public function DoCheckToWrite()
     if ($this->m_bCheckReservedNames) {
         $aChanges = $this->ListChanges();
         if (array_key_exists('name', $aChanges)) {
             if ($this->GetOriginal('name') == ADMIN_PROFILE_NAME) {
                 $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = "The name of the Administrator profile must not be changed";
             } elseif ($this->Get('name') == ADMIN_PROFILE_NAME) {
                 $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = ADMIN_PROFILE_NAME . " is a reserved to the built-in Administrator profile";
             } elseif ($this->GetOriginal('name') == PORTAL_PROFILE_NAME) {
                 $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = "The name of the User Portal profile must not be changed";
             } elseif ($this->Get('name') == PORTAL_PROFILE_NAME) {
                 $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = PORTAL_PROFILE_NAME . " is a reserved to the built-in User Portal profile";