public function actionUp($type, $id)
     $ret_val = false;
     $existing = new Rating();
     $existing->queryOptions['user_id'] = \Yii::$app->user->getId();
     $existing->queryOptions['remote_type'] = $type;
     $existing->queryOptions['remote_id'] = $id;
     switch ($existing->exists()) {
         case false:
             $model = new Rating(['remote_type' => $type, 'remote_id' => $id]);
             $existing = new Rating();
             $existing->queryOptions['remote_type'] = $type;
             $existing->queryOptions['remote_id'] = $id;
             $count = $existing->getCount();
             switch (1) {
                 case $count < Users::find()->count():
                     $ret_val = true;
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->users = Users::find();
     $user = new Users();
     $user->id = 3;
  * 修改个人信息
 function actionChangeInfo()
     $currentUser = $this->_app->currentUser();
     $user = Users::find()->getById($currentUser['id']);
     $form = new Form_User(url('admin::usercenter/changeInfo'));
     $form->element('username')->set('readonly', 'true');
     $form->element('group_id')->items = Groups::find('id=?', $user->group_id)->order('weight desc')->getAll()->toHashMap('id', 'name');
     $form->element('level_id')->items = Levels::find('weight=?', $user->level_id)->order('weight desc')->getAll()->toHashMap('weight', 'name');
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'id', array('_ui' => 'hidden', 'value' => $currentUser['id']));
     if ($this->_context->isPOST() && $form->validate($_POST)) {
         try {
             return "{msg:'编辑成功'}";
         } catch (QDB_ActiveRecord_ValidateFailedException $ex) {
     } else {
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'reg_at', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '注册时间', 'value' => date('Y-m-d', $user->register_at), 'class' => 'txt w200', 'readonly' => 'true'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'reg_ip', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '注册IP', 'value' => $user->register_ip, 'class' => 'txt w200', 'readonly' => 'true'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'log_at', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '最后登录时间', 'value' => $user->login_at == 0 ? '0000-00-00' : date('Y-m-d', $user->login_at), 'class' => 'txt w200', 'readonly' => 'true'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'log_ip', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '最后登录IP', 'value' => $user->login_ip, 'class' => 'txt w200', 'readonly' => 'true'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'log_count', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '登录次数', 'value' => $user->login_count, 'class' => 'txt w200', 'readonly' => 'true'));
     $this->_view['form'] = $form;
Beispiel #4
 public function groupsAction()
     $this->view->title = "Sending Groups - ";
     $this->view->selectmenu = "mgroups";
     $groups = Users::aggregate(array('$group' => array('_id' => '$group')));
     $this->view->kel = $groups['result'];
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         $groups = $this->request->getPost('group');
         $responses = '';
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $userslist = Users::find(array(array('group' => $group)));
             $rcpt = "";
             foreach ($userslist as $user) {
                 if (!$rcpt) {
                     $rcpt = $user->num;
                 } else {
                     $rcpt = $rcpt . ',' . $user->num;
             $response = $this->smsweb->sendSMS($rcpt, $this->request->getPost('msg'));
             $responses = $responses . "\n" . $response;
         return $this->dispatcher->forward(array('action' => 'sent', 'params' => array($this->view->title, $this->view->selectmenu, $responses)));
  * Index action
 public function indexAction()
     $numberPage = 1;
     $list = Users::find();
     $paginator = new Paginator(array("data" => $list, "limit" => 10, "page" => $numberPage));
     $this->view->page = $paginator->getPaginate();
Beispiel #6
 public static function login()
     // get posted data
     $post = Input::post(array('user', 'pass', 'remember'));
     $errors = array();
     if (empty($post['user'])) {
         $errors[] = 'Please enter your username';
     if (empty($post['pass'])) {
         $errors[] = 'Please enter your password';
     if (empty($errors)) {
         // find user
         if ($user = Users::find(array('username' => $post['user']))) {
             // check password
             if (crypt($post['pass'], $user->password) != $user->password) {
