protected function saveModel($venue = false) { if (Input::get('id')) { $venue = Venue::find(Input::get('id')); } if (!$venue) { $venue = new Venue(); } $venue->name = Input::get('name'); $venue->indoor_or_outdoor = Input::get('indoor_or_outdoor'); $venue->name_of_hall = Input::get('name_of_hall'); $venue->capacity = Input::get('capacity'); $venue->dimension_height = Input::get('dimension_height'); $venue->dimension_width = Input::get('dimension_width'); $venue->dimension_length = Input::get('dimension_length'); $venue->rigging_capacity = Input::get('rigging_capacity'); $venue->notes = Input::get('notes'); $address = $venue->address()->first() ?: new Address(); $country = Country::where('name', Input::get('country'))->first(); $address->country()->associate($country); $address->address = Input::get('address_address'); $address->postal_code = Input::get('address_postal_code'); $address->city = Input::get('address_city'); $address->state_province = Input::get('address_state_province'); $address->phone = Input::get('address_phone'); $address->fax = Input::get('address_fax'); $address->email = Input::get('address_email'); $address->website = Input::get('address_website'); $address->save(); $venue->address()->associate($address); $venue->save(); $venue->save(); if (Input::get('company_id')) { $venue->companies()->detach(Company::find(Input::get('company_id'))); $venue->companies()->attach(Company::find(Input::get('company_id'))); } if (Input::get('contact_id')) { $venue->contacts()->detach(Contact::find(Input::get('contact_id'))); $venue->contacts()->attach(Contact::find(Input::get('contact_id'))); } return $venue; }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $Venue = new Venue(); if (isset($_POST['Venue'])) { $Venue->attributes = $_POST['Venue']; if ($Venue->save()) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } } $this->breadcrumbs = array('Venues' => array('index'), 'Create Venue'); $this->render('create', array('Venue' => $Venue)); }
public function addAction() { $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $coords = explode("/", $params['vn_coords']); $point = new stdClass(); $point->lat = array_shift($coords); $point->lng = array_shift($coords); $venue = new Venue(); $venue->group_id = NULL; $venue->name = $params['gid'] . "_" . $params['vn_name']; $venue->address = utf8_decode($params['vn_address']); $venue->coords = $this->_helper->json->encodeJson($point); $venue->description = $params['vn_description']; $venue->icon = $params['vn_icon']; try { $venue->save(); $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array("msg" => Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_("Venue added!"))); } catch (Exception $e) { Util_Log::get()->DataAccess()->err("Doctrine Save Error: " . $e->getMessage()); $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array("msg" => Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_("Error adding Venue"))); } }
public function test_save_auto_increment_id() { $venue = new Venue(array('name' => 'Bob')); $venue->save(); $this->assert_true($venue->id > 0); }
function test_deleteVenue() { //Arrange $type = "Thai"; $id = null; $test_cuisine = new Cuisine($type, $id); $test_cuisine->save(); $test_cuisine_id = $test_cuisine->getId(); $name = "Mai Thai"; $address = "1139 NW Elm Street"; $description = "Yum yum for my tum tum"; $rating = 3; $name2 = "Screen Door"; $address2 = "19849 SW Santee Court"; $description2 = "Huge lines. Not worth it."; $rating2 = 4; $test_venue = new Venue($name, $test_cuisine_id, $id, $rating, $address, $description); $test_venue2 = new Venue($name2, $test_cuisine_id, $id, $rating2, $address2, $description2); $test_venue->save(); $test_venue2->save(); //Act $test_venue->deleteVenue(); //Assert $this->assertEquals([$test_venue2], Venue::getAll()); }
Cuisine::deleteAll(); return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', array('cuisines' => Cuisine::getAll(), 'cuisine_check' => false, 'venue_check' => false)); }); //Navigate to cuisine page $app->get('/cuisines/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $cuisine = Cuisine::find($id); return $app['twig']->render('cuisine.html.twig', array('cuisine' => $cuisine, 'venues' => $cuisine->getVenues())); }); //Create a new venue $app->post('/venues', function () use($app) { $name = $_POST['name']; $cuisine_id = $_POST['cuisine_id']; $description = $_POST['description']; $address = $_POST['address']; $rating = $_POST['rating']; $venue = new Venue($name, $cuisine_id, $id = null, $rating, $address, $description); $venue->save(); $cuisine = Cuisine::find($cuisine_id); return $app['twig']->render('cuisine.html.twig', array('cuisine' => $cuisine, 'venues' => $cuisine->getVenues())); }); // Delete a single venue from a cuisine // $app->delete('/cuisine/{id}', function($id) use ($app) { // $venues = Venue::find($id); // foreach($venues as $venue) { // $venue // } // $venue->deleteVenue(); // $cuisine = Cuisine::find($id); // return $app['twig']->render('cuisine.html.twig', array('cuisine' => $cuisine, 'venues' => $cuisine->getVenues())); // }); return $app;
public function testSaveAutoIncrementId() { $venue = new Venue(array('name' => 'Bob')); $venue->save(); $this->assertTrue($venue->id > 0); }
public function test_before_save_returning_false_cancels_callbacks() { $this->assert_fires_returns_false(array('before_save', 'before_create'), 'before_save', function ($model) { $model = new Venue(); $model->save(); }); }
public function testBeforeSaveReturningFalseCancelsCallbacks() { $this->assertFiresReturnsFalse(array('beforeSave', 'beforeCreate'), 'beforeSave', function ($model) { $model = new Venue(); $model->save(); }); }
function test_deleteCuisineVenue() { //Arrange $type = "Italian"; $id = null; $test_cuisine = new Cuisine($type, $id); $test_cuisine->save(); $name = "Montage"; $cuisine_id = $test_cuisine->getId(); $rating = 4; $address = "1139 NW Elm Street"; $description = "Yum yum for my tum tum"; $test_venue = new Venue($name, $cuisine_id, $id, $rating, $address, $description); $test_venue->save(); //Act $test_cuisine->deleteCuisine(); //Assert $this->assertEquals([], Venue::getAll()); }