsecond = $listitem[5]; } if (isset($listitem[6])) { $endsecond = $listitem[6]; } } else { $theLink = $listitem; } if ($vsn == 'youtube' and !(strpos($theLink, '/embed/') === false)) { //Convert Embed links to Address bar version $theLink = str_replace('', '', $theLink); $theLink = str_replace('', '', $theLink); } //echo '$vsn2='.$vsn.'<br/>'; switch ($vsn) { case 'break': require_once 'break.php'; $HTML_SOURCE = ''; $videoid = VideoSource_Break::extractBreakID($theLink, $HTML_SOURCE); if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Break::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription, $HTML_SOURCE); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'break', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'vimeo': require_once 'vimeo.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Vimeo::extractVimeoID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } //echo '$videoid111='.$videoid; if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Vimeo::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'vimeo', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'own3dtvlive': require_once 'own3dtvlive.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Own3DTvLive::extractOwn3DTvLiveID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Own3DTvLive::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'own3dtvlive', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'own3dtvvideo': require_once 'own3dtvvideo.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Own3DTvVideo::extractOwn3DTvVideoID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Own3DTvVideo::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'own3dtvvideo', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'youtube': require_once 'youtube.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Youtube::extractYouTubeID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { if (isset($this->theme_row->thumbnailstyle)) { $theme_row_thumbnailstyle = $this->theme_row->thumbnailstyle; } else { $theme_row_thumbnailstyle = ''; } $videoitem = VideoSource_Youtube::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription, $theme_row_thumbnailstyle); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { if (strpos($customimage, '#') === false) { $customimage_ = $customimage; } else { $customimage_ = ''; } $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'youtube', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage_, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'google': require_once 'google.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Google::extractGoogleID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Google::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'google', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'yahoo': require_once 'yahoo.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Yahoo::extractYahooID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Yahoo::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription, $theLink); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'yahoo', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'collegehumor': require_once 'collegehumor.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_CollegeHumor::extractCollegeHumorID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_CollegeHumor::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'collegehumor', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'dailymotion': require_once 'dailymotion.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_DailyMotion::extractDailyMotionID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_DailyMotion::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'dailymotion', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'presentme': require_once 'presentme.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_PresentMe::extractPresentMeID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_PresentMe::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'presentme', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case 'ustream': require_once 'ustream.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_Ustream::extractUstreamID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_Ustream::getVideoData($videoid, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => 'ustream', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } break; case '.flv': require_once 'flv.php'; if ($videoid_optional == '') { $videoid = VideoSource_FLV::extractFLVID($theLink); } else { $videoid = $videoid_optional; } if ($videoid != '') { if ($query_video_host) { $videoitem = VideoSource_FLV::getVideoData($videoid, $theLink, $customimage, $customtitle, $customdescription); $videoitem['link'] = $theLink; } else { $videoitem = array('videosource' => '.flv', 'videoid' => $videoid, 'imageurl' => $customimage, 'title' => $customtitle, 'description' => $customdescription, 'link' => $theLink); } } //print_r($videoitem); //die; break; } //switch($vsn) $videoitem['custom_title'] = $customtitle; $videoitem['custom_description'] = $customdescription; $videoitem['custom_imageurl'] = $customimage; $videoitem['startsecond'] = $startsecond; $videoitem['endsecond'] = $endsecond; return $videoitem; }