Beispiel #1
 public function login($loginoremail, $password)
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) {
     $user = new User($this->db);
     if (isset($user) && $user->is_loaded) {
         if ($user->val('user_failed_attempts') > $this::$max_attempts) {
             $messages[] = t('Max. number of login attempts exceeded. Please ask for new password.');
         if (Authentication::verifyPassword($password, $user->val('user_password_hash'))) {
             // success - create new session
             $this->user = $user;
             $token = $this->generateToken();
             $token_hash = Authentication::hashPassword($token);
             $expires = time() + Authentication::$session_expire;
             $session = new UserSession($this->db);
             $session->data['user_session_token_hash'] = $token_hash;
             $session->data['user_session_user_id'] = $this->user->val('user_id');
             $session->data['user_session_expires'] = SqlQuery::mysqlTimestamp($expires);
             setcookie($this->cookie_name, $session->val('user_session_id') . "-" . $token, $expires, '/', false, false);
             $this->session = $session;
         } else {
             $user->data['user_failed_attempts'] += 1;
Beispiel #2
  * Call this from Elefant's bootstrap.php file so that
  * links to `/{app_url}/*` map to `/saasy/*`.
  * Usage:
  *     saasy\App::bootstrap ($controller);
  * @param \Controller $controller
 public static function bootstrap($controller)
     self::$controller = $controller;
     $conf = self::conf();
     $alias = $conf['App Settings']['app_alias'];
     // Rewrite /app_alias/ to /saasy/
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/' . $alias) {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/saasy';
     } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/' . $alias . '/') === 0) {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace('/' . $alias . '/', '/saasy/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     // Add bootstrap.js
     $page = $controller->page();
     // Get the customer from the subdomain
     $sub = self::subdomain();
     if ($sub) {
         /** @var $customer Customer */
         $customer = Customer::query()->where('subdomain', $sub)->single();
         if ($customer && !$customer->error) {
             // Get the account from the user
             if (\User::require_login()) {
                 /** @var $acct Account */
                 $acct = Account::query()->where('user', \User::val('id'))->where('customer', $customer->id)->single();
                 if ($acct && !$acct->error) {
Beispiel #3
 function test_userdata()
     $data = User::val('userdata');
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $data);
     $data['foo'] = 'bar';
     User::val('userdata', $data);
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode(array('foo' => 'bar')), User::$user->data['userdata']);
Beispiel #4
  * Make sure email is unique except for current user.
 public static function email($email)
     $res = \DB::shift('select count() from #prefix#user where id != ? and email = ?', \User::val('id'), $email);
     if ($res > 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #5
  * @depends test_info
 function test_exists()
     // Shouldn't find our lock
     $this->assertEquals(self::$lock->exists(), false);
     // Change users, should find the lock now
     User::val('id', 2);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$lock->exists(), 1);
Beispiel #6
  * Ensure new email address doesn't already belong to another user.
  * If no `$user_id` is provided, will use `User::val ('id')` to limit
  * the email address search by the current user. If `$user_id` is
  * set to `false`, it will not limit by a user ID.
 public static function email_in_use($email, $user_id = null)
     $user_id = $user_id === null ? $user_id : \User::val('id');
     $q = \User::query()->where('email', $email);
     if ($user_id !== false) {
         $q->where('id != ?', $user_id);
     return (bool) $q->count();
Beispiel #7
if (isset($_GET['redirect'])) {
    $_POST['redirect'] = $_GET['redirect'];
if (!isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
    $_POST['redirect'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if ($_POST['redirect'] == '/user/login') {
        $_POST['redirect'] = '/user';
if (!Validator::validate($_POST['redirect'], 'header')) {
    $_POST['redirect'] = '/user';
if (!User::require_login()) {
    if (!$this->internal && !empty($_POST['username'])) {
        echo '<p>' . __('Incorrect email or password, please try again.') . '</p>';
    $_POST['signup_handler'] = false;
    echo $tpl->render('user/login', $_POST);
} else {
    $customer = saasy\App::customer();
    if (!$customer) {
        $acct = saasy\Account::query()->where('user', User::val('id'))->single();
        if ($acct && !$acct->error) {
            $customer = new saasy\Customer($acct->customer);
            if (!$customer->error) {
                $this->redirect('//' . $customer->domain() . '/');
Beispiel #8
  * Add a version to the store.
