Beispiel #1
// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
// $Id: tiki-payment.php 51201 2014-05-09 16:53:50Z lphuberdeau $
// Data sent by the IPN must be left unharmed
if (isset($_GET['ipn'])) {
    $ipn_data = $_POST;
$inputConfiguration = array(array('staticKeyFilters' => array('amount' => 'text', 'manual_amount' => 'text', 'description' => 'text', 'request' => 'alpha', 'payable' => 'digits', 'offset_outstanding' => 'digits', 'offset_overdue' => 'digits', 'offset_past' => 'digits', 'offset_canceled' => 'digits', 'invoice' => 'digits', 'cancel' => 'digits', 'note' => 'striptags', 'detail' => 'wikicontent', 'cclite_payment_amount' => 'text', 'tiki_credit_amount' => 'text', 'tiki_credit_pay' => 'text', 'tiki_credit_type' => 'text', 'checkout' => 'text', 'update' => 'word', 'daconfirm' => 'word', 'ticket' => 'word', 'returnurl' => 'url'), 'staticKeyFiltersForArrays' => array('cart' => 'digits'), 'catchAllUnset' => null));
require_once 'tiki-setup.php';
require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php';
require_once 'lib/payment/paymentlib.php';
$auto_query_args = array('offset_outstanding', 'offset_overdue', 'offset_past', 'offset_canceled');
if (isset($_POST['tiki_credit_pay']) && isset($_POST['tiki_credit_amount']) && isset($_POST['tiki_credit_type']) && isset($_POST['invoice'])) {
    require_once 'lib/payment/creditspaylib.php';
    $userpaycredits = new UserPayCredits();
    $userpaycredits->payAmount($_POST['tiki_credit_type'], $_POST['tiki_credit_amount'], $_POST['invoice']);
if (isset($ipn_data)) {
    require_once 'lib/payment/paypallib.php';
    $invoice = $paypallib->get_invoice($ipn_data);
    if (!is_numeric($invoice) || $invoice < 1) {
        echo 'Payment response was not correctly formatted';
        // goes back to PayPal server - for debugging mainly
    $info = $paymentlib->get_payment($invoice);
    // Important to check with paypal first
    if (isset($info) && $paypallib->is_valid($ipn_data, $info)) {
        $amount = $paypallib->get_amount($ipn_data);
Beispiel #2
function smarty_function_payment($params, $smarty)
    global $prefs, $user, $globalperms;
    $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user');
    $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki');
    $paymentlib = TikiLib::lib('payment');
    $invoice = (int) $params['id'];
    $objectperms = Perms::get('payment', $invoice);
    $info = $paymentlib->get_payment($invoice);
    if ($user && $info['userId'] == $userlib->get_user_id($user)) {
        $theguy = true;
    } else {
        $theguy = false;
    $smarty->assign('ccresult_ok', false);
    // Unpaid payments can be seen by anyone as long as they know the number
    // Just like your bank account, anyone can drop money in it.
    if ($info && $objectperms->payment_view && (($info['state'] == 'outstanding' || $info['state'] == 'overdue') && $prefs['payment_user_only_his_own'] != 'y' || $info['state'] == 'past' && $prefs['payment_user_only_his_own_past'] != 'y' || $theguy)) {
        if ($prefs['payment_system'] == 'cclite' && isset($_POST['cclite_payment_amount']) && $_POST['cclite_payment_amount'] == $info['amount_remaining']) {
            global $cclitelib;
            require_once 'lib/payment/cclitelib.php';
            $access = TikiLib::lib('access');
            $cartlib = TikiLib::lib('cart');
            //$access->check_authenticity( tr('Transfer currency? %0 %1?', $info['amount'], $info['currency'] ));
            // check currency matches
            if (empty($params['registry'])) {
                $params['registry'] = $cclitelib->get_registry();
            if (empty($info['currency'])) {
                $info['currency'] = $cclitelib->get_currency($params['registry']);
            } else {
                if ($info['currency'] != substr($cclitelib->get_currency($params['registry']), 0, 3)) {
                    return tr('Currency in payment (%0) does not match the currency for that registry (%1).', $info['currency'], $cclitelib->get_currency($params['registry']));
            // no notification callback in cclite yet, so have to assume true for now (pending checking in perform_trade)
            $result = $cclitelib->pay_invoice($invoice, $info['amount'], $info['currency'], $params['registry']);
            if ($result) {
                // ccresults are set in smarty by the perform_trade behaviour
                $smarty->assign('ccresult', $result);
                $smarty->assign('ccresult_ok', $result);
            } else {
                $smarty->assign('ccresult', tr('Payment was sent but verification is not currently available (this feature is a work in progress)'));
        } else {
            if ($prefs['payment_system'] == 'tikicredits') {
                require_once 'lib/payment/creditspaylib.php';
                $userpaycredits = new UserPayCredits();
                $smarty->assign('userpaycredits', $userpaycredits->credits);
        $info['fullview'] = $objectperms->payment_view || $theguy;
        if (!empty($smarty->tpl_vars['returnurl']->value)) {
            $returl = $smarty->tpl_vars['returnurl'];
            $info['returnurl'] = TikiLib::tikiUrl($returl);
        if (!empty($params['returnurl']) && empty($result)) {
            $info['url'] = TikiLib::tikiUrl($params['returnurl']);
            $info['url'] .= (strstr($params['returnurl'], '.php?') || !strstr($params['returnurl'], '.php') ? '&' : '?') . "invoice={$invoice}";
        $smarty->assign('payment_info', $info);
        $smarty->assign('payment_detail', $tikilib->parse_data(htmlspecialchars($info['detail'])));
        $smarty_cache_id = $smarty_compile_id = $prefs['language'] . md5('tiki-payment-single.tpl');
        return $smarty->fetch('tiki-payment-single.tpl', $smarty_cache_id, $smarty_compile_id);
    } else {
        return tra('This invoice does not exist or access to it is restricted.');