Beispiel #1
// owners can do what they want
if ($cur_article->allows('modification')) {
} elseif (Surfer::is_logged() && is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_assigned()) {
} elseif (isset($item['id']) && $cur_article->is_assigned() && Surfer::is_logged()) {
// is the article on user watch list?
$in_watch_list = FALSE;
if (isset($item['id']) && Surfer::get_id()) {
    $in_watch_list = Members::check('article:' . $item['id'], 'user:'******'id']) && !$zoom_type && Surfer::is_empowered() && Versions::count_for_anchor('article:' . $item['id'])) {
    $has_versions = TRUE;
// load the skin, maybe with a variant
load_skin('article', $anchor, isset($item['options']) ? $item['options'] : '');
// clear the tab we are in
if (is_object($anchor)) {
    $context['current_focus'] = $anchor->get_focus();
// current item
if (isset($item['id'])) {
    $context['current_item'] = 'article:' . $item['id'];
// path to this page
if ($whole_rendering) {
    $context['path_bar'] = Surfer::get_path_bar($anchor);
Beispiel #2
    $context['page_language'] = $item['language'];
// page canonical link
$context['page_link'] = Sections::get_permalink($item);
// is the page on user watch list?
$in_watch_list = 'N';
if (Surfer::is_logged() && isset($item['id'])) {
    if (Members::check('section:' . $item['id'], 'user:'******'Y';
    } elseif (Members::check($context['current_focus'], 'user:'******'P';
// has this page some versions?
$has_versions = FALSE;
if (isset($item['id']) && !$zoom_type && Surfer::is_empowered() && Surfer::is_logged() && Versions::count_for_anchor('section:' . $item['id'])) {
    $has_versions = TRUE;
// has this page some content to manage?
if (!isset($item['id'])) {
    $has_content = FALSE;
} elseif (Articles::count_for_anchor('section:' . $item['id'])) {
    $has_content = TRUE;
} elseif (Sections::count_for_anchor('section:' . $item['id'])) {
    $has_content = TRUE;
} else {
    $has_content = FALSE;
// not found -- help web crawlers
if (!isset($item['id'])) {
    include $context['path_to_root'] . 'error.php';
Beispiel #3
 // page tools
 // update tools
 if (Files::allow_modification($item, $anchor)) {
     // modify this page
     Skin::define_img('FILES_EDIT_IMG', 'files/edit.gif');
     $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Files::get_url($item['id'], 'edit'), FILES_EDIT_IMG . i18n::s('Update this file'), 'basic', i18n::s('Press [e] to edit'), FALSE, 'e');
     // post an image, if upload is allowed
     if (Images::allow_creation($item, $anchor, 'file')) {
         Skin::define_img('IMAGES_ADD_IMG', 'images/add.gif');
         $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link('images/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode('file:' . $item['id']), IMAGES_ADD_IMG . i18n::s('Add an image'), 'basic');
 // restore a previous version, if any
 if (is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_owned() && Versions::count_for_anchor('file:' . $item['id'])) {
     Skin::define_img('FILES_VERSIONS_IMG', 'files/versions.gif');
     $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Versions::get_url('file:' . $item['id'], 'list'), FILES_VERSIONS_IMG . i18n::s('Versions'));
 // delete command provided to associates and owners
 if (is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_owned() || Surfer::is_associate()) {
     Skin::define_img('FILES_DELETE_IMG', 'files/delete.gif');
     $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Files::get_url($item['id'], 'delete'), FILES_DELETE_IMG . i18n::s('Delete this file'));
 // the navigation sidebar
 $text = '';
 if (is_object($anchor)) {
     $neighbours = $anchor->get_neighbours('file', $item);
     $text .= Skin::neighbours($neighbours, 'sidebar');
 // build a nice sidebar box
Beispiel #4
  * get event description in ICS format
  * @param string either 'PUBLISH', 'REQUEST', 'CANCEL', ...
