/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('users')->delete(); $thisIP = getHostByName(getHostName()); $testuser = User::create(array('username' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => Hash::make('admin'), 'created_ip' => $thisIP, 'last_ip' => $thisIP, 'created_by_user_id' => 1)); DB::table('user_permissions')->delete(); UserPermission::create(array('user_id' => $testuser->id, 'solder_full' => true)); }
/** * @param $userId * @param $permissionId * @return array */ public function getUserPermissions($userId) { if (!isset($this->permissions[$userId])) { $permissions = UserPermission::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('user_id' => $userId)); $this->permissions[$userId] = CHtml::listData($permissions, 'permission_id', 'permission_id'); } return $this->permissions[$userId]; }
/** * Make changes to the database. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('user_permissions', function ($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('user_id'); $table->boolean('solder_full')->default(0); $table->boolean('solder_users')->default(0); $table->boolean('solder_modpacks')->default(0); $table->boolean('solder_mods')->default(0); $table->boolean('solder_create')->default(0); $table->boolean('mods_create')->default(0); $table->boolean('mods_manage')->default(0); $table->boolean('mods_delete')->default(0); $table->string('modpacks')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }); $perm = new UserPermission(); $perm->user_id = 1; $perm->solder_full = true; $perm->save(); }
$stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $index = 0; $id_array = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $id_array[$index++] = $row['id']; $index++; } if (@$remain != '' && $exact_phrase != "on") { return array_values(array_unique(array_merge($id_array, search($where, substr($remain, 1), $exact_phrase, $case_sensitivity, $search_array)))); } return array_values(array_intersect($id_array, $search_array)); } $current_user = new User($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); $user_perms = new User_Perms($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); $current_user_permission = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); //$s_getFTime = getmicrotime(); if ($_GET['where'] == 'author_locked_files') { $view_able_files_id = $current_user->getExpiredFileIds(); } else { $view_able_files_id = $current_user_permission->getViewableFileIds(false); } //$e_getFTime = getmicrotime(); $id_array_len = sizeof($view_able_files_id); $query_array = array(); $search_result = search(@$_GET['where'], @$_GET['keyword'], @$_GET['exact_phrase'], @$_GET['case_sensitivity'], $view_able_files_id); // Call the plugin API callPluginMethod('onSearch'); list_files($search_result, $current_user_permission, $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'], false, false); echo '<br />'; draw_footer();
<?php if (system\Helper::arcIsAjaxRequest() == true) { $groups = UserGroup::getAllGroups(); $table = "<table class=\"table table-hover table-condensed\">"; $table .= "<thead><tr><th>Module</th><th>Status</th><th></th></tr></thead><tbody>"; foreach ($groups as $group) { $permissions = UserPermission::getByGroupID($group->id); $table .= "<tr class=\"active\"><td colspan=\"2\"><strong>" . $group->name . "</strong></td><td class=\"text-right\"><a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-xs\" onclick=\"editPermission(" . $group->id . ",0);\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i> Create</a></td></tr>"; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $table .= "<tr><td>" . $permission->permission . "</td><td>"; $page = Page::getBySEOURL($permission->permission); if ($page->id != 0) { $table .= "<div class=\"label label-success\"><i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i> Valid</div>"; } else { $table .= "<div class=\"label label-danger\"><i class=\"fa fa-close\"></i> Invalid</div>"; } $table .= "</td>" . "<td class=\"text-right\"><div class=\"btn-group\"><a class=\"btn btn-success btn-xs\" onclick=\"editPermission({$group->id},{$permission->id});\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></i> Edit<a/><a onclick=\"deletePermission({$permission->id});\" class=\"btn btn-danger btn-xs\"><i class=\"fa fa-remove\"></i> Remove<a/></div></td>" . "</tr>"; } } $table .= "</tbody></table>"; system\Helper::arcReturnJSON(["html" => $table]); }
