Beispiel #1
  * Adds an email to the outgoing mail queue.
  * @param   string $recipient The recipient of this email
  * @param   array $headers The list of headers that should be sent with this email
  * @param   string $body The body of the message
  * @param   integer $save_email_copy Whether to send a copy of this email to a configurable address or not (eventum_sent@)
  * @param   integer $issue_id The ID of the issue. If false, email will not be associated with issue.
  * @param   string $type The type of message this is.
  * @param   integer $sender_usr_id The id of the user sending this email.
  * @param   integer $type_id The ID of the event that triggered this notification (issue_id, sup_id, not_id, etc)
  * @return  true, or a PEAR_Error object
 public static function add($recipient, $headers, $body, $save_email_copy = 0, $issue_id = false, $type = '', $sender_usr_id = false, $type_id = false)
     Workflow::modifyMailQueue(Auth::getCurrentProject(false), $recipient, $headers, $body, $issue_id, $type, $sender_usr_id, $type_id);
     // avoid sending emails out to users with inactive status
     $recipient_email = Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($recipient);
     $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
     if (!empty($usr_id)) {
         $user_status = User::getStatusByEmail($recipient_email);
         // if user is not set to an active status, then silently ignore
         if (!User::isActiveStatus($user_status) && !User::isPendingStatus($user_status)) {
             return false;
     $to_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
     $recipient = Mail_Helper::fixAddressQuoting($recipient);
     $reminder_addresses = Reminder::_getReminderAlertAddresses();
     // add specialized headers
     if (!empty($issue_id) && (!empty($to_usr_id) && User::getRoleByUser($to_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) != User::getRoleID('Customer')) || @in_array(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($recipient), $reminder_addresses)) {
         $headers += Mail_Helper::getSpecializedHeaders($issue_id, $type, $headers, $sender_usr_id);
     // try to prevent triggering absence auto responders
     $headers['precedence'] = 'bulk';
     // the 'classic' way, works with e.g. the unix 'vacation' tool
     $headers['Auto-submitted'] = 'auto-generated';
     // the RFC 3834 way
     if (empty($issue_id)) {
         $issue_id = 'null';
     // if the Date: header is missing, add it.
     if (empty($headers['Date'])) {
         $headers['Date'] = Mime_Helper::encode(date('D, j M Y H:i:s O'));
     if (!empty($headers['To'])) {
         $headers['To'] = Mail_Helper::fixAddressQuoting($headers['To']);
     // encode headers and add special mime headers
     $headers = Mime_Helper::encodeHeaders($headers);
     $res = Mail_Helper::prepareHeaders($headers);
     if (Misc::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return $res;
     // convert array of headers into text headers
     list(, $text_headers) = $res;
     $params = array('maq_save_copy' => $save_email_copy, 'maq_queued_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'maq_sender_ip_address' => !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '', 'maq_recipient' => $recipient, 'maq_headers' => $text_headers, 'maq_body' => $body, 'maq_iss_id' => $issue_id, 'maq_subject' => $headers['Subject'], 'maq_type' => $type);
     if ($sender_usr_id) {
         $params['maq_usr_id'] = $sender_usr_id;
     if ($type_id) {
         $params['maq_type_id'] = $type_id;
     $stmt = 'INSERT INTO {{%mail_queue}} SET ' . DB_Helper::buildSet($params);
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return $res;
     return true;
  * Method used to add a customized warning message to the body
  * of outgoing emails.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   string $to The recipient of the message
  * @param   string $body The body of the message
  * @param   array $headers The headers of the message
  * @return  string The body of the message with the warning message, if appropriate
 public static function addWarningMessage($issue_id, $to, $body, $headers)
     $setup = Setup::load();
     if (@$setup['email_routing']['status'] == 'enabled' && $setup['email_routing']['warning']['status'] == 'enabled') {
         // check if the recipient can send emails to the customer
         $recipient_email = self::getEmailAddress($to);
         $recipient_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
         // don't add the warning message if the recipient is an unknown email address
         if (empty($recipient_usr_id)) {
             return $body;
         } else {
             // don't add anything if the recipient is a known customer contact
             $recipient_role_id = User::getRoleByUser($recipient_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id));
             if ($recipient_role_id == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                 return $body;
             } else {
                 if (!Support::isAllowedToEmail($issue_id, $recipient_email)) {
                     $warning = self::getWarningMessage('blocked');
                 } else {
                     $warning = self::getWarningMessage('allowed');
                 if (@$headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] == 'base64') {
                     return base64_encode($warning . "\n\n" . trim(base64_decode($body)));
                 } else {
                     return $warning . "\n\n" . $body;
     } else {
         return $body;
Beispiel #3
 public static function canAccessReports($usr_id)
     $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
     if (User::isPartner($usr_id)) {
         $partner = Partner::canUserAccessFeature($usr_id, 'reports');
         if (is_bool($partner)) {
             return $partner;
     if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #4
  * Method to update the details of a specific issue.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked, -1 or -2 otherwise
 public static function update($issue_id)
     $issue_id = (int) $issue_id;
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $prj_id = self::getProjectID($issue_id);
     $workflow = Workflow::preIssueUpdated($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id, $_POST);
     if ($workflow !== true) {
         return $workflow;
     // get all of the 'current' information of this issue
     $current = self::getDetails($issue_id);
     $associated_issues = isset($_POST['associated_issues']) ? explode(',', $_POST['associated_issues']) : array();
     self::updateAssociatedIssuesRelations($issue_id, $associated_issues);
     $assignments_changed = false;
     if (@$_POST['keep_assignments'] == 'no') {
         // only change the issue-user associations if there really were any changes
         $old_assignees = array_merge($current['assigned_users'], $current['assigned_inactive_users']);
         if (!empty($_POST['assignments'])) {
             $new_assignees = @$_POST['assignments'];
         } else {
             $new_assignees = array();
         $assignment_notifications = array();
         // remove people from the assignment list, if appropriate
         foreach ($old_assignees as $assignee) {
             if (!in_array($assignee, $new_assignees)) {
                 self::deleteUserAssociation($issue_id, $assignee);
                 $assignments_changed = true;
         // add people to the assignment list, if appropriate
         foreach ($new_assignees as $assignee) {
             if (!in_array($assignee, $old_assignees)) {
                 self::addUserAssociation($usr_id, $issue_id, $assignee);
                 Notification::subscribeUser($usr_id, $issue_id, $assignee, Notification::getDefaultActions($issue_id, User::getEmail($assignee), 'issue_update'), true);
                 $assignment_notifications[] = $assignee;
                 $assignments_changed = true;
         if (count($assignment_notifications) > 0) {
             Notification::notifyNewAssignment($assignment_notifications, $issue_id);
     if (empty($_POST['estimated_dev_time'])) {
         $_POST['estimated_dev_time'] = 0;
     $params = array('iss_updated_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'iss_last_public_action_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'iss_last_public_action_type' => 'updated', 'iss_sta_id' => $_POST['status'], 'iss_summary' => $_POST['summary'], 'iss_description' => $_POST['description']);
     if (isset($_POST['release'])) {
         $params['iss_pre_id'] = $_POST['release'];
     if (isset($_POST['percentage_complete'])) {
         $params['iss_percent_complete'] = $_POST['percentage_complete'];
     if (isset($_POST['group'])) {
         $params['iss_grp_id'] = $_POST['group'];
     if (isset($_POST['estimated_dev_time'])) {
         $params['iss_dev_time'] = $_POST['estimated_dev_time'];
     if (isset($_POST['trigger_reminders'])) {
         $params['iss_trigger_reminders'] = $_POST['trigger_reminders'];
     if (isset($_POST['resolution'])) {
         $params['iss_res_id'] = $_POST['resolution'];
     if (!empty($_POST['category'])) {
         $params['iss_prc_id'] = $_POST['category'];
     if (@$_POST['keep'] == 'no') {
         $params['iss_pre_id'] = $_POST['release'];
     if (!empty($_POST['expected_resolution_date'])) {
         $params['iss_expected_resolution_date'] = $_POST['expected_resolution_date'];
     } else {
         $params['iss_expected_resolution_date'] = null;
     if (isset($_POST['private'])) {
         $params['iss_private'] = $_POST['private'];
     if (isset($_POST['priority'])) {
         $params['iss_pri_id'] = $_POST['priority'];
     if (isset($_POST['severity'])) {
         $params['iss_sev_id'] = $_POST['severity'];
     if (isset($_POST['scheduled_release'])) {
         $params['iss_pre_id'] = $_POST['scheduled_release'];
     $stmt = 'UPDATE {{%issue}} SET ' . DB_Helper::buildSet($params) . ' WHERE iss_id=?';
     $params[] = $issue_id;
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     // change product
     if (isset($_POST['product'])) {
         $product_changes = Product::updateProductsByIssue($issue_id, $_POST['product'], $_POST['product_version']);
     // add change to the history (only for changes on specific fields?)
