public function getCommunityBrandingImage($slugOfChapter) { $UI = new UI(); $chapter = get_page_by_path($slugOfChapter, OBJECT, 'chapters'); $image = $UI->getPostFeaturedImageURL(get_post_thumbnail_id($chapter->ID), 'original'); echo $image; }
protected function authTwitter($save_name) { $config = $this->config; $conn = new TwitterOAuth($config['consumer_key'], $config['consumer_secret']); $request_token = $conn->getRequestToken(); if ($request_token === false || $conn->lastStatusCode() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Error fetching Twitter auth token: Status code " . $conn->lastStatusCode() . '; ' . $conn->http_error); } $url = $conn->getAuthorizeURL($request_token); // Automatically send the user to the auth page. $ui = new UI(); $ui->openBrowser($url); $pin = $ui->readline("Please visit {$url} then type the pin number: "); $conn = new TwitterOAuth($config['consumer_key'], $config['consumer_secret'], $request_token['oauth_token'], $request_token['oauth_token_secret']); $access_token = $conn->getAccessToken($pin); if ($access_token === false || $conn->lastStatusCode() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Error fetching Twitter access token: Status code " . $conn->lastStatusCode() . '; ' . $conn->http_error); } $this->config['oauth_token'] = $access_token['oauth_token']; $this->config['oauth_token_secret'] = $access_token['oauth_token_secret']; echo "Your Twitter token is " . $access_token['oauth_token'] . "\n"; echo "Your Twitter token secret is " . $access_token['oauth_token_secret'] . "\n"; echo "(Written to twitter-{$save_name}.txt)\n"; if (file_put_contents("twitter-{$save_name}.txt", $access_token['oauth_token'] . "\n" . $access_token['oauth_token_secret'])) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save oauth token to twitter-{$save_name}.txt"); }
protected function authLastfm() { $vars = array(); $vars['apiKey'] = $this->config['api_key']; $vars['secret'] = $this->config['api_secret']; $token = new lastfmApiAuth('gettoken', $vars); if (!empty($token->error)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error fetching auth token: " . $token->error['desc']); } $vars['token'] = $token->token; $url = '' . $vars['apiKey'] . '&token=' . $vars['token']; // Automatically send the user to the auth page. $ui = new UI(); $ui->openBrowser($url); $ui->readline("Please visit {$url} then press Enter..."); $auth = new lastfmApiAuth('getsession', $vars); if (!empty($auth->error)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error fetching session key: " . $auth->error['desc'] . ". (Did you authorize the app?)"); } echo "Your session key is {$auth->sessionKey} for user {$auth->username} (written to lastfm-{$auth->username}.txt)\n"; if (file_put_contents("lastfm-{$auth->username}.txt", $auth->sessionKey)) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save session key to lastfm-{$auth->username}.txt"); }
public function fetch_headline_value($value, $document_id) { if (!empty($value)) { return UI::icon('tag fa-lg', array('style' => 'color: ' . $value)); } return parent::fetch_headline_value($value, $document_id); }
function invoiceShow($d, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); if ($d->invoice->getData('type') == 'dated') { $invoice_date = $d->invoice->getEndDate(); } else { $invoice_date = $d->invoice->getDate(); } $invoice_period = $d->invoice->getStartDate() . " through " . $d->invoice->getEndDate(); $banner = array('Invoice Date' => $invoice_date, 'Invoice Number' => "#" . $d->invoice->getData('id')); $client = $d->company->getDisplayName(); $billing_contact_emails = $d->company->getBillingEmailAddress(); $additional_recipients = $d->invoice->getAdditionalRecipients(); $send_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'email', 'id' => $d->invoice->getData('id'))); if ($d->invoice->getData('type') == 'dated') { $items = array('Items for Period' => $invoice_period, 'Previous Balance' => "\$ " . number_format($d->invoice->getPreviousBalance(), 2), 'New Payments in Period' => "\$ " . number_format($d->invoice->getNewPaymentsTotal(), 2), 'New Charges in Period' => "\$ " . number_format($d->invoice->getNewCosts(), 2), 'Total Due' => "\$ " . number_format($d->invoice->getAmountDue(), 2), 'Net 30 Terms' => ' '); } else { $items = array('Total Due' => "\$ " . number_format($d->invoice->getAmountDue(), 2), 'Net 30 Terms' => ' '); } $summary = ' <div id="banner">' . $r->view('basicList', $banner) . '</div> <h2 id="invoice-client">' . $client . '</h2> <div id="billing-contact">Billing Contact Email: ' . $billing_contact_emails . $additional_recipients . '<br> </div> <div id="billing-send-invoice">' . $send_button . '</div> <div id="invoice-summary">'; if ($d->invoice->getData('details')) { $summary .= '<div id="details"><strong>Details</strong>: ' . nl2br($d->invoice->getData('details')) . '</div>'; } $summary .= $r->view('basicList', $items) . ' </div>'; $history = $r->view('companyLineItems', array('company' => $d->company, 'months' => Util::month_range($d->invoice->getStartDate(), $d->invoice->getEndDate()))); return array('template' => 'invoice', 'title' => 'Show Invoice', 'body' => $summary, 'history' => $history); }
/** * format * This takes the current playlist object and gussies it up a little * bit so it is presentable to the users */ public function format() { $this->f_name = $this->name; $this->f_type = $this->type == 'private' ? UI::get_icon('lock', T_('Private')) : ''; $client = new User($this->user); $this->f_user = $client->fullname; }
public function queryByDesignation() { $this->addJS('employee/queries_script.js'); $data['query_by'] = "Designation"; $this->load->model('designations_model', '', TRUE); $designations = $this->designations_model->get_designations(); $ui = new UI(); $options = array($ui->option()->value("none")->text("Select Designation")->disabled()->selected()); foreach ($designations as $des) { array_push($options, $ui->option()->value($des->id)->text($des->name)); } $data['options'] = $options; $this->drawHeader('Query By Designation'); $this->load->view('employee/queries/query', $data); $this->drawFooter(); }
public function validate_track_num($track_num) { $this->load->model('file_tracking/file_details', '', TRUE); $file_id = $this->file_details->get_file_id($track_num); if ($file_id == false) { //$this->notification->drawNotification("Enter valid Track Number", ""); //$this->session->set_flashdata('flashError','Enter correct Track Number.'.$track_num); //redirect('file_tracking/track_file'); $ui = new UI(); $ui->callout()->uiType("error")->title("Enter Correct Track Number.")->desc("")->show(); } else { $res = $this->file_details->get_file_details($track_num); foreach ($res->result() as $row) { $file_id = $row->file_id; $file_no = $row->file_no; $file_subject = $row->file_subject; $start_emp_id = $row->start_emp_id; $close_emp_id = $row->close_emp_id; } $this->load->model('file_tracking/file_move_details'); $result = $this->file_move_details->get_move_details($track_num); $total_rows = $result->num_rows(); $this->load->model('user_model'); $data_array = array(); $sno = 1; foreach ($result->result() as $row) { $data_array[$sno] = array(); $j = 1; $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $row->file_id; $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $row->track_num; $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $this->user_model->getNameById($row->sent_by_emp_id); $data_array[$sno][$j++] = date('j M Y g:i A', strtotime($row->sent_timestamp)); $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $this->user_model->getNameById($row->rcvd_by_emp_id); if ($row->rcvd_timestamp) { $data_array[$sno][$j++] = date('j M Y g:i A', strtotime($row->rcvd_timestamp)); } else { $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $row->rcvd_timestamp; } //$data_array[$sno][$j++] = date('j M Y g:i A', strtotime($row->rcvd_timestamp)); $data_array[$sno][$j++] = $row->forward_status; $data_array[$sno][$j++] = urldecode($row->remarks); $sno++; } $data = array('file_id' => $file_id, 'file_no' => $file_no, 'track_num' => $track_num, 'file_subject' => $file_subject, 'start_emp_id' => $start_emp_id, 'close_emp_id' => $close_emp_id, 'data_array' => $data_array, 'total_rows' => $total_rows); $this->load->view('file_tracking/track_file/track_table', $data); } }
