public function actionView($productId)
     $categories = array();
     $categories = Platform::getPlatformList();
     $product = Products::getProductById($productId);
     $productId = $product['id'];
     $platform = Platform::getPlatformById($product['platform_id']);
     $comments = Comment::getCommentsByProductId($productId);
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $userComment = $_POST['message'];
         $errors = false;
         if (!Comment::validateMessage($userComment)) {
             $errors[] = "Введите собщение";
         if (User::isGuest()) {
             $userName = $_POST['name'];
             $userEmail = $_POST['email'];
             if (!User::validateUsername($userName)) {
                 $errors[] = "Неверное имя";
             if (!User::validateEmail($userEmail)) {
                 $errors[] = "Неверный Email";
             $userId = false;
         } else {
             $userId = User::validateLogged();
             $user = User::getUserById($userId);
             $userName = $user['name'];
         Comment::addComment($userComment, $userId, $userName, $productId);
     require_once ROOT . '/views/product/view.php';
     return true;
Beispiel #2
  * Method to catch the onAfterRoute event.
  * @return  boolean
 public function onAfterRoute()
     $task = Request::getVar('task', 'none');
     if (User::isGuest() || !App::isSite() || $task == 'user.logout') {
         return false;
     $menuId = $this->params->get('menuId', 0);
     if (!$menuId) {
         return false;
     $menu = App::get('menu');
     $activeMenu = $menu->getActive();
     $defaultMenu = $menu->getDefault();
     // If routing to the home page...
     if ($activeMenu == $defaultMenu) {
         // Reset the active menu item and
         // overwrite request vars
         $menu->setDefault($menuId, $defaultMenu->language);
         $item = $menu->getItem($menuId);
         $vars = $item->query;
         $vars['Itemid'] = $menuId;
         foreach ($vars as $key => $var) {
             Request::setVar($key, $var);
     return true;
Beispiel #3
  * Sets the currently logged in user.
  * @param User $user The user to set.
  * @param string $password The password of the user, just to be sure.
 public static function setUser(User $user, $password)
     // Let's first issue a new session token to null out any old forms
     // Make sure the user isn't a guest and the password works
     if ($user == null || $user->isGuest() || !$user->isPassword($password)) {
         // Delete the cookies
         // Set the user to a guest
         self::$user = User::guest();
     // Make sure this isn't already the signed in user
     if (self::$user != null && self::$user->getUserId() == $user->getUserId()) {
     // Set the cookies
     Cookie::set('userid', $user->getUserId());
     Cookie::set('sid', $user->getCookiePassword());
     // Update the user's visit times
     // Let's now set the local version
     self::$user = $user;
  * Constructor
  * @return  boolean
 public function onAfterRoute()
     $task = Request::getVar('task', 'none');
     if (User::isGuest() || !App::isSite() || $task == 'user.logout') {
         return false;
     /*$ignoredURLs = (string) $this->params->get('ignore_urls', '');
     		if ($ignoredURLs)
     			$ignoredURLArray = explode("\r\n",$ignoredURLs);
     			$fullURL = Request::current();
     			foreach ($ignoredURLArray as $str)
     				$pos = strpos($fullURL, $str);
     				if ($pos !== false)
     					return false;
     		$ignoredOptions = (string) $this->params->get('ignore_options', '');
     		if ($ignoredOptions)
     			$option = Request::getCmd('option', '');
     			$ignoredOptionsArray = explode("\r\n", $ignoredOptions);
     			foreach ($ignoredOptionsArray as $str)
     				if ($str == $option)
     					return false;
     $menuId = $this->params->get('menuId', 0);
     if (!$menuId) {
         return false;
     $menu = App::get('menu');
     $activeMenu = $menu->getActive();
     $defaultMenu = $menu->getDefault();
     if ($activeMenu == $defaultMenu) {
         $menu->setDefault($menuId, $defaultMenu->language);
         $item = $menu->getItem($menuId);
         $vars = $item->query;
         $vars['Itemid'] = $menuId;
         foreach ($vars as $key => $var) {
             Request::setVar($key, $var);
         //Request::set($vars, 'method', true);
         //App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?Itemid=' . $menuId, false));
     return true;
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($controller = Request::getWord('controller', false)) ? '.' . $controller : '';
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         if (App::isSite()) {
             $pages = ['com_users.login'];
             $granted = Session::get('user_consent', false);
             if (in_array($current, $pages) && !$granted) {
                 Request::setVar('option', 'com_users');
                 Request::setVar('view', 'userconsent');
         } else {
             if (App::isAdmin()) {
                 $exceptions = ['com_login.grantconsent'];
                 $granted = Session::get('user_consent', false);
                 if (!in_array($current, $exceptions) && !$granted) {
