Beispiel #1
  * Generate a new slug for the post.
  * @return string The slug
 protected function setslug()
     $value = '';
     // determine the base value from:
     // - the new slug
     if (isset($this->newfields['term']) && $this->newfields['term'] != '') {
         $value = $this->newfields['term'];
     } elseif ($this->fields['term'] != '') {
         $value = $this->fields['term'];
     } elseif (isset($this->newfields['term_display']) && $this->newfields['term_display'] != '') {
         $value = $this->newfields['term_display'];
     } elseif ($this->fields['term_display'] != '') {
         $value = $this->fields['term_display'];
     // make sure our slug is unique
     $slug = Plugins::filter('term_setslug', $value);
     $slug = Utils::slugify($slug);
     $postfix = '';
     $postfixcount = 0;
     do {
         if (!($slugcount = DB::get_row('SELECT COUNT(term) AS ct FROM {terms} WHERE term = ? AND vocabulary_id = ?;', array($slug . $postfix, $this->fields['vocabulary_id'])))) {
         if ($slugcount->ct != 0) {
             $postfix = "-" . ++$postfixcount;
     } while ($slugcount->ct != 0);
     return $this->newfields['term'] = $slug . $postfix;
Beispiel #2
 public function action_plugin_activation($file)
      * Create the database table, or upgrade it
     $dbms = DB::get_driver_name();
     $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . DB::table('abbrev') . ' ' . '(';
     if ($dbms == 'sqlite') {
     } else {
         if ($dbms == 'mysql') {
             $sql .= 'xid INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' . 'UNIQUE KEY xid (xid),';
         } else {
             $sql .= 'xid INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' . 'UNIQUE KEY xid (xid),';
     $sql .= 'abbrev VARCHAR(255),' . 'caseful INTEGER DEFAULT 0,' . "prefix VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT '\\b'," . "postfix VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT '\\b'," . 'priority INTEGER DEFAULT 100,' . 'definition VARCHAR(255)' . ')';
     if (!DB::dbdelta($sql)) {
     if ($file == str_replace('\\', '/', $this->get_file())) {
         ACL::create_token(self::PLUGIN_TOKEN, _t('Allow use of Abbrev plugin'), 'Category', false);
         $group = UserGroup::get_by_name('admin');
Beispiel #3
 public function grab($method, $vars = array())
     $url = '';
     $url .= '?method=' . $method;
     foreach ($vars as $key => $val) {
         $url .= '&' . $val . '=' . $val;
Beispiel #4
 public function act_uninstall($handler, $theme)
     try {
         $package = HabariPackages::remove($handler->handler_vars['guid']);
         Session::notice("{$package->name} {$package->version} was uninstalled.");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Session::error('Could not complete uninstall: ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (DEBUG) {
 public function action_block_content_textlinkads($block)
     if (!Cache::has('textlinkads')) {
         $request_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
         $user_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
         $inventory_key = 'NYWSW7HTCIN307VV7BBD';
         $tla_uri = '' . $inventory_key . '&referer=' . urlencode($request_uri) . '&user_agent=' . urlencode($user_agent);
         Cache::set('textlinkads', RemoteRequest::get_contents($tla_uri));
         Utils::debug('Cache set');
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(Cache::get('textlinkads'));
     $links = array();
     foreach ($xml->Link as $link) {
         $ad = new StdClass();
         $ad->before = (string) $link->BeforeText;
         $ad->after = (string) $link->AfterText;
         $ad->text = (string) $link->Text;
         $ad->url = (string) $link->URL;
         $links[(string) $link->LinkID] = $ad;
     $block->links = $links;
Beispiel #6
  * The UserThemeHandler's act() method differs from ActionHandler's
  * act() method in one distinct way: if the Handler's theme variable
  * registers an override action via Theme->register_action(), then
  * that function is called instead of the default handler action.
  * @param   action  the action that was in the URL rule
  * @return  bool    did the action succeed?
 public function act($action)
     $this->action = $action;
     $action_method = 'act_' . $action;
     $before_action_method = 'before_' . $action_method;
     $after_action_method = 'after_' . $action_method;
     try {
         $handled = false;
         $handled = Plugins::filter('theme_act_' . $action, $handled, $this->theme);
         if (!$handled) {
     } catch (Error $e) {
         EventLog::log($e->humane_error(), 'error', 'theme', 'habari', print_r($e, 1));
         //Should we display any error here?
         if (DEBUG) {
     * The plugin sink for the auth_ajax_drupal_import_comments hook.
     * Responds via authenticated ajax to requests for comment importing.
     * @param AjaxHandler $handler The handler that handled the request, contains $_POST info
    public function action_auth_ajax_drupal_import_comments($handler)
        $valid_fields = array('db_name', 'db_host', 'db_user', 'db_pass', 'db_prefix', 'import_comments', 'commentindex', 'entry_type', 'page_type', 'tag_vocab');
        $inputs = array_intersect_key($_POST->getArrayCopy(), array_flip($valid_fields));
        $drupaldb = $this->drupal_connect($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_prefix);
        if ($drupaldb) {
            $commentcount = $drupaldb->get_value("SELECT count( c.cid ) FROM {$db_prefix}comments AS c INNER JOIN {$db_prefix}node AS n ON (n.nid = c.nid) WHERE n.type IN ('{$entry_type}', '{$page_type}')");
            $min = $commentindex * DRUPAL_IMPORT_BATCH + 1;
            $max = min(($commentindex + 1) * DRUPAL_IMPORT_BATCH, $commentcount);
            echo "<p>Importing comments {$min}-{$max} of {$commentcount}.</p>";
            $postinfo = DB::table('postinfo');
            $post_info = DB::get_results("SELECT post_id, value FROM {$postinfo} WHERE name= 'drupal_nid';");
            foreach ($post_info as $info) {
                $post_map[$info->value] = $info->post_id;
            if ($import_comments) {
                $comments = $drupaldb->get_results("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.nid as drupal_post_nid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.comment as content,\n\t\t\t\t\t\,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.mail as email,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.homepage as url,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINET_ATON( c.hostname ) as ip,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.status,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM_UNIXTIME( c.timestamp ) as date\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}comments AS c\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$db_prefix}node AS n on ( n.nid = c.nid )\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$min}, " . DRUPAL_IMPORT_BATCH, array(), 'Comment');
            } else {
                $comments = array();
            foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                $comment->type = Comment::COMMENT;
                $comment->status = $comment->status == '0' ? 1 : 0;
                $comment->content = MultiByte::convert_encoding($comment->content);
                $comment->name = MultiByte::convert_encoding($comment->name);
                $carray = $comment->to_array();
                if ($carray['ip'] == '') {
                    $carray['ip'] = 0;
                if (!isset($post_map[$carray['drupal_post_nid']])) {
                } else {
                    $carray['post_id'] = $post_map[$carray['drupal_post_nid']];
                    $c = new Comment($carray);
                    //Utils::debug( $c );
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        EventLog::log($e->getMessage(), 'err', null, null, print_r(array($c, $e), 1));
                        $errors = Options::get('import_errors');
                        $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
                        Options::set('import_errors', $errors);
            if ($max < $commentcount) {
                $ajax_url = URL::get('auth_ajax', array('context' => 'drupal_import_comments'));
                echo <<<DRUPAL_IMPORT_AJAX1
\t\t\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t\t\t\t\$( '#import_progress' ).load(
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb_host: "{$db_host}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb_name: "{$db_name}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb_user: "******",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb_pass: "******",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb_prefix: "{$db_prefix}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\timport_comments: "{$import_comments}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tentry_type: "{$entry_type}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpage_type: "{$page_type}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttag_vocab: "{$tag_vocab}",
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcommentindex: {$commentindex}
\t\t\t\t\t );