/** * * @param string $icon_name * @return Bootstrap_Element_Button */ public function icon($icon_name) { if (!empty($icon_name)) { $title = $this->get('title'); $this->set('title', UI::icon($icon_name) . ' ' . $title); } return $this; }
/** * function_description * * @author John.meng * @since version - Dec 20, 2005 * @param datatype paramname description * @return datatype description */ function opAdd() { global $__Lang__, $UrlParameter, $SiteDB, $AddIPObj, $FlushPHPObj, $form, $smarty, $__MODULE__, $__TEMPLATES__; parent::opAdd(); $sysMenuDao =& new SiteMenuDAO(); $data_menu = $sysMenuDao->getMenuArr(); $form->addElement('header', null, $__Lang__['langMenuHeader']); $menu_array = array("0" => $__Lang__['langGeneralNone']); $menu_all = $menu_array + $data_menu; if ($_REQUEST['Action'] == 'Update') { $this->opUpdate(); } $form->addElement('select', 'PID', $__Lang__['langMenuCategory'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralName'] . ' : ', $menu_all); $form->addElement('text', 'Title', $__Lang__['langMenu'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralName'] . ' : '); $form->addElement('text', 'URL', $__Lang__['langMenu'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralURL'] . ' : '); $form->addElement('select', 'SiteModule', $__Lang__['langMenu'] . $__Lang__['langSiteModule'] . ' : ', $__MODULE__); $form->addElement('select', 'SiteTemplate', $__Lang__['langMenu'] . $__Lang__['langSiteTemplate'] . ' : ', $__TEMPLATES__); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'CopyTemplate', null, $__Lang__['langSiteCopyTemplate']); $form->setDefaults(array("CopyTemplate" => 1)); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Module', $_REQUEST['Module']); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Page', $_REQUEST['Page']); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Action', $_REQUEST['Action']); $form->addElement('submit', null, $__Lang__['langGeneralSubmit']); $form->addRule('PID', 'Please enter a username.', 'required'); $form->addRule('Title', 'Please enter a password.', 'required'); if ($form->validate()) { $record["PID"] = $form->exportValue('PID'); $record["Title"] = $form->exportValue('Title'); $record["URL"] = $form->exportValue('URL'); $record["Module"] = $form->exportValue('SiteModule'); $record["Template"] = $form->exportValue('SiteTemplate'); $record = $record + $this->_DAO->baseField(); $dbAppObj = $FlushPHPObj->loadApp("DBApp"); if ($_POST['ID'] && $_POST['Action'] == 'Update') { $this->_DAO->opUpdate(SITE_MENU_TABLE, $record, " SiteMenuID = " . $_POST['ID']); $form->setElementError('Title', $__Lang__['langGeneralOperation'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralSuccess']); $form->freeze(); if ($form->exportValue('CopyTemplate') == 1) { $this->_copyTemplate($record["Template"], $_POST['ID']); } echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>opener.window.location.reload();window.close();</SCRIPT>"; } else { if ($dbAppObj->checkExists(SITE_MENU_TABLE, " Title='" . $record["Title"] . "' ")) { $form->setElementError('Title', $__Lang__['langSameRecordExist']); } else { $menu_id = $this->_DAO->opAdd(SITE_MENU_TABLE, $record); $form->setElementError('Title', $__Lang__['langGeneralOperation'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralSuccess']); $form->freeze(); if ($form->exportValue('CopyTemplate') == 1) { $this->_copyTemplate($record["Template"], $menu_id); } echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>opener.window.location.reload();window.close();</SCRIPT>"; } } } $smarty->assign("Main", $form->toHTML()); }
/** * format * This takes the current playlist object and gussies it up a little * bit so it is presentable to the users */ public function format($details = true) { $this->f_name = $this->name; $this->f_type = $this->type == 'private' ? UI::get_icon('lock', T_('Private')) : ''; if ($details) { $client = new User($this->user); $client->format(); $this->f_user = $client->f_name; } }