                     Request::setVar('option', 'com_login');
                     Request::setVar('task', 'consent');
Beispiel #6
  * Return data on a publication view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param   object   $publication
  * @param   string   $option
  * @param   array    $areas
  * @param   string   $rtrn
  * @param   string   $version
  * @param   boolean  $extended
  * @return  array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '', 'name' => 'share');
     // Hide if version not published
     if (!$extended || in_array($publication->state, array(4, 5, 6))) {
         return $arr;
     $sef = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&id=' . $publication->id);
     $sef = rtrim($sef, '/') . '/?v=' . $publication->version_number;
     $url = Request::base() . ltrim($sef, '/');
     $mediaUrl = Request::base() . trim($sef, '/') . '/' . $publication->version_id . '/Image:master';
     // Incoming action
     $sharewith = Request::getVar('sharewith', '');
     if ($sharewith) {
         if (!User::isGuest()) {
             // Log the activity
             Event::trigger('system.logActivity', ['activity' => ['action' => 'shared', 'scope' => 'publication', 'scope_id' => $publication->id, 'description' => Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATIONS_SHARE_ENTRY_SHARED', '<a href="' . $sef . '">' . $publication->title . '</a>', $sharewith), 'details' => array('with' => $sharewith, 'title' => $publication->title, 'url' => $sef, 'version' => $publication->version_number)], 'recipients' => [['publication', $publication->id], ['user', $publication->created_by], ['user', User::get('id')]]]);
         return $this->share($sharewith, $url, $mediaUrl, $publication, $version);
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = $this->view('default', 'options')->set('option', $option)->set('publication', $publication)->set('version', $version)->set('_params', $this->params)->set('url', $url)->setErrors($this->getErrors());
         // Return the output
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     // First, check for presence of subject dn, which is the minimum required field
     if (!isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN']) || !$_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN']) {
         \App::redirect($this->params->get('failure_location', '/invalidcert.php'));
     if (\User::isGuest()) {
         // If so, redirect to login
         Request::setVar('option', 'com_users');
         Request::setVar('task', 'user.login');
         Request::setVar('authenticator', 'certificate');
         Request::setVar('return', base64_encode(\Request::current()));
     // Check if user is registered and if current session is linked to cert identity
     $hzad = \Hubzero\Auth\Domain::getInstance('authentication', 'certificate', $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN']);
     if ($link = \Hubzero\Auth\Link::getInstance($hzad->id, $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'])) {
         if ($link->user_id == \User::get('id')) {
             // All clear...return nothing
     // Otherwise, we have a cert-based user that doesn't match the current user
     Request::setVar('option', 'com_users');
     Request::setVar('task', 'user.logout');
Beispiel #8
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (App::isSite() && !User::isGuest()) {
         $exceptions = ['com_users.logout', 'com_users.userlogout', '', 'com_members.changepassword', ''];
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($controller = Request::getWord('controller', false)) ? '.' . $controller : '';
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         $badpassword = Session::get('badpassword', false);
         $expiredpassword = Session::get('expiredpassword', false);
         // If guest, proceed as normal and they'll land on the login page
         if (!in_array($current, $exceptions) && ($badpassword || $expiredpassword)) {
             Request::setVar('option', 'com_members');
             Request::setVar('task', 'changepassword');
             Request::setVar('id', 0);
             if ($badpassword) {
                 Request::setVar('Your password does not meet current site requirements. Please change your password now.');
             if ($expiredpassword) {
                 Request::setVar('Your password has expired. Please change your password now.');
Beispiel #9
  * Generate macro output
  * @return     string
 public function render()
     // check if we can render
     if (!parent::canRender()) {
         return \Lang::txt('[This macro is designed for Groups only]');
     // get args
     $args = $this->getArgs();
     //array of filters
     $filters = array('limit' => count($args) == 1 && is_numeric($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 12);
     // get members
     $members = $this->getGroupMembers($this->group, $filters);
     //are we a group member
     $isMember = in_array(\User::get('id'), $this->group->get('members')) ? true : false;
     //get the members plugin access for this group
     $memberAccess = \Hubzero\User\Group\Helper::getPluginAccess($this->group, 'members');
     // make sure we can actually display for the current user