// status != 0 -> file checked out to another user. status = uid of the check-out person // query to find out who... $checkout_person_obj = $file_data_obj->getCheckerOBJ(); $full_name = $checkout_person_obj->getFullName(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('checkout_person_full_name', $full_name); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('checkout_person_email', $checkout_person_obj->getEmailAddress()); } // Can they Read? if ($user_permission_obj->getAuthority($request_id, $file_data_obj) >= $user_permission_obj->READ_RIGHT) { $view_link = 'view_file.php?id=' . e::h($full_requestId) . '&state=' . ($state + 1); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('view_link', $view_link); } // Lets figure out which buttons to show if ($status == 0 || $status == -1 && $file_data_obj->isOwner($_SESSION['uid'])) { // check if user has modify rights $user_perms = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $GLOBALS['pdo']); if ($user_perms->getAuthority($request_id, $file_data_obj) >= $user_perms->WRITE_RIGHT && !isset($revision_id) && !$file_data_obj->isArchived()) { // if so, display link for checkout $check_out_link = "check-out.php?id={$request_id}" . '&state=' . ($state + 1) . '&access_right=modify'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('check_out_link', $check_out_link); } if ($user_permission_obj->getAuthority($request_id, $file_data_obj) >= $user_permission_obj->ADMIN_RIGHT && !@isset($revision_id) && !$file_data_obj->isArchived()) { // if user is also the owner of the file AND file is not checked out // additional actions are available $edit_link = "edit.php?id={$request_id}&state=" . ($state + 1); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('edit_link', $edit_link); } } ////end if ($status == 0) // ability to view revision history is always available // put it outside the block
<?php if (system\Helper::arcIsAjaxRequest() == true) { $permission = UserPermission::getByID($_POST["id"]); $data = "<div class=\"form-group\"><label for=\"module\">Module</label>" . "<select id=\"module\" class=\"form-control\">"; $pages = Page::getAllPages(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $data .= "<option value=\"" . $page->seourl . "\""; if ($page->seourl == $permission->permission) { $data .= " selected"; } $data .= ">" . $page->seourl . "</option>"; } $data .= "</select></div>"; system\Helper::arcReturnJSON(["data" => $data]); }
<?php fSession::open(); $idUser = fSession::get(SESSION_ID_USER); //if(empty($idUser) || !fAuthorization::checkACL('user', 'delete')) { if (empty($idUser)) { header('Location: ' . SITE); exit("No se ha podido acceder a esta secci&oacite;n"); } $id = fRequest::encode('id', 'integer'); if (empty($id)) { exit; } try { $u = new User($id); $up = new UserPermission(); $userPermissions = $up->getByIdUser($u->getIdUser()); foreach ($userPermissions as $item) { if (!empty($item) && $item != 'null') { $up = new UserPermission(array('id_user' => $u->getIdUser(), 'id_permission' => $item->getIdPermission())); $up->delete(); } } $u->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } die('1');
$u->setCellphone(fRequest::encode('cellphone', 'string')); $u->setNextel(fRequest::encode('nextel', 'string')); $u->setNextel(fRequest::encode('fax', 'string')); $u->setNextel(fRequest::encode('address', 'string')); $u->store(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('El correo electrónico ya está asociado con una cuenta' . $e->getMessage()); } $regions = array_unique(fRequest::encode('region', 'array')); $permissions = array_unique(fRequest::encode('permission', 'array')); try { foreach ($regions as $item) { if (!empty($item) && $item != 'null') { $ur = new UserRegion(); $ur->setIdUser($u->getIdUser()); $ur->setIdRegion($item); $ur->store(); } } foreach ($permissions as $item) { if (!empty($item) && $item != 'null') { $up = new UserPermission(); $up->setIdUser($u->getIdUser()); $up->setIdPermission($item); $up->store(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } die('1');
<?php if (system\Helper::arcIsAjaxRequest() == true) { $permission = new UserPermission(); $permission->delete($_POST["id"]); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("success", "Permission deleted"); }
public function postCreate() { $rules = array('email' => 'required|email|unique:users', 'username' => 'required|min:3|max:30|unique:users', 'password' => 'required|min:3'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('user/create')->withErrors($validation->messages()); } $creator = Auth::user()->id; $creatorIP = Request::ip(); $user = new User(); $user->email = Input::get('email'); $user->username = Input::get('username'); $user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password')); $user->created_ip = $creatorIP; $user->created_by_user_id = $creator; $user->updated_by_ip = $creatorIP; $user->updated_by_user_id = $creator; $user->save(); $perm = new UserPermission(); $perm->user_id = $user->id; $perm->solder_full = Input::get('solder-full') ? true : false; $perm->solder_users = Input::get('manage-users') ? true : false; $perm->solder_keys = Input::get('manage-keys') ? true : false; $perm->solder_clients = Input::get('manage-clients') ? true : false; /* Mod Perms */ $perm->mods_create = Input::get('mod-create') ? true : false; $perm->mods_manage = Input::get('mod-manage') ? true : false; $perm->mods_delete = Input::get('mod-delete') ? true : false; /* Modpack Perms */ $perm->modpacks_create = Input::get('modpack-create') ? true : false; $perm->modpacks_manage = Input::get('modpack-manage') ? true : false; $perm->modpacks_delete = Input::get('modpack-delete') ? true : false; $modpack = Input::get('modpack'); if (!empty($modpack)) { $perm->modpacks = $modpack; } else { $perm->modpacks = null; } $perm->save(); return Redirect::to('user/edit/' . $user->id)->with('success', 'User created!'); }