            } else {
                EventLog::log('Import complete from "' . $db_name . '"');
                echo '<p>' . _t('Import is complete.') . '</p>';
                $errors = Options::get('import_errors');
                if (count($errors) > 0) {
                    echo '<p>' . _t('There were errors during import:') . '</p>';
                    echo '<ul>';
                    foreach ($errors as $error) {
                        echo '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
                    echo '</ul>';
        } else {
            EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Failed to import from "%s"'), $db_name), 'crit');
            echo '<p>' . _t('Failed to connect using the given database connection details.') . '</p>';
 public function theme_route_download_addon($theme, $url_args)
     $addon = Post::get(array('slug' => $url_args['slug']));
     if (!$addon) {
         // Don't let people pass weird stuff into here
     $version = $url_args['version'];
     $terms = $this->vocabulary->get_object_terms('addon', $addon->id);
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         if ($version == $this->version_slugify($term)) {
             if (!isset($term->info->url) || !isset($term->info->hash)) {
                 // We must have a download url and a hash to get
             // zip file of the requested version is located in /user/files/addon_downloads/{$addonslug}/{$versionslug}/{$hash}/{$addonslug}_{$versionslug}.zip
             $versiondir = '/files/addon_downloads/' . $addon->slug . '/' . $version . '/';
             $dir = $versiondir . $term->info->hash . '/';
             $zipfile = Site::get_dir('user') . $dir . $addon->slug . '_' . $version . '.zip';
             $zipurl = Site::get_url('user') . $dir . $addon->slug . '_' . $version . '.zip';
             if (!is_file($zipfile) || isset($url_args['refresh']) && $url_args['refresh'] == 'refresh') {
                 // File does not yet exist, prepare directories and create it
                 if (is_writable(Site::get_dir('user') . '/files/')) {
                     if (!is_dir(Site::get_dir('user') . $versiondir)) {
                         mkdir(Site::get_dir('user') . $versiondir, 0755, true);
                     $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $addon->slug;
                     // Cleanup: Remove copies from older commits
                     exec('rm -rf ' . Site::get_dir('user') . $versiondir . '*');
                     exec('rm -rf ' . $tmp_dir);
                     exec('rm -rf ' . $zipfile);
                     if (!is_dir(Site::get_dir('user') . $dir)) {
                         mkdir(Site::get_dir('user') . $dir, 0755, true);
                     Plugins::act('addon_download', $term->info->source, $addon, $term, $tmp_dir);
                     if (count(scandir($tmp_dir)) > 2) {
                         exec('cd ' . $tmp_dir . ' && zip -9 -r ' . $zipfile . ' *');
             if (is_file($zipfile)) {
                 // Everything worked fine - or the file already existed
Beispiel #9
 public function action_upgrade($oldversion)
     Utils::debug('upgrade ' . $oldversion);
 public function action_handler_display_snippets($handler_vars)
Beispiel #11
 public function dbg($var, $tipo = 2)
     return Utils::debug($var, $tipo);
Beispiel #12
 function do_stupid_things_in_global_scope()
      * Test for the RemoteRequest class.
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/remoterequest.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/curlrequestprocessor.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/socketrequestprocessor.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/utils.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/error.php';
     error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     function bs($v)
         return $v ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
     $tests_failed = array();
     $tests = array('GET' => array("\$res"), 'GET' => array("\$res_get"), 'POST' => array("\$res_post"));
     print "<h1>Running tests</h1>\n";
     $processors = array(new CURLRequestProcessor(), new SocketRequestProcessor());
     foreach ($processors as $processor) {
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('');
         $res = $rr->execute();
         if ($res === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res);
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('');
         $rr->set_params(array('query' => 'var', 'another' => 'variable'));
         $res_get = $rr->execute();
         if ($res_get === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res_get);
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('', 'POST');
         $rr->set_body('If you can read this, the test was successful.');
         $res_post = $rr->execute();
         if ($res_post === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res_post);
         foreach ($tests as $name => $group) {
             print "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n";
             foreach ($group as $test) {
                 $result = eval('return (' . $test . ');');
                 printf("<p><strong>%s</strong> == ( %s )</p>\n", bs($result), var_export($test, TRUE));
                 if (!$result) {
                     $tests_failed[$name][] = $test;
     if (count($tests_failed)) {
         print "<h1>Failed tests</h1>\n";
         foreach ($tests_failed as $name => $tests) {
             print "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n";
             foreach ($tests as $test) {
                 print "<p>{$test}</p>\n";
     } else {
         print "<h1>All tests successful</h1>\n";
 public function action_plugin_act_display_column($handler)
     Utils::debug(Posts::get(array('content_type' => Post::type('section'), 'nolimit' => TRUE, 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'orderby' => 'title ASC', 'fetch_fn' => 'get_perms')));
     //		Utils::debug($handler->handler_vars);
Beispiel #14

