/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $data = array('title' => \Input::get('title'), 'slug' => \Unicode::make(\Input::get('title')), 'show' => \Input::get('show'), 'sort' => \Input::get('sort')); $this->album->update($id, $data); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.album.index'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $input = \Input::all(); try { $this->validation->validate($input); } catch (FormValidationException $e) { return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors()); } $data = array('title' => \Input::get('title'), 'slug' => \Unicode::make(\Input::get('title')), 'parent_id' => \Input::get('parent_id'), 'show' => \Input::get('show'), 'sort' => \Input::get('sort')); $this->cate->update($id, $data); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.category.index'); }
public function addmoreAddition($post_id) { $array_modal_attr = \Input::get('modal_attr'); $array_modal_attr_value = \Input::get('modal_attr_value'); $data_arr = array(); if (\Input::has('modal_attr') || \Input::has('modal_attr_value')) { foreach ($array_modal_attr as $k => $v) { $data_arr[] = new \Addition(array('key' => $v, 'slug' => \Unicode::make($v), 'value' => $array_modal_attr_value[$k])); } } $currentPost = $this->post->find($post_id); $currentPost->addition()->saveMany($data_arr); \Notification::success('Done !'); return \Redirect::back(); }
public function docreateRole() { $pers = \Input::get('name_per'); try { $this->validator->validate(\Input::all()); } catch (FormValidationException $e) { return \Redirect::back()->withErrors($e->getErrors()); } $data = array('name' => \Input::get('name_role')); $role = $this->role->createGet($data); $id_role = $role->id; $role_att = $this->role->find($id_role); // print_r($role_att); foreach ($pers as $k => $per) { $check_per = $this->pers->whereFirst('name', \Str::lower($per), array()); if ($check_per == null) { $data = array('name' => \Str::lower($per), 'display_name' => \Unicode::make($per)); $news[$k] = $this->pers->createGet($data); } else { $news[$k] = $check_per; } $role_att->attachPermission($news[$k]); } \Notification::success('Create Role with Permission'); return \Redirect::back(); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function updatesanpham($sp_id) { if (!\Input::has('file')) { $img_path = \Input::get('img-bk'); if (empty($img_path)) { $img_path = '/public/backend/img/image_thumbnail.gif'; } $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } else { $ha = \Input::get('file'); $img_path = str_replace($this->name_project, '', $ha); $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } $sanpham = $this->sanpham->find($sp_id); $sanpham->name = \Input::get('name'); $sanpham->slug = \Unicode::make(\Input::get('name')); $sanpham->chatlieu = \Input::get('chatlieu'); $sanpham->mausac = \Input::get('mausac'); $sanpham->size = \Input::get('size'); $sanpham->style = \Input::get('style'); $sanpham->mota = \Input::get('mota'); $sanpham->image_path = $img_path; $sanpham->image_name = $img_name; $sanpham->status = \Input::get('status'); $sanpham->order = \Input::get('order'); $sanpham->danhmuc_id = \Input::get('danhmuc_id'); $sanpham->khuyenmai = \Input::get('khuyenmai'); $sanpham->save(); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.sanpham.index', \Input::get('danhmuc_id')); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { if (!\Input::has('file')) { $img_path = \Input::get('img-bk'); if (empty($img_path)) { $img_path = '/public/backend/img/image_thumbnail.gif'; } $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } else { $ha = \Input::get('file'); $img_path = str_replace($this->name_project, '', $ha); $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } $data = array('title' => \Input::get('title'), 'slug' => \Unicode::make(\Input::get('title')), 'content' => \Input::get('content'), 'image_path' => $img_path, 'image_name' => $img_name, 'status' => \Input::get('status'), 'order' => \Input::get('order')); $news = $this->news->find($id); $news->title = \Input::get('title'); $news->slug = \Unicode::make(\Input::get('title')); $news->content = \Input::get('content'); $news->image_path = $img_path; $news->image_name = $img_name; $news->status = \Input::get('status'); $news->order = \Input::get('order'); $news->save(); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.tintuc.index'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { if (!\Input::has('file')) { $img_path = \Input::get('img-bk'); if (empty($img_path)) { $img_path = '/public/backend/img/image_thumbnail.gif'; } $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } else { $ha = \Input::get('file'); $img_path = str_replace($this->name_project, '', $ha); $img_name = \GetNameImage::make('/', $img_path); } $danhmuc = $this->danhmuc->find($id); $danhmuc->title = \Input::get('title'); $danhmuc->slug = \Unicode::make(\Input::get('title')); $danhmuc->mota = \Input::get('mota'); $danhmuc->image_path = $img_path; $danhmuc->image_name = $img_path; $danhmuc->image_name = $img_path; $danhmuc->status = \Input::get('status'); $danhmuc->order = \Input::get('order'); $danhmuc->save(); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.danhmuc.index'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { if (!\Input::hasFile('img')) { $img = \Input::get('img_bk'); $path_img = $img; } else { try { $this->valid->validate(\Input::all()); } catch (FormValidationException $e) { \Notification::error('Please choose Image type: jpg, png, jpeg'); return \Redirect::back()->withInput(); } $img = \Input::file('img'); $name = $img->getClientOriginalName(); $path = 'public/upload/images/'; $img->move($path, $name); $path_img = $path . $name; } $data = array('alt_text' => \Input::get('alt_text'), 'slug' => \Unicode::make(\Input::get('alt_text')), 'show' => \Input::get('show'), 'sort' => \Input::get('sort'), 'path_img' => $path_img); $this->image->update($id, $data); \Notification::success('UPDATED !'); return \Redirect::back(); }