<?php try { $admin_button = UserPermission::rideShareLogUserHas('admin.submissions') ? '<a href="/admin" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" style="position: absolute;top: 64px;right: 12px;">Go To Admin Area</a>' : ''; } catch (\Exception $e) { $admin_button = ''; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="rideShareLogApp"> <head> <meta charset="utf8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="description" content="RideShareLog Rideshare Applicaiton"> <meta name="author" content="jsoro@ACME"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/assets/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <title>@yield('page_title')</title> </head> <body> @yield('page_styles') <script type="text/javascript"> @yield('script_data') </script> @yield('page_scripts') <div class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header">
/** * * @return UserPermission Permission of the user of a group */ public function getPermissions() { return UserPermission::getByGroupID($this->id); }
public function action_do_create() { $rules = array('email' => 'required|email|unique:users', 'username' => 'required|min:3|max:30|unique:users', 'password' => 'required|min:3'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->with_errors($validation->errors); } $user = new User(); $user->email = Input::get('email'); $user->username = Input::get('username'); $user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password')); $user->save(); $perm = new UserPermission(); $perm->user_id = $user->id; $perm->solder_full = Input::get('solder-full') ? true : false; $perm->solder_users = Input::get('manage-users') ? true : false; $perm->solder_modpacks = Input::get('manage-packs') ? true : false; $perm->solder_mods = Input::get('manage-mods') ? true : false; $perm->solder_create = Input::get('solder-create') ? true : false; $perm->mods_create = Input::get('mod-create') ? true : false; $perm->mods_manage = Input::get('mod-manage') ? true : false; $perm->mods_delete = Input::get('mod-delete') ? true : false; $modpack = Input::get('modpack'); if (!empty($modpack)) { $perm->modpacks = $modpack; } else { $perm->modpacks = null; } $perm->save(); return Redirect::to('user/edit/' . $user->id)->with('success', 'User created!'); }
if (Session::token() !== Input::get('_token')) { throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException(); } }); /******************************************************************************************* * Custom Filters ******************************************************************************************/ Route::filter('rideShareLogSession', function () { if (!Session::has('user')) { // No access, return Error $baseCtrl = new \BaseController(); $errmsg = 'Session not active. Please close this window, refresh the RideShareLog access page on ACME Intranet, and try again.'; $e = new \Exception($errmsg); if (Request::ajax()) { return $baseCtrl->handleError($e); } return $baseCtrl->handleRideShareLogError($e, 'Failed application filter: ' . $errmsg); } }); Route::filter('rideShareLogAdmin', function () { if (!UserPermission::rideShareLogUserHas('admin.submissions')) { // No access, return Error $baseCtrl = new \BaseController(); $errmsg = 'You do not have access to the Admin Section. If you should have access to this section, please contact Administration.'; $e = new \Exception($errmsg); if (Request::ajax()) { return $baseCtrl->handleError($e); } return $baseCtrl->handleRideShareLogError($e, 'Failed application filter: ' . $errmsg); } });
public function getPermissions() { $permissions = new UserPermission(); return $permissions->getCollection(["permission" => $this->seourl]); }