require_once 'config/config.conf.php';
try {
    $articles = Db::selectAll('SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 5');
    echo Utils::debug($articles);
    echo '<hr>';
    $article = Db::selectOne('SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = :id', array(':id' => 23));
    echo Utils::debug($article);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Beispiel #15
  * Generate a new slug for the post.
  * @return string The slug
 private function setslug()
     // determine the base value from:
     // - the new slug
     if (isset($this->newfields['slug']) && $this->newfields['slug'] != '') {
         $value = $this->newfields['slug'];
     } elseif (isset($this->newfields['slug']) && $this->newfields['slug'] == '') {
         if ($this->fields['status'] == Post::status('draft') || $this->fields['status'] != Post::status('draft') && $this->newfields['status'] != Post::status('draft')) {
             if (isset($this->newfields['title']) && $this->newfields['title'] != '') {
                 $value = $this->newfields['title'];
             } else {
                 $value = $this->fields['title'];
     } elseif ($this->fields['slug'] != '') {
         $value = $this->fields['slug'];
     } elseif (isset($this->newfields['title']) && $this->newfields['title'] != '') {
         $value = $this->newfields['title'];
     } elseif ($this->fields['title'] != '') {
         $value = $this->fields['title'];
     } else {
         $value = 'Post';
     // make sure our slug is unique
     $slug = Plugins::filter('post_setslug', $value);
     $slug = Utils::slugify($slug);
     $postfix = '';
     $postfixcount = 0;
     do {
         if (!($slugcount = DB::get_row('SELECT COUNT(slug) AS ct FROM {posts} WHERE slug = ?;', array($slug . $postfix)))) {
         if ($slugcount->ct != 0) {
             $postfix = "-" . ++$postfixcount;
     } while ($slugcount->ct != 0);
     return $this->newfields['slug'] = $slug . $postfix;
Beispiel #16
	$rr->set_body( 'If you can read this, the test was successful.' );
	$res_post= $rr->execute();
	if ( $res_post === TRUE ) {
	 	$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr( $rr->get_response_body(), 0 ) );
	else {
		$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $res_post, );

