Beispiel #1

$sessionsNonActive = UTSHelpsAPI::ListSessionTypes(false);
$sessionsActive = UTSHelpsAPI::ListSessionTypes(true);
if ($sessionsActive != null && $sessionsActive->IsSuccess == 1) {
    $page['sessionsActive'] = $sessionsActive;
} else {
    $page['sessionsActive'] = null;
if ($sessionsNonActive != null && $sessionsNonActive->IsSuccess == 1) {
    $page['sessionsNonActive'] = $sessionsNonActive;
} else {
    $page['sessionsNonActive'] = null;
Beispiel #2

 * @var $page
 * Compare two workshop names
 * @param $a
 * @param $b
 * @return int
function compareByName($a, $b)
    return strcmp($a->name, $b->name);
$workshops = UTSHelpsAPI::ListWorkshopSets(true);
if ($workshops != null && $workshops->IsSuccess == 1) {
    $page['workshops'] = $workshops->Results;
    usort($page['workshops'], 'compareByName');
} else {
    $page['workshops'] = null;
Beispiel #3
            if ($value->BookingArchived == null && $value->attended == null && strtotime(Session::getCurrentDateTime()) > strtotime($value->starting)) {
                $page['booking'] = $value;
            } else {
                Session::setError('Booking has not been completed, please try again.');
if ($page['booking'] == null) {
    Session::setError('Booking does not exist, please try again.');
// Make sure attendance hasn't already been recorded for this booking,
// or the booking hasn't been set as cancelled
$attendance = Attendance::getAttendance($bookingId);
if ($attendance != null) {
    Session::setError('You have already recorded attendance for this workshop.');
// If the request is a post
    $createNonAttendance = Attendance::createNonAttendance($bookingId, $page['booking']->workshopID);
    $updateBooking = UTSHelpsAPI::UpdateWorkshopBooking(['workshopId' => $page['booking']->workshopID, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'Attended' => 0, 'Canceled' => 0, 'userId' => 123]);
    if ($createNonAttendance && $updateBooking != null && $updateBooking->IsSuccess == 1 && User::addStrike()) {
        Session::setSuccess('Successfully recorded non-attendance for this booking.');
    Session::setError('Unable to record non-attendance for this booking, please try again.');
Beispiel #4
// Make sure this is the first time
// the user has used the website
if (!User::firstUse()) {
    Session::setError('Cannot register, you have already registered before.');
// If the request is post, try and sign them up
    foreach ($_POST['register'] as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $result = User::setEducation($value);
        } else {
            $result = User::setAttribute($key, $value);
        if ($result == false) {
            Session::setError('Unable to complete your registration, please try again.');
    $user = User::getUser();
    $registration = UTSHelpsAPI::RegisterStudent(['StudentId' => $user['student_id'], 'DateOfBirth' => $user['dob'], 'Gender' => $user['gender'], 'Degree' => $user['degree'], 'Status' => $user['status'], 'FirstLanguage' => $user['first_language'], 'CountryOrigin' => $user['country_of_origin'], 'DegreeDetails' => $user['year'], 'AltContact' => $user['best_contact_no'], 'PreferredName' => $user['preferred_first_name'], 'HSC' => (bool) $user['hsc'], 'HSCMark' => $user['hsc_mark'], 'IELTS' => (bool) $user['ielts'], 'IELTSMark' => $user['ielts_mark'], 'TOEFL' => (bool) $user['toefl'], 'TOEFLMark' => $user['toefl_mark'], 'TAFE' => (bool) $user['tafe'], 'TAFEMark' => $user['tafe_mark'], 'CULT' => (bool) $user['cult'], 'CULTMark' => $user['cult_mark'], 'InsearchDEEP' => (bool) $user['insearch_deep'], 'InsearchDEEPMark' => $user['insearch_deep_mark'], 'InsearchDiploma' => (bool) $user['insearch_diploma'], 'InsearchDiplomaMark' => $user['insearch_diploma_mark'], 'FoundationCourse' => (bool) $user['foundation_course'], 'FoundationCourseMark' => $user['foundation_course_mark'], 'CreatorId' => 123456]);
    $message = Notification::renderEmail('emails/registration.html', ['name' => $user['name']]);
    Notification::sendEmail($user['email'], $user['name'], 'Registration Successful', $message);
    Session::setSuccess('You have successfully saved your registration details.');
// Get the user
$page['user'] = User::getUser();
$page['educational-backgrounds'] = ['hsc' => ['label' => 'HSC', 'key' => 'hsc'], 'ielts' => ['label' => 'IELTS', 'key' => 'ielts'], 'toefl' => ['label' => 'TOEFL', 'key' => 'toefl'], 'tafe' => ['label' => 'TAFE', 'key' => 'tafe'], 'cult' => ['label' => 'CULT', 'key' => 'cult'], 'insearchDeep' => ['label' => 'Insearch DEEP', 'key' => 'insearchDeep'], 'insearchDiploma' => ['label' => 'Insearch Diploma', 'key' => 'insearchDiploma'], 'foundationCourse' => ['label' => 'Foundation Course', 'key' => 'foundationCourse']];
Beispiel #5
// Make sure the id is specified
if (!array_key_exists('bookingId', $_POST) && !array_key_exists('workshopId', $_POST) && $_POST['bookingId'] == null && $_POST['workshopId'] == null) {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'No booking ID or workshop ID provided, unable to cancel booking.']);
$bookingId = $_POST['bookingId'];
$workshopId = $_POST['workshopId'];
// Make sure the booking actually exists
$bookings = UTSHelpsAPI::SearchWorkshopBookings(['studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'pageSize' => 9999, 'active' => true]);
if ($bookings != null && $bookings->IsSuccess == 1) {
    // Make sure the booking exists
    $found = false;
    foreach ($bookings->Results as $booking) {
        if ($booking->BookingId == (int) $bookingId && $booking->workshopID == (int) $workshopId) {
            $found = true;
    if ($found == false) {
        Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'This booking does not exist, unable to cancel booking.']);
} else {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to cancel booking, an unknown error occured.']);
$updatedBookings = UTSHelpsAPI::UpdateWorkshopBooking(['workshopId' => $workshopId, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'Canceled' => 1, 'Attended' => 0, 'userId' => 123]);
if ($updatedBookings != null && $updatedBookings->IsSuccess == 1) {
    // The booking exists, we can safely cancel it.
    $canceledBooking = UTSHelpsAPI::CancelWorkshopBooking(['workshopId' => $workshopId, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'userId' => 123]);
    if ($canceledBooking != null && $canceledBooking->IsSuccess == 1) {
        Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Successfully cancelled booking!']);
Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to cancel booking, please try again.']);
Beispiel #6