     if ($memberAccess == 'anyone' || $memberAccess == 'registered' && !\User::isGuest() || $memberAccess == 'members' && $isMember) {
         $html = $this->renderMembers($this->group, $members);
     } else {
         $html = '';
     //return rendered events
     return $html;
Beispiel #10
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param   object  $resource  Current resource
  * @param   string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param   array   $areas     Active area(s)
  * @param   string  $rtrn      Data to be returned
  * @return  array
 public function onResources($model, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all')
     if (!$model->type->params->get('plg_share')) {
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     $resource = $model->resource;
     $sef = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&' . ($resource->alias ? 'alias=' . $resource->alias : 'id=' . $resource->id));
     $url = Request::base() . ltrim($sef, '/');
     // Incoming action
     $sharewith = Request::getVar('sharewith', '');
     if ($sharewith) {
         // Log the activity
         if (!User::isGuest()) {
             Event::trigger('system.logActivity', ['activity' => ['action' => 'shared', 'scope' => 'resource', 'scope_id' => $resource->id, 'description' => Lang::txt('PLG_RESOURCES_SHARE_ENTRY_SHARED', '<a href="' . $sef . '">' . $resource->title . '</a>', $sharewith), 'details' => array('with' => $sharewith, 'title' => $resource->title, 'url' => $sef)], 'recipients' => [['resource', $resource->id], ['user', $resource->created_by], ['user', User::get('id')]]]);
         // Email form
         if ($sharewith == 'email') {
             // Instantiate a view
             $view = $this->view('email', 'options')->set('option', $option)->set('resource', $resource)->set('_params', $this->params)->set('url', $url)->setErrors($this->getErrors());
             // Return the output
         return $this->share($sharewith, $url, $resource);
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = $this->view('default', 'options')->set('option', $option)->set('resource', $resource)->set('_params', $this->params)->set('url', $url)->setErrors($this->getErrors());
         // Return the output
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (in_array(App::get('client')->id, $this->params->get('clients', [1]))) {
         $exceptions = ['com_login.logout', 'com_users.logout'];
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         // If guest, proceed as normal and they'll land on the login page
         if (!User::isGuest() && !in_array($current, $exceptions)) {
             // Get factor status
             $status = App::get('session')->get('authfactors.status', null);
             if ($status === false) {
                 // If not a guest, and auth factors checks are done and have failed,
                 // log out so we start over
                 $logout = 'logout' . ucfirst(App::get('client')->alias);
             } else {
                 if ($status === null) {
                     // If not a guest, but no factor verification has been completed,
                     // procede with auth factor checks as applicable
                     $factors = 'factors' . ucfirst(App::get('client')->alias);
Beispiel #12
  * Prepares the document
  * @since	1.6
 protected function prepareDocument()
     $menus = \App::get('menu');
     $login = User::isGuest() ? true : false;
     $title = null;
     // Because the application sets a default page title,
     // we need to get it from the menu item itself
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     if ($menu) {
         $this->params->def('page_heading', $this->params->get('page_title', User::get('name')));
     } else {
         $this->params->def('page_heading', Lang::txt('COM_USERS_PROFILE'));
     $title = $this->params->get('page_title', '');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = Config::get('sitename');
     } elseif (Config::get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) {
         $title = Lang::txt('JPAGETITLE', Config::get('sitename'), $title);
     } elseif (Config::get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) {
         $title = Lang::txt('JPAGETITLE', $title, Config::get('sitename'));
     if ($this->params->get('menu-meta_description')) {
     if ($this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')) {
         $this->document->setMetadata('keywords', $this->params->get('menu-meta_keywords'));
     if ($this->params->get('robots')) {
         $this->document->setMetadata('robots', $this->params->get('robots'));
Beispiel #13
  * Action для страницы "Оформление покупки"
 public function actionCheckout()
     $productsInCart = Cart::getProducts();
     if ($productsInCart == false) {
         header("Location: /");
     $categories = Category::getCategoriesList();
     // Находим общую стоимость
     $productsIds = array_keys($productsInCart);
     $products = Product::getProdustsByIds($productsIds);
     $totalPrice = Cart::getTotalPrice($products);
     // Количество товаров
     $totalQuantity = Cart::countItems();
     $userName = false;
     $userPhone = false;