     $updated_fields = array();
     if ($current['iss_expected_resolution_date'] != $_POST['expected_resolution_date']) {
         $updated_fields['Expected Resolution Date'] = History::formatChanges($current['iss_expected_resolution_date'], $_POST['expected_resolution_date']);
     if (isset($_POST['category']) && $current['iss_prc_id'] != $_POST['category']) {
         $updated_fields['Category'] = History::formatChanges(Category::getTitle($current['iss_prc_id']), Category::getTitle($_POST['category']));
     if (isset($_POST['release']) && $current['iss_pre_id'] != $_POST['release']) {
         $updated_fields['Release'] = History::formatChanges(Release::getTitle($current['iss_pre_id']), Release::getTitle($_POST['release']));
     if (isset($_POST['priority']) && $current['iss_pri_id'] != $_POST['priority']) {
         $updated_fields['Priority'] = History::formatChanges(Priority::getTitle($current['iss_pri_id']), Priority::getTitle($_POST['priority']));
         Workflow::handlePriorityChange($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id, $current, $_POST);
     if (isset($_POST['severity']) && $current['iss_sev_id'] != $_POST['severity']) {
         $updated_fields['Severity'] = History::formatChanges(Severity::getTitle($current['iss_sev_id']), Severity::getTitle($_POST['severity']));
         Workflow::handleSeverityChange($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id, $current, $_POST);
     if (isset($_POST['scheduled_release']) && $current['iss_pre_id'] != $_POST['scheduled_release']) {
         $updated_fields['Scheduled Release'] = History::formatChanges(Release::getTitle($current['iss_pre_id']), Release::getTitle($_POST['scheduled_release']));
     if (isset($_POST['status']) && $current['iss_sta_id'] != $_POST['status']) {
         // clear out the last-triggered-reminder flag when changing the status of an issue
         // if old status was closed and new status is not, clear closed data from issue.
         $old_status_details = Status::getDetails($current['iss_sta_id']);
         if ($old_status_details['sta_is_closed'] == 1) {
             $new_status_details = Status::getDetails($_POST['status']);
             if ($new_status_details['sta_is_closed'] != 1) {
         $updated_fields['Status'] = History::formatChanges(Status::getStatusTitle($current['iss_sta_id']), Status::getStatusTitle($_POST['status']));
     if (isset($_POST['resolution']) && $current['iss_res_id'] != $_POST['resolution']) {
         $updated_fields['Resolution'] = History::formatChanges(Resolution::getTitle($current['iss_res_id']), Resolution::getTitle($_POST['resolution']));
     if (isset($_POST['estimated_dev_time']) && $current['iss_dev_time'] != $_POST['estimated_dev_time']) {
         $updated_fields['Estimated Dev. Time'] = History::formatChanges(Misc::getFormattedTime($current['iss_dev_time'] * 60), Misc::getFormattedTime($_POST['estimated_dev_time'] * 60));
     if ($current['iss_summary'] != $_POST['summary']) {
         $updated_fields['Summary'] = '';
     if (isset($_POST['percentage_complete']) && $current['iss_original_percent_complete'] != $_POST['percentage_complete']) {
         $updated_fields['Percentage complete'] = History::formatChanges($current['iss_original_percent_complete'], $_POST['percentage_complete']);
     if ($current['iss_original_description'] != $_POST['description']) {
         $updated_fields['Description'] = '';
     if (isset($_POST['private']) && $_POST['private'] != $current['iss_private']) {
         $updated_fields['Private'] = History::formatChanges(Misc::getBooleanDisplayValue($current['iss_private']), Misc::getBooleanDisplayValue($_POST['private']));
     if (isset($_POST['product']) && count($product_changes) > 0) {
         $updated_fields['Product'] = implode('; ', $product_changes);
     if (isset($_POST['custom_fields']) && count($_POST['custom_fields']) > 0) {
         $updated_custom_fields = Custom_Field::updateValues($issue_id, $_POST['custom_fields']);
     } else {
         $updated_custom_fields = array();
     if (count($updated_fields) > 0) {
         // log the changes
         $changes = '';
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($updated_fields as $key => $value) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $changes .= '; ';
             if ($key != 'Summary' && $key != 'Description') {
                 $changes .= "{$key}: {$value}";
             } else {
                 $changes .= "{$key}";
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'issue_updated', 'Issue updated ({changes}) by {user}', array('changes' => $changes, 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     if (count($updated_fields) > 0 || count($updated_custom_fields) > 0) {
         // send notifications for the issue being updated
         Notification::notifyIssueUpdated($issue_id, $current, $_POST, $updated_custom_fields);
     // record group change as a separate change
     if (isset($_POST['group']) && $current['iss_grp_id'] != (int) $_POST['group']) {
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'group_changed', 'Group changed ({changes}) by {user}', array('changes' => History::formatChanges(Group::getName($current['iss_grp_id']), Group::getName($_POST['group'])), 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     // now update any duplicates, if any
     $update_dupe = array('Category', 'Release', 'Priority', 'Release', 'Resolution');
     $intersect = array_intersect($update_dupe, array_keys($updated_fields));
     if ($current['duplicates'] != '' && count($intersect) > 0) {
     // if there is customer integration, mark last customer action
     if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id) && User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::ROLE_CUSTOMER) {
     if ($assignments_changed) {
         // XXX: we may want to also send the email notification for those "new" assignees
         Workflow::handleAssignmentChange(self::getProjectID($issue_id), $issue_id, $usr_id, self::getDetails($issue_id), @$_POST['assignments'], false);
     Workflow::handleIssueUpdated($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id, $current, $_POST);
     // Move issue to another project
     if (isset($_POST['move_issue']) and User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) >= User::ROLE_DEVELOPER) {
         $new_prj_id = (int) @$_POST['new_prj'];
         if ($prj_id != $new_prj_id && array_key_exists($new_prj_id, Project::getAssocList($usr_id))) {
             if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $new_prj_id) >= User::ROLE_REPORTER) {
                 $res = self::moveIssue($issue_id, $new_prj_id);
                 if ($res == -1) {
                     return $res;
             } else {
                 return -1;
     return 1;
  * Called when an attempt is made to add a user or email address to the
  * notification list.
  * @param   integer $prj_id The project ID
  * @param   integer $issue_id The ID of the issue.
  * @param   integer $subscriber_usr_id The ID of the user to subscribe if this is a real user (false otherwise).
  * @param   string $email The email address to subscribe to subscribe (if this is not a real user).
  * @param   array $types The action types.
  * @return  mixed An array of information or true to continue unchanged or false to prevent the user from being added.
 function handleSubscription($prj_id, $issue_id, &$subscriber_usr_id, &$email, &$actions)
     if ($prj_id != 5) {
         if (User::getRoleByUser($subscriber_usr_id, $prj_id) >= User::getRoleID('Developer')) {
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #6
  * @param int $prj_id
  * @param string $field
  * @param string $value
  * @access protected
  * @return string
 public function lookupCustomer($prj_id, $field, $value)
     $possible_fields = array('email', 'support', 'customer');
     if (!in_array($field, $possible_fields)) {
         throw new RemoteApiException("Unknown field type '{$field}'");
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     // only customers should be able to use this page
     $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     if ($role_id < User::ROLE_DEVELOPER) {
         throw new RemoteApiException("You don't have the appropriate permissions to lookup customer information");
     $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
     if (!$crm) {
         throw new RemoteApiException("Customer Integration not enabled for project {$prj_id}");
     $res = $crm->lookup($field, $value, array());
     return $res;
Beispiel #7
  * TODO: merge use of $options and $email arrays to just $email
  * @param int $issue_id
  * @param string $type type of email
  * @param string $from
  * @param string $to
  * @param string $cc
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $body
  * @param array $options optional parameters
  * - (int) parent_sup_id
  * - (array) iaf_ids attachment file ids
  * - (bool) add_unknown
  * - (int) ema_id
  * @return int 1 if it worked, -1 otherwise
 public static function sendEmail($issue_id, $type, $from, $to, $cc, $subject, $body, $options = array())
     $parent_sup_id = $options['parent_sup_id'];
     $iaf_ids = $options['iaf_ids'];
     $add_unknown = $options['add_unknown'];
     $ema_id = $options['ema_id'];
     $current_usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     // if we are replying to an existing email, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly
     $in_reply_to = $parent_sup_id ? self::getMessageIDByID($parent_sup_id) : false;
     // get ID of whoever is sending this.
     $sender_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($from)) ?: false;
     // remove extra 'Re: ' from subject
     $subject = Mail_Helper::removeExcessRe($subject, true);
     $internal_only = false;
     $message_id = Mail_Helper::generateMessageID();
     // process any files being uploaded
     // from ajax upload, attachment file ids
     if ($iaf_ids) {
         // FIXME: is it correct to use sender from post data?