	foreach ( $tests as $name => $group ) {
		print( "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n" );
		foreach ( $group as $test ) {
			$result= eval( 'return (' . $test . ');' );
			printf( "<p><strong>%s</strong> == ( %s )</p>\n", bs( $result ), var_export( $test, TRUE ) );

			Utils::debug( array_shift( $results ) );
			if ( ! $result ) {
				$tests_failed[$name][]= $test;

if ( count( $tests_failed ) ) {
	print( "<h1>Failed tests</h1>\n" );
	foreach ( $tests_failed as $name => $tests ) {
		print( "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n" );
		foreach ( $tests as $test ) {
			print( "<p>{$test}</p>\n" );
 public static function snipurl($url)
     $call = new RemoteRequest('', 'POST');
     $call->set_params(array('sniplink' => $url, 'snipuser' => 'bcse', 'snipapi' => '9fa84accb6cee0451a91feaf37e961ad'));
     $result = $call->execute();
     if (Error::is_error($result)) {
         Utils::debug($call, $result);
         return FALSE;
     $response = $call->get_response_body();
     $obj = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
     if ($obj instanceof SimpleXMLElement && isset($obj->id)) {
         return $obj->id;
     return FALSE;
 public function search($search_term, $max_results = 10, $offset_index = 0)
     $response = $this->api_get('search', array('query' => urlencode($search_term), 'results' => $max_results, 'offset' => $offset_index, 'auth' => $this->token, 'email' => $this->email));
     if ($response['stats']['http_code'] == 200) {
         if (json_decode($response['body']) == '') {
         $response = json_decode($response['body']);
         $return = array('count' => $response->Response->totalRecords, 'results' => array());
         if ($return['count'] > 0) {
             foreach ($response->Response->Results as $result) {
                 if (!empty($result->key)) {
                     $return['results'][$result->key] = $result->content;
         return $return;
     } else {
         return false;
 function put($method, $params = array(), $tokenize = false, $debug = false)
     $url = $this->get_endpoint($method);
     if ($debug) {
     $req = curl_init();
     $params['api_key'] = $this->key;
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0);
     // curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($photo));
     // Sign and build request parameters
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->conntimeout);
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     $this->_http_body = curl_exec($req);
     if (curl_errno($req)) {
         throw new Exception(curl_error($req));
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($this->_http_body);
     if ($xml['stat'] == 'ok') {
         return $xml;
     } else {
         Utils::debug($xml, $params, $url);
         $result = false;
     return $result;
Beispiel #20
	public function test_object_terms()
		$post = Post::create( array(
		'title' => 'Unit Test Post',
		'content' => 'This is a unit test post to test setting and getting terms.',
		'user_id' => 1,
		'status' => Post::status( 'draft' ),
		'content_type' => Post::type( 'entry' ),
		'pubdate' => HabariDateTime::date_create(),
		) );

		$v = Vocabulary::get( 'tags' );

		// Test setting terms with strings
		$new_terms = array( 'habari', 'unit test' );
		$v->set_object_terms( 'post', $post->id, $new_terms );
		$terms = $v->get_object_terms( 'post', $post->id );
		$t = array();
		foreach( $terms as $term ) {
			$t[] = (string)$term;

		$this->assert_equal( 2, count( $terms ) );
		$this->assert_equal( 0, count( array_diff( $new_terms, $t ) ) );

		// Test get_all_object_terms
		$nv = Vocabulary::create( array(
		'name' => 'animals',
		'description' => 'Types of animals.',
		'features' => array( 'hierarchical' )
		) );