function _edit($id) { $data = $_POST['user']; // check if user want to change the password if (strlen($data['password']) > 0) { // check if pass and confirm are egal and >= 5 chars if (strlen($data['password']) >= 5 && $data['password'] == $data['confirm']) { $data['password'] = sha1($data['password']); unset($data['confirm']); } else { Flash::set('error', __('Password and Confirm are not the same or too small!')); redirect(get_url('user/edit/' . $id)); } } else { unset($data['password'], $data['confirm']); } $user = User::findById($id); $user->setFromData($data); if ($user->save()) { if (AuthUser::hasPermission('administrator')) { // now we need to add permissions $data = isset($_POST['user_permission']) ? $_POST['user_permission'] : array(); UserPermission::setPermissionsFor($user->id, $data); } Flash::set('success', __('User has been saved!')); } else { Flash::set('error', __('User has not been saved!')); } if (AuthUser::getId() == $id) { redirect(get_url('user/edit/' . $id)); } else { redirect(get_url('user')); } }
public static function getByID($id) { $permission = new UserPermission(); $permission->get(['id' => $id]); return $permission; }
/** * @param array $fields * @param array $params * @return Cursor */ public function getUserPermissions($fields = array(), $params = array()) { return $this->getManyByConnection(UserPermission::className(), $fields, $params, 'userpermissions'); }
private function _edit($id) { $data = $_POST['user']; // CSRF checks if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) { $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token']; if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'user/edit')) { Flash::set('error', __('Invalid CSRF token found!')); redirect(get_url('user/add')); } } else { Flash::set('error', __('No CSRF token found!')); redirect(get_url('user/edit')); } // check if user want to change the password if (strlen($data['password']) > 0) { // check if pass and confirm are egal and >= 5 chars if (strlen($data['password']) >= 5 && $data['password'] == $data['confirm']) { unset($data['confirm']); } else { Flash::set('error', __('Password and Confirm are not the same or too small!')); redirect(get_url('user/edit/' . $id)); } } else { unset($data['password'], $data['confirm']); } $user = Record::findByIdFrom('User', $id); if (isset($data['password'])) { $data['password'] = AuthUser::generateHashedPassword($data['password'], $user->salt); } $user->setFromData($data); if ($user->save()) { if (AuthUser::hasPermission('administrator')) { // now we need to add permissions $data = isset($_POST['user_permission']) ? $_POST['user_permission'] : array(); UserPermission::setPermissionsFor($user->id, $data); } Flash::set('success', __('User has been saved!')); } else { Flash::set('error', __('User has not been saved!')); } if (AuthUser::getId() == $id) { redirect(get_url('user/edit/' . $id)); } else { redirect(get_url('user')); } }
// status != 0 -> file checked out to another user. status = uid of the check-out person // query to find out who... $checkout_person_obj = $file_data_obj->getCheckerOBJ(); $full_name = $checkout_person_obj->getFullName(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('checkout_person_full_name', $full_name); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('checkout_person_email', $checkout_person_obj->getEmailAddress()); } // Can they Read? if ($user_permission_obj->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id'], $file_data_obj) >= $user_permission_obj->READ_RIGHT) { $view_link = "view_file.php?id={$full_requestId}" . '&state=' . ($_REQUEST['state'] + 1); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('view_link', $view_link); } // Lets figure out which buttons to show if ($status == 0 || $status == -1 && $file_data_obj->isOwner($_SESSION['uid'])) { // check if user has modify rights $user_perms = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $GLOBALS['pdo']); if ($user_perms->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id'], $file_data_obj) >= $user_perms->WRITE_RIGHT && !isset($revision_id) && !$file_data_obj->isArchived()) { // if so, display link for checkout $check_out_link = "check-out.php?id={$request_id}" . '&state=' . ($_REQUEST['state'] + 1) . '&access_right=modify'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('check_out_link', $check_out_link); } if ($user_permission_obj->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id'], $file_data_obj) >= $user_permission_obj->ADMIN_RIGHT && !@isset($revision_id) && !$file_data_obj->isArchived()) { // if user is also the owner of the file AND file is not checked out // additional actions are available $edit_link = "edit.php?id={$_REQUEST['id']}&state=" . ($_REQUEST['state'] + 1); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('edit_link', $edit_link); } } ////end if ($status == 0) // ability to view revision history is always available // put it outside the block