                 $errors[] = 'Incorrect details';
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'Incorrect details';
     if (count($errors)) {
         Notifications::set('error', $errors);
         return false;
     // if we made it this far that means we have a winner
     Session::set('user', $user);
     return true;
  * The add action
 public function addAction()
     $auth = $this->session->get('auth');
     if ($auth) {
         $this->_bc->add('Add', 'awards/add');
         $allEpisodes = Episodes::find(array('order' => 'air_date DESC'));
         $allUsers = Users::find(array('order' => 'username'));
         $allPlayers = Players::find(array('order' => 'active DESC, name'));
         $this->view->setVar('users', $allUsers);
         $this->view->setVar('episodes', $allEpisodes);
         $this->view->setVar('players', $allPlayers);
         if ($this->request->isPost()) {
             $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $award = new Awards();
             $award->userId = $this->request->getPost('user_id', 'int');
             $award->episodeId = $this->request->getPost('episode_id', 'int');
             $award->playerId = $this->request->getPost('player_id', 'int');
             $award->award = $this->request->getPost('award', 'int');
             if (!$award->save()) {
                 foreach ($award->getMessages() as $message) {
                     $this->flash->error((string) $message);
             } else {
                 $this->flash->success('Award created successfully');
 public function destroy($id)
     $users = Users::find($id);
     Session::flash('message', 'Successfully deleted the Users!');
     return Redirect::to('users');
Beispiel #9
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->title = "Outbox - ";
     $this->view->selectmenu = "outbox";
     $response = $this->smsweb->getCommands();
     $data = str_getcsv($response, "\n");
     $sendresponses = "";
     if (!empty($response)) {
         foreach ($data as $jsonsms) {
             $sms = json_decode($jsonsms);
             $textpart = str_getcsv($sms->msg, "#");
             $group = $textpart[0];
             $msg = $textpart[1];
             $userslist = Users::find(array(array('group' => $group)));
             $num = str_replace("+62", "0", $sms->from);
             $cekuserongroup = Users::find(array(array('group' => $group, 'num' => $num)));
             if ($userslist && $cekuserongroup) {
                 //if group exist
                 $rcpt = "";
                 foreach ($userslist as $user) {
                     if (!$rcpt) {
                         $rcpt = $user->num;
                     } else {
                         $rcpt = $rcpt . ',' . $user->num;
                 $sendresponse = $this->smsweb->sendSMS($rcpt, $msg);
             $sendresponses = $sendresponses . "\n" . $sendresponse;
     $this->view->response = $sendresponses;
Beispiel #10
 private function getUsersList()
     $model = Users::find()->where(['status' => 1])->all();
     foreach ($model as $data) {
         $user[$data->id] = ['id' => $data->id, 'username' => $data->login, 'password' => $data->password, 'authKey' => 'test' . $data->id . 'key', 'accessToken' => $data->id . '-token'];
     return $user;
Beispiel #11
 public function finduser()
     $user = new Users();
     $user->id = 1;
     echo $user->FirstName . ' ' . $user->LastName;
Beispiel #12
  * Finds user by username
  * @param  string      $username
  * @return static|null
 public static function findByUsername($username)
     $dbuser = Users::find()->where(["username" => $username])->one();
     if (!count($dbuser)) {
         return null;
     return new static($dbuser);
Beispiel #13
  * @param array $params
 public function testAction()
     $users = Users::find();
     if ($users) {
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             echo $user->name . '-' . $user->email . PHP_EOL;
 public function listAction()
     $this->view->users = Users::find();
     //ECHO '<pre>';
     //echo '</pre>';
     echo $this->view->render("users/list");
Beispiel #15
 public static function getById($id)
     foreach (Users::find() as $u) {
         if ($u->id == $id) {
             return $u;
     return false;
Beispiel #16
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->title = "Peringkat ";
     $this->view->selectmenu = "outbox";
     $user = Users::find(array("sort" => array("pungutan" => 1), "limit" => 5));
     $lama = Users::find(array("sort" => array("lama" => 1), "limit" => 5));