         $attach_usr_id = $sender_usr_id ?: $current_usr_id;
         Attachment::attachFiles($issue_id, $attach_usr_id, $iaf_ids, false, 'Attachment originated from outgoing email');
     // hack needed to get the full headers of this web-based email
     $full_email = self::buildFullHeaders($issue_id, $message_id, $from, $to, $cc, $subject, $body, $in_reply_to, $iaf_ids);
     // email blocking should only be done if this is an email about an associated issue
     if ($issue_id) {
         $user_info = User::getNameEmail($current_usr_id);
         // check whether the current user is allowed to send this email to customers or not
         if (!self::isAllowedToEmail($issue_id, $user_info['usr_email'])) {
             // add the message body as a note
             $note = Mail_Helper::getCannedBlockedMsgExplanation() . $body;
             $note_options = array('full_message' => $full_email, 'is_blocked' => true);
             Note::insertNote($current_usr_id, $issue_id, $subject, $note, $note_options);
             $email_details = array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'cc' => $cc, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => &$body, 'message' => &$body, 'title' => $subject);
             Workflow::handleBlockedEmail($prj_id, $issue_id, $email_details, 'web');
             return 1;
     // only send a direct email if the user doesn't want to add the Cc'ed people to the notification list
     if (($add_unknown || Workflow::shouldAutoAddToNotificationList($prj_id)) && $issue_id) {
         // add the recipients to the notification list of the associated issue
         $recipients = array($to);
         $recipients = array_merge($recipients, self::getRecipientsCC($cc));
         foreach ($recipients as $address) {
             if ($address && !Notification::isIssueRoutingSender($issue_id, $address)) {
                 $actions = Notification::getDefaultActions($issue_id, $address, 'add_unknown_user');
                 Notification::subscribeEmail($current_usr_id, $issue_id, Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($address), $actions);
     } else {
         // Usually when sending out emails associated to an issue, we would
         // simply insert the email in the table and call the Notification::notifyNewEmail() method,
         // but on this case we need to actually send the email to the recipients that are not
         // already in the notification list for the associated issue, if any.
         // In the case of replying to an email that is not yet associated with an issue, then
         // we are always directly sending the email, without using any notification list
         // functionality.
         if ($issue_id) {
             // send direct emails only to the unknown addresses, and leave the rest to be
             // catched by the notification list
             $from = Notification::getFixedFromHeader($issue_id, $from, 'issue');
             // build the list of unknown recipients
             if ($to) {
                 $recipients = array($to);
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, self::getRecipientsCC($cc));
             } else {
                 $recipients = self::getRecipientsCC($cc);
             $unknowns = array();
             foreach ($recipients as $address) {
                 if (!Notification::isSubscribedToEmails($issue_id, $address)) {
                     $unknowns[] = $address;
             if ($unknowns) {
                 $to2 = array_shift($unknowns);
                 $cc2 = implode('; ', $unknowns);
                 // send direct emails
                 self::sendDirectEmail($issue_id, $from, $to2, $cc2, $subject, $body, $_FILES['attachment'], $message_id, $sender_usr_id);
         } else {
             // send direct emails to all recipients, since we don't have an associated issue
             $project_info = Project::getOutgoingSenderAddress(Auth::getCurrentProject());
             // use the project-related outgoing email address, if there is one
             if (!empty($project_info['email'])) {
                 $from = Mail_Helper::getFormattedName(User::getFullName($current_usr_id), $project_info['email']);
             } else {
                 // otherwise, use the real email address for the current user
                 $from = User::getFromHeader($current_usr_id);
             // send direct emails
             self::sendDirectEmail($issue_id, $from, $to, $cc, $subject, $body, $_FILES['attachment'], $message_id);
     $email = array('customer_id' => 'NULL', 'issue_id' => $issue_id, 'ema_id' => $ema_id, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'cc' => $cc, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'full_email' => $full_email);
     // associate this new email with a customer, if appropriate
     if (Auth::getCurrentRole() == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         if ($issue_id) {
             $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
             try {
                 $contact = $crm->getContact(User::getCustomerContactID($current_usr_id));
                 $issue_contract = $crm->getContract(Issue::getContractID($issue_id));
                 if ($contact->canAccessContract($issue_contract)) {
                     $email['customer_id'] = $issue_contract->getCustomerID();
             } catch (CRMException $e) {
         } else {
             $customer_id = User::getCustomerID($current_usr_id);
             if ($customer_id && $customer_id != -1) {
                 $email['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
     $email['has_attachment'] = $iaf_ids ? 1 : 0;
     $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($full_email, true, false);
     $email['headers'] = $structure->headers;
     self::insertEmail($email, $structure, $sup_id);
     if ($issue_id) {
         // need to send a notification
         Notification::notifyNewEmail($current_usr_id, $issue_id, $email, $internal_only, false, $type, $sup_id);
         // mark this issue as updated
         $has_customer = $email['customer_id'] && $email['customer_id'] != 'NULL';
         if ($has_customer && (!$current_usr_id || User::getRoleByUser($current_usr_id, $prj_id) == User::getRoleID('Customer'))) {
             Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'customer action');
         } else {
             if ($sender_usr_id && User::getRoleByUser($sender_usr_id, $prj_id) > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'staff response');
             } else {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'user response');
         History::add($issue_id, $current_usr_id, 'email_sent', 'Outgoing email sent by {user}', array('user' => User::getFullName($current_usr_id)));
     return 1;
Beispiel #8
  * Method used to get the list of issues to be displayed in the grid layout.
  * @param   array $options The search parameters
  * @return  string The where clause
 public static function buildWhereClause($options)
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
     $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     $usr_details = User::getDetails($usr_id);
     $stmt = ' AND iss_usr_id = usr_id';
     if ($role_id == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
         $contact = $crm->getContact($usr_details['usr_customer_contact_id']);
         $stmt .= " AND iss_customer_contract_id IN('" . implode("','", $contact->getContractIDS()) . "')";
         $stmt .= " AND iss_customer_id ='" . Auth::getCurrentCustomerID() . "'";
     } elseif ($role_id == User::getRoleID('Reporter') && Project::getSegregateReporters($prj_id)) {
         $stmt .= " AND (\n                        iss_usr_id = {$usr_id} OR\n                        iur_usr_id = {$usr_id}\n                        )";
     if (!empty($usr_details['usr_par_code'])) {
         // restrict partners
         $stmt .= " AND ipa_par_code = '" . Misc::escapeString($usr_details['usr_par_code']) . "'";
     if (!empty($options['users'])) {
         $stmt .= " AND (\n";
         if (stristr($options['users'], 'grp') !== false) {
             $chunks = explode(':', $options['users']);
             $stmt .= 'iss_grp_id = ' . Misc::escapeInteger($chunks[1]);
         } else {
             if ($options['users'] == '-1') {
                 $stmt .= 'isu_usr_id IS NULL';
             } elseif ($options['users'] == '-2') {
                 $stmt .= 'isu_usr_id IS NULL OR isu_usr_id=' . $usr_id;
             } elseif ($options['users'] == '-3') {
                 $stmt .= 'isu_usr_id = ' . $usr_id . ' OR iss_grp_id = ' . User::getGroupID($usr_id);
             } elseif ($options['users'] == '-4') {
                 $stmt .= 'isu_usr_id IS NULL OR isu_usr_id = ' . $usr_id . ' OR iss_grp_id = ' . User::getGroupID($usr_id);
             } else {
                 $stmt .= 'isu_usr_id =' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['users']);
         $stmt .= ')';
     if (!empty($options['reporter'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND iss_usr_id = ' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['reporter']);
     if (!empty($options['show_authorized_issues'])) {
         $stmt .= " AND (iur_usr_id={$usr_id})";
     if (!empty($options['show_notification_list_issues'])) {
         $stmt .= " AND (sub_usr_id={$usr_id})";
     if (!empty($options['keywords'])) {
         $stmt .= " AND (\n";
         if ($options['search_type'] == 'all_text' && APP_ENABLE_FULLTEXT) {
             $stmt .= 'iss_id IN(' . implode(', ', self::getFullTextIssues($options)) . ')';
         } elseif ($options['search_type'] == 'customer' && CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
             // check if the user is trying to search by customer name / email
             $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
             $customer_ids = $crm->getCustomerIDsByString($options['keywords'], true);
             if (count($customer_ids) > 0) {
                 $stmt .= ' iss_customer_id IN (' . implode(', ', $customer_ids) . ')';
             } else {
                 // no results, kill query
                 $stmt .= ' iss_customer_id = -1';
         } else {
             $stmt .= '(' . Misc::prepareBooleanSearch('iss_summary', $options['keywords']);
             $stmt .= ' OR ' . Misc::prepareBooleanSearch('iss_description', $options['keywords']) . ')';
         $stmt .= "\n) ";
     if (!empty($options['customer_id'])) {
         $stmt .= " AND iss_customer_id='" . Misc::escapeString($options['customer_id']) . "'";
     if (!empty($options['priority'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND iss_pri_id=' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['priority']);
     if (!empty($options['status'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND iss_sta_id=' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['status']);
     if (!empty($options['category'])) {
         if (!is_array($options['category'])) {
             $options['category'] = array($options['category']);
         $stmt .= ' AND iss_prc_id IN(' . implode(', ', Misc::escapeInteger($options['category'])) . ')';
     if (!empty($options['hide_closed'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND sta_is_closed=0';
     if (!empty($options['release'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND iss_pre_id = ' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['release']);
     if (!empty($options['product'])) {
         $stmt .= ' AND ipv_pro_id = ' . Misc::escapeInteger($options['product']);
     // now for the date fields
     $date_fields = array('created_date', 'updated_date', 'last_response_date', 'first_response_date', 'closed_date');
     foreach ($date_fields as $field_name) {
         if (!empty($options[$field_name])) {
             switch ($options[$field_name]['filter_type']) {
                 case 'greater':
                     $stmt .= " AND iss_{$field_name} >= '" . Misc::escapeString($options[$field_name]['start']) . "'";
                 case 'less':
                     $stmt .= " AND iss_{$field_name} <= '" . Misc::escapeString($options[$field_name]['start']) . "'";
