if ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'shib' and isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
	// Validate the user (if not created create it)
	if ($userlib->validate_user($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], "", "", "")) {
		$_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];


// if the username is already saved in the session, pull it from there
if (isset($_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"])) {
	$user = $_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"];
	// There could be a case where the session contains a user that doesn't exists in this tiki
	// or that has never used the login step in this tiki.
	// Example : If using the same PHP SESSION cookies for more than one tiki.
	$user_details = $userlib->get_user_details($user);
	if (!is_array($user_details) || !is_array($user_details['info']) || (int)$user_details['info']['lastLogin'] <= 0) {
		global $cachelib;
		require_once ('lib/cache/cachelib.php');
		$cachelib->invalidate('user_details_' . $user);
		$user_details = $userlib->get_user_details($user);
		if (!is_array($user_details) || !is_array($user_details['info'])) {
			$user = NULL;
	// Generate anti-CSRF ticket
	if ($prefs['feature_ticketlib2'] == 'y' && !isset($_SESSION['ticket'])) {
		$_SESSION['ticket'] = md5(uniqid(rand()));