 public static function add($obj)
     $v = new Versions(array('class' => get_class($obj), 'pkey' => $obj->{$obj->key}, 'user' => !User::$user ? 0 : User::val('id'), 'ts' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'serialized' => json_encode($obj->data)));
     return $v;
Beispiel #9
            if ($autopost_tw && !empty($appconf['Twitter']['username']) && !empty($appconf['Twitter']['password'])) {
                $b = new Bitly();
                $short = $b->shorten('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/blog/post/' . $p->id . '/' . URLify::filter($p->title));
                $t = new twitter();
                $t->username = $appconf['Twitter']['username'];
                $t->password = $appconf['Twitter']['password'];
                $t->update($p->title . ' ' . $short);
        // reset blog rss cache
        $_POST['page'] = 'blog/post/' . $p->id . '/' . URLify::filter($p->title);
        $this->hook('blog/add', $_POST);
    $page->title = 'An Error Occurred';
    echo 'Error Message: ' . $p->error;
} else {
    $p = new blog\Post();
    $p->author = User::val('name');
    $p->ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $p->yes_no = array('yes' => i18n_get('Yes'), 'no' => i18n_get('No'));
    $p->autopost_pom = 'yes';
    $p->autopost_tw = 'yes';
    $p->failed = $f->failed;
    $p = $f->merge_values($p);
    $p->tag_list = explode(',', $p->tags);
    $page->title = i18n_get('Add Blog Post');
    $page->head = $tpl->render('admin/wysiwyg') . $tpl->render('blog/add/head', $p);
    echo $tpl->render('blog/add', $p);
Beispiel #10
if (count($tools) === 0 && admin\Toolbar::$autofill === false) {
    $tools = admin\Toolbar::apps($this);
    $is_apps = true;
} else {
    if (admin\Toolbar::$autofill) {
        // Extend the tools list with any unused app resources.
        $apps = admin\Toolbar::apps($this);
        foreach ($tools as $column => $group) {
            // filter out resources that are already in use
            $apps = array_diff_key($apps, $group);
        if (count($apps)) {
            $i = 0;
            $j = 2;
            $column = admin\Toolbar::$autofill;
            $tools[$column] = array();
            foreach ($apps as $handler => $app) {
                if (++$i > 7) {
                    $i = 0;
                    $column = admin\Toolbar::$autofill . ' (' . $j++ . ')';
                    $tools[$column] = array();
                $tools[$column][$handler] = $apps[$handler];
    $is_apps = false;
$editable = User::require_acl('admin/toolbar');
$out = array('name' => Product::name(), 'logo' => Product::logo_toolbar(), 'is_apps' => $is_apps || count($tools) === 0 && !$editable, 'links' => $tpl->render('admin/head/links', array('user' => User::val('name'), 'tools' => $tools, 'is_apps' => $is_apps, 'editable' => $editable)));
echo json_encode($out);
Beispiel #11
  * Clear all locks held by the current user.
 public static function clear()
     return DB::execute('delete from `lock` where user = ?', User::val('id'));
Beispiel #12

 * Blog post add form.
$page->layout = 'admin';
$this->require_acl('admin', 'blog', 'admin/add');
$p = new blog\Post(array('title' => '', 'ts' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'author' => User::val('name'), 'body' => '', 'tags' => '', 'extra' => '', 'published' => 'no'));
if (!$p->error) {
    $this->redirect('/blog/edit?id=' . $p->id);
} else {
    $this->add_notification(__('An Error Occurred'));
Beispiel #13
    $form->data['account_level'] = isset($limits['name']) ? $limits['name'] : false;
    $form->view = 'saasy/account_owner';
    $form->rules = parse_ini_file('apps/saasy/forms/account_owner.php', true);
} else {
echo $form->handle(function ($form) use($page, $customer, $acct) {
    // update user/acct
    \User::val('name', $_POST['name']);
    \User::val('email', $_POST['email']);
    if (!empty($_POST['new_pass'])) {
        \User::val('password', \User::encrypt_pass($_POST['new_pass']));
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
    if ($acct->type === 'owner') {
        // update customer too
        $customer->name = $_POST['customer_name'];
        if ($customer->subdomain !== $_POST['subdomain']) {
            $customer->subdomain = $_POST['subdomain'];
            $domain_has_changed = true;
        } else {
            $domain_has_changed = false;
        if (!$customer->put()) {
Beispiel #14

include_once $home_dir . 'classes/emails.php';
$page_title = t('Forgotten Password');
if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
    $zUser = new User($db);
    if ($zUser->is_loaded) {
        $reset_token = generateToken(50);
        $expires = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * User::$reset_password_expires_days;
        $zUser->data['user_reset_password_hash'] = Authentication::hashPassword($reset_token);