                 case 'between':
                     $stmt .= " AND iss_{$field_name} BETWEEN '" . Misc::escapeString($options[$field_name]['start']) . "' AND '" . Misc::escapeString($options[$field_name]['end']) . "'";
                 case 'null':
                     $stmt .= " AND iss_{$field_name} IS NULL";
                 case 'in_past':
                     if (strlen($options[$field_name]['time_period']) == 0) {
                         $options[$field_name]['time_period'] = 0;
                     $stmt .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT() . "') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(iss_{$field_name})) <= (" . Misc::escapeInteger($options[$field_name]['time_period']) . '*3600)';
     // custom fields
     if (is_array($options['custom_field']) && count($options['custom_field']) > 0) {
         foreach ($options['custom_field'] as $fld_id => $search_value) {
             if (empty($search_value)) {
             $field = Custom_Field::getDetails($fld_id);
             $fld_db_name = Custom_Field::getDBValueFieldNameByType($field['fld_type']);
             if ($field['fld_type'] == 'date' && (empty($search_value['Year']) || empty($search_value['Month']) || empty($search_value['Day']))) {
             if ($field['fld_type'] == 'integer' && empty($search_value['value'])) {
             if ($field['fld_type'] == 'multiple') {
                 $search_value = Misc::escapeString($search_value);
                 foreach ($search_value as $cfo_id) {
                     $cfo_id = Misc::escapeString($cfo_id);
                     $stmt .= " AND\n cf" . $fld_id . '_' . $cfo_id . '.icf_iss_id = iss_id';
                     $stmt .= " AND\n cf" . $fld_id . '_' . $cfo_id . ".icf_fld_id = {$fld_id}";
                     $stmt .= " AND\n cf" . $fld_id . '_' . $cfo_id . '.' . $fld_db_name . " = '{$cfo_id}'";
             } elseif ($field['fld_type'] == 'date') {
                 if (empty($search_value['Year']) || empty($search_value['Month']) || empty($search_value['Day'])) {
                 $search_value = $search_value['Year'] . '-' . $search_value['Month'] . '-' . $search_value['Day'];
                 $stmt .= " AND\n (iss_id = cf" . $fld_id . '.icf_iss_id AND
                     cf' . $fld_id . '.' . $fld_db_name . " = '" . Misc::escapeString($search_value) . "')";
             } elseif ($field['fld_type'] == 'integer') {
                 $value = $search_value['value'];
                 switch ($search_value['filter_type']) {
                     case 'ge':
                         $cmp = '>=';
                     case 'le':
                         $cmp = '<=';
                     case 'gt':
                         $cmp = '>';
                     case 'lt':
                         $cmp = '<';
                         $cmp = '=';
                 $stmt .= " AND\n (iss_id = cf" . $fld_id . '.icf_iss_id';
                 $stmt .= " AND\n cf" . $fld_id . ".icf_fld_id = {$fld_id}";
                 $stmt .= ' AND cf' . $fld_id . '.' . $fld_db_name . $cmp . Misc::escapeString($value) . ')';
             } else {
                 $stmt .= " AND\n (iss_id = cf" . $fld_id . '.icf_iss_id';
                 $stmt .= " AND\n cf" . $fld_id . ".icf_fld_id = {$fld_id}";
                 if ($field['fld_type'] == 'combo') {
                     $stmt .= ' AND cf' . $fld_id . '.' . $fld_db_name . " IN('" . implode("', '", Misc::escapeString($search_value)) . "')";
                 } else {
                     $stmt .= ' AND cf' . $fld_id . '.' . $fld_db_name . " LIKE '%" . Misc::escapeString($search_value) . "%'";
                 $stmt .= ')';
     // clear cached full-text values if we are not searching fulltext anymore
     if (APP_ENABLE_FULLTEXT && @$options['search_type'] != 'all_text') {
         Session::set('fulltext_string', '');
         Session::set('fulltext_issues', '');
     return $stmt;
  * Method used to get the list of custom fields and custom field
  * values associated with a given issue ID. If usr_id is false method
  * defaults to current user.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $prj_id The project ID
  * @param   integer $iss_id The issue ID
  * @param   integer $usr_id The ID of the user who is going to be viewing this list.
  * @return  array The list of custom fields
 function getListByIssue($prj_id, $iss_id, $usr_id = false)
     if ($usr_id == false) {
         $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $usr_role = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     if (empty($usr_role)) {
         $usr_role = 0;
     $stmt = "SELECT\n                    fld_id,\n                    fld_title,\n                    fld_type,\n                    fld_report_form_required,\n                    fld_anonymous_form_required,\n                    icf_value,\n                    fld_min_role\n                 FROM\n                    (\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "custom_field,\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "project_custom_field\n                    )\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_custom_field\n                 ON\n                    pcf_fld_id=icf_fld_id AND\n                    icf_iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($iss_id) . "\n                 WHERE\n                    pcf_fld_id=fld_id AND\n                    pcf_prj_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($prj_id) . " AND\n                    fld_min_role <= " . $usr_role . "\n                 ORDER BY\n                    fld_rank ASC";
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->getAll($stmt, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return array();
     } else {
         if (count($res) == 0) {
             return array();
         } else {
             $fields = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
                 if ($res[$i]['fld_type'] == 'text' || $res[$i]['fld_type'] == 'textarea' || $res[$i]['fld_type'] == 'date') {
                     $fields[] = $res[$i];
                 } elseif ($res[$i]["fld_type"] == "combo") {
                     $res[$i]["selected_cfo_id"] = $res[$i]["icf_value"];
                     $res[$i]["icf_value"] = Custom_Field::getOptionValue($res[$i]["fld_id"], $res[$i]["icf_value"]);
                     $res[$i]["field_options"] = Custom_Field::getOptions($res[$i]["fld_id"]);
                     $fields[] = $res[$i];
                 } elseif ($res[$i]['fld_type'] == 'multiple') {
                     // check whether this field is already in the array
                     $found = 0;
                     for ($y = 0; $y < count($fields); $y++) {
                         if ($fields[$y]['fld_id'] == $res[$i]['fld_id']) {
                             $found = 1;
                             $found_index = $y;
                     if (!$found) {
                         $res[$i]["selected_cfo_id"] = array($res[$i]["icf_value"]);
                         $res[$i]["icf_value"] = Custom_Field::getOptionValue($res[$i]["fld_id"], $res[$i]["icf_value"]);
                         $res[$i]["field_options"] = Custom_Field::getOptions($res[$i]["fld_id"]);
                         $fields[] = $res[$i];
                     } else {
                         $fields[$found_index]['icf_value'] .= ', ' . Custom_Field::getOptionValue($res[$i]["fld_id"], $res[$i]["icf_value"]);
                         $fields[$found_index]['selected_cfo_id'][] = $res[$i]["icf_value"];
             foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
                 $backend = Custom_Field::getBackend($field['fld_id']);
                 if (is_object($backend) && is_subclass_of($backend, "Dynamic_Custom_Field_Backend")) {
                     $fields[$key]['dynamic_options'] = $backend->getStructuredData();
                     $fields[$key]['controlling_field_id'] = $backend->getControllingCustomFieldID();
                     $fields[$key]['controlling_field_name'] = $backend->getControllingCustomFieldName();
                     $fields[$key]['hide_when_no_options'] = $backend->hideWhenNoOptions();
                     // START ETEL MODIFIED
                     $fields[$key]['showTransactionLookup'] = $backend->showTransactionLookup;
                     // END ETEL MODIFIED
             return $fields;
Beispiel #10
function checkCustomerAuthentication($prj_id)
    if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
        $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
        // check if customer is expired
        $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
        $contact_id = User::getCustomerContactID($usr_id);
        if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::ROLE_CUSTOMER) {
Beispiel #11
if (!isset($issue_fields_display['percent_complete']) || $issue_fields_display['percent_complete'] != false) {
    $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Percentage Complete'), 'data' => (empty($details['iss_percent_complete']) ? 0 : $details['iss_percent_complete']) . '%', 'field' => 'percentage_complete');
$columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Reporter'), 'field' => 'reporter');
$products = Product::getAssocList(false);
if (count($products) > 0) {
    $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Product'), 'field' => 'product');
    $columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Product Version'), 'field' => 'product_version');
$columns[0][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Assignment'), 'data' => $details['assignments'], 'field' => 'assignment');
$columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Notification List'), 'field' => 'notification_list');
$columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Submitted Date'), 'data' => $details['iss_created_date']);
$columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Last Updated Date'), 'data' => $details['iss_updated_date']);
$columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Associated Issues'), 'field' => 'associated_issues');
if (!isset($issue_fields_display['expected_resolution']) || $issue_fields_display['expected_resolution'] != false) {
    $columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Expected Resolution Date'), 'field' => 'expected_resolution');
if (!isset($issue_fields_display['estimated_dev_time']) || $issue_fields_display['estimated_dev_time'] != false) {
    $columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Estimated Dev. Time'), 'data' => $details['iss_dev_time'] . empty($details['iss_dev_time']) ? '' : ' hours', 'field' => 'estimated_dev_time');
if ($role_id > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
    $columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Duplicates'), 'field' => 'duplicates', 'title_bgcolor' => APP_INTERNAL_COLOR);
    $columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Authorized Repliers'), 'field' => 'authorized_repliers', 'title_bgcolor' => APP_INTERNAL_COLOR);
$groups = Group::getAssocList($prj_id);
if ($role_id > User::getRoleID('Customer') && count($groups) > 0) {
    $columns[1][] = array('title' => ev_gettext('Group'), 'data' => isset($details['group']) ? $details['group']['grp_name'] : '', 'title_bgcolor' => APP_INTERNAL_COLOR);
$tpl->assign(array('subscribers' => Notification::getSubscribers($issue_id), 'categories' => $categories, 'priorities' => $priorities, 'severities' => $severities, 'status' => $statuses, 'releases' => $releases, 'resolutions' => Resolution::getAssocList(), 'users' => Project::getUserAssocList($prj_id, 'active', User::getRoleID('Customer')), 'one_week_ts' => time() + 7 * Date_Helper::DAY, 'groups' => Group::getAssocList($prj_id), 'current_year' => date('Y'), 'products' => Product::getList(false), 'grid' => $columns));
$tpl->assign('usr_role_id', User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id));
  * Adds a real user to the authorized repliers list.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $issue_id The id of the issue.