public function before() { $currentPage = Navigation::getCurrentPage(); $this->breadcrumbs->add(\UI::icon('home'), route('backend.dashboard')); if (!is_null($currentPage)) { $this->setTitle($currentPage->getName(), $currentPage->getUrl()); } \View::share('currentPage', $currentPage); parent::before(); }
/** * display_home * This display the module in home page */ public function display_home() { if (@is_readable(AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/config/motd.php')) { echo '<div id="motd">'; UI::show_box_top(T_('Message of the Day')); require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/config/motd.php'; UI::show_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; } }
static function with_name_prefix($name_prefix, $custom_name_prefix = NULL, $wrapper_obj) { if (!$custom_name_prefix) { $custom_name_prefix = '[use_custom]'; } $me = new UI_With_Custom(); $me->ui = UI::with_name_prefix($name_prefix); $me->ui_mine = UI::with_name_prefix($name_prefix . $custom_name_prefix); $me->wrapper_obj = $wrapper_obj; return $me; }
/** * display_home * This display the module in home page */ public function display_home() { if (AmpConfig::get('sociable')) { echo "<div id='shout_objects'>\n"; $shouts = Shoutbox::get_top($this->maxitems); if (count($shouts)) { require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . UI::find_template(''); } echo "</div>\n"; } }
function hourTable($hours, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); $table['headers'] = array('Date', 'Client', 'Description', 'Staff', 'Hours', 'Billable', 'Type', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); $total_hours = 0; $billable_hours = 0; $hours_to_skip = array(); foreach ($hours as $h) { if (!empty($hours_to_skip[$h->id])) { continue; } $total_hours += $h->getHours(); $billable_hours += $h->getBillableHours(); if ($h->is_project_hour()) { $description = UI::link(array('controller' => 'Hour', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $h->id, 'text' => $h->getName())); $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Hour', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $h->id)); } else { $description = UI::link(array('controller' => 'SupportHour', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $h->id, 'text' => $h->getName())); $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'SupportHour', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $h->id)); } $company_link = UI::link(array('text' => $h->getCompanyName(), 'controller' => 'Company', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $h->getCompany()->id)); $name = $h->getStaffName(); if ($h->getPairName()) { $name . ' and ' . $h->getPairName(); } $logged = $h->getHours(); $billable = $h->getBillableHours(); $type = $h->getType(); if ($h->is_pair()) { $name = $h->getPairName(); $logged = $logged * 2; $billable = $billable * 2; $hours_to_skip[$h->get('pair_hour_id')] = true; } $table['rows'][] = array($h->getData('date'), $company_link, $description, $name, $logged, $billable, $type, $edit_button, UI::button(array('controller' => 'Hour', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $h->id))); } $o['title'] = 'Hours'; $o['id'] = 'hour-table'; $o['pager'] = true; $hours_table = $r->view('basicTable', $table, $o); $totals = ' <div class="bs-docs-example" id="Hours"> <div class="hours-month"> Total Project Hours: <span class="unbillable">' . $total_hours . '</span> </div> <div class="hours-week"> Billable Project Hours: <span class="billable">' . $billable_hours . '</span> </div> <div class="clear-both"></div></div> '; return $totals . $hours_table; }
/** * set_memory_limit * This function attempts to change the php memory limit using init_set. * Will never reduce it below the current setting. */ function set_memory_limit($new_limit) { $current_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if ($current_limit == -1) { return; } $current_limit = UI::unformat_bytes($current_limit); $new_limit = UI::unformat_bytes($new_limit); if ($current_limit < $new_limit) { ini_set(memory_limit, $new_limit); } }