		$root = $nv->add_term( 'Animal Kingdom' );
		$nv->set_object_terms( 'post', $post->id, array( $root ) );

		$terms = Vocabulary::get_all_object_terms( 'post', $post->id );
		$new_terms[] = 'Animal Kingdom';
		$t = array();
		foreach( $terms as $term ) {
			$t[] = (string)$term;

		$this->assert_equal( 3, count( $terms ) );
Utils::debug( 3, count( $terms ) );
		$this->assert_equal( 0, count( array_diff( $new_terms, $t ) ) );
Utils::debug( 0, count( array_diff( $new_terms, $t ) ) );

		$v->delete_term( 'unit test' );
     * The plugin sink for the auth_ajax_mt_import_trackbacks hook.
     * Responds via authenticated ajax to requests for comment importing.
     * @access public
     * @param AjaxHandler $handler The handler that handled the request, contains $_POST info
    public function action_auth_ajax_mt_mysql_import_trackbacks($handler)
        $valid_fields = array('db_name', 'db_host', 'db_user', 'db_pass', 'db_prefix', 'blog_id', 'trackbackindex');
        $inputs = Controller::get_handler_vars()->filter_keys($valid_fields)->getArrayCopy();
        $mtdb = $this->mt_connect($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_prefix);
        if (!$mtdb) {
            EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Failed to import from "%s"'), $db_name), 'crit');
            echo '<p>' . _t('Failed to connect using the given database connection details.') . '</p>';
        $trackbackcount = $mtdb->get_value("SELECT count(trackback_id) FROM {$db_prefix}trackback WHERE trackback_blog_id = '{$blog_id}';");
        $min = $trackbackindex * $this->import_batch + 1;
        $max = min(($trackbackindex + 1) * $this->import_batch, $trackbackcount);
        echo sprintf(_t('<p>Importing trackbacks %d-%d of %d.</p>'), $min, $max, $trackbackcount);
        $post_info = DB::get_results("SELECT post_id, value FROM " . DB::table('postinfo') . " WHERE name= 'mt_id';");
        while (list(, $info) = @each($post_info)) {
            $post_map[$info->value] = $info->post_id;
        $trackbacks = $mtdb->get_results("SELECT\n\t\t\ttrackback_title AS name,\n\t\t\ttrackback_url AS url,\n\t\t\ttrackback_description AS content,\n\t\t\ttrackback_created_on AS date,\n\t\t\ttrackback_entry_id AS mt_post_id,\n\t\t\ttrackback_id,\n\t\t\ttrackback_is_disabled\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}trackback\n\t\t\tWHERE trackback_blog_id = '{$blog_id}'\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$min}," . $this->import_batch, array(), 'Comment');
        $comment_map = DB::get_column("SELECT value FROM " . DB::table('commentinfo') . " WHERE name='mt_trackback_id';");
        while (list(, $trackback) = @each($trackback)) {
            // already exists skipped
            if (in_array($trackback->trackback_id, $comment_map)) {
            $trackback->type = Comment::TRACKBACK;
            $carray = $trackback->to_array();
            $carray['ip'] = 0;
            if ($carray['trackback_is_disabled'] == 0) {
                $carray['status'] = Comment::STATUS_APPROVED;
            } else {
                $carray['status'] = Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED;
            if (!isset($post_map[$carray['mt_post_id']])) {
            } else {
                $carray['post_id'] = $post_map[$carray['wp_post_id']];
                $trackback_id = $carray['trackback_id'];
                $c = new Comment($carray);
                $c->info->mt_trackback_id = $trackback_id;
                try {
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    EventLog::log($e->getMessage(), 'err', null, null, print_r(array($c, $e), 1));
                    $errors = Options::get('import_errors');
                    $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
                    Options::set('import_errors', $errors);
        if ($max < $trackbackcount) {
            $ajax_url = URL::get('auth_ajax', array('context' => 'mt_mysql_import_trackbacks'));
        } else {
            EventLog::log('Import complete from "' . $db_name . '"');
            echo '<p>' . _t('Import is complete.') . '</p>';
            $errors = Options::get('import_errors');
            if (count($errors) > 0) {
                echo '<p>' . _t('There were errors during import:') . '</p>';
                echo '<ul>';
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    echo '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
                echo '</ul>';
<script type="text/javascript">
$( '#import_progress' ).load(
        echo $ajax_url;
	db_host: "<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($db_host);
	db_name: "<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($db_name);
	db_user: "******",
	db_pass: "******",
	db_prefix: "<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($db_prefix);
	blog_id: "<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($blog_id);
	trackbackindex: <?php 
        echo $trackbackindex;
Beispiel #22
  * Prepare and display admin page
 public function action_admin_theme_get_menus(AdminHandler $handler, Theme $theme)
     $theme->page_content = '';
     $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'create';
     switch ($action) {
         case 'edit':
             $vocabulary = Vocabulary::get_by_id(intval($handler->handler_vars['menu']));
             if ($vocabulary == false) {
                 $theme->page_content = '<h2>' . _t('Invalid Menu.');
                 // that's it, we're done. Maybe we show the list of menus instead?
             $form = new FormUI('edit_menu');
             $form->append(new FormControlText('menuname', 'null:null', _t('Name'), 'transparent_text'))->add_validator('validate_required', _t('You must supply a valid menu name'))->add_validator(array($this, 'validate_newvocab'))->value = $vocabulary->name;
             $form->append(new FormControlHidden('oldname', 'null:null'))->value = $vocabulary->name;
             $form->append(new FormControlText('description', 'null:null', _t('Description'), 'transparent_text'))->value = $vocabulary->description;
             $edit_items_array = $this->get_menu_type_data();
             $edit_items = '';
             foreach ($edit_items_array as $action => $menu_type) {
                 $edit_items .= '<a class="modal_popup_form menu_button_dark" href="' . URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menu_iframe', 'action' => $action, 'menu' => $vocabulary->id)) . "\">" . _t('Add %s', array($menu_type['label'])) . "</a>";