  * @param   integer $usr_id The id of the user.
  * @param   boolean $add_history If this should be logged.
 function addUser($issue_id, $usr_id, $add_history = true)
     // don't add customers to this list. They should already be able to send
     if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) == User::getRoleID("Customer")) {
         return -2;
     $stmt = "INSERT INTO\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_user_replier\n                 (\n                    iur_iss_id,\n                    iur_usr_id\n                 ) VALUES (\n                    " . Misc::escapeInteger($issue_id) . ",\n                    " . Misc::escapeInteger($usr_id) . "\n                 )";
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->query($stmt);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return -1;
     } else {
         if ($add_history) {
             // add the change to the history of the issue
             $summary = User::getFullName($usr_id) . ' added to the authorized repliers list by ' . User::getFullName(Auth::getUserID());
             History::add($issue_id, Auth::getUserID(), History::getTypeID('replier_added'), $summary);
     return 1;
Beispiel #13
// | along with this program; if not, write to:                           |
// |                                                                      |
// | Free Software Foundation, Inc.                                       |
// | 51 Franklin Street, Suite 330                                          |
// | Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.                                          |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: João Prado Maia <*****@*****.**>                             |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../init.php';
$usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
$prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
$tpl = new Template_Helper();
Auth::checkAuthentication(APP_COOKIE, 'index.php?err=5', true);
$issue_id = Support::getIssueFromEmail($_GET['id']);
if ($issue_id != 0 && !Issue::canAccess($issue_id, $usr_id) || $issue_id == 0 && User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) < User::ROLE_USER) {
$email = Support::getEmailDetails($_GET['ema_id'], $_GET['id']);
$email['seb_body'] = str_replace('&amp;nbsp;', '&nbsp;', $email['seb_body']);
$tpl->assign(array('email' => $email, 'issue_id' => $issue_id, 'extra_title' => ev_gettext('Issue #%1$s Email #%3$s: %2$s', $issue_id, $email['sup_subject'], Support::getSequenceByID($_GET['id'])), 'email_accounts' => Email_Account::getAssocList(array_keys(Project::getAssocList(Auth::getUserID())), true), 'recipients' => Mail_Queue::getMessageRecipients(array('customer_email', 'other_email'), $_GET['id'])));
if (@$_GET['cat'] == 'list_emails') {
    $sides = Support::getListingSides($_GET['id']);
    $tpl->assign(array('previous' => $sides['previous'], 'next' => $sides['next']));
} elseif (@$_GET['cat'] == 'move_email' && Auth::getCurrentRole() >= User::getRoleID('Standard User')) {
    $res = Support::moveEmail(@$_GET['id'], @$_GET['ema_id'], @$_GET['new_ema_id']);
    $tpl->assign('move_email_result', $res);
    $tpl->assign('current_user_prefs', Prefs::get(Auth::getUserID()));
} else {
Beispiel #14
  * Method used to add a customized warning message to the body
  * of outgoing emails.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   string $to The recipient of the message
  * @param   string $body The body of the message
  * @return  string The body of the message with the warning message, if appropriate
 function addWarningMessage($issue_id, $to, $body)
     $setup = Setup::load();
     if (@$setup['email_routing']['status'] == 'enabled' && $setup['email_routing']['warning']['status'] == 'enabled') {
         // check if the recipient can send emails to the customer
         $recipient_email = Mail_API::getEmailAddress($to);
         $recipient_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
         // don't add the warning message if the recipient is an unknown email address
         if (empty($recipient_usr_id)) {
             return $body;
         } else {
             // don't add anything if the recipient is a known customer contact
             $recipient_role_id = User::getRoleByUser($recipient_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id));
             if ($recipient_role_id == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                 return $body;
             } else {
                 if (!Support::isAllowedToEmail($issue_id, $recipient_email)) {
                     return Mail_API::getWarningMessage('blocked') . "\n\n" . $body;
                 } else {
                     return Mail_API::getWarningMessage('allowed') . "\n\n" . $body;
     } else {
         return $body;
  * Adds an email to the outgoing mail queue.
  * @access  public
  * @param   string $recipient The recipient of this email
  * @param   array $headers The list of headers that should be sent with this email
  * @param   string $body The body of the message
  * @param   integer $save_email_copy Whether to send a copy of this email to a configurable address or not (eventum_sent@)
  * @param   integer $issue_id The ID of the issue. If false, email will not be associated with issue.
  * @param   string $type The type of message this is.
  * @param   integer $sender_usr_id The id of the user sending this email.
  * @param   integer $type_id The ID of the event that triggered this notification (issue_id, sup_id, not_id, etc)
  * @return  true, or a PEAR_Error object
 function add($recipient, $headers, $body, $save_email_copy = 0, $issue_id = false, $type = '', $sender_usr_id = false, $type_id = false)
     // avoid sending emails out to users with inactive status
     $recipient_email = Mail_API::getEmailAddress($recipient);
     $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
     if (!empty($usr_id)) {
         $user_status = User::getStatusByEmail($recipient_email);
         // if user is not set to an active status, then silently ignore
         if (!User::isActiveStatus($user_status) && !User::isPendingStatus($user_status)) {
             return false;
     $to_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($recipient_email);
     $recipient = Mail_API::fixAddressQuoting($recipient);
     $reminder_addresses = Reminder::_getReminderAlertAddresses();
     // add specialized headers
     if (!empty($issue_id) && (!empty($to_usr_id) && User::getRoleByUser($to_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) > User::getRoleID("Customer")) || @in_array(Mail_API::getEmailAddress($to), $reminder_addresses)) {
         $headers += Mail_API::getSpecializedHeaders($issue_id, $type, $headers, $sender_usr_id);
     if (empty($issue_id)) {
         $issue_id = 'null';
     // if the Date: header is missing, add it.
     if (!in_array('Date', array_keys($headers))) {
         $headers['Date'] = MIME_Helper::encode(date('D, j M Y H:i:s O'));
     if (!empty($headers['To'])) {
         $headers['To'] = Mail_API::fixAddressQuoting($headers['To']);
     list(, $text_headers) = Mail_API::prepareHeaders($headers);
     $stmt = "INSERT INTO\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_queue\n                 (\n                    maq_save_copy,\n                    maq_queued_date,\n                    maq_sender_ip_address,\n                    maq_recipient,\n                    maq_headers,\n                    maq_body,\n                    maq_iss_id,\n                    maq_subject,\n                    maq_type";
     if ($sender_usr_id != false) {
         $stmt .= ",\nmaq_usr_id";
     if ($type_id != false) {
         $stmt .= ",\nmaq_type_id";
     $stmt .= ") VALUES (\n                    {$save_email_copy},\n                    '" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "',\n                    '" . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . "',\n                    '" . Misc::escapeString($recipient) . "',\n                    '" . Misc::escapeString($text_headers) . "',\n                    '" . Misc::escapeString($body) . "',\n                    " . Misc::escapeInteger($issue_id) . ",\n                    '" . Misc::escapeString($headers["Subject"]) . "',\n                    '{$type}'";
     if ($sender_usr_id != false) {
         $stmt .= ",\n" . $sender_usr_id;
     if ($type_id != false) {
         $stmt .= ",\n" . $type_id;
     $stmt .= ")";
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->query($stmt);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return $res;
     } else {
         return true;
Beispiel #16
function lookupCustomer($p)
    $email = XML_RPC_decode($p->getParam(0));
    $password = XML_RPC_decode($p->getParam(1));
    $auth = authenticate($email, $password);
    if (is_object($auth)) {
        return $auth;
    $prj_id = XML_RPC_decode($p->getParam(2));
    $field = XML_RPC_decode($p->getParam(3));
    $value = XML_RPC_decode($p->getParam(4));
    $possible_fields = array('email', 'support', 'customer');
    if (!in_array($field, $possible_fields)) {
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $XML_RPC_erruser + 1, "Unknown field type '{$field}'");
    $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($email);
    // only customers should be able to use this page
    $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
    if ($role_id < User::getRoleID('Developer')) {
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $XML_RPC_erruser + 1, "You don't have the appropriate permissions to lookup customer information");
    } else {
        $res = Customer::lookup($prj_id, $field, $value);
        return new XML_RPC_Response(XML_RPC_Encode($res));
Beispiel #17
  * Gets the current role in the current project.