     $userComment = false;
     $result = false;
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         // Если пользователь не гость
         // Получаем информацию о пользователе из БД
         $userId = User::checkLogged();
         $user = User::getUserById($userId);
         $userName = $user['name'];
     } else {
         // Если гость, поля формы останутся пустыми
         $userId = false;
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $userName = $_POST['userName'];
         $userPhone = $_POST['userPhone'];
         $userComment = $_POST['userComment'];
         // Флаг ошибок
         $errors = false;
         if (!User::checkName($userName)) {
             $errors[] = 'Неправильное имя';
         if (!User::checkPhone($userPhone)) {
             $errors[] = 'Неправильный телефон';
         if ($errors == false) {
             // Если ошибок нет
             // Сохраняем заказ в базе данных
             $result = Order::save($userName, $userPhone, $userComment, $userId, $productsInCart);
             if ($result) {
                 // Если заказ успешно сохранен
                 // Оповещаем администратора о новом заказе по почте
                 $adminEmail = '*****@*****.**';
                 $message = '<a href="localhost/admin/orders">Список заказов</a>';
                 $subject = 'Новый заказ!';
                 mail($adminEmail, $subject, $message);
                 // Очищаем корзину
     // Подключаем вид
     require_once ROOT . '/views/cart/checkout.php';
     return true;
  * Reset a password
  * @param string[32+32] user_id + authKey uuid without '-' inverted
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function reset_password($token = null)
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $this->layout = 'login';
         $this->set('token', $token);
Beispiel #15
  * Constructor
  * @param      object &$subject Event observer
  * @param      array  $config   Optional config values
  * @return     void
 public function plgSupportCaptcha(&$subject, $config)
     parent::__construct($subject, $config);
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         if (User::get('activation') == 1 || User::get('activation') == 3) {
             $this->_verified = true;
Beispiel #16
  * Pull a list of records that were created within the time frame ($period)
  * @param      object  $period     Time period to pull results for
  * @param      mixed   $limit      Number of records to pull
  * @param      integer $limitstart Start of records to pull
  * @param      array   $areas      Active area(s)
  * @param      array   $tagids     Array of tag IDs
  * @return     array
 public function onWhatsnew($period, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $areas = null, $tagids = array())
     if (is_array($areas) && $limit) {
         if (!isset($areas[$this->_name]) && !in_array($this->_name, $areas)) {
             return array();
     // Do we have a time period?
     if (!is_object($period)) {
         return array();
     $database = App::get('db');
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_wiki' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'page.php';
     // Instantiate some needed objects
     $wp = new \Components\Wiki\Tables\Page($database);
     // Build query
     $filters = array();
     $filters['startdate'] = $period->cStartDate;
     $filters['enddate'] = $period->cEndDate;
     $filters['sortby'] = 'date';
     $filters['authorized'] = false;
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         $filters['authorized'] = true;
     if (count($tagids) > 0) {
         $filters['tags'] = $tagids;
     if (!$limit) {
         // Get a count
         $filters['select'] = 'count';
         return $database->loadResult();
     } else {
         // Get results
         $filters['select'] = 'records';
         $filters['limit'] = $limit;
         $filters['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
         $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
         if ($rows) {
             foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                 if ($row->area != '' && $row->category != '') {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_groups&scope=' . $row->category . '&pagename=' . $row->alias);
                 } else {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_wiki&scope=' . $row->category . '&pagename=' . $row->alias);
                 $rows[$key]->text = strip_tags($rows[$key]->itext);
                 if ($row->title == '') {
                     $rows[$key]->title = $rows[$key]->alias;
         return $rows;
Beispiel #17
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     // No remember me for admin
     if (!App::isSite()) {
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $hash = App::hash('JLOGIN_REMEMBER');
         if ($str = Request::getString($hash, '', 'cookie', 1 | 2)) {
             $credentials = array();
             $goodCookie = true;
             $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
             // Create the encryption key, apply extra hardening using the user agent string.
             // Since we're decoding, no UA validity check is required.