             if (!$vocabulary->is_empty()) {
                 $form->append('tree', 'tree', $vocabulary->get_tree(), _t('Menu'));
                 $form->tree->options = $vocabulary->get_tree();
                 $form->tree->config = array('itemcallback' => array($this, 'tree_item_callback'));
                 //						$form->tree->value = $vocabulary->get_root_terms();
                 // append other needed controls, if there are any.
                 $form->append('static', 'buttons', '<div id="menu_item_button_container">' . $edit_items . '</div>');
                 $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Apply Changes'));
             } else {
                 $form->append('static', 'buttons', '<div id="menu_item_button_container">' . $edit_items . '</div>');
             $delete_link = URL::get('admin', Utils::WSSE(array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'delete_menu', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars['menu'])));
             //$delete_link = URL::get( 'admin', array( 'page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'delete_menu', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars[ 'menu' ] ) );
             $form->append('static', 'deletebutton', '<a class="a_button" href="' . $delete_link . '">' . _t('Delete Menu') . '</a>');
             $form->append(new FormControlHidden('menu', 'null:null'))->value = $handler->handler_vars['menu'];
             $form->on_success(array($this, 'rename_menu_form_save'));
             $form->properties['onsubmit'] = "return habari.menu_admin.submit_menu_update();";
             $theme->page_content .= $form->get();
         case 'create':
             $form = new FormUI('create_menu');
             $form->append('text', 'menuname', 'null:null', _t('Menu Name'), 'transparent_text')->add_validator('validate_required', _t('You must supply a valid menu name'))->add_validator(array($this, 'validate_newvocab'));
             $form->append('text', 'description', 'null:null', _t('Description'), 'transparent_text');
             $form->append('submit', 'submit', _t('Create Menu'));
             $form->on_success(array($this, 'add_menu_form_save'));
             $theme->page_content = $form->get();
         case 'delete_menu':
             if (Utils::verify_wsse($_GET, true)) {
                 $menu_vocab = Vocabulary::get_by_id(intval($handler->handler_vars['menu']));
                 // Delete blocks using this menu
                 $at = Themes::get_active_data(true);
                 $t = Themes::create(Themes::get_active()['name']);
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($at['areas'] as $area) {
                     foreach ($t->get_blocks($area['name'], 0, $t) as $block) {
                         if ($block->type == 'menu' && $block->menu_taxonomy == $handler->handler_vars['menu']) {
                 Session::notice(sprintf(_n('%s block linking to this menu deleted.', '%s blocks linking to this menu deleted.', $i), $i));
                 // log that it has been deleted?
                 Session::notice(_t('Menu deleted.'));
                 // redirect to a blank menu creation form
                 Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'create')));
             } else {
                 Session::notice(_t('Menu deletion failed - please try again.'));
                 Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars['menu'])));
         case 'delete_term':
             $term = Term::get(intval($handler->handler_vars['term']));
             $menu_vocab = $term->vocabulary_id;
             if (Utils::verify_wsse($_GET, true)) {
                 // log that it has been deleted?
                 Session::notice(_t('Item deleted.'));
                 Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $menu_vocab)));
             } else {
                 Session::notice(_t('Item deletion failed - please try again.'));
                 Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $menu_vocab)));
             Utils::debug($_GET, $action);
     // End everything
Beispiel #23
  * @todo the server should return all versions and let hpm decide which version to take
 public static function update_packages($repo)
     $client = new RemoteRequest($repo, 'GET');
     if (Error::is_error($client->execute())) {
         return false;
     try {
         $packages = $client->get_response_body();
         //Utils::debug( $packages );
         $packages = new SimpleXMLElement($packages);
         $package_list = array();
         foreach ($packages->package as $package) {
             if (!$package['guid'] || !$package->versions) {
             $new_package = (array) $package->attributes();
             $new_package = $new_package['@attributes'];
             $new_package['description'] = strval($package->description);
             $versions = array();
             foreach ($package->versions->version as $version) {
                 $version = (array) $version->attributes();
                 $version = $version['@attributes'];
                 if (isset($version['habari_version']) && self::is_compatible($version['habari_version'])) {
                     $versions[$version['version']] = $version;
             //Utils::debug( $new_package, $versions );
             uksort($versions, create_function('$a,$b', 'return version_compare($b,$a);'));
             $version = current($versions);
             if ($version) {
                 $new_package = array_merge($version, $new_package);
                 if ($old_package = HabariPackage::get($new_package['guid'])) {
                     if (isset($new_package['version']) && version_compare($new_package['version'], $old_package->version, '>')) {
                         if ($old_package->status == 'installed') {
                             $new_package['status'] = 'upgrade';
                         DB::update(DB::table('packages'), $new_package, array('guid' => $new_package['guid']));
                         $package_list[] = $old_package->id;
                     } else {
                         $package_list[] = $old_package->id;
                 } else {
                     DB::insert(DB::table('packages'), $new_package);
                     $package_list[] = DB::last_insert_id();
         Options::set('hpm__repo_version', Version::get_habariversion());
         return $package_list;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * Prepare and display admin page