  * @access  public
  * @return  integer The current role ID
 function getCurrentRole()
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     if (!$usr_id) {
         return 1;
     $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
     if (!empty($prj_id) && !empty($usr_id)) {
         return User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     } else {
         return 1;
  * Processes the template and assign common variables automatically.
  * @return $this
 private function processTemplate()
     $core = array('rel_url' => APP_RELATIVE_URL, 'base_url' => APP_BASE_URL, 'app_title' => APP_NAME, 'app_version' => APP_VERSION, 'app_setup' => Setup::load(), 'messages' => Misc::getMessages(), 'roles' => User::getAssocRoleIDs(), 'auth_backend' => APP_AUTH_BACKEND, 'current_url' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     // If VCS version is present "Eventum 2.3.3-148-g78b3368", link ref to github
     $vcsVersion = self::getVcsVersion();
     if ($vcsVersion) {
         $link = "{$vcsVersion}";
         $core['application_version_link'] = $link;
         // append VCS version if not yet there
         if (!preg_match('/-g[0-9a-f]+$/', APP_VERSION)) {
             $core['app_version'] = "v{$core['app_version']}-g{$vcsVersion}";
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     if ($usr_id) {
         $core['user'] = User::getDetails($usr_id);
         $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
         $setup = Setup::load();
         if (!empty($prj_id)) {
             $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
             $has_crm = CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id);
             $core = $core + array('project_id' => $prj_id, 'project_name' => Auth::getCurrentProjectName(), 'has_crm' => $has_crm, 'current_role' => $role_id, 'current_role_name' => User::getRole($role_id), 'feature_access' => Access::getFeatureAccessArray($usr_id));
             if ($has_crm) {
                 $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
                 $core['crm_template_path'] = $crm->getTemplatePath();
                 if ($role_id == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                     try {
                         $contact = $crm->getContact($core['user']['usr_customer_contact_id']);
                         $core['allowed_customers'] = $contact->getCustomers();
                         $core['current_customer'] = $crm->getCustomer(Auth::getCurrentCustomerID(false));
                     } catch (CRMException $e) {
         $info = User::getDetails($usr_id);
         $raw_projects = Project::getAssocList(Auth::getUserID(), false, true);
         $active_projects = array();
         foreach ($raw_projects as $prj_id => $prj_info) {
             if ($prj_info['status'] == 'archived') {
                 $prj_info['prj_title'] .= ' ' . ev_gettext('(archived)');
             $active_projects[$prj_id] = $prj_info['prj_title'];
         $core = $core + array('active_projects' => $active_projects, 'current_full_name' => $info['usr_full_name'], 'current_email' => $info['usr_email'], 'current_user_id' => $usr_id, 'current_user_datetime' => Date_Helper::getISO8601date('now', '', true), 'is_current_user_clocked_in' => User::isCLockedIn($usr_id), 'is_anon_user' => Auth::isAnonUser(), 'is_current_user_partner' => !empty($info['usr_par_code']), 'roles' => User::getAssocRoleIDs(), 'current_user_prefs' => Prefs::get(Auth::getUserID()));
         $this->assign('current_full_name', $core['user']['usr_full_name']);
         $this->assign('current_email', $core['user']['usr_email']);
         $this->assign('current_user_id', $usr_id);
         $this->assign('handle_clock_in', $setup['handle_clock_in'] == 'enabled');
         $this->assign('is_current_user_clocked_in', User::isClockedIn($usr_id));
         $this->assign('roles', User::getAssocRoleIDs());
     $this->assign('core', $core);
     return $this;
Beispiel #19
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Raul Raat <*****@*****.**>                              |
// | Authors: Elan Ruusamäe <*****@*****.**>                               |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../init.php';
// check login
$field_name = !empty($_POST['field_name']) ? $_POST['field_name'] : null;
$issue_id = !empty($_POST['issue_id']) ? (int) $_POST['issue_id'] : null;
// check if correct issue id was sent
if (!$issue_id || !Issue::exists($issue_id)) {
    die('Invalid issue_id');
$usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
// check if user role is above "Standard User"
if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) < User::getRoleID('Standard User')) {
// check if user can acess the issue
if (!Issue::canAccess($issue_id, $usr_id)) {
switch ($field_name) {
    case 'expected_resolution_date':
        $day = Misc::escapeInteger($_POST['day']);
        $month = Misc::escapeInteger($_POST['month']);
        $year = Misc::escapeInteger($_POST['year']);
        if ($day == 0 && $month == 1 && $year == 0) {
            // clear button
            $date = null;
        } else {
Beispiel #20
include_once APP_INC_PATH . "class.note.php";
include_once APP_INC_PATH . "class.user.php";
include_once APP_INC_PATH . "db_access.php";
$tpl = new Template_API();
Auth::checkAuthentication(APP_COOKIE, 'index.php?err=5', true);
$usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
$note = Note::getDetails($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
if ($note == '') {
    $tpl->assign("note", '');
} else {
    $note["message"] = $note["not_note"];
    $issue_id = Note::getIssueID($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
    $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) < User::getRoleID('Standard User') || !Issue::canAccess($issue_id, Auth::getUserID())) {
$note = Note::getDetails($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
$note["message"] = $note["not_note"];
$issue_id = Note::getIssueID($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
$tpl->bulkAssign(array("note" => $note, "issue_id" => $issue_id, 'extra_title' => "Note #" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['num'] . ": " . $note['not_title']));
if (!empty($issue_id)) {
    $sides = Note::getSideLinks($issue_id, $HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
    $tpl->assign(array('previous' => $sides['previous'], 'next' => $sides['next']));
Beispiel #21
  * Gets the current role in the current project.
  * @return  integer The current role ID
 public static function getCurrentRole()
     $prj_id = self::getCurrentProject();
     $usr_id = self::getUserID();
     if (!empty($prj_id) && !empty($usr_id)) {
         return User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     } else {
         return 1;
  * Method used to send an email from the user interface.
  * @access  public
  * @return  integer 1 if it worked, -1 otherwise
 function sendEmail($parent_sup_id = FALSE)
     // if we are replying to an existing email, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly
     if ($parent_sup_id) {
         $in_reply_to = Support::getMessageIDByID($parent_sup_id);
     } else {
         $in_reply_to = false;
     // get ID of whoever is sending this.
     $sender_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail(Mail_API::getEmailAddress($HTTP_POST_VARS["from"]));
     if (empty($sender_usr_id)) {
         $sender_usr_id = false;
     // get type of email this is
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['type'])) {
         $type = $HTTP_POST_VARS['type'];
     } else {
         $type = '';
     // remove extra 'Re: ' from subject
     $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'] = Mail_API::removeExcessRe($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], true);
     $internal_only = false;
     $message_id = Mail_API::generateMessageID();
     // hack needed to get the full headers of this web-based email
     $full_email = Support::buildFullHeaders($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $message_id, $HTTP_POST_VARS["from"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["to"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["cc"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["subject"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["message"], $in_reply_to);
     // email blocking should only be done if this is an email about an associated issue
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
         $user_info = User::getNameEmail(Auth::getUserID());
         // check whether the current user is allowed to send this email to customers or not
         if (!Support::isAllowedToEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $user_info['usr_email'])) {
             // add the message body as a note
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['blocked_msg'] = $full_email;
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['title'] = $HTTP_POST_VARS["subject"];
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['note'] = Mail_API::getCannedBlockedMsgExplanation() . $HTTP_POST_VARS["message"];
             Note::insert(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
             Workflow::handleBlockedEmail(Issue::getProjectID($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id']), $HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $HTTP_POST_VARS, 'web');
             return 1;
     // only send a direct email if the user doesn't want to add the Cc'ed people to the notification list
     if (@$HTTP_POST_VARS['add_unknown'] == 'yes') {
         if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
             // add the recipients to the notification list of the associated issue
             $recipients = array($HTTP_POST_VARS['to']);
             $recipients = array_merge($recipients, Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']));
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) {
                 if (!empty($recipients[$i]) && !Notification::isIssueRoutingSender($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $recipients[$i])) {
                     Notification::subscribeEmail(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], Mail_API::getEmailAddress($recipients[$i]), array('emails'));
     } else {
         // Usually when sending out emails associated to an issue, we would
         // simply insert the email in the table and call the Notification::notifyNewEmail() method,
         // but on this case we need to actually send the email to the recipients that are not
         // already in the notification list for the associated issue, if any.