     $this->view->response = $user;
     $this->view->lama = $lama;
Beispiel #17
  * Finds user by username
  * @param  string      $username
  * @return static|null
 public static function findByUsername($username)
     $users = Users::find()->where("active=:active", ["active" => 1])->andWhere("username=:username", [":username" => $username])->all();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (strcasecmp($user->username, $username) === 0) {
             return new static($user);
     return null;
Beispiel #18
 public static function findByUsername($username)
     $users = Users::find()->Where("nombre_usuario=:nombre_usuario", [":nombre_usuario" => $username])->all();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (strcasecmp($user->nombre_usuario, $username) === 0) {
             return new static($user);
     return null;
 public function indexAction()
     $data = array();
     $data["menu"] = "Responden";
     $data["menu_desc"] = "pengaturan pengisi kuesioner (responden)";
     $data["menu_icon_class"] = "ion ion-ios-people";
     //Fetch all active respondent records
     $respondenRs = Users::find(array("id_role = :responden_role_id: AND active = true", "bind" => array("responden_role_id" => Roles::findFirstByName("Respondent")->getIdRole())));
     $this->view->setVars(array("data" => $data, "respondenRs" => $respondenRs));
Beispiel #20
 public function getUser()
     $users = Users::find();
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         if ((int) $u->id === (int) $this->users_id) {
             return $u;
     return false;
Beispiel #21
 public function __construct($entity = null, $attrs = null)
     parent::__construct($entity, $attrs);
     $results = array();
     $users = Users::find();
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $results[$u->id] = $u->name;
     $user_select = new SelectField('user', $results, array('class' => 'form-control'));
 public function listUserAction()
     $usersArray = [];
     $users = Users::find(['columns' => 'id, firstName, lastName, email, gender, details, hobby, fileName']);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $user->hobby = empty($user->hobby) ? [] : unserialize($user->hobby);
         $usersArray[] = $user;
     $this->response->setStatusCode(200, "OK");
Beispiel #23
 public function put_index()
     $data = file_get_contents('php://input');
     $temp = json_decode($data);
     $new = Users::find($temp->id);
     $new->id = $temp->id;
     $new->first_name = $temp->first_name;
     $new->last_name = $temp->last_name;
     $new->birth_date = $temp->birth_date;
     $array = array('success' => 'true');
     $json = json_encode($array);
     return $json;
Beispiel #24
 function render()
     $currentUser = MyApp::instance()->currentUser();
     $category = array();
     if ($currentUser['group_id'] == 1) {
         $category = Category::find('enabled=1')->order('weight desc')->getAll();
     } else {
         $user = Users::find()->getById($currentUser['id']);
         $category = $user->group->categorys;
     $this->_view['title'] = $this->title;
     $this->_view['category'] = $category;
     return $this->_fetchView(dirname(__FILE__) . '/category_view');
Beispiel #25
 public function edit($id)
     // find user
     if (($user = Users::find(array('id' => $id))) === false) {
         return Response::redirect($this->admin_url . '/users');
     // process post request
     /*if(Input::method() == 'POST') {
     			if(Users::update($id)) {
     				// redirect path
     				return Response::redirect($this->admin_url . '/users/edit/' . $id);
     Template::render('users/edit', array('user' => $user));
Beispiel #26
  * Mobile Validation Key
 public static function isValidMobileKey($_time, $_key)
     $_key1 = 'Tu6ehUya';
     $_key2 = 'c5CHuxUq';
     $_key3 = 'nuDrEk2c';
     $_id = substr($_key, 0, strpos($_key, '/'));
     $user = new Users();
     if ($rowset = $user->find($_id)) {
         $row = $rowset->current();
         $_keyBuilded = $_key1 . Sydney_Tools_Datetime::getDateYear($_time) . Sydney_Tools_Datetime::getDateSeconds($_time) . $row->password . Sydney_Tools_Datetime::getDateDay($_time) . Sydney_Tools_Datetime::getDateMinute($_time) . $_key2 . Sydney_Tools_Datetime::getDateMonth($_time) . $row->login . $_key3;
         $row = $rowset->current();
         if ($_id . '/' . sha1($_keyBuilded) === $_key) {
             return $row;
     return false;
 public function get_data_for_dashboard()
     $userid = Users::where('id', '=', Session::get('user_id'))->first()->id;
