public function setConfig($username, $password, $mid, $mode) { Obj2xml::$config->user = $username; Obj2xml::$config->password = $password; Obj2xml::$config->merchantId = $mid; Obj2xml::$config->url = UrlMapper::getUrl($mode); }
function initialize() { $line = array(); $merchantArray = array(); $handle = @fopen('./litle_SDK_config.ini', "w"); if ($handle) { print "Welcome to Litle PHP_SDK" . PHP_EOL; print "Please input your user name: "; $line['user'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please input your password: "******"Please input your merchantId: "; $line['currency_merchant_map ']['DEFAULT'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please choose Litle url from the following list (example: 'sandbox') or directly input another URL: \nsandbox => \npostlive => \ntransact-postlive => \nproduction => \nproduction-transact => \nprelive => \ntransact-prelive =>" . PHP_EOL; $url = UrlMapper::getUrl(trim(fgets(STDIN))); $line['url'] = $url; print "Please input the proxy, if no proxy hit enter key: "; $line['proxy'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Batch processing saves files to disk. \n"; print "Please input a directory to save these files. If you are not using batch processing, you may hit enter. "; $dir = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $line['batch_requests_path'] = $dir; $line['litle_requests_path'] = $dir; print "Please input your SFTP username. If you are not using SFTP, you may hit enter. "; $line['sftp_username'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please input your SFTP password. If you are not using SFTP, you may hit enter. "; $line['sftp_password'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please input the URL for batch processing. If you are not using batch processing, you may hit enter. "; $line['batch_url'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please input the port for stream batch delivery. If you are not using stream batch delivery, you may hit enter. "; $line['tcp_port'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); print "Please input the timeout (in seconds) for stream batch delivery. If you are not using stream batch delivery, you may hit enter. "; $line['tcp_timeout'] = trim(fgets(STDIN)); # ssl should be usd by default $line['tcp_ssl'] = '1'; $line['print_xml'] = '0'; writeConfig($line, $handle); fwrite($handle, "timeout = 65" . PHP_EOL); fwrite($handle, "reportGroup = Default Report Group" . PHP_EOL); } fclose($handle); print "The Litle configuration file has been generated, the file is located in the lib directory" . PHP_EOL; }
public function merchantDataFromOC() { $hash = array('user' => $this->config->get('litle_merchant_user_name'), 'password' => $this->config->get('litle_merchant_password'), 'merchantId' => $this->config->get('litle_merchant_id'), 'reportGroup' => $this->config->get('litle_default_report_group'), 'url' => UrlMapper::getUrl(trim($this->config->get('litle_url'))), 'proxy' => $this->config->get('litle_proxy_value'), 'print_xml' => false, 'timeout' => $this->config->get('litle_timeout_value')); return $hash; }