             $privateKey = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
             $crypt = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $privateKey, $privateKey));
             try {
                 $str = $crypt->decrypt($str);
                 if (!is_string($str)) {
                     throw new Exception('Decoded cookie is not a string.');
                 $cookieData = json_decode($str);
                 if (null === $cookieData) {
                     throw new Exception('JSON could not be docoded.');
                 if (!is_object($cookieData)) {
                     throw new Exception('Decoded JSON is not an object.');
                 // json_decoded cookie could be any object structure, so make sure the
                 // credentials are well structured and only have user and password.
                 if (isset($cookieData->username) && is_string($cookieData->username)) {
                     $credentials['username'] = $filter->clean($cookieData->username, 'username');
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Malformed username.');
                 if (isset($cookieData->password) && is_string($cookieData->password)) {
                     $credentials['password'] = $filter->clean($cookieData->password, 'string');
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Malformed password.');
                 // We're only doing this for the site app, so we explicitly set the action here
                 $return = App::get('auth')->login($credentials, array('silent' => true, 'action' => ''));
                 if (!$return) {
                     throw new Exception('Log-in failed.');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $cookie_domain = Config::get('cookie_domain', '');
                 $cookie_path = Config::get('cookie_path', '/');
                 // Clear the remember me cookie
                 setcookie(App::hash('JLOGIN_REMEMBER'), false, time() - 86400, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
                 Log::warning('A remember me cookie was unset for the following reason: ' . $e->getMessage());
  * Constructor
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     if (\User::isGuest()) {
         $this->groups = array();
     $this->uid = \User::get('id');
     if (\User::get('usertype') == 'Super Administrator') {
         $this->super_admin = true;
Beispiel #19
  * Constructor
  * @param      object &$subject Event observer
  * @param      array  $config   Optional config values
  * @return     void
 public function plgSupportCaptcha(&$subject, $config)
     parent::__construct($subject, $config);
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         $profile = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance(User::get('id'));
         if ($profile->get('emailConfirmed') == 1 || $profile->get('emailConfirmed') == 3) {
             $this->_verified = true;
Beispiel #20
  * Determines task being called and attempts to execute it
  * @return     void
 public function execute()
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('You must be logged in to access.'));
     // Load the com_resources component config
     $rconfig = Component::params('com_resources');
     $this->rconfig = $rconfig;
Beispiel #21
  * Execute function
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     // Force login if user isn't already
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $task = isset($this->_task) && !empty($this->_task) ? '&task=' . $this->_task : '';
         // Set the redirect
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller . $task))), Lang::txt('COM_TIME_ERROR_LOGIN_REQUIRED'), 'warning');
     // Set up permissions model
     $this->permissions = new Permissions($this->_option);
     // Execute the task
Beispiel #22
  * Retrieve records for items tagged with specific tags
  * @param      array   $tags       Tags to match records against
  * @param      mixed   $limit      SQL record limit
  * @param      integer $limitstart SQL record limit start
  * @param      string  $sort       The field to sort records by
  * @param      mixed   $areas      An array or string of areas that should retrieve records
  * @return     mixed Returns integer when counting records, array when retrieving records
 public function onTagView($tags, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $sort = '', $areas = null)
     $response = array('name' => $this->_name, 'title' => Lang::txt('PLG_TAGS_BLOGS'), 'total' => 0, 'results' => null, 'sql' => '');
     if (empty($tags)) {
         return $response;
     $database = App::get('db');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $ids[] = $tag->get('id');
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $now = Date::toSql();
     // Build the query
     $e_count = "SELECT COUNT( FROM (SELECT, COUNT(DISTINCT t.tagid) AS uniques";
     $e_fields = "SELECT, e.title, e.alias, NULL AS itext, e.content AS ftext, e.state, e.created, e.created_by,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS modified, e.publish_up, e.publish_down, CONCAT('index.php?option=com_blog&task=view&id=', AS href,\n\t\t\t\t\t'blogs' AS section, COUNT(DISTINCT t.tagid) AS uniques, e.params, e.scope AS rcount, AS data1,\n\t\t\t\t\te.scope_id AS data2, NULL AS data3 ";
     $e_from = " FROM #__blog_entries AS e, #__tags_object AS t, #__users AS u";
     $e_where = " WHERE AND AND t.tbl='blog' AND t.tagid IN ({$ids})";
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $e_where .= " AND e.state=1";
     } else {
         $e_where .= " AND e.state>0";
     $e_where .= " AND (e.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR e.publish_up <= " . $database->quote($now) . ") ";
     $e_where .= " AND (e.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR e.publish_down >= " . $database->quote($now) . ") ";
     $e_where .= " GROUP BY HAVING uniques=" . count($tags);
     $order_by = " ORDER BY ";
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'title':
             $order_by .= 'title ASC, publish_up';
         case 'id':
             $order_by .= "id DESC";
         case 'date':
             $order_by .= 'publish_up DESC, title';
     $order_by .= $limit != 'all' ? " LIMIT {$limitstart},{$limit}" : "";
     $database->setQuery($e_count . $e_from . $e_where . ") AS f");
     $response['total'] = $database->loadResult();
     if ($areas && $areas == $response['name']) {
         $database->setQuery($e_fields . $e_from . $e_where . $order_by);
         $response['results'] = $database->loadObjectList();
     } else {
         $response['sql'] = $e_fields . $e_from . $e_where;
     return $response;
Beispiel #23
  * Return data on a course view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param   object  $course  Current course
  * @param   string  $active  Current active area
  * @return  array
 public function onCourseView($course, $active = null)
     // Check that there are any offerings to show
     if ($course->offerings(array('state' => 1, 'sort_Dir' => 'ASC'), true)->total() <= 0) {
     // Can this plugin respond, based on the current access settings?
