function get_photo($id, $aid, $pid) { $vk = new VK\VK(APP_ID, ACCES_CODE); $photo = $vk->api('photos.get', array('owner_id' => $id, 'album_id' => $aid, 'photo_ids' => $pid)); echo '<a href="/albums.php?id=' . $id . '&aid=' . $aid . '"><<< НАЗАД</a><br />'; if (isset($photo['response']['0']['src_big'])) { echo '<img src="' . $photo['response']['0']['src_big'] . '">'; } else { echo "<p>Нет доступа к фотографии...<br> Фотография скрыта настройками приватности :("; } if (isset($photo['response']['0']['text'])) { echo '<p>' . $photo['response']['0']['text'] . '</p>'; } }
public function login() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../VK.php'; // require_once('/VKException.php'); $vk_config = array('app_id' => $_ENV['VK_APP_ID'], 'api_secret' => $_ENV['VK_API_SECRET'], 'callback_url' => $_ENV['VK_CALLBACK_URI'], 'api_settings' => $_ENV['API_SETTINGS']); $vk = new VK\VK($vk_config['app_id'], $vk_config['api_secret']); if (!isset($_REQUEST['code'])) { /** * If you need switch the application in test mode, * add another parameter "true". Default value "false" * Ex $vk->getAuthorizeURL($api_settings, $callback_url, true); */ $authorize_url = $vk->getAuthorizeURL($vk_config['api_settings'], $vk_config['callback_url']); echo '<a href="' . $authorize_url . '">Sign in with VK</a>'; } else { $access_token = $vk->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['code'], $vk_config['callback_url']); echo 'access token: ' . $access_token['access_token'] . '<br />expires: ' . $access_token['expires_in'] . ' sec.' . '<br />user id: ' . $access_token['user_id'] . '<br /><br />'; $user_friends = $vk->api('friends.get', array('uid' => '12345', 'fields' => 'uid,first_name,last_name', 'order' => 'name')); foreach ($user_friends['response'] as $key => $value) { echo $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name'] . ' (' . $value['uid'] . ')<br />'; } } }
<!doctype html> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <style> html, body { font-family: monospace; } </style> <?php /** * Example 3. * Usage VK API having access token. * @link VK API */ error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once '../src/VK/VK.php'; require_once '../src/VK/VKException.php'; $vk_config = array('app_id' => '{YOUR_APP_ID}', 'api_secret' => '{YOUR_API_SECRET}', 'access_token' => '{YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}'); try { $vk = new VK\VK($vk_config['app_id'], $vk_config['api_secret'], $vk_config['access_token']); $user_friends = $vk->api('friends.get', array('uid' => '12345', 'fields' => 'uid,first_name,last_name', 'order' => 'name')); foreach ($user_friends['response'] as $key => $value) { echo $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name'] . ' (' . $value['uid'] . ')<br />'; } } catch (VK\VKException $error) { echo $error->getMessage(); }
<!doctype html> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <style> html, body { font-family: monospace; } </style> <?php /** * Example 1. * Usage VK API without authorization. * Some calls are not available. * @link VK API */ error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once '../src/VK/VK.php'; require_once '../src/VK/VKException.php'; try { $vk = new VK\VK('{YOUR_APP_ID}', '{YOUR_API_SECRET}'); // Use your app_id and api_secret $users = $vk->api('users.get', array('uids' => '1234,4321', 'fields' => 'first_name,last_name,sex')); foreach ($users['response'] as $user) { echo $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] . ' (' . ($user['sex'] == 1 ? 'Girl' : 'Man') . ')<br />'; } } catch (VK\VKException $error) { echo $error->getMessage(); }
<?php $token = ''; $likeFrom = 144953542; $likeTo = 144953542; require_once "VK.php"; $APP = ['secretKey' => 'hHbZxrka2uZ6jB1inYsH', 'id' => '2274003']; $vk = new VK\VK($APP['id'], $APP['secretKey'], $token); $avatar = $vk->api('photos.get', array('owner_id' => $likeTo, 'album_id' => 'profile', 'count' => 1, 'rev' => 1, 'extended' => 0)); $photo_id = $avatar['response'][0]['pid']; $dolike = $vk->api('likes.add', array('type' => 'photo', 'owner_id' => $likeTo, 'item_id' => $photo_id)); if ($dolike['response']['likes'] > 0) { echo 'success'; }
/** * Require PHP >= 5.4 * Search, play and download audio files use VK API. * Before downloading files are renamed in the format "%artist% - %title%" */ ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once '../../src/VK/VK.php'; require_once '../../src/VK/VKException.php'; $vk_config = ['app_id' => '{YOUR_APP_ID}', 'api_secret' => '{YOUR_API_SECRET}', 'access_token' => '{YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}']; try { $vk = new VK\VK($vk_config['app_id'], $vk_config['api_secret'], $vk_config['access_token']); // Rename and download audio file if (isset($_GET['download']) && !empty($_GET['download'])) { $rs = $vk->api('audio.getById', ['audios' => $_GET['download']]); if (isset($rs['response'])) { $rs = $rs['response'][0]; header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $rs['artist'] . ' - ' . $rs['title'] . '.mp3"'); readfile($rs['url']); } die; } else { // Get audio list from query string $q = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : ''; $rs = []; if (!empty($q)) { $rs = $vk->api('', ['v' => '2.0', 'q' => $q]); } }
<?php require_once "../config.php"; require_once "../vk.php"; require_once "../vkexception.php"; $vk_config = array('app_id' => '4798482', 'api_secret' => 'yat6sCVTs6g4D8nCgWSJ', 'access_token' => $config['token']); try { $vk = new VK\VK($vk_config['app_id'], $vk_config['api_secret'], $vk_config['access_token']); $addfriend = $vk->api('friends.add', array('user_id' => $_GET['id'])); ?> <html> <head><script type="text/javascript">window.close();</script></head> <body></body> </html> <?php } catch (VK\VKException $error) { echo $error->getMessage(); }