/** * function_description * * @author John.meng * @since version - Jan 16, 2006 * @param datatype paramname description * @return datatype description */ function opUpdate() { global $__Lang__, $UrlParameter, $SiteDB, $AddIPObj, $__SITE_VAR__, $form, $FlushPHPObj, $thisDAO, $smarty; parent::opAdd(); $form->addElement('header', null, $__Lang__['langGeneralUpdate'] . " " . $__Lang__['langBaseInfo']); $form->addElement('text', 'SiteName', $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralName'] . ' : ', array('size' => 40)); $form->addElement('text', 'SiteKeyword', $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langKeyword'] . ' : ', array('size' => 40)); $form->addElement('textarea', 'SiteCopyright', $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langSiteCopyRight'] . ' : ', array('rows' => 8, 'cols' => 40)); $site_logo_group[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('file', 'Pic', $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langSiteLogo'] . ' : '); if ($site_logo = $this->_DAO->getSiteVarValue($__SITE_VAR__['SITE_LOGO'])) { $swf_image_obj = $FlushPHPObj->loadUtility("ViewImgSwf"); $site_logo_group[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('static', '_SiteLogo', NULL, $swf_image_obj->displayIt($site_logo, NULL, NULL, NULL, HTML_IMAGES_DIR)); $site_logo_group[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'del_site_logo', NULL, $__Lang__['langGeneralCancel'] . $__Lang__['langSiteLogo']); $site_logo_group[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('hidden', 'old_site_logo', $site_logo); } $form->addGroup($site_logo_group, NULL, $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langSiteLogo'] . ' : ', " "); $form->addElement('submit', null, $__Lang__['langGeneralSubmit']); $form->setDefaults(array('SiteName' => $this->_DAO->getSiteVarValue($__SITE_VAR__['SITE_NAME']), 'SiteKeyword' => $this->_DAO->getSiteVarValue($__SITE_VAR__['SITE_KEYWORD']), 'SiteCopyright' => $this->_DAO->getSiteVarValue($__SITE_VAR__['SITE_COPYRIGHT']))); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Module', $_REQUEST['Module']); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Page', $_REQUEST['Page']); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Action', $_REQUEST['Action']); $form->addElement('hidden', 'Step', 'Step3'); $form->addRule('SiteName', $__Lang__['langGeneralPleaseEnter'] . " " . $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langGeneralName'], 'required'); $form->addRule('SiteKeyword', $__Lang__['langGeneralPleaseEnter'] . " " . $__Lang__['langSite'] . $__Lang__['langKeyword'], 'required'); if ($form->validate()) { $record["VarName"] = $__SITE_VAR__['SITE_NAME']; $record["VarValue"] = $form->exportValue('SiteName'); $record = $record + $this->_DAO->baseField(); $this->_DAO->autoInsertOrUpdate(SITE_CONFIG_TABLE, $record, array('VersionCode', 'VarName')); $record["VarName"] = $__SITE_VAR__['SITE_KEYWORD']; $record["VarValue"] = $form->exportValue('SiteKeyword'); $this->_DAO->autoInsertOrUpdate(SITE_CONFIG_TABLE, $record, array('VersionCode', 'VarName')); $record["VarName"] = $__SITE_VAR__['SITE_COPYRIGHT']; $record["VarValue"] = $form->exportValue('SiteCopyright'); $this->_DAO->autoInsertOrUpdate(SITE_CONFIG_TABLE, $record, array('VersionCode', 'VarName')); if ($_FILES['Pic']['name'] != "") { $file_upload_obj = $FlushPHPObj->loadApp("FileUploadHandle"); $StrPic = $file_upload_obj->uploadMedia(HTML_IMAGES_DIR); $record["VarName"] = $__SITE_VAR__['SITE_LOGO']; $record["VarValue"] = $StrPic; $this->_DAO->autoInsertOrUpdate(SITE_CONFIG_TABLE, $record, array('VersionCode', 'VarName')); } if ($_POST['del_site_logo'] == 1 && ($old_site_logo = $_POST['old_site_logo'])) { unlink(HTML_IMAGES_DIR . $old_site_logo); $record["VarName"] = $__SITE_VAR__['SITE_LOGO']; $record["VarValue"] = ''; $this->_DAO->autoInsertOrUpdate(SITE_CONFIG_TABLE, $record, array('VersionCode', 'VarName')); } echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>opener.window.location.reload();window.close();</SCRIPT>"; } $smarty->assign("Main", $form->toHTML()); }