 public function action_admin_theme_get_menus(AdminHandler $handler, Theme $theme)
     $theme->page_content = '';
     $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'create';
     switch ($action) {
         case 'edit':
             $vocabulary = Vocabulary::get_by_id(intval($handler->handler_vars['menu']));
             if ($vocabulary == false) {
                 $theme->page_content = _t('<h2>Invalid Menu.</h2>', 'termmenus');
                 // that's it, we're done. Maybe we show the list of menus instead?
             $form = new FormUI('edit_menu');
             $form->append(new FormControlText('menuname', 'null:null', _t('Name', 'termmenus'), 'transparent_text'))->add_validator('validate_required', _t('You must supply a valid menu name', 'termmenus'))->add_validator(array($this, 'validate_newvocab'))->value = $vocabulary->name;
             $form->append(new FormControlHidden('oldname', 'null:null'))->value = $vocabulary->name;
             $form->append(new FormControlText('description', 'null:null', _t('Description', 'termmenus'), 'transparent_text'))->value = $vocabulary->description;
             $edit_items_array = $this->get_menu_type_data();
             $edit_items = '';
             foreach ($edit_items_array as $action => $menu_type) {
                 $edit_items .= '<a class="modal_popup_form menu_button_dark" href="' . URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menu_iframe', 'action' => $action, 'menu' => $vocabulary->id)) . "\">" . _t('Add %s', array($menu_type['label']), 'termmenus') . "</a>";
             if (!$vocabulary->is_empty()) {
                 $form->append('tree', 'tree', $vocabulary->get_tree(), _t('Menu', 'termmenus'));
                 $form->tree->config = array('itemcallback' => array($this, 'tree_item_callback'));
                 //						$form->tree->value = $vocabulary->get_root_terms();
                 // append other needed controls, if there are any.
                 $form->append('static', 'buttons', _t("<div id='menu_item_button_container'>{$edit_items}</div>", 'termmenus'));
                 $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Apply Changes', 'termmenus'));
             } else {
                 $form->append('static', 'buttons', _t("<div id='menu_item_button_container'>{$edit_items}</div>", 'termmenus'));
             $delete_link = URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'delete_menu', 'menu' => $handler->handler_vars['menu']));
             $form->append('static', 'deletebutton', _t("<a class='a_button' href='{$delete_link}'>Delete Menu</a>", 'termmenus'));
             $form->append(new FormControlHidden('menu', 'null:null'))->value = $handler->handler_vars['menu'];
             $form->on_success(array($this, 'rename_menu_form_save'));
             $form->properties['onsubmit'] = "return habari.menu_admin.submit_menu_update();";
             $theme->page_content .= $form->get();
         case 'create':
             $form = new FormUI('create_menu');
             $form->append('text', 'menuname', 'null:null', _t('Menu Name', 'termmenus'), 'transparent_text')->add_validator('validate_required', _t('You must supply a valid menu name', 'termmenus'))->add_validator(array($this, 'validate_newvocab'));
             $form->append('text', 'description', 'null:null', _t('Description', 'termmenus'), 'transparent_text');
             $form->append('submit', 'submit', _t('Create Menu', 'termmenus'));
             $form->on_success(array($this, 'add_menu_form_save'));
             $theme->page_content = $form->get();
         case 'delete_menu':
             $menu_vocab = Vocabulary::get_by_id(intval($handler->handler_vars['menu']));
             // log that it has been deleted?
             Session::notice(_t('Menu deleted.', 'termmenus'));
             // redirect to a blank menu creation form
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'create')));
         case 'delete_term':
             $term = Term::get(intval($handler->handler_vars['term']));
             $menu_vocab = $term->vocabulary_id;
             // log that it has been deleted?
             Session::notice(_t('Item deleted.', 'termmenus'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'menus', 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => $menu_vocab)));
             Utils::debug($_GET, $action);
     // End everything
Beispiel #25
	 * Generate a new slug for the post.
	 * @return string The slug
	private function setslug()
		// determine the base value from:
		// - the new slug
		// If the slug is new and has a length
		if ( isset( $this->newfields['slug'] ) && $this->newfields['slug'] != '' ) {
			$value = $this->newfields['slug'];
		// - the new empty slug whilst in draft or progressing directly to published or scheduled from draft.
		// - Also allow changing of slug whilst in scheduled state
		// This happens when a draft is being updated, or a post is being directly published or scheduled,
		// or an existing scheduled or published post is being updated, but not made into a draft
		// If a new slug is set, and it doesn't have a length
		elseif ( isset( $this->newfields['slug'] ) && $this->newfields['slug'] == '' ) {
			// If the existing status of the post is draft, no matter what status it is being changed to
			if ( $this->fields['status'] == Post::status( 'draft' )
				|| (
					// or the existing status is not draft and the new status is not draft
					$this->fields['status'] != Post::status( 'draft' ) && $this->newfields['status'] != Post::status( 'draft' )
			) {
				// And a new title is set, use the new title
				if ( isset( $this->newfields['title'] ) && $this->newfields['title'] != '' ) {
					$value = $this->newfields['title'];
				// Otherwise, use the existing title
				else {
					$value = $this->fields['title'];
		// - the existing slug
		//  If there is an existing slug, and it has a length
		elseif ( $this->fields['slug'] != '' ) {
			$value = $this->fields['slug'];
		// - the new post title
		// If there is a new title, and it has a length
		elseif ( isset( $this->newfields['title'] ) && $this->newfields['title'] != '' ) {
			$value = $this->newfields['title'];
		// - the existing post title
		// If there is an existing title, and it has a length
		elseif ( $this->fields['title'] != '' ) {
			$value = $this->fields['title'];
		// - default
		//Nothing else worked. Default to 'Post'
		else {
			$value = 'Post';