     $respond = false;
     switch ($this->params->get('plugin_access', 'anyone')) {
         case 'managers':
             $memberships = $course->offering()->membership();
             if (count($memberships) > 0) {
                 foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
                     if (!$membership->get('student')) {
                         $respond = true;
         case 'members':
             if (count($course->offering()->membership()) > 0) {
                 $respond = true;
         case 'registered':
             if (!User::isGuest()) {
                 $respond = true;
         case 'anyone':
             $respond = true;
     if (!$respond) {
     // Prepare response
     $response = with(new \Hubzero\Base\Object())->set('name', $this->_name)->set('title', Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name)));
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if ($response->get('name') == $active) {
         $view = $this->view('default', 'overview');
         $view->set('option', Request::getCmd('option', 'com_courses'))->set('controller', Request::getWord('controller', 'course'))->set('course', $course)->set('name', $this->_name);
         $response->set('html', $view->loadTemplate());
     // Return the output
     return $response;
Beispiel #24
  * Determines task being called and attempts to execute it
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     $this->registerTask('start', 'display');
     // Incoming
     $defaultSection = $this->_task == 'edit' ? 'info' : '';
     $this->section = Request::getVar('active', $defaultSection);
     $this->group = NULL;
     // Login required
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $this->_msg = $this->_task == 'edit' || !$this->_task ? Lang::txt('COM_PROJECTS_LOGIN_PRIVATE_PROJECT_AREA') : Lang::txt('COM_PROJECTS_LOGIN_SETUP');
Beispiel #25
  * Default component view
  * @return  void
 public function displayTask()
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $rtrn = Request::getVar('REQUEST_URI', Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&task=' . $this->_task), 'server');
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($rtrn)), Lang::txt('COM_FEEDAGGREGATOR_LOGIN_NOTICE'), 'warning');
     $authlevel = User::getAuthorisedViewLevels();
     $access_level = 3;
     if (!in_array($access_level, $authlevel)) {
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_feedaggregator'), Lang::txt('COM_FEEDAGGREGATOR_NOT_AUTH'), 'warning');
     $feeds = Feed::all()->rows();
     $this->view->set('title', Lang::txt('COM_FEEDAGGREGATOR'))->set('feeds', $feeds)->display();
Beispiel #26
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (App::isSite() && !User::isGuest()) {
         $exceptions = ['com_users.logout', '', ''];
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($controller = Request::getWord('controller', false)) ? '.' . $controller : '';
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         // If guest, proceed as normal and they'll land on the login page
         if (!in_array($current, $exceptions) && User::getInstance()->reputation->isJailed()) {
             Request::setVar('option', 'com_users');
             Request::setVar('view', 'spamjail');
Beispiel #27
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (App::isSite() && !User::isGuest()) {
         $exceptions = ['com_users.logout', 'com_users.userlogout', '', '', '', 'com_members.register.unconfirmed.profiles', 'com_members.register.change.profiles', 'com_members.register.resend.profiles', 'com_members.register.resend', 'com_members.register.confirm.profiles', 'com_members.register.confirm', '', '', '', 'com_members.changepassword'];
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($controller = Request::getWord('controller', false)) ? '.' . $controller : '';
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         if (User::get('id') && User::get('activation') != 1 && User::get('activation') != 3 && !in_array($current, $exceptions)) {
             Request::setVar('option', 'com_members');
             Request::setVar('controller', 'register');
             Request::setVar('task', 'unconfirmed');
Beispiel #28
  * Hook for after parsing route
  * @return void
 public function onAfterRoute()
     if (App::isSite() && !User::isGuest()) {