         // In the case of replying to an email that is not yet associated with an issue, then
         // we are always directly sending the email, without using any notification list
         // functionality.
         if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
             // send direct emails only to the unknown addresses, and leave the rest to be
             // catched by the notification list
             $from = Notification::getFixedFromHeader($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['from'], 'issue');
             // build the list of unknown recipients
             if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['to'])) {
                 $recipients = array($HTTP_POST_VARS['to']);
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']));
             } else {
                 $recipients = Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']);
             $unknowns = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) {
                 if (!Notification::isSubscribedToEmails($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $recipients[$i])) {
                     $unknowns[] = $recipients[$i];
             if (count($unknowns) > 0) {
                 $to = array_shift($unknowns);
                 $cc = implode('; ', $unknowns);
                 // send direct emails
                 Support::sendDirectEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $from, $to, $cc, $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], $message_id, $sender_usr_id);
         } else {
             // send direct emails to all recipients, since we don't have an associated issue
             $project_info = Project::getOutgoingSenderAddress(Auth::getCurrentProject());
             // use the project-related outgoing email address, if there is one
             if (!empty($project_info['email'])) {
                 $from = Mail_API::getFormattedName(User::getFullName(Auth::getUserID()), $project_info['email']);
             } else {
                 // otherwise, use the real email address for the current user
                 $from = User::getFromHeader(Auth::getUserID());
             // send direct emails
             Support::sendDirectEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $from, $HTTP_POST_VARS['to'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['cc'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], $message_id);
     $t = array('customer_id' => 'NULL', 'issue_id' => $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"] ? $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"] : 0, 'ema_id' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['ema_id'], 'message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'from' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['from'], 'to' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['to'], 'cc' => @$HTTP_POST_VARS['cc'], 'subject' => @$HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], 'body' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], 'full_email' => $full_email, 'has_attachment' => 0);
     // associate this new email with a customer, if appropriate
     if (Auth::getCurrentRole() == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         $customer_id = User::getCustomerID(Auth::getUserID());
         if (!empty($customer_id) && $customer_id != -1) {
             $t['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
     $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($full_email, true, false);
     $t['headers'] = $structure->headers;
     $res = Support::insertEmail($t, $structure, $sup_id);
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"])) {
         // need to send a notification
         Notification::notifyNewEmail(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $t, $internal_only, false, $type, $sup_id);
         // mark this issue as updated
         if (!empty($t['customer_id']) && $t['customer_id'] != 'NULL') {
             Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'customer action');
         } else {
             if (!empty($sender_usr_id) && User::getRoleByUser($sender_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'staff response');
             } else {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'user response');
         // save a history entry for this
         History::add($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], Auth::getUserID(), History::getTypeID('email_sent'), 'Outgoing email sent by ' . User::getFullName(Auth::getUserID()));
         // also update the last_response_date field for the associated issue
         if (Auth::getCurrentRole() > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
             $stmt = "UPDATE\n                            " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                         SET\n                            iss_last_response_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "'\n                         WHERE\n                            iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
             $stmt = "UPDATE\n                            " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                         SET\n                            iss_first_response_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "'\n                         WHERE\n                            iss_first_response_date IS NULL AND\n                            iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
     return 1;
Beispiel #23
            $email = Mail_API::getEmailAddress($senders[$i]);
            $sender_emails[$email] = $senders[$i];
        $customer_id = Issue::getCustomerID($HTTP_GET_VARS['issue']);
        if (!empty($customer_id)) {
            $contact_emails = array_keys(Customer::getContactEmailAssocList($prj_id, $customer_id));
            $unknown_contacts = array();
            foreach ($sender_emails as $email => $address) {
                if (!@in_array($email, $contact_emails)) {
                    $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($email);
                    if (empty($usr_id)) {
                        $unknown_contacts[] = $address;
                    } else {
                        // if we got a real user ID, check if the customer user is the correct one
                        // (i.e. a contact from the customer associated with the selected issue)
                        if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                            // also check if the associated customer ID, if any, matches the one in the issue
                            $user_customer_id = User::getCustomerID($usr_id);
                            if ($user_customer_id != $customer_id) {
                                $unknown_contacts[] = $address;
            if (count($unknown_contacts) > 0) {
                $tpl->assign('unknown_contacts', $unknown_contacts);
  * Attach uploaded files to an issue
  * It also notifies any subscribers of this new attachment.
  * @param int $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param int $usr_id The user ID
  * @param int[] $iaf_ids attachment file id-s to attach
  * @param boolean $internal_only Whether this attachment is supposed to be internal only or not
  * @param string $file_description File description text
  * @param string $unknown_user The email of the user who originally sent this email, who doesn't have an account.
  * @param integer $associated_note_id The note ID that these attachments should be associated with
 public static function attachFiles($issue_id, $usr_id, $iaf_ids, $internal_only, $file_description, $unknown_user = null, $associated_note_id = null)
     if (!$iaf_ids) {
         throw new LogicException('No attachment ids');
     $attachment_id = self::add($issue_id, $usr_id, $file_description, $internal_only, $unknown_user, $associated_note_id);
     self::associateFiles($attachment_id, $iaf_ids);
     Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'file uploaded');
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'attachment_added', 'Attachment uploaded by {user}', array('user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     // if there is customer integration, mark last customer action
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     $has_crm = CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id);
     $is_customer = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::ROLE_CUSTOMER;
     if ($has_crm && $is_customer) {
     Workflow::handleAttachment($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id);
     Notification::notify($issue_id, 'files', $attachment_id, $internal_only);
Beispiel #25
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../init.php';
$tpl = new Template_Helper();
Auth::checkAuthentication(APP_COOKIE, 'index.php?err=5', true);
$usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
$note_id = $_GET['id'];
$note = Note::getDetails($note_id);
if ($note == '') {
    $tpl->assign('note', '');
} else {
    $note['message'] = $note['not_note'];
    $issue_id = Note::getIssueID($note_id);
    $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) < User::getRoleID('Standard User') || !Access::canViewInternalNotes($issue_id, Auth::getUserID())) {
$note = Note::getDetails($_GET['id']);
$note['message'] = $note['not_note'];
$issue_id = Note::getIssueID($_GET['id']);
$tpl->assign(array('note' => $note, 'issue_id' => $issue_id, 'extra_title' => 'Note #' . Note::getNoteSequenceNumber($issue_id, $note_id) . ': ' . $note['not_title'], 'recipients' => Mail_Queue::getMessageRecipients('notes', $note_id)));
if (!empty($issue_id)) {
    $sides = Note::getSideLinks($issue_id, $_GET['id']);
    $tpl->assign(array('previous' => $sides['previous'], 'next' => $sides['next']));
  * Processes the template and assigns common variables automatically.
  * @access	private
 function processTemplate()
     global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
     // determine the correct CSS file to use
     if (ereg('MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', @$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], $log_version)) {
         $user_agent = 'ie';
     } else {
         $user_agent = 'other';
     $this->assign("user_agent", $user_agent);
     // create the list of projects
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     if ($usr_id != '') {
         $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
         if (!empty($prj_id)) {
             $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
             $this->assign("current_project", $prj_id);
             $this->assign("current_project_name", Auth::getCurrentProjectName());
             $has_customer_integration = Customer::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id);
             $this->assign("has_customer_integration", $has_customer_integration);
             if ($has_customer_integration) {
                 $this->assign("customer_backend_name", Customer::getBackendImplementationName($prj_id));
             if ($role_id == User::getRoleID('administrator') || $role_id == User::getRoleID('manager')) {
                 $this->assign("show_admin_link", true);
             if ($role_id > 0) {
                 $this->assign("current_role", (int) $role_id);
                 $this->assign("current_role_name", User::getRole($role_id));
         $info = User::getNameEmail($usr_id);
         $this->assign("active_projects", Project::getAssocList($usr_id));
         $this->assign("current_full_name", $info["usr_full_name"]);
         $this->assign("current_email", $info["usr_email"]);
         $this->assign("current_user_id", $usr_id);
         $this->assign("is_current_user_clocked_in", User::isClockedIn($usr_id));
         $this->assign("roles", User::getAssocRoleIDs());
     $this->assign("app_setup", Setup::load());
     $this->assign("app_setup_path", APP_SETUP_PATH);
     $this->assign("app_setup_file", APP_SETUP_FILE);
     $this->assign("application_version", APP_VERSION);
     $this->assign("application_title", APP_NAME);
     $this->assign("app_base_url", APP_BASE_URL);
     $this->assign("rel_url", APP_RELATIVE_URL);
     $this->assign("lang", APP_CURRENT_LANG);
     $this->assign("SID", SID);
     // now for the browser detection stuff
     $this->assign("browser", Net_UserAgent_Detect::_getStaticProperty('browser'));
     $this->assign("os", Net_UserAgent_Detect::_getStaticProperty('os'));
     // this is only used by the textarea resize script
     $js_script_name = str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('.php', '', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']));
     $this->assign("js_script_name", $js_script_name);
     $this->assign("total_queries", $GLOBALS['TOTAL_QUERIES']);
     $this->assign(array("cell_color" => APP_CELL_COLOR, "light_color" => APP_LIGHT_COLOR, "middle_color" => APP_MIDDLE_COLOR, "dark_color" => APP_DARK_COLOR, "cycle" => APP_CYCLE_COLORS, "internal_color" => APP_INTERNAL_COLOR));
  * Method used to get the list of custom fields and custom field
  * values associated with a given issue ID. If usr_id is false method
  * defaults to current user.