$bookingId = (int) $page['parameters']['bookingId'];
$bookings = UTSHelpsAPI::SearchWorkshopBookings(['studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'pageSize' => 9999, 'active' => true]);
$page['booking'] = null;
if ($bookings != null && $bookings->IsSuccess == 1) {
    foreach ($bookings->Results as $value) {
        if ($value->BookingId == $bookingId) {
            if ($value->BookingArchived == null && $value->attended == 1 && strtotime(Session::getCurrentDateTime()) > strtotime($value->starting)) {
                $page['booking'] = $value;
            } else {
                Session::setError('Booking has not been completed, please try again.');
if ($page['booking'] == null) {
    Session::setError('Booking does not exist, please try again.');
$page['attendance'] = Attendance::getAttendance($bookingId);
Beispiel #7
// Make sure the id is specified
if (!array_key_exists('id', $_POST) && $_POST['id'] == null) {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'No workshop ID provided, unable to book workshop.']);
$id = $_POST['id'];
// Check if the person hasn't already signed up to the workshop before
$bookings = UTSHelpsAPI::SearchWorkshopBookings(['studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'pageSize' => 9999, 'active' => true]);
if ($bookings != null && $bookings->IsSuccess == 1) {
    // Make sure the user hasn't already booked this workshop before.
    foreach ($bookings->Results as $booking) {
        if ($booking->workshopID == (int) $id && $booking->BookingArchived == null) {
            Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'You have already booked this workshop, unable to book workshop.']);
} else {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to book workshop, an unknown error occured.']);
// If the user has too many strikes, don't allow them to book.
if (User::getStrikes() >= User::getMaxStrikes()) {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to create booking, you have too many strikes.']);
// This user hasn't booked the workshop before, we can safely book it now.
$booking = UTSHelpsAPI::CreateWorkshopBooking(['workshopId' => $id, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'userId' => 123]);
if ($booking != null && $booking->IsSuccess == 1) {
    // Send the email notification to the user
    $user = User::getUser();
    $message = Notification::renderEmail('emails/booking.html', ['name' => $user['name'], 'workshopId' => $id]);
    Notification::sendEmail($user['email'], $user['name'], 'Booking Created', $message);
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Successfully booked workshop!']);
Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to create booking, please try again.']);

// Make sure the id is specified
if (!array_key_exists('id', $_POST) && $_POST['id'] == null) {
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'No workshop ID provided, unable to join workshop waiting list.']);
$id = $_POST['id'];
$waitinglist = UTSHelpsAPI::CreateWorkshopWaiting(['workshopId' => $id, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'userId' => '123']);
if ($waitinglist != null && $waitinglist->IsSuccess == 1) {
    // Send the email notification
    $user = User::getUser();
    $message = Notification::renderEmail('emails/waiting-list.html', ['name' => $user['name'], 'workshopId' => $id]);
    Notification::sendEmail($user['email'], $user['name'], 'Joined Waiting List', $message);
    Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Successfully joined waiting list!']);
Session::returnJsonMessage(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to join waiting list, you have already joined it.']);
Beispiel #9
    return $a['startDate'] - $b['startDate'];
 * Compares start dates for sorting in a reverse fashion
 * @param $b
 * @param $a
 * @return mixed
function compareStartDateReverse($b, $a)
    return $a['startDate'] - $b['startDate'];
$currentTime = strtotime(Session::getCurrentDateTime());
$bookings = UTSHelpsAPI::SearchWorkshopBookings(['studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'pageSize' => 9999, 'active' => true]);
$campuses = UTSHelpsAPI::ListCampuses(true);
if ($campuses != null && $campuses->IsSuccess == 1) {
    $page['campuses'] = $campuses->Results;
} else {
    $page['campuses'] = null;
if ($bookings != null && $bookings->IsSuccess == 1) {
    foreach ($bookings->Results as $value) {
        $startDate = strtotime($value->starting);
        $endDate = strtotime($value->ending);
        $startTime = date("g:ia", $startDate);
        $endTime = date("g:ia", $endDate);
        $date = date("jS M Y", $startDate) . ': ' . $startTime . ' - ' . $endTime;
        $location = null;
        if ($page['campuses'] != null) {
            foreach ($page['campuses'] as $campus) {