function bookmarkTable($bookmarks, $o = array()) { if (!$bookmarks) { return; } $r = getRenderer(); $html = '<fieldset id="bookmarks"><legend>Bookmarks</legend><ul id="bookmark-list">'; foreach ($bookmarks as $b) { $html .= "\n <li>\n <div class='destroy-bookmark-container'>\n " . UI::link(array('controller' => 'Bookmark', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $b->id, 'text' => '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash"></span>'), array('class' => 'ui-state-default ui-corner-all')) . " \n </div>\n <a href='" . $b->getSource() . "'>" . $b->getDescription() . "</a>\n <div class='clear'></div>\n </li>"; } $html .= '</ul></fieldset>'; return $html; }
/** * @param WidgetFilters $filters * @param WidgetManager $widgetManager * @param WidgetRepository $repository * @param string $type */ public function getIndex(WidgetFilters $filters, WidgetManager $widgetManager, WidgetRepository $repository, $type = null) { Meta::loadPackage('editable'); $this->request->offsetSet('type', $type); $widgetTypeLinks = [link_to_route('backend.widget.list', \UI::label('All', is_null($type) ? 'primary' : 'default'), [])]; $widgetManager->getAvailableTypes()->each(function (WidgetType $widgetType) use($type, &$widgetTypeLinks) { if ($widgetType->getType() == $type) { $this->breadcrumbs->add($widgetType->getTitle()); } $widgetTypeLinks[] = link_to_route('backend.widget.list.by_type', \UI::label($widgetType->getTitle(), $widgetType->getType() == $type ? 'primary' : 'default'), [$widgetType->getType()]); }); $widgets = $repository->query()->filter($filters)->paginate(); $this->setContent('widgets.list', compact('widgets', 'type', 'widgetTypeLinks')); }
function staffTable($staffers, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); $staff_table = array('current' => array('headers' => array('Name', 'Team', 'Email', 'Edit'), 'rows' => array()), 'former' => array('headers' => array('Name', 'Team', 'Email', 'Edit'), 'rows' => array())); foreach ($staffers as $s) { $rows_var = 'current'; if ($s->getData('active') == 0) { $rows_var = 'former'; } $staff_table[$rows_var]['rows'][] = array($r->link('Staff', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $s->id), $s->getName()), $s->getData('team'), '<a href="mailto:' . $s->getData('email') . '">' . $s->getData('email') . '</a>', UI::button(array('controller' => 'Staff', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $s->getData('id')))); } $html = $r->view('basicTable', $staff_table['current'], array('title' => 'Staff', 'pager' => true), $o); $html .= $r->view('basicTable', $staff_table['former'], array('title' => 'Former Staff', 'pager' => true), $o); return $html; }
function MP($p = NULL, $T = "Permission_Denied", $url = __REF__) { if (self::$Rs->groupid == "1") { return TRUE; } if (is_array($p) ? array_intersect($p, self::$power) : in_array($p, self::$power)) { return TRUE; } else { if ($T == 'F') { return FALSE; } else { echo UI::lang($T); exit; } } }
function paymentTable($payments, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); $table = array(); $table['headers'] = array('Date', 'Invoice ID', 'Client', 'Amount', 'Type', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); $total_payments = 0; $r = getRenderer(); foreach ($payments as $p) { $total_payments += $p->getAmount(); $table['rows'][] = array(UI::link(array('controller' => 'Payment', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $p->id, 'text' => $p->getData('date'))), UI::link(array('text' => $p->getInvoiceId(), 'controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $p->getInvoiceId())), UI::link(array('controller' => 'Company', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $p->getCompany()->id, 'text' => $p->getCompanyName())), '$ ' . number_format($p->getAmount(), 2), $p->getType(), $p->getPurpose(), UI::button(array('controller' => 'Payment', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $p->id)), UI::button(array('controller' => 'Payment', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $p->id))); } $payment_table = $r->view('basicTable', $table, array_merge(array('title' => 'Payments', 'pager' => true), $o)); $total_payments = $r->view('basicMessage', 'Total payments: $ ' . number_format($total_payments, 2)); return '<div id="payments-table">' . $total_payments . $payment_table . '</div>'; }