         $exceptions = ['com_users.logout', 'com_users.userlogout', '', '', ''];
         $current = Request::getWord('option', '');
         $current .= ($controller = Request::getWord('controller', false)) ? '.' . $controller : '';
         $current .= ($task = Request::getWord('task', false)) ? '.' . $task : '';
         $current .= ($view = Request::getWord('view', false)) ? '.' . $view : '';
         // If guest, proceed as normal and they'll land on the login page
         if (!in_array($current, $exceptions) && !User::get('approved')) {
             Request::setVar('option', 'com_users');
             Request::setVar('view', 'unapproved');
Beispiel #29
  * Execute a task
  * @return     void
 public function execute()
     // Get the task
     $this->_task = Request::getVar('task', '');
     if (empty($this->_task)) {
         $this->_task = 'checkout';
         $this->registerTask('__default', $this->_task);
     $this->user = User::getRoot();
     // Check if they're logged in
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $this->login('Please login to continue');
  * Retrieve records for items tagged with specific tags
  * @param   array    $tags        Tags to match records against
  * @param   mixed    $limit       SQL record limit
  * @param   integer  $limitstart  SQL record limit start
  * @param   string   $sort        The field to sort records by
  * @param   mixed    $areas       An array or string of areas that should retrieve records
  * @return  mixed    Returns integer when counting records, array when retrieving records
 public function onTagView($tags, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $sort = '', $areas = null)
     $response = array('name' => $this->_name, 'title' => Lang::txt('PLG_TAGS_COLLECTIONS'), 'total' => 0, 'results' => null, 'sql' => '');
     if (empty($tags)) {
         return $response;
     $database = \App::get('db');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $ids[] = $tag->get('id');
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     // Build the query
     $e_count = "SELECT COUNT( FROM (SELECT, COUNT(DISTINCT t.tagid) AS uniques";
     $e_fields = "SELECT, i.title, c.alias, NULL AS itext,\n\t\t\t\t\tCASE WHEN (p.description!='' AND p.description IS NOT NULL) THEN p.description ELSE i.description END AS ftext,\n\t\t\t\t\ti.state,\n\t\t\t\t\tp.created,\n\t\t\t\t\tp.created_by,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS modified,\n\t\t\t\t\tp.created AS publish_up,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS publish_down,\n\t\t\t\t\tconcat('index.php?option=com_collections&controller=posts&post=', AS href,\n\t\t\t\t\t'collections' AS section,\n\t\t\t\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT t.tagid) AS uniques,\n\t\t\t\t\tc.object_type AS params,\n\t\t\t\t\tc.object_id AS rcount,\n\t\t\t\t\ti.type AS data1,\n\t\t\t\t\ti.object_id AS data2,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS data3 ";
     $e_from = " FROM #__collections_posts AS p\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN #__collections AS c ON\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN #__collections_items AS i ON\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN #__tags_object AS t";
     $e_where = " WHERE i.state=1 AND c.state=1 AND t.objectid=p.item_id AND t.tbl='bulletinboard' AND t.tagid IN ({$ids})";
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $e_where .= " AND i.access=0 AND c.access=0";
     } else {
         $e_where .= " AND i.access IN (0, 1) AND c.access IN (0, 1)";
     $e_where .= " GROUP BY HAVING uniques=" . count($tags);
     $order_by = " ORDER BY ";
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'title':
             $order_by .= 'i.title ASC';
         case 'id':
             $order_by .= " DESC";
         case 'date':
             $order_by .= 'p.created';
     $order_by .= $limit != 'all' ? " LIMIT {$limitstart},{$limit}" : "";
     $database->setQuery($e_count . $e_from . $e_where . ") AS f");
     $response['total'] = $database->loadResult();
     if ($areas && $areas == $response['name']) {
         $database->setQuery($e_fields . $e_from . $e_where . $order_by);
         $response['results'] = $database->loadObjectList();
     } else {
         $response['sql'] = $e_fields . $e_from . $e_where;
     return $response;