		// make sure our slug is unique
		$slug = Plugins::filter( 'post_setslug', $value );
		$slug = Utils::slugify( $slug );
		$postfix = '';
		$postfixcount = 0;
		do {
			if ( ! $slugcount = DB::get_row( 'SELECT COUNT(slug) AS ct FROM {posts} WHERE slug = ?;', array( $slug . $postfix ) ) ) {
				Utils::debug( DB::get_errors() );
			if ( $slugcount->ct != 0 ) {
				$postfix = "-" . ( ++$postfixcount );
		} while ( $slugcount->ct != 0 );

		return $this->newfields['slug'] = $slug . $postfix;
[ <!ATTLIST html habari CDATA #IMPLIED> ]
<head habari="rocks">
<title>Foo Bar</title>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>This is a good <a href="">HTML</a> document.</p>
<![CDATA[This is &amp; <a href="foo">CDATA</a>.]]><strong>Lo bob</strong>.
$html_strs[] = <<<_EOF_
<html><title>Oh &apos;eck!<body>This is a badly tag-soupy HTML document.</html>
$html_strs[] = <<<_EOF_
<body onLoad="window.alert('zomg.');">
<p onClick="window.alert('stole yer cookies!');">Do not click here.</p>
<script>alert("See this?")</script>
foreach ($html_strs as $html_str) {
    $t = new HTMLTokenizer($html_str);
    $tokens = $t->parse();
    Utils::debug($html_str, $tokens);