public static function core_msg($type = '') { $msg_array = \CORE::init()->get_msg_arr(); $styles = array('error' => 'danger', 'info' => 'info', 'debug' => 'warning'); if ($type != '') { if (isset($msg_array[$type])) { if ($msg_array[$type] != '') { echo UI::init()->core_msg_show($type, $styles[$type], $msg_array[$type]); } } } else { foreach ($msg_array as $type => $msg) { if ($msg != '') { echo UI::init()->core_msg_show($type, $styles[$type], $msg); } } } }
function chargeTable($charges, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); $table = array(); $table['headers'] = array('Date', 'Name', 'Type', 'Company', 'Amount', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); $total_charges = 0; foreach ($charges as $m) { $total_charges += $m->getData('amount'); $company = $m->getCompany(); $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Charge', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $m->id)); $delete_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Charge', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $m->id)); $table['rows'][] = array($m->get('date'), $m->getName(), $m->getType(), $r->link('Company', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $company->id), $company->getName()), '$ ' . number_format($m->get('amount'), 2), $edit_button, $delete_button); } $charges_table = $r->view('basicTable', $table, array_merge(array('title' => 'Charges', 'id' => 'charges-table', 'pager' => true), $o)); $total = $r->view('basicMessage', 'Total charges: $ ' . number_format($total_charges, 2)); return $total . $charges_table; }
/** noteTable View that displays a list of all Notes @return html @package controller */ function noteTable($notes, $o = array()) { if (!$notes) { return ''; } $r = getRenderer(); $table = array(); $table['headers'] = array('Date', 'Name', 'Details', 'Company', 'Staff', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); foreach ($notes as $note) { $company = $note->getCompany(); $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Note', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $note->id)); $delete_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Note', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $note->id)); $table['rows'][] = array($note->getData('date'), $r->link('Note', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $note->id), $note->getName()), $r->link('Note', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $note->id), $note->getDescription()), $r->link('Company', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $company->id), $company->getName()), $note->getStaff()->getName(), $edit_button, $delete_button); } $html = $r->view('basicTable', $table, array('title' => 'Notes <a class="btn ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span></a>', 'id' => 'note-table', 'pager' => true)); return $html; }
/** contactTable View that displays a list of all Contacts $get options array: -<b>contact_id</b> id of the contact that we want to see details for @return html @package controller */ function contactTable($contacts, $o = array()) { if (!$contacts) { return ''; } $r = getRenderer(); $table = array(); $table['headers'] = array('Name', 'Client', 'Email', 'Type', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $company = $contact->getCompany(); $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Contact', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $contact->id)); $delete_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Contact', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $contact->id)); $table['rows'][] = array($r->link('Contact', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $contact->id), $contact->getName()), $r->link('Company', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $company->id), $company->getName()), '<a href="' . $contact->getData('email') . '"/>' . $contact->getData('email') . '</a>', $contact->getContactType(), $edit_button, $delete_button); } $html = $r->view('basicTable', $table, array('title' => 'Contacts', 'pager' => true)); return $html; }