        $zUser->data['user_reset_password_expires'] = ModelBase::mysqlTimestamp($expires);
        $email_text = t('To reset your password, visit this link: %s/admin/reset-password/%d?reset_token=%s. This link is only valid for %d days.', $base_url, $zUser->val('user_id'), $reset_token, User::$reset_password_expires_days);
        Emails::sendPlain($globals['emails_from'], $zUser->val('user_email'), '', t('Forgotten Password'), $email_text);
        $messages->add(t('An e-mail was sent to your address with reset password instructions.'));
    } else {
        // increase ip address failed attempts here
        // *
        $messages->error(t('This e-mail address or login was not found in our database.'));
Beispiel #15
    $appconf = parse_ini_file($file, true);
    if (isset($appconf['Admin']['handler'])) {
        if (isset($appconf['Admin']['install'])) {
            $ver = $this->installed($app, $appconf['Admin']['version']);
            if ($ver === true) {
                // installed
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['handler']] = $appconf['Admin'];
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['handler']]['class'] = false;
            } elseif ($ver === false) {
                // not installed
                $appconf['Admin']['name'] .= ' (' . i18n_get('click to install') . ')';
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['install']] = $appconf['Admin'];
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['install']]['class'] = 'not-installed';
            } else {
                // needs upgrade
                $appconf['Admin']['name'] .= ' (' . i18n_get('click to upgrade') . ')';
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['upgrade']] = $appconf['Admin'];
                $tools[$appconf['Admin']['upgrade']]['class'] = 'needs-upgrade';
        } else {
            // no installer, as you were
            $tools[$appconf['Admin']['handler']] = $appconf['Admin'];
            $tools[$appconf['Admin']['handler']]['class'] = false;
uasort($tools, 'admin_head_links_sort');
$out = array('name' => Product::name(), 'logo' => Product::logo_toolbar(), 'links' => $tpl->render('admin/head/links', array('user' => User::val('name'), 'tools' => $tools)));
$page->layout = false;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($out);
Beispiel #16

include_once $home_dir . 'classes/emails.php';
$page_title = t('Reset Password');
$data['show_form'] = false;
if (isset($path[2]) && isset($_GET['reset_token'])) {
    $user_id = intval($path[2]);
    $reset_token = $_GET['reset_token'];
    $zUser = new User($db, $user_id);
    if ($zUser->is_loaded && $zUser->val('user_reset_password_expires') > ModelBase::mysqlTimestamp(time()) && password_verify($reset_token, $zUser->val('user_reset_password_hash'))) {
        if (isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password2'])) {
            if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) {
                $zUser->data['user_password_hash'] = Authentication::hashPassword($_POST['password']);
                $zUser->data['user_reset_password_hash'] = null;
                $zUser->data['user_reset_password_expires'] = null;
                $messages->add(t('Your password was reset.'), 'success');
            } else {
                $messages->error(t('Passwords don\'t match.'));
        } else {
            $data['show_form'] = true;
            $data['user_id'] = $zUser->val('user_id');
            $data['reset_token'] = $reset_token;
            $messages->add(t('Enter your new password.'));
    } else {
        $messages->error(t('Your link seems to be invalid.'));
} else {
    $messages->error(t('This page should only be accessed from link sent to your e-mail.'));
Beispiel #17
if (!User::require_login()) {
    $page->title = __('Members');
    echo $this->run('user/login');
$u = User::$user;
$form = new Form('post', $this);
$form->data = $u->orig();
$form->data->password = '';
$form->data = $form->merge_values($form->data);
$form->data->failed = $form->failed;
$form->data->_states = user\Data::states();
$form->data->_countries = user\Data::countries();
$page->title = __('Update Profile');
echo $form->handle(function ($form) use($u, $page) {
    if (user\Rules::email_in_use($_POST['email'], User::val('id'))) {
        $form->failed[] = 'email-in-use';
        return false;
    $u->name = $_POST['name'];
    $u->email = $_POST['email'];
    if (!empty($_POST['password'])) {
        $u->password = User::encrypt_pass($_POST['password']);
    $u->about = $_POST['about'];
    $u->phone = $_POST['phone'];
    $u->address = $_POST['address'];
    $u->address2 = $_POST['address2'];
    $u->city = $_POST['city'];
    $u->state = $_POST['state'];
    $u->country = $_POST['country'];