  * @return string content of the ICS
  * @see articles/invite.php
  * @see overlays/events/fetch_ics.php
 function get_ics($method = 'PUBLISH')
     global $context;
     // begin calendar
     $text = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' . CRLF . 'VERSION:2.0' . CRLF . 'PRODID:' . $context['host_name'] . CRLF;
     // method
     $text .= 'METHOD:' . $method . CRLF;
     // begin event
     $text .= 'BEGIN:VEVENT' . CRLF;
     // date of creation
     if ($value = $this->anchor->get_value('create_date')) {
         $text .= 'DTSTAMP:' . gmdate('Ymd\\THis\\Z', SQL::strtotime($value)) . CRLF;
     // date of last modification --also required by Outlook
     if ($value = $this->anchor->get_value('edit_date')) {
         $text .= 'LAST-MODIFICATION:' . gmdate('Ymd\\THis\\Z', SQL::strtotime($value)) . CRLF;
     // the event spans limited time --duration is expressed in minutes
     if (isset($this->attributes['duration']) && $this->attributes['duration'] && $this->attributes['duration'] < 1440) {
         $text .= 'DTSTART:' . str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), array('', 'T', ''), $this->attributes['date_stamp']) . 'Z' . CRLF;
         $text .= 'DTEND:' . gmdate('Ymd\\THis\\Z', SQL::strtotime($this->attributes['date_stamp']) + $this->attributes['duration'] * 60) . CRLF;
         // a full-day event
     } elseif (isset($this->attributes['date_stamp'])) {
         $text .= 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:' . date('Ymd', SQL::strtotime($this->attributes['date_stamp'])) . CRLF;
         $text .= 'DTEND;VALUE=DATE:' . date('Ymd', SQL::strtotime($this->attributes['date_stamp']) + 86400) . CRLF;
     // url to view the date
     $text .= 'URL:' . $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . $this->anchor->get_url() . CRLF;
     // location is the yacs server
     $text .= 'LOCATION:' . $context['host_name'] . CRLF;
     // build a valid title
     if ($value = $this->anchor->get_title()) {
         $text .= 'SUMMARY:' . Codes::beautify_title($value) . CRLF;
     // description is partially automated
     $text .= 'DESCRIPTION:';
     if ($value = $this->anchor->get_title()) {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Topic'), str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', Codes::beautify_title($value))) . '\\n';
     // dates
     if (isset($this->attributes['date_stamp']) && $this->attributes['date_stamp']) {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Date'), Skin::build_date($this->attributes['date_stamp'], 'standalone')) . '\\n';
     if (isset($this->attributes['duration']) && $this->attributes['duration'] && $this->attributes['duration'] < 1440) {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Duration'), $this->attributes['duration'] . ' ' . i18n::s('minutes')) . '\\n';
     // build a link to the chairman page, if any
     if (isset($this->attributes['chairman']) && ($user = Users::get($this->attributes['chairman']))) {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Chairman'), $user['full_name']) . '\\n';
     } elseif (($owner = $this->anchor->get_value('owner_id')) && ($user = Users::get($owner))) {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Chairman'), $user['full_name']) . '\\n';
     // location
     if ($method != 'CANCEL') {
         $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('%s: %s'), i18n::s('Location'), $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . $this->anchor->get_url()) . '\\n';
     // meeting has been cancelled
     if ($method == 'CANCEL') {
         $text .= '\\n\\n' . i18n::c('Meeting has been cancelled.');
         // regular meeting
     } else {
         // copy content of the introduction field, if any
         if ($value = $this->anchor->get_value('introduction')) {
             $text .= '\\n' . strip_tags(str_replace(array('</', '/>', "\n", "\r", ','), array('\\n</', '/>\\n', '\\n', ' ', '\\,'), Codes::beautify($value)));
         // copy the induction message, if any
         if (isset($this->attributes['induction_message'])) {
             $text .= '\\n' . strip_tags(str_replace(array('</', '/>', "\n", "\r", ','), array('\\n</', '/>\\n', '\\n', ' ', '\\,'), Codes::render($this->attributes['induction_message'])));
     // end of the description field
     $text .= CRLF;
     // may be used for updates or for cancellation --required by Outlook 2003
     $text .= 'UID:' . crc32($this->anchor->get_reference() . ':' . $context['url_to_root']) . '@' . $context['host_name'] . CRLF;
     // maybe this one has been cancelled
     if ($method == 'CANCEL') {
         $text .= 'STATUS:CANCELLED' . CRLF;
     // sequence is incremented on each revision
     include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'versions/versions.php';
     $versions = Versions::count_for_anchor($this->anchor->get_reference());
     $text .= 'SEQUENCE:' . $versions . CRLF;
     // more attributes
     // alarm to remind the meeting
     if ($method != 'CANCEL') {
     // close event
     $text .= 'END:VEVENT' . CRLF;
     // close calendar
     $text .= 'END:VCALENDAR' . CRLF;
     // done!
     return $text;