     $data['user'] = Users::find(Session::get('user_id'));
     $data['komunitas'] = Komunitas::orderBy('avg_rate', 'DESC')->take(5)->get();
     $data['rekomen'] = $this->predict->recommendation($userid);
     $data['rating'] = $this->rating->count_rate_row_by_id($userid);
     $data['cek'] = $this->predict->has_recommendation($userid);
     $data['rand'] = Komunitas::orderByRaw("RAND()")->take(5)->get();
     // $data['test'] = $this->komunitas->get_recommendation($userid);
     // $data['komunitas'] = $this->komunitas->get_initial_recommendation();
     $data['acara'] = Acara::where('tanggal', '>=', DB::raw('CURDATE()'))->take(4)->orderBy('tanggal', 'ASC')->get();
     // $count = Komunitas::where('id_kategori', '=', 1)->count();
     $allkom = $this->predict->has_recommendation($userid);
     return View::make('dashboard', $data);
Beispiel #28
 public static function login()
     // verify Csrf token
     if (Csrf::verify(Input::post('token')) === false) {
         Notifications::set('error', 'Invalid token');
         return false;
     // get posted data
     $post = Input::post(array('user', 'pass', 'remember'));
     $errors = array();
     // remove white space
     $post = array_map('trim', $post);
     if (empty($post['user'])) {
         $errors[] = Lang::line('users.missing_login_username', 'Please enter your username');
     if (empty($post['pass'])) {
         $errors[] = Lang::line('users.missing_login_password', 'Please enter your password');
     if (empty($errors)) {
         // find user
         if ($user = Users::find(array('username' => $post['user']))) {
             // check password
             if (Hash::check($post['pass'], $user->password) === false) {
                 $errors[] = 'Incorrect details';
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'Incorrect details';
     if (count($errors)) {
         Notifications::set('error', $errors);
         return false;
     // if we made it this far that means we have a winner
     Session::set('user', $user);
     // avoid session fixation vulnerability
     return true;
  * Searches for users
 public function searchAction()
     $numberPage = 1;
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         $query = Criteria::fromInput($this->di, "Users", $_POST);
         $this->persistent->parameters = $query->getParams();
     } else {
         $numberPage = $this->request->getQuery("page", "int");
     $parameters = $this->persistent->parameters;
     if (!is_array($parameters)) {
         $parameters = array();
     $parameters["order"] = "id";
     $users = Users::find($parameters);
     if (count($users) == 0) {
         $this->flash->notice("The search did not find any users");
         return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "users", "action" => "index"));
     $paginator = new Paginator(array("data" => $users, "limit" => 10, "page" => $numberPage));
     $this->view->page = $paginator->getPaginate();
 public function initialize()
     $this->params = (object) [];
     $auth = $this->session->get('auth');
     if (!$auth) {
         return $this->dispatcher->forward(array('controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index'));
     } else {
         $this->view->role = 'Users';
     foreach ($this->request->get() as $key => $value) {
         $this->params->{$key} = $value;
     $this->params->limit = 10;
     $this->params->all_pages = 0;
     $this->params->offset = 0;
     if (!isset($this->params->page)) {
         $this->params->page = 1;
     $this->params->next = $this->params->page + 1;
     $this->view->params = $this->params;
     $this->auth = $this->session->get('auth');
     $this->view->auth = $this->auth;
     $authors = Users::find(['level = 16 and id_reg=' . $this->auth->id_reg])->toArray();
     $list_author = [];
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         if ($this->auth->id != $author->id) {
             $list_author[] = ["id" => $author['id'], "name" => $author['name'], "username" => $author['username'], "id_reg" => $author['id_reg']];
     if ($this->auth->id_reg == $this->auth->id) {
         array_push($list_author, ["id" => $this->auth->id, "name" => $this->auth->name, "username" => $this->auth->username, "id_reg" => $this->auth->id_reg]);
     } else {
         $author = Users::findFirst(['id_reg=' . $this->auth->id_reg])->toArray();
         array_push($list_author, ["id" => $author['id'], "name" => $author['name'], "username" => $author['username'], "id_reg" => $author['id_reg']]);
     $this->view->authors = $list_author;