fAuthorization::setUserAuthLevel('admin'); break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: fAuthorization::setUserAuthLevel('employee'); break; case 9: default: fAuthorization::setUserAuthLevel('guest'); break; } $up = new UserPermission(); $tmp = $up->getByIdUser($u->prepareIdUser()); $permissions = array('banner' => array(), 'news' => array(), 'classified' => array(), 'social' => array(), 'poll' => array(), 'turism' => array(), 'plaza' => array(), 'autoplus' => array(), 'real' => array(), 'user' => array(), 'franchise' => array()); foreach ($tmp as $item) { switch ($item->prepareIdPermission()) { case 1: $permissions['banner'][] = 'add'; break; case 2: $permissions['banner'][] = 'edit'; break; case 3: $permissions['banner'][] = 'delete'; break; case 4: $permissions['news'][] = 'add';
public static function arcGetMenu() { $menu = []; $pages = \Page::getAllPages(); $groups[] = \UserGroup::getByName("Guests"); if (self::arcIsUserLoggedIn() == true) { $groups = array_merge($groups, self::arcGetUser()->getGroups()); } foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page->hidefrommenu == true || $page->hideonlogin == true && self::arcIsUserLoggedIn() == true) { continue; } if (\UserPermission::hasPermission($groups, $page->seourl)) { $data = explode("/", $page->seourl); $menu[ucwords($data[0])][$page->title]["name"] = $page->title; $menu[ucwords($data[0])][$page->title]["url"] = $page->seourl; $menu[ucwords($data[0])][$page->title]["icon"] = $page->iconclass; } } return $menu; }
if ($user_obj->isAdmin()) { $reviewIdCount = sizeof($user_obj->getAllRevieweeIds()); } elseif ($user_obj->isReviewer()) { $reviewIdCount = sizeof($user_obj->getRevieweeIds()); } else { $reviewIdCount = 0; } if ($reviewIdCount > 0) { echo '<img src="images/exclamation.gif" /> <a href="toBePublished.php?state=1">' . msg('message_documents_waiting') . '</a>: ' . e::h($reviewIdCount) . '</a><br />'; } $rejected_files_obj = $user_obj->getRejectedFileIds(); if (isset($rejected_files_obj[0]) && $rejected_files_obj[0] != null) { echo '<img src="images/exclamation_red.gif" /> <a href="rejects.php?state=1">' . msg('message_documents_rejected') . '</a>: ' . sizeof($rejected_files_obj) . '<br />'; } $llen = $user_obj->getNumExpiredFiles(); if ($llen > 0) { echo '<img src="images/exclamation_red.gif"><a href="javascript:window.location=\'search.php?submit=submit&sort_by=id&where=author_locked_files&sort_order=asc&keyword=-1&exact_phrase=on\'">' . msg('message_documents_expired') . ': ' . e::h($llen) . '</a><br />'; } // get a list of documents the user has "view" permission for // get current user's information-->department //set values $user_perms = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); //$start_P = getmicrotime(); $file_id_array = $user_perms->getViewableFileIds(true); //$end_P = getmicrotime(); list_files($file_id_array, $user_perms, $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'], false); draw_footer(); //Fb::log('<br> <b> Load Page Time: ' . (getmicrotime() - $start_time) . ' </b>'); //echo '<br> <b> Load Permission Time: ' . ($end_P - $start_P) . ' </b>'; //echo '<br> <b> Load Sort Time: ' . ($lsort_e - $lsort_b) . ' </b>'; //echo '<br> <b> Load Table Time: ' . ($llist_e - $llist_b) . ' </b>';
function checkUserPermission($file_id, $permittable_right, $obj) { global $pdo; $userperm_obj = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); if (!$userperm_obj->user_obj->isAdmin() && $userperm_obj->getAuthority($file_id, $obj) < $permittable_right) { echo msg('error') . ': ' . msg('message_unable_to_find_file') . PHP_EOL; echo ' ' . msg('message_please_email') . ' <a href="mailto:' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['site_mail'] . '">' . msg('area_admin') . '</a>'; exit; } }
public function permission_update($id) { $rules = ['displayName' => 'Required|String|Max:250', 'name' => 'Required|AlphaNum|Min:3|Max:250', 'value' => 'Required']; $v = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($v->passes()) { $perm = UserPermission::findOrFail($id); $perm->fill(Input::all()); if (!$perm->save()) { Session::flash('site_notice', 'Error while saving!'); } } else { Session::flash('errors', $v->getMessageBag()); } return Redirect::back(); }
<?php } ?> <?php } ?> </select> </td> <td colspan="6"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="privilege" colspan="8"><input type="checkbox" id="selectPermissions" /><label for="selectPermissions">Seleccionar todos los permisos</label></td> </tr> <?php $p = new Permission(); $up = new UserPermission(); $userPermissions = $up->getByIdUser($u->getIdUser()); $sections = Section::findAll(); foreach ($sections as $item) { if ($item->getIdSection() == 11 && !fAuthorization::checkAuthLevel('super')) { continue; } ?> <tr> <td class="privilege" colspan="8"><?php echo $item->prepareName(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i = 0;
/** * Remove the specified userpermission from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { try { UserPermission::deactivate($id); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->handleError($e); } return Redirect::route('user_permissions.index'); }