function invoiceTable($invoices, $o = array()) { $r = getRenderer(); // CREATE SEARCH FORM $search_form = ''; $table = array(); $table['headers'] = array('ID', 'Add', 'Client', 'Start Date', 'End Date', 'Batch', 'Send', 'Sent Date', 'Amount', 'Status', 'Edit', 'Delete'); $table['rows'] = array(); $total_invoices = 0; foreach ($invoices as $i) { $total_invoices += $i->getAmountDue(); $url = $i->getData('url'); $c = $i->getCompany(); if ($batch = $i->getBatch()) { $batch_link = $r->link('InvoiceBatch', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $batch->id), $batch->getName()); } else { $batch_link = ''; } if ($i->getData('type') == 'dated') { $invoice_date = $i->getData('start_date'); } else { $invoice_date = $i->getData('date'); } if ($batch = $i->getStatus()) { $status = $i->getStatus(); } else { $status = $i->getData('payment_status'); } $edit_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $i->id)); $delete_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'destroy', 'id' => $i->id)); $email_button = UI::button(array('controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'email', 'id' => $i->id)); $table['rows'][] = array($i->id, "<input class=\"check-row\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"row-" . $i->id . "\" name=\"table-rows[" . $i->id . "]\" value=\"" . $i->id . "\">", $r->link('Invoice', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $i->id), $c->getName()), $r->link('Invoice', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $i->id), $invoice_date), $i->getData('end_date'), $batch_link, $email_button, "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>" . $i->getData('sent_date') . "</a>", "<span>\$</span>" . $i->getAmountDue(), $status, $edit_button, $delete_button); } $total_invoices = $r->view('basicMessage', '<br>Total Invoices: $ ' . number_format($total_invoices, 2)); $bulk_email_btn = '<input type="submit" value="Send Bulk Email" class="btn" style="display:inline; margin-left: 10px;" /> '; $select_all_box = '<input class="check-all" name="check-all" type="checkbox"/> Select All ' . $bulk_email_btn . '<br />'; $table = $r->view('basicTable', $table, array('title' => 'Invoices', 'search' => $select_all_box . $search_form, 'pager' => true)); $form = new Form(array('controller' => 'Invoice', 'action' => 'batch_email', 'disable_submit_btn' => true)); $form->content = $table; return $total_invoices . $form->html; }
/** * Loads the template [View] object. */ public function before() { parent::before(); if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) { if ($this->request->is_ajax() === TRUE) { // Load the template $this->template = View::factory('system/ajax'); } else { $this->template = View::factory($this->template); } // Initialize empty values $this->template->title = NULL; $this->template->content = NULL; $this->breadcrumbs = Breadcrumbs::factory(); $routes = Route::all(); if (isset($routes['backend'])) { $this->breadcrumbs->add(UI::icon('home'), Route::get('backend')->uri()); } $this->init_media(); } }
function Notify(AbstractPaymentModule $PaymentModule, $status) { global $PaymentModuleFactory; if ($status == PAYMENT_STATUS::SUCCESS) { UI::Redirect("payment_success.php?op=".$_SESSION['wizard']['whois']["operation"]); } else { $smarty = Core::GetSmartyInstance("SmartyExt"); $PaymentForm = $PaymentModule->GetPaymentForm(); $payment_module = $PaymentModuleFactory->GetModuleObjectByName($_SESSION['wizard']['checkout']["gate"]); $fields = $PaymentForm->ListFields(); $smarty_fields = array(); foreach($fields as $field) { $smarty_fields[$field->Title] = array("name" => $field->Name, "required" => $field->IsRequired, "type" => $field->FieldType, "values" => $field->Options); if ($_REQUEST[$field->Name]) $attr[$field->Title] = $_REQUEST[$field->Name]; } $display["errors"] = explode("\n", $PaymentModule->GetFailureReason()); $display["fields"] = $smarty_fields; $display["post"] = $attr; $display['phone_widget'] = Phone::GetInstance()->GetWidget(); $template_name = "paymentgate.tpl"; $smarty->assign($GLOBALS["display"]); $smarty->assign($display); $smarty->display($template_name); } }