  * @param   integer $prj_id The project ID
  * @param   integer $iss_id The issue ID
  * @param   integer $usr_id The ID of the user who is going to be viewing this list.
  * @param   mixed   $form_type The name of the form this is for or if this is an array the ids of the fields to return
  * @return  array The list of custom fields
 public static function getListByIssue($prj_id, $iss_id, $usr_id = null, $form_type = false)
     if (!$usr_id) {
         $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $usr_role = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     if (empty($usr_role)) {
         $usr_role = 0;
     $stmt = 'SELECT
                 ' . self::getDBValueFieldSQL() . ' as value,
              LEFT JOIN
                 pcf_fld_id=icf_fld_id AND
                 pcf_fld_id=fld_id AND
                 pcf_prj_id=? AND
                 fld_min_role <= ?';
     $params = array($iss_id, $prj_id, $usr_role);
     if ($form_type != false) {
         if (is_array($form_type)) {
             $stmt .= ' AND fld_id IN(' . DB_Helper::buildList($form_type) . ')';
             $params = array_merge($params, $form_type);
         } else {
             $fld_name = 'fld_' . Misc::escapeString($form_type);
             $stmt .= " AND {$fld_name}=1";
     $stmt .= '
              ORDER BY
                 fld_rank ASC';
     try {
         $res = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getAll($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return array();
     if (count($res) == 0) {
         return array();
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($res as &$row) {
         if ($row['fld_type'] == 'combo') {
             $row['selected_cfo_id'] = $row['value'];
             $row['original_value'] = $row['value'];
             $row['value'] = self::getOptionValue($row['fld_id'], $row['value']);
             $row['field_options'] = self::getOptions($row['fld_id'], false, $iss_id);
             // add the select option to the list of values if it isn't on the list (useful for fields with active and non-active items)
             if (!empty($row['original_value']) && !isset($row['field_options'][$row['original_value']])) {
                 $row['field_options'][$row['original_value']] = self::getOptionValue($row['fld_id'], $row['original_value']);
             $fields[] = $row;
         } elseif ($row['fld_type'] == 'multiple' || $row['fld_type'] == 'checkbox') {
             // check whether this field is already in the array
             $found = 0;
             foreach ($fields as $y => $field) {
                 if ($field['fld_id'] == $row['fld_id']) {
                     $found = 1;
                     $found_index = $y;
             $original_value = $row['value'];
             if (!$found) {
                 $row['selected_cfo_id'] = array($row['value']);
                 $row['value'] = self::getOptionValue($row['fld_id'], $row['value']);
                 $row['field_options'] = self::getOptions($row['fld_id']);
                 $fields[] = $row;
                 $found_index = count($fields) - 1;
             } else {
                 $fields[$found_index]['value'] .= ', ' . self::getOptionValue($row['fld_id'], $row['value']);
                 $fields[$found_index]['selected_cfo_id'][] = $row['value'];
             // add the select option to the list of values if it isn't on the list (useful for fields with active and non-active items)
             if ($original_value !== null && !in_array($original_value, $fields[$found_index]['field_options'])) {
                 $fields[$found_index]['field_options'][$original_value] = self::getOptionValue($row['fld_id'], $original_value);
         } else {
             $row['value'] = $row[self::getDBValueFieldNameByType($row['fld_type'])];
             $fields[] = $row;
     foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
         $backend = self::getBackend($field['fld_id']);
         if (is_object($backend) && is_subclass_of($backend, 'Dynamic_Custom_Field_Backend')) {
             $fields[$key]['dynamic_options'] = $backend->getStructuredData();
             $fields[$key]['controlling_field_id'] = $backend->getControllingCustomFieldID();
             $fields[$key]['controlling_field_name'] = $backend->getControllingCustomFieldName();
             $fields[$key]['hide_when_no_options'] = $backend->hideWhenNoOptions();
             $fields[$key]['lookup_method'] = $backend->lookupMethod();
         // check if the backend implements "isRequired"
         if (is_object($backend) && method_exists($backend, 'isRequired')) {
             $fields[$key]['fld_report_form_required'] = $backend->isRequired($fields[$key]['fld_id'], 'report', $iss_id);
             $fields[$key]['fld_anonymous_form_required'] = $backend->isRequired($fields[$key]['fld_id'], 'anonymous', $iss_id);
             $fields[$key]['fld_close_form_required'] = $backend->isRequired($fields[$key]['fld_id'], 'close', $iss_id);
         if (is_object($backend) && method_exists($backend, 'getValidationJS')) {
             $fields[$key]['validation_js'] = $backend->getValidationJS($fields[$key]['fld_id'], $form_type, $iss_id);
         } else {
             $fields[$key]['validation_js'] = '';
     return $fields;
Beispiel #28
  * Method used to update the details of the project information.
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked, -1 otherwise
 public static function update()
     if (Validation::isWhitespace($_POST['title'])) {
         return -2;
     $stmt = 'UPDATE
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, array($_POST['title'], $_POST['status'], $_POST['lead_usr_id'], $_POST['initial_status'], $_POST['outgoing_sender_name'], $_POST['outgoing_sender_email'], $_POST['mail_aliases'], $_POST['remote_invocation'], $_POST['segregate_reporter'], $_POST['customer_backend'], $_POST['workflow_backend'], $_POST['id']));
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     self::removeUserByProjects(array($_POST['id']), $_POST['users']);
     foreach ($_POST['users'] as $user) {
         if ($user == $_POST['lead_usr_id']) {
             self::associateUser($_POST['id'], $user, User::getRoleID('Manager'));
         } elseif (User::getRoleByUser($user, $_POST['id']) == '') {
             // users who are now being associated with this project should be set to 'Standard User'
             self::associateUser($_POST['id'], $user, User::getRoleID('Standard User'));
     $statuses = array_keys(Status::getAssocStatusList($_POST['id']));
     if (count($statuses) > 0) {
         Status::removeProjectAssociations($statuses, $_POST['id']);
     foreach ($_POST['statuses'] as $sta_id) {
         Status::addProjectAssociation($sta_id, $_POST['id']);
     return 1;
  * Adds a real user to the authorized repliers list.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The id of the issue.
  * @param   integer $usr_id The id of the user.
  * @param   boolean $add_history If this should be logged.
 public static function addUser($issue_id, $usr_id, $add_history = true)
     // don't add customers to this list. They should already be able to send
     if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         return -2;
     $stmt = 'INSERT INTO
              ) VALUES (
                 ?, ?
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, array($issue_id, $usr_id));
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     if ($add_history) {
         // add the change to the history of the issue
         $current_usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
         History::add($issue_id, $current_usr_id, 'replier_added', '{other_user} added to the authorized repliers list by {user}', array('other_user' => User::getFullName($usr_id), 'user' => User::getFullName($current_usr_id)));
     return 1;
Beispiel #30
  * Method to determine if user can access a particular issue
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $issue_id The ID of the issue.
  * @param   integer $usr_id The ID of the user
  * @return  boolean If the user can access the issue
 function canAccess($issue_id, $usr_id)
     static $access;
     if (empty($issue_id)) {
         return true;
     if (isset($access[$issue_id . "-" . $usr_id])) {
         return $access[$issue_id . "-" . $usr_id];
     $details = Issue::getDetails($issue_id);
     if (empty($details)) {
         return true;
     $usr_details = User::getDetails($usr_id);
     $usr_role = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $details['iss_prj_id']);
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     // check customer permissions
     if (Customer::hasCustomerIntegration($details['iss_prj_id']) && $usr_role == User::getRoleID("Customer") && $details['iss_customer_id'] != $usr_details['usr_customer_id']) {
         $return = false;
     } elseif ($details['iss_private'] == 1) {
         // check if the issue is even private
         // check role, reporter, assigment and group
         if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $details['iss_prj_id']) > User::getRoleID("Developer")) {
             $return = true;
         } elseif ($details['iss_usr_id'] == $usr_id) {
             $return = true;
         } elseif (Issue::isAssignedToUser($issue_id, $usr_id)) {
             $return = true;
         } elseif (!empty($details['iss_grp_id']) && !empty($usr_details['usr_grp_id']) && $details['iss_grp_id'] == $usr_details['usr_grp_id']) {
             $return = true;
         } elseif (Authorized_Replier::isUserAuthorizedReplier($issue_id, $usr_id)) {
             $return = true;
         } else {
             $return = false;
     } elseif (Auth::getCurrentRole() <= User::getRoleID("Standard User") && Project::getSegregateReporters($prj_id) && $details['iss_usr_id'] != $usr_id && !Issue::isAssignedToUser($issue_id, $usr_id) && !Authorized_Replier::isUserAuthorizedReplier($issue_id, $usr_id)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $return = true;
     $access[$issue_id . "-" . $usr_